TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 5: Survival Journal

First of all, a huge thanks to CrispyNoodle for helping me realize a glaring plot hole. I didn't realize that I had overlooked this point and sincerely apologise about my incompetency. Hopefully this inexperienced writer will be able to improve so that these kinds of mistakes won't happen again. Again thanks and sorry. Please treat me well

Day 1

My mom suggested that I and Vier should keep journals to keep track of our growth during the training period so this I guess this is the first entry. Thank God that this worlds language is similar to mine. This is the power of localisation I guess.

First of all, the muscle exercises. The muscle exercises were somewhat difficult but we managed to get through it without giving up. Currently, my muscles ache all over. I'm tired but mom had said that we should at the very least record our growth. As for weapon training, I had chosen the katana as that was the most familiar weapon to me. Of course, since I couldn't handle a real katana due to the size and weight of it, I had to use a miniature one. When I'm able to handle it with ease, I'll switch over to a heavier one until I can eventually use a regular sized one. Mom had said that both me and Vier had talent as we had a surprising amount of skill with swords even though it was our first time holding swords. I do feel guilty due to the fact that it wasn't really my first time holding a katana. I was in the kendo club albeit a non-important member. Our club wasn't the most active club either, only holding practices once per week. Vier, on the other hand, was a natural. He had chosen twin shirt swords and was able to handle them pretty well. When we asked why he chose the twin swords he just replied with 'I just had a feeling as if it were the perfect weapon for me'. The scary part was that when he held the swords and started doing practice swings, it felt like he was a different person as if there were no traces of the timid boy that could be found on him. The even scarier part is that when he stopped swinging, he had returned to normal as if nothing had happened. When I secretly asked mom whether the weapons he used were possessed by an evil spirit that momentarily took over his body back then, she replied that 'This is because Vier has a natural talent for the twin swords. In fact, swordsmen like him only appear once every 10 years. The people I know who are like him are swordmasters including my own master. But Vier is a true genius that appears once every 100 years.' to which I then jokingly replied with 'So that means you lived long enough to know?' which she replied with a fist to the stomach. I guess no matter which world, women are sensitive with their age. Still, that doesn't mean you have to hit me with the power of a meteor.

Day 2. 

I have regrets. Immediately I had hit the limits of a 5-year-old's natural untrained body. Both of us had barely passed all the muscle exercise quotas. We were at the verge of dying when we had finished all of them. Thankfully mom had let us use one of our 30-minute breaks after the muscle exercises. After that, she proceeded to thoroughly beat both of us black and blue in an attempt to teach us the sword. I mean like, who beats us up whenever we made a mistake? Sure we had slightly screwed up but like come on this sucks. Even Mr. Genius over here had a tough time sparring against mom yet whenever mom outclassed him, she would beat some discipline into him. Now think of what happens to untalented me who messes up 10x more than he did. Have you? Exactly.

Day 3 

Ha. Ha. Ha. What is this bullshit? There. Were. No. Breaks. So. Much. Pain. We couldn't even do 60% of what we were supposed to do. And after that, we were beaten. So. Much. Pain.

Day 6

Hahaha finally, we have conquered the exercise. 2 entire hours of rest. Screw you guys.

Day 20

What. The. Fuck. What is this 'special training'? Our 'special training' is apparently having to go through an obstacle course in the dark. Like no light. Whatsoever. I'm angry.

Day 30

Whywhywhywhy. Just when we finished the obstacle course even though on that day there weren't any brakes, she had made the obstacle course entirely different. What's worse is it's obviously harder? Whyyyyyyyyyy???

Day 50

She. Made. A. New. Training. Method. She gives us 10 minutes to hide in the forest. Then she tries to find us. If we don't get caught in the next minute, we get to eat dinner. If we don't, then we get some extra 'love'. Why?!?!

Day 100

I'm sick of this hellscape. This is hell on earth. Dante had lied to me. An eternity in that paradise he calls hell seems better than a second here. Why did she extend the 1 minute chase period into 17 minutes? How did we get to 17? I miss the times where it was a single digit. I mean like we got lucky yesterday. We managed to stay free just up until the last second. It was a buzzer-beater. Now we have to last an entire minute more???

Day 107


Day 254


Day 347


Day 692


Day 705


Day 729

My last day. My last day in hell. Hahahahaha. Happy birthday to meeeeeee!!!!!!! Am I strong? Maybe? I don't know. I'm freeeeeeeeeee!!!

