TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 6: Observational Record


Day 1

Physical attributes seem to be normal for 5-year-old children. Both seem to have an unnatural affinity for weapons. Vier, in particular, shows signs of becoming a swordmaster in the future. Riel is a strange case. He seems to exhibit signs of familiarity with the weapon, however, he doesn't have any particular inborn affinity for said weapon. Must continue observations. 

Day 2

Both children have slightly exceeded expectations as they had barely managed to make their quotas. I had expected them to miss it by just a few and then make them know the taste of failure. Vier's natural skill with the twin swords match those of an average D-class adventurer, however, he does not have the physical capabilities to match those. Riel, on the other hand, seems to have improved slightly from yesterday. 

Day 6

Both children have successfully fulfilled the quota in a surprisingly short amount of time. So far, explosive growth can be observed from Vier's sword skill. Riel while not as rapid, is also improving at a fast rate. 

Day 20

Today is the start of the special training that I had prepared for both of them. This is intended to improve their skills in strange situations. Their physical capabilities have been steadily improving at a fast rate. Their weapon skills are still improving at the same rate.

Day 29

No change in improvement rate for both physical capabilities and weapon skills. They have passed the first obstacle course. Overall growth is noted to be outstanding. Both are natural talents. 

Day 50

Growth of both children is unprecedented. New training method will be released 5 months before the expected date. Must be wary. Vier's physical growth, however, had been slowing down just a bit, while Riel's growth had been slightly increasing. 

Day 167

The children had managed to reach the 20-minute mark 3 months ahead of schedule. Weapon skills and physical attributes have improved drastically. Riel seems to be looking at me with disdain. I am hurt. 

Day 289

Layla had been recently looking a bit unusual. Judging by the way she interacts with Vier, it seems that Vier had wronged her in some sort. They appear to have been talking less and less these past few days. That aside, both Riel's and Vier's development had been anything but disappointing.

Day 410

As time progresses, it appears that Vier's physical growth had been lacking in comparison to Riel's. It's not that Vier's growth had been lacklustre but rather Riel's growth being monstrous. Fortunately, this has not discouraged Vier, in fact, it had given vier more than enough motivation to become stronger. Judging by Riel's development speed,  by the time training will end, Riel will end up just as strong, if not, stronger than me. 

Day 610

It appears that Vier had gotten a sudden burst of determination. His physical growth had started to speed up once again. Sensing this new development, Riel had started to get pumped up and had decided to try even harder. It seems that there are hints of madness in his eyes. It truly reminds me of my childhood, just scarier. 

Day 694

Vier had just hit the very edge of being a swordmaster, however, for some reason, he had felt dejected. Is it possible that he had sensed that it was his limit? It would be such a shame if it were the case. It cannot be helped as being a swordmaster requires a phenomenon known as enlightenment. Only a handful of swordsmen reach that realm. In fact, I had only recently been enlightened just last month while both Riel and Vier had started to earnestly ask me countless numbers of questions with regards to sportsmanship and how they could improve their already outstanding growth. As I was pondering over the answers to their questions, I had suddenly reached enlightenment. Even I do not know how I had reached that stage. I hadn't recorded it back then thinking that it was unnecessary for me to record anything about my development in this journal as this is intended for them, however, I had realized how suspicious it was for me to have undergone growth despite only teaching them. I suspect that their presence alone helps in the development of others. I suspect that the major culprit for this would be Riel as there are substantially more times where he had stimulated Vier's growth speed to increase as compared to the amount of times Vier had done for Riel. Another reason for this assumption is the fact that while Vier had experienced minor setbacks in regards to his growth, Riel's growth had been steady and even rising at times. The only way to explain this would be the fact that he had good given talents.

Day 708 

The reason is unknown, but it seems that Vier had broken through the wall he had run into. It seems that the person in question hasn't noticed or has just attributed his newfound strength as just another burst of strength. It seems that I have to talk to him about this. Coincidentally, Layla had been extremely cheerful and energetic. Her treatment of Riel and Vier has drastically improved even though it was already excessive. According to my husband, she had done the coursework twice as fast. It appears that her face is a bit red and I was worried that she had accumulated fatigue. I had consulted my husband about this and he just laughed it off saying that it's all good. I decided to let it go but decided that if ever she were to suddenly collapse, I would beat all the boys up. 

Day 709

When I had asked Vier to come to talk to me alone, he had suddenly prostrated before me and started shouting really fast and incomprehensible words. I told him to say it again and a managed to make out most of it. It appears that he mistook this talk as one that was supposed to be concerning his and Layla's relationship. At that I point, I started wondering if it were true. I mean like I didn't even notice their feelings even though I had been observing them. I had come to the assumption that this was either a lie or if their feelings for each other was fake. In either case, I had to get to the bottom of this before beating Vier up. When I called both Layla and Riel to testify, Layla had started to perform a speech about how their love for each other was true. I could feel nothing but sincerity from it so I was puzzled. There's no possible way that I'm a blockhead and was unable to pick up on any hints. When I asked Riel, he started laughing at whispered in my ear 'How did you seriously not notice? Don't tell me that mom is a blockhe-'. I had quickly 'disciplined' him.

Day 729

On the last day, Riel had become a swordmaster. 

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