TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 10: Regret

"W-w-what are you saying Riel?" (Vier)

"Tell me you're joking!!!" (Mom)

Well, can't say that I didn't see this coming. 


Woah, Mom's calling Papa his actual name. She only does this when she's really angry. Now I'm scared.

"R-reina? D-did I do something w-wrong?" (Papa)

And Papa is calling Mom by her name. He only does it when he's extremely scared and nervous. 


"W-what? What happened?" (Papa)

A few minutes later...

"So Riel doesn't want to be an adventurer?" (Papa)

"Yes." (Mom)

Wow, about 90 percent of that time was spent trying to calm Mom down. They finally got to the topic itself. 

"So, what do you want me to do?" (Papa)

"I want you to talk some sense into him." (Mom)

"But do I need to?" (Papa)

"W-what are you saying?" (Mom)

"I'm saying that we should respect his choice. As parents, that's what we should do, right Reina?" (Papa)

"B-but he-" (Mom)

"Shush, we'll talk about this tomorrow. Let's have both of you rest for a while, especially since both of your bodies should be exhausted. Right Reina?" (Papa)

"Bu-" (Mom)

"Right Reina?" (Papa)

W-woah, that was intense. This has gotta be the first time I've seen Papa this scary. I was about to call him "Revered Patriarch".

"And Riel." (Papa)

"Y-yes?" (Riel)

"I'm sure that you have a perfect explanation for all of this so I'll be expecting a proper reason for all of this tomorrow, so you better rest for now, right?" (Papa)

"Y-yessir!" (Riel)

I almost ended up saluting him. That was scary. 

"Now I expect you guys to keep quiet and rest for now, right? That goes for you too Vier." (Papa)


"Good, now have a nice rest." (Papa)

He said as he exited the room. Wow, that was intense. I thought that I'd die there. Papa is way scarier than Mom when he's angry. Better make sure to never piss him off ever. After he left, none of us talked and just went back to sleep.

The next day

Since we woke up, none of the three of us said anything. I guess that nightmare was real. Papa had then entered the room handing us our meals. After we were finished eating, he then started to speak,

"So, what do you want to do Riel?" (Papa)

"U-uhm, I don't want to be an adventurer." (Riel)

"Yes, I know. But what do you want to do?" (Papa)

"U-uhm, I wanna go to school." (Riel)

"And Reina, do you disagree?" (Papa)

"Yes." (Mom)

"Why?" (Papa)

"Because it's a waste of his talent." (Mom)

"Care to explain?" (Papa)

"Isn't it simple! He has the talent to become a top-ranked adventurer among adventurers!!! I've trained him in the ways of being an adventurer, from outdoor combat to using that obstacle course to develop their adaptability. Both Riel and Vier are clearly destined to become top tier adventurers!" (Mom)

"And why don't you want to become an adventurer Riel?" (Papa)

"I wanna have friends! I don't wanna become an adventurer! I don't wanna have to hang out with old men!!!" (Riel)

As dumb as that sounds, it is 110% my true feelings. I miss being able to mess around with friends. I mean Vier is a good friend and all, but that's just one person. I'm sorry that most of the children in this village are way older than me. I could handle it if they were a year or two older than me, but they're all at least 7 years older than me. Rather than me not wanting to hang out with them, it's more likely that they'd find me a nuisance and even pick on me. 

"Well, that makes sense. Now Reina, do you still think the same?" (Papa)

"Well, I guess that is a problem considering that most adventures of his age are either F-ranks or trainees. But that doesn't change the fact that his true calling is being an adventurer!" (Mom)

"Are you sure about that?" (Papa)

"Of course! I've witnessed it befo-" (Mom)

"You're wrong." (Papa)

"W-what do you mean?" (Mom)

"Well you see, Riel is just talented in general." (Papa)

"W-what?" (Mom)

"I have proof. You remember how you made both Riel and Vier write journals?" (Papa)

"Yes, what about it?" (Mom)

"Neither of them had asked for my help. They had written it by themselves. Well, to be more exact, Riel did it by himself and even helped and teach Vier." (Papa)

"I-impossible! Riel was only 5!" (Mom)

"It is true, and here's the proof." (Papa)

"This is Vier's journal? Wait, let me read through it. Is, is this true Vier?" (Mom)

"Y-yes." (Vier)

"F-fine, I'll allow it. How about you Vier? Will you follow Riel or become an adventurer?" (Mom)

"I...I wanna become an adventurer! S-sorry Riel, but I still want to be an adventurer!" (Vier)

"It's fine with me." (Riel)

Woah, it seems like Vier is finally independent. It seems like only yesterday, I had to lead him around everywhere just so he wouldn't stay holed up in his room. Talk about character development.

"With all that being said, we will allow you to go to school. But, there are conditions." (Papa)

"What conditions?" (Riel)

"First of all, you will not be attending any kind of school until you are 15 years old. Second of all, until you turn 15, you will be taught by a private tutor that I will hire. Third of all, you will attend the school that I attended when I was 15."

"Papa, you can't be talking about sending him there, right?" (Mom)

"I am serious. It's either there or nowhere. If he is planning on going to school, he should, of course, aim for the best school in the kingdom, otherwise, it would be nothing but a waste of time." (Papa)

I can't help but have a bad feeling about this. This bad feeling might even be on par with what I felt when Ziechs attempted to kill me. I can only hope that it's not that school.

"Yes, he's going to attend Aerith Academy."

Did I just raise a flag? Nooooooo!!! I hate myself!!! 

Aerith Academy. The school where the main story happens. It won't even matter since I'll just be ostracized. Wait, no, I still have a chance. I can make friends. I just have to not be gloomy and edgy the entire time. I can even suck up to the nobles. Yes, I just have to stay away from the main cast. You guys can enjoy the reverse harem drama over there. I'm not gonna be a part of that. I don't wanna get lynched in the name of Lèse-majesté just because we both like the same girl. Hahaha, yes, I shall be a mob this time around. I really don't wanna hang out with men 20 years older than me. Nope. Not dealing with that.

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