TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 29: The talk

"First off, let me show you something." (Riel)

As he says that, a bunch of screens playing videos pops up in front of my face. When I looked closer, I recognized someone in the videos.

"Is that Mel-nee?" (Touya)

"Yep." (Riel)

"So, why is she dead?" (Touya)

That's right. The Mel-nee in the video was nothing but a corpse devoid of life. 

"That, you see, is what was supposed to happen. Oh, let me show you what actually happened." (Riel)

The video then rewinds to show me what actually happened.


The scene changes to a ruined laboratory with traces of explosions present. It was then that an ominous figure appears.

"Mwahahaha!!! Don't you see professor? This is what I'm capable of. With just a snap of a finger, I can decide the fates of anyone I come in contact with. You should be grateful professor, the only reason why you aren't dead yet is that you're still useful to me. Now come, join me and we'll rule the world together!" (???)

"I, I refuse! I won't take part in ruining the world!" (Lime)

The professor that the ominous figure is talking to appears to be Lime-sensei.

"I figured you would say that. You're too much of a goody-two-shoes. It's quite ridiculous that you still stick up for these insignificant worms that reject you. Even when you've managed to achieve something that humanity should be grateful to you for, they still view you as a symbol of fear for absolutely no reason. Do you know why? Because all those around you are too weak and insignificant to even begin to understand you. But if you join me, you will be feared by others for the right reason, because they have mistreated you and labeled you as an outsider. You shall become a symbol of worship and greatness!" (???)

It was then that I realize that the ominous figure is actually a demonized Ziechs. It's been 15 years since I've seen this form. This is the appearance of Ziechs as the final boss of the game.

"I can't! There are still people that care about me!" (Lime)

"Like who? Your dead brother whom I killed?" (Ziechs)

"W-what? Nii-san is dead?" (Lime)

"Yes, I even have his last moments recorded. Do you want to see?" (Ziechs)

"N-nii-san!!! W-why? Why Nii-san?" (Lime)

"He was simply in my way. He annoyed me, so I killed him." (Ziechs)

 "N-no, why!!!" (Lime)

"Oh, and by the way, if you don't join me, you'll lose the only other person who cares for you." (Ziechs)

"W-what do you mean?" (Lime)

"Look behind you."  (Ziechs)

The view then changes and shows a woman being held hostage with a sword to her neck.

"Melanie-san!!!" (Lime)

"Kekeke, now it's time for you to make a decision. Either you join me. or the girl dies. I'll give you 10 seconds. If you don't accept my offer in 10 seconds, she dies." (Ziechs)

"Don't do it Lime-san! Let me die!" (Mel)


"I, I won't let you die!" (Lime)


"Please, I'd rather die than let you be used as a puppet!" (Mel)


"I've already lost my brother, I can't afford to lose you too!" (Lime)


"Please, I'm begging you!" (Mel)


"No! Let me do this!" (Lime)


"Stop, please, don't." (Mel)


"I, love you Lime-san."


"I have for the longest time."


"So let me die while I still love you."


"Thank you for everything. And—"


The sword pointed to her neck is lowered. But it then stabs her in the stomach instead. She was then laid on the ground as Lime-sensei lowers his head to hers. She then manages to mutter her last words. 

"I love you..."

She then stops breathing as her eyes begin to lose all signs of life. Mel-nee has died.

"Kekeke, how pitiful. Hey, did you see what I did there? I intentionally counted down slowly just so you pathetic beings could have enough time to play your shitty drama. And if you couldn't tell, I made extra sure that she'd live for juuuuust a bit longer so she could say those famous last words. Ah, but here's the bright side. If you join me I could resurrect her, scar-free and everything. I can't do the same for your brother though, he's too expensive to bring back." (Ziechs)

"Y-you!" (Lime)

Lime-sensei then pulls out a potion from his pocket.

"I see. What a shame. I guess I'll have to turn you into a doll then. What a pity that instead of having a puppet that could grow, I'd get a puppet that doesn't. At least you're at a good enough level for no—W-wait a minute don't do tha—" (Ziechs)

Lime-sensei then swallows the potion as his body quickly bursts into flames leaving only ashes behind in a matter of seconds. 


"Is that?" (Touya)

"Yeah, it's what actually happened, or at least, what should've happened if not for you." (Riel)

"But, why isn't that shown in the game?" (Touya)

"Not everything is in the game. Not every death is in the game. Not every birth was in the game. The world isn't a game. This is real life, but I know that you understand that." (Riel)

"Yeah. I know. Is this also why Eric became the Prince of Darkness?" (Touya)

"You're correct. He did the same thing to Eric. That son of a bitch lied to Eric about being able to resurrect her." (Riel)

"Lied? So it is impossible to bring back the dead." (Touya)

"No. It is possible. With the right amount of human sacrifices, resurrection is possible. The problem, however, isn't resurrection itself but who the target is. Just like Papa. there's a reason why she can't be resurrected but none of the Riels know why. Mostly because she's dead before we even know about her existence, except for you that is." (Riel)

"I get it. But can I ask, why wasn't this in the game? I'm pretty sure an origin story like this would've been part of the game." (Touya)

"Mainly because none of us were even aware of it. Especially since the news of their deaths wasn't even known because Ziechs had apparently hidden the fact that his attack even existed. This means that you are the first version of ourselves to have even known of the existence of Melanie Byron and Lime Stein. The only reason we know of this event is that we can sense the changes that occurred in this version through you. Because you met both Melanie and Lime, we found out what happened to both of them. But even if you hadn't met those two, we would still find out about this event if you met Eric." (Riel)

"Because I changed him?" (Touya) 

"Correct." (Riel)

"So you're telling me that I'm the first of the Riels to know of Mel-nee and Lime-sensei?" (Touya)

"Yep." (Riel)

"And that this is the first time that we know of this event?" (Touya)

"Keep going." (Riel)

"And since we just found this out, there's no version of Riel that can talk about this since none of us had experienced it. Because of that, they made you, a version that carries traits from me and the actual Riels. Am I right?" (Touya)

"Just like all the other Riels, you just so happen to be a genius too." (Riel)

"Is that it?" (Touya)

"Pretty much. And since I'm technically not real, instead of being absorbed just like the kid, I'll just cease to exist." (Riel)

"I see. Don't you hate it though?" (Touya)

"Hate what?" (Riel)

"The fact that you're gonna disappear." (Touya)

"Not really. It's simply my fate. Unfortunately, or should I say, fortunately, I didn't inherit your trait of defying fate so since I was created for the sake of this task, I'm fine with it." (Riel)

"I see. What a shame. If only you had it, maybe you could've stayed and we'd be best friends." (Touya)

"Nah, I'll pass. Plus, I think we'd be the worst enemies. I mean, I don't think we could stand someone so similar to ourselves." (Riel)

"True that. Before you go, can I ask just one question?" (Touya)

"Sure. Whether or not I can answer it depends on the guys on top, but I'll try anyway." (Riel) 

"Why now? Why not a few years ago?" (Touya)

"Let's just say, tomorrow will be a new chapter for you, and that we decided that today was the perfect time to do this. I told you man those guys have really twisted personalities." (Riel)

"I see. So, I guess this is goodbye?" (Touya)

"Yeah. I guess so. Oh and remember, I know you like defying fate and all, but fate isn't all that bad. Well, bye then." (Riel)

Right as he says goodbye, he disappears not even letting me do the same. What an asshole, but who am I to talk.



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