TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 28: Age 15

So, a bit of an announcement. I might be changing my schedule a little bit. Both for important and not so important reasons. As you guys could see, I normally post about 1 chapter per day with at least 1k words per chapter. Sometimes I don't follow the said schedule especially because there wasn't a formal schedule that I announced, but this time I'm going to have a formal schedule.

My new and schedule would be 1 chapter per day on weekdays. This is because ironically enough, my weekends are more unpredictable and way more often, busier than my weekdays. As an example, just this weekend, I was out of the house for the entire day on both days. Sure I came home, but it was very exhausting which leads to no actual motivation to get anything done. The chapter-length will more or less stay the same. Things will get less hectic once school ends but considering that it'll take at least two months till school ends(COVID really screwed up my school's schedule), I don't think you guys should count on that. As for my plans for this story, I promise you that I would neither abruptly end nor disappear and never come back to this novel. Worst case scenario, I'd make a rushed ending and just come back to it and fix it if I have the time. I haven't really planned out how long this story will last, I just know the general outline and everything. I apologize for any inconveniences as this is my first ever story that I've actually written instead of just thinking about it. 

Anyways, please treat me well.

Almost 5 years had passed since that fateful day. And by that, I meant the day where I didn't have to do any more life-threatening training that only masochists enjoy. Yes, you heard that right. For the past few years, I've been slacking off a lot. In fact, I've basically been doing nothing but relaxing every day. The best part is, no one can tell me to do anything because when they do, I remind them that I was the one who had to go through all that "training" for YEARS. But what really drove the nail in was the fact that I had to experience all that as a 5-year-old.

Well, I do the chores from time to time. Even I'm not that bad of a person, I just wanted to unwind after a whole 5 years worth of death training. As for what kept me sane since humanity's greatest ally, the internet, doesn't exist, I've been reading books that Vier and Lime-sensei had sent over. Those books that they sent killed my boredom, especially the ones Lime-sensei sends. As for the ones Vier sends, let's just say he put almost zero concern to what kind of books he actually gives me so it basically becomes a gacha game. I can still remember that one Boy's Love novel I found within the pile of books he sent over. When I asked him where he got this and why he gave it to me, he said that he basically just asked for book recommendations from one of his party members and just bought everything from the list he was given. 

Speaking of which, I'm probably the only one who's been doing a great load of nothing for the past few years. Vier had apparently become an A-class adventurer and formed a party with other A-classes. Lime-sensei and Mel-nee had also achieved another breakthrough. As for what it is, I have no clue since I made sure not to touch upon the topic of academics until I actually go to school. Also, Mom had finally awakened, but she won't tell me her attribute. I wonder if it's something embarrassing.

Oh, and about those lovebirds, it seems that they have gotten way more lovey-dovey with each other. Whenever Vier comes home with Onee-chan, they talk about all the things that happened, which would be nice if not for the fact that about 50% of their story was about all the dates they went on. The same goes for the other pair. Well, I say that, but it's usually just Mel-nee bragging about her love life. Good thing she stopped doing so at some point. I don't know why, but all I remember was that the last time she was bragging about it, I gave her a death stare, and from then on, she never spoke a single word about it. Truly a mystery, isn't it? 

But in all honesty, it's pretty sweet to look at. I'd rather they continue being idiot couples than a sad ending any time of the day. This probably stems from the fact that in my past life, my parents got divorced, and my dad had to raise me and my sister alone. In hindsight, I feel as if I've betrayed my father's efforts for dying before he did, but on the upside, I don't have to witness my father's death once the time comes which, when I think about it, actually sounds pretty sad and disrespectful in of itself.

Anyways, tomorrow is finally the day I go around the capital since I'll be taking the entrance exam one week from now. They said that I should get familiar with the capital since I'll be staying there for a few years. They seem to be sure about me passing so I'll take their word for it. Since I'll be going there early morning, I'm going to sleep earlier tonight.

W-what? This pitch-black room again? Is this a dream or something? Wait a minute, I'm back in my past life's body again. It must mean that this is the same black room as before. If this is the same black room again, then where's the little boy?

"Hey, long time no see. But you could also say that this is the first time we've met." (???)

Out of nowhere, a mysterious figure that's about the same height as me appears from behind and pokes my back. I then turn around to speak to it.

"W-what? W-who are you? And where's the little boy?" (Touya)

"You're looking at him right now, but at the same time, you could also say that he's there." (???)

He then replied while pointing at my chest. As I look closer, I realize that the mysterious figure is most likely Riel

"What do you  mean?" (Touya)

"Well you see, that kid is inside you. Remember how you took in his memories? Well, it wasn't the only thing you took in. You also took in his soul meaning that he is now a part of you, and by all means, you two are now one." (Riel)

"So, what about you? If he's in me, how are you here?" (Touya)

"All will be revealed in due time, is what I'd like to say, but I don't know whether or not 'future me' will explain the facts to you. He does have a pretty twisted personality. I should know, I'm him." (Riel)

"Why can't you tell me?" (Touya)

"That is the one thing about this entire elaborate plan that I have the liberty to talk about. Basically, since he's older than me, he decides the things I can and cannot tell, capiche?" (Riel)

"Got it. So, what're you here for?" (Touya)

"Well, to have a chat. So, let's talk" (Riel)

As soon as he says that, he snaps his finger, and the once pitch-black room has now turned into our living room complete with a table and two chairs facing each other.

"Isn't this nice? A nice homey atmosphere for the both of us to talk." (Riel)

"How did you do that? Was the kid not allowed to do this?" (Touya)

"Nope, he could've done that even without the snap of a finger. I just added the snap cause it seemed cooler, didn't it?" (Riel)

"I've gotta admit, never before, have I been so annoyed by something that I agree with. Anyways, why didn't the kid do the same?" (Touya)

"Well, think about it. A 5-year-old kid just lost basically everything in one night. Do you think he has the energy and motivation to just, I don't know, make a happy, fluffy, and colorful backdrop? May I remind you that unlike me, he was already crying and sitting in the corner?" (Riel)

"Fair point. So, can I assume that you're a version of Riel before I changed the future?" (Touya)

"Yes and no." (Riel)

"Figures. I'm pretty damn sure that teenage Riel doesn't talk like you do. If I'm correct, he should be broody and not as much of a snarky talker as you are." (Touya)

"You are absolutely correct. In fact, I got this trait from you." (Riel)

"W-what? This doesn't make sense at all." (Touya)

"I'll tell you why later. For now, let's proceed with the original talk. You good?" (Riel)

"Yeah, I'm good." (Touya)

"Great, let's get started." (Riel)

And so began my talk with Riel(?). 


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