Systemless Villain

Chapter 223 Within the Mysterious Portal

Chapter 223 Within the Mysterious Portal

223 Within the Mysterious Portal

High above the clouds, Long Tian soared with demonic wings unfurled on his back, surpassing the speed of regular airplanes.

Strangely, he found greater comfort in using demon wings over wings of darkness. They felt less draining on his stamina and more naturally attuned.

In contrast to wings of darkness, which relied on the power of darkness, this preference could be attributed to his complete integration of demon bloodlines and the soul of Mo Xie within him.

As Long Tian continued his journey through the clouds, he marveled at the breathtaking scenery below. Currently traversing a vast forested region, it appeared to be the bordering forest between Tianzhou and Beijing. Despite the scenic beauty, reaching the Long family residence still seemed to be a considerable distance away.

At this moment, something peculiar seized Long Tian's attention below, nestled within the heart of the forest, appearing dark and unusually vast.

"What is that?" he pondered, his brow furrowing in contemplation.

Descending to gain a clearer perspective of the forested area, he honed in on the anomaly that had caught his eye.

Without a second thought, he swiftly glided toward it.

His wings gracefully adjusted, guiding him into the thick of the forest. Landing on the ground with finesse, his wings vanished.

Long Tian's expression shifted to one of surprise as he beheld a colossal hole with a diameter of at least 50 meters.

The peculiarity lay in the towering trees above the hole, as if shrouding it from an aerial view.

Approaching, he peered into the profound depths of the hole, revealing nothing but pitch darkness.

"What the hell is that hole?" Long Tian pondered, his brow furrowing in confusion.

After scrutinizing the enormous cavity for a moment, he scanned the surroundings, detecting no human presence nearby.

"Maybe it's worth investigating," he mused with a smirk.

In the next instant, demonic wings materialized on his back, and without hesitation, he leaped into the colossal void.

His form vanished into the shadows, leaving the outer forest area enveloped in an eerie silence.


Long Tian descended rapidly into the enigmatic hole, oblivious to its depths.

10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds elapsed, and now he began to discern a white light below.

Flapping his wings to maintain balance, Long Tian smoothly touched down on the ground.

Surprise immediately etched across his face as he beheld the scene before him.

A substantial portal lay ahead, positioned deep beneath the ground.

Then, his expression shifted to seriousness as he stroked his chin. "The Reiki restoration is still months away, and yet, there's already a portal?" he mused, furrowing his forehead.

Contrary to the memories acquired after Lei Guang's demise, no portal manifested before the Reiki restoration. Nevertheless, he found himself standing in front of one.

His contemplations led to introspection. "Discovering something like this. Am I, a villain?" he wondered. "Could it be that I've become the protagonist after defeating Qin Chen?"

The more he dwelled on it, the more immersed in thought he became. Eventually, he shook his head. Lin Fan persisted, and the emergence of other protagonists in the future was a possibility; his fortunes might just be taking a positive turn.

Long Tian dispelled those musings, fixing his gaze on the portal. Without lingering, he ventured into it.

His figure vanished entirely, merging with the portal's threshold.

Greeted by an intense white radiance, Long Tian found himself, seconds later, immersed in the vista of another world—expansive grasslands and towering trees.

His expression lacked any trace of awe, having already experienced a more brutal alternative reality.

Suddenly, a sensation tingled through him, prompting a swift turn. The portal remained steadfast behind him, typical in its appearance—a mechanism ready to unleash monsters and chaos.

He redirected his focus ahead, wasting no time as he sprinted to explore this unfamiliar terrain.

His movements were agile, and he promptly delved into the forested expanse, scanning for anything of significance.

Opting for his legs over wings for ease of observation, the flora and topography resembled an earthly forest, save for subtle variations in tree and plant species.

After a brief period of exploration, Long Tian's attention was drawn to the carcass of a four-legged monster, resembling the size of a rhinoceros, with a formidable physique. Swiftly, he sprinted towards it, scrutinizing the creature.

His expression tightened upon discovering slash and burn wounds adorning the monster's body.

His hands carefully examined the injuries, confirming their origin as sword wounds—undoubtedly the work of a human.

Narrowing his eyes, he surveyed the surroundings, revealing numerous other monster corpses, each displaying diverse and ferocious forms.

"Don't tell me someone else arrived here ahead of me? Could it be Lin Fan?" he pondered, his brow furrowing in thought.

After contemplating for a moment, determination flashed in his eyes once more, and without hesitation, he sprinted to trace the path of the monster corpses.


Meanwhile, in a different locale, at the mountain's base, numerous peculiar beings—two-legged, furry, frog-faced, with large muscular bodies—surrounded two figures within a structure.




The echoes of a fierce battle resonated as Zhang Jun and Liu Qian confronted dozens of these strange entities.

Amidst each precise strike against the creatures, Zhang Jun couldn't help but vent his frustration, "Damn, they're relentless!"

Liu Qian remained silent, persisting in her struggle against the peculiar creatures. Their strength was extraordinary, devoid of spiritual power yet possessing formidable physical prowess.

Within the portal for approximately half an hour, they confronted an unending onslaught of these creatures.

At this moment, the ground suddenly vibrated, causing Liu Qian to lose her balance. She turned around only to find Zhang Jun raising both hands, and about 20 of these strange creatures floated in the air, their bodies enveloped in purple energy.

"Crush!" Zhang Jun said coldly.

The next moment, all the strange creatures collided at one point, shattering their bones instantly, even pulverizing their limbs.

Liu Qian was somewhat surprised and confused by Zhang Jun's true power, as he had remained silent and hadn't shared any details until now.

On the other hand, Zhang Jun, with a wide smile, observed that all the monsters were dead. His gaze then shifted to Liu Qian. "How was it? Wasn't I awesome?" he inquired, his grin persisting.

"Nothing special," Liu Qian responded with a flat expression.

Despite her flat demeanor, Zhang Jun approached Liu Qian with a persistent smile. "Come on, I exterminated them all. Show a little appreciation," he said.

Liu Qian's deadpan expression remained unchanged, but Zhang Jun persisted. "If you think about it, we'd make a perfect couple. Both strong, both from the Yuan dynasty... Don't you think it would be great if we got married?" he proposed.

Liu Qian's displeasure became more evident. "Zhang Jun, haven't I told you that I don't like you? Besides, I already have a boyfriend. And just so you know, his identity is far superior to yours!" she retorted.

Hearing this, Zhang Jun's smile disappeared, replaced by a gloomy expression. "How talented could he be? I'm sure if he and I fought, I would emerge as the winner," he asserted.

"Say whatever you want. One thing's for sure, there will never be an engagement or marriage between us!" Liu Qian declared.

Zhang Jun was furious and irritated, but he restrained his anger, understanding that physical actions might only escalate Liu Qian's displeasure.

As he prepared to say something, his attention abruptly shifted to the sky, where he sensed an approaching presence.

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