Vier POV

Day 1

Mrs. Lostbelt told us to write journals that help us record our growth. Because I don't really know how to read or write, I   asked help from Riel who surprisingly knows how to. I guess he's just a genius huh (Riel here, wow this is embarrassing). The muscle training actually went better than expected. I thought that I would collapse midway but I had actually made it through. For the weapon training, something weird happened. When Mrs. Lostbelt had told us to pick a weapon, my eyes had quickly been attracted to the twin swords. I then approached it slowly while wondering why it looked so special to me. Then when I grabbed it, I started doing practice swings but something weird had happened. It was as if I was enlightened. I felt like the weapons in my hands were loyal comrades that I had spent years with. All the seemingly random movements I was making as I swung them felt so familiar, yet so unknown. Even though I had never moved that way before, it all just felt so natural. After a while, I put the swords down and tried to process what happened. As I was doing so, I saw both Riel and Mrs. Lostbelt whispering to each other which ended up with Riel making a mischievous face that he would normally make when he tries to pull a prank on me, and then shortly after Mrs. Lostbelt had punched him in the gut. As soon as that happened I vaguely understood what happened. That Riel, always making fun of people. But even so, that is the guy who is my best friend. 

Day 2

I hate muscle training. We somehow made it through the thing but we were on the verge of death. At this point, I just wanted nothing but weapon training. Sure we would get beat to a pulp, but even holding the twin swords was fun enough to make it worth.

Day 20

I hate the special training. I absolutely hate it. I don't even want to talk about it.

Day 26

Riel's father and older sister came to watch us that day. Apparently while we were training, Layla-nee had been learning how to do housework which included cooking. Today was the first day I had tasted her cooking. I have more motivation now.

Day 36

After the day yesterday, Layla-nee had been coming here every other day. When I asked how she gets here safely, she said that Mrs. Lostbelt uses the same way she brings me and Riel here which I had imagined to be very cute. Apparently, I had said the last part out loud and Riel started laughing at me. I felt really embarrassed. Layla-nee had denied that saying that she was crying the entire time due to how fast Mrs. Lostbelt had been running. I still felt that it would've been a very cute sight. This time I made sure to keep it to myself. (And yet here I am, mwahahaha!!!) (Also Vier sure is an airhead when it comes to these kinds of things)

Day 56

Lately, I've been holding Riel back during the exercises. Whenever he managed to reach the quota, I could only pass it 3 days later. It seems that Riel's growth is actually pretty fast. Those things aside, today was the first day Layla-nee had given me a lap pillow. She would normally give Riel one, however, today he was too busy racking his brain to find a way to beat Mrs. Lostbelt. Layla-nee felt lonely so she offered to give me a lap pillow instead. Of course I had said yes. Why wouldn't I?

Day 102

Riel has started teaching me how to read and write. 

Day 256

I have finally learnt how to read and write. Because I can finally understand most words, I decided to read through my past entries. Goddamnit Riel, why are you still making fun of me in my own journal!!!

Day 303

Layla-nee said that she would start coming here every day. I was very happy because I was scared that she wouldn't be coming by anymore. Yesterday, she didn't give me a lap pillow and started putting a physical distance between me and her. She also wouldn't speak a lot. During our conversations, she would sometimes lose focus and become startled when I try to call her attention. When I told Riel about my problems he replied with 'Shut up you normie!!!' which confused me as I didn't know what it meant. When I asked him what it meant, he just said 'Nevermind, I misspoke'. 

Day 603

Riel has got me beat when it comes to physical attributes. The person in question doesn't seem to notice it. He once said that he won't let anyone weak date his sister so I felt sad when I realized that I would probably never earn his approval. I need to get stronger. At least I'm as strong as Riel.

Day 694

After realizing that it was near impossible to even reach him, I felt dejected.

Day 695

It seems that my listlessness had been noticed by Riel. He asked me what was wrong but I didn't want to tell him cause it was embarrassing. However, something inside me just needed to tell him so I did. He just laughed at me and I soon felt like dying in a hole. He quickly realised he was laughing and stopped. He told me that it doesn't matter. He then said, 'Look, I wasn't asking for the perfect man because let's be real here, he doesn't exist. As long as she's happy, then I'm fine with it. As long as I can trust the man, then I'm fine with it. And I trust you to take care of her even after I die. You wanna know why? Cause you're my best friend.' I started crying. It was embarrassing.

Day 707

I finally confessed to her. She said yes. I'm happy.

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