TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 9: Thank you

'W-what is this place? It's so dark in here. Why do I hear crying?'

As I look around trying to figure out what is happening, I see nothing but the darkness. I suddenly feel the sensation of someone tugging on my sleeve as the crying noises begin to mellow. When I turn my gaze to where the tugging had happened. I then saw a child sniffling. Rather than a child, it would be more accurate to say that I saw myself. 

"*sniff* Onii-chan *sniff* thank you so much!!!" (Riel)

'Onii-chan? I don't have an onii-chan though. What is he talking about?'

It was then that I realized that I was taller than him. When I observed my body, I realized that I was wearing my high school uniform from before I died, no, that I had my body from before I died. 

" *sniff* Thank you for saving Mom, Papa, and nee-chan *sniff* " (Riel)

I soon realized the identity of this child. This child is me, to be more specific, Riel from the original game when his parents had died. Looking at him made me realize just how much I should be grateful for having the chance to live as him but happier. 

I wanted to tell him that it's okay, but I soon found out that words just wouldn't come out of my mouth. So instead, I just reached out my hand to his head and just patted him. He then proceeded to bury his face into my chest and cry intensely. 

Even though his face was buried in my chest, he kept muttering thank you again and again between his sobs. I then hugged him with my free arm while continuing to pat him. 

After about 5 minutes, he started to glow and eventually disappeared. The light that he was emitting was suddenly being absorbed into me. I then felt an influx of memories flowing into me. I had absorbed Riel's memories up until his sister had died. After the last memory, he had one last message. 

"Thank you, Onii-chan." 

A tear had then flowed out from my right eye as I had nodded and then warmly smiled. I then replied in my heart 

"No problem!"

I had then woken up. 

When I opened my eyes, I was greeted with my lovely Nee-chan shouting for Papa. Papa had then rushed over to me with tears in his eyes. When I looked around, I saw both Mom and Vier in bandages as they also focused their gazes on me. What came next weren't any words, but tears accompanied by smiles. This truly is my family.

1 day later

It seems that the only reason that I had woken up yesterday was because my body was hungry and needed food. This was apparent as after I had eaten, I had then fallen asleep due to exhaustion. Apparently, I was asleep for 3 entire days before I woke up yesterday. 

It also seems that me, Vier, and Mom had all suffered injuries that would take more than a week to recover from. The three of us are stuck in bed and are covered with bandages all over. It also happens that I had suffered the worst injuries. When I asked Vier why he ended up in my house in the middle of the night, he said that he heard fighting and woke up. Jeez, is he a monster or something?

I then talked with both of them about the fight. Both of them apparently had barely beaten them due to the sheer amount of numbers. Apparently, they had to fight 8 B-classes and 2 A-classes. They also had to fight while protecting Nee-chan and Papa. I then felt myself making a grin.

"Heee~, is this the power of love?" (Riel)

"Of course!" (Mom)

"U-uhm, I d-don't know what you're t-talking about!!!" (Vier)

Seeing him malfunction as he started glowing red was so funny that I just started to laugh. 

""Pfft, hahahahahaha!!!"" (Riel and Mom)

It appears that Mom also agrees that it's funny. 

"S-stop laughing!!!" (Vier)

I felt juuust a little bit sorry for Vier so I decided to change the topic.

"Speaking of which, I found out what my attribute is." (Riel)

"Woah, congratulations Riel!" (Vier)

"W-what? So soon!?" (Mom)

"Is it that fast?" (Riel)

"O-of course it is!!! I expected you to at least take 2 more years. I just can't believe how talented you are. Well, you are my son after all." (Mom)

Why do I feel like that last part was to save your pride?

"Why do I feel like that last part was to save your pride?" (Riel)

"Your true intentions seem to be leaking." (Mom)

Ah shit, I let that slip out. Vier, I choose you!!!

"A-anyways, what attribute do you have Riel?" (Vier)

Vier has used topic change.

"Yeah, what is it?" (Mom)

It was super effective!!! I knew I could count on you!

"Well, it seems to be 'Denying Destiny'." (Riel)

"That's so vague! How are we supposed to know what that is?" (Vier)

"Wait, it all makes sense now." (Mom)

"Please explain, I still don't get it." (Vier)

"Denying destiny is just another way of saying determination. Like for example, how Riel achieved enlightenment. When I told him that he wouldn't be able to grow anymore, he wanted to deny that fact so much that he suddenly grew stronger as if to say that he will become stronger no matter what. It can also be seen in the battle a few days ago. When he was "fated" to die, he wanted to deny that fate, therefore resulting in him becoming stronger and awakening." (Mom)

Seriously, why are you only sharp with these kinds of things. Thank God I didn't have to reveal that my initial goal was to deny the fact that you guys were all destined to die. That would've been really weird. 

"Just wait for me Riel! Sooner or later I'll awaken too! And we'll become adventurers together!!!" (Vier)

Ah, I did say that, didn't I? U-uhm, how do I say this. Shit. I didn't really plan that far. I mean don't get me wrong, being an adventure isn't half bad, but I'd rather not. I mean like, honestly speaking, I just wanna go to school. In retrospect, I really miss school. I mean like I didn't even get to finish school. Plus, most adventurers are way older than me and I want friends my age. In hindsight, I really don't have many friends here. Wait, no, don't tell me, I'm a loner, aren't I? Wait no, I have Vier. But just Vier. I don't even have female friends.  Wait no, Vier got a girlfriend before me!!! I miss school. I miss friends. I miss everything. 

"Uhm, Mom? I need to tell you something." (Riel)

"Yeah? What is it?" (Mom)

"I'm about to say something really important, so please don't get mad." (Riel)

"Don't worry Riel, I won't get mad at you, as long as it isn't anything bad." (Mom)

"U-uhm, I don't wanna be an adventurer." (Riel)

""W-whaaaaat!!!"" (Mom and Vier)

This is the end of Vol 1. Rest assured, I won't be taking a break or anything, I am just telling all of my readers that this chapter is the end of the first arc. I will upload the next chapter/s tomorrow. I would just like to thank all of my readers for the support and for everything in general. I am aware that this might be presumptuous of me to make a thank you letter even though it hasn't been long since I started, but I just figured it would be nice to say this at the end of a volume and not just randomly the middle of the story. This volume will most likely be the shortest one since this volume mainly focuses on our protagonist's origin story. Next volume will be introducing 1 or 2 new characters. Also, I will be holding a poll on tomorrow's chapter and it will last for 3 days. Once again, thank you and please treat me well.

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