TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Side Story 1: A match made in heaven (1)

About 16 years ago

Aerith Academy, the most prestigious school in the Hecaron Kingdom, an institute whose aim is to develop the kingdom's elites, whose student body has an estimated noble-to-commoner ratio of 14:1, is currently in a state of panic as its number two student has gone missing leaving behind a letter that says "I quit".

"Is this it? Is this all you have to show for!!!" (Headmaster)

"S-sir, we could find no other traces or possible clues as to where he could be or what he's doing now. However, we have called some of his close friends to potentially find some clues. Since he was close with them, they should know his habits and behavioural patterns." (Secretary)

"Good. Now bring them in." (Headmaster)

As the Headmaster says that, the doors of his office opens and four first year students enter the room.

"I assume that the four of you already know why you were called here?" (Headmaster)

"Is it cause of Lyle?" 

The young man who asked the question is the firstborn son of Duke Agnis, Brian Agnis. The Agnis family is well know for their prowess in the fire element. Brian Agnis is also well known for his brash personality and fiery temper, as well as his prowess in chaotic unarmed combat style. Because of this, he was given the nickname "The Fire Devil" by the students.

"Why are you even asking such a stupid question, didn't you notice that the entire school was panicking about how Lyle is missing?" 

The young man who retorted against Brian's question is the second son of Duke Tempest, Friggus Tempest. The Tempest family is well known for their prowess with the wind element, but Friggus was born with the talent of using the ice element. Friggus is also well known for his superb talent in the sword, being only one step away from being a swordmaster. Currently, he is the youngest swordsman in history to ever hit the wall when he was just 15. Not even the Eastern Empire has achieved that even though they are well known for being the Empire of Swords, harbouring the most swordmasters in the continent. He is also known for his cool composure, but that gets broken constantly when he deals with his friends.

"Shut up Friggs! That was a rhetorical question you dumbass!" (Brian)

"Shut up Brian! How was I supposed to know it was a rhetorical question anyways? You only found out what a rhetorical question was last week and even then you took all of our rhetorical questions seriously!" (Friggs)

"Geez, you guys are already fighting when we just arrived in the Headmaster's office." 

The young lass who intervened between the two of them is the first daughter of Duke Strom, Eirene Strom. The Strom family is known for their prowess with the water element. Despite her predecessors being known for their use of the water element to wreck havoc and destruction, Eirene is specialized in healing magic using the water element. She's known to be the most rational one of the group.

"Tch, fine." (Brian)

"O-okay." (Friggs)

"So, about Lyle, I'm guessing you want us to tell you any hints about what's he's doing right now. Things like his behavioural patterns and whatnot, am I right?" 

The young man speaking in a slightly mocking tone is the firstborn son of Viscount Byron, Eric Byron. While his family isn't the most reputable, he is currently the number one student in the academy. Eric is the number two student when it comes to pure academics, but he is the number one student when it comes to combat. he is what you would call a jack of all trades, as he doesn't excel in any particular area, but is able to utilize a variety of techniques from different origins. 

Lyle Stein would be number one if you would only look at the academics part, but even though Lyle is an academic genius, he is absolutely pathetic when it comes to combat. Eric is also well known for his straightforward personality as he does not hide his intentions at all. When he feels like someone should be ridiculed, he doesn't hold back. When he feels like someone should be praised, he gives them his honest remarks. If he finds someone irritating, then he quickly gets up and leaves.

"T-that is right. Will you four cooperate with us regarding this matter?" (Headmaster)

"Nah."  (Brian)

"Nope." (Friggs)

"Sorry, it's a no from me." (Eirene)

"Not a chance." (Eric)

"Would you mind explaining why?" (Headmaster)

"Because asking us wouldn't help a single bit." (Eric)

"W-why?" (Headmaster)

"Cause it's impossible." (Brian)

"Not even the smartest people can predict him." (Friggs)

"To be frank, even if he explicitly told us what he was going to do, it would still be impossible to pinpoint where he is and find out whatever it is he is doing." (Eirene)

"It's because Lyle is built differently. He doesn't have plans. He makes them up on the spot. And no matter what, his plans will always succeed. The problem is that even if he has a plan, there's a big possibility that the plan, or rather the goal itself, changes midway.

He doesn't have a concrete goal except for finding ways to entertain himself. The reason why he had joined Aerith Academy was for the same reason, he just felt like it. And I assume that the reason why he quit the academy was for the same reason, he got bored and wants to try something different. Chances are, even if you guys find him, he won't ever want to come back." (Eric)

Even if the Headmaster was irritated at the way they quickly shot him down, he couldn't do anything about it nor could he complain about anything. This is because these four are part of the Five Elites of Aerith Academy which Lyle Stein was also a part of. This doesn't mean that they were the best in their grade nor the school, this meant that they were monsters. This is because 3 of the members are children who belong to the 5 great houses, or the Aerith Kingdom's dukedoms and that the other two, albeit at a relatively low standing compared to the other three, are the best ones out of all of them. House Strom, House Agnis, House Tempest, House Harmonia, and House Gaeus. These houses are second only to the royal family.

These 5 houses are the descendants of the 5 heroes who worked together with the first king, King Joseph Aerith, to defeat the demon lord and establish the Aerith kingdom about 900 years ago. Each of the Houses pass on their bloodline linked abilities with the exception of House Harmonia. 

The descendants of House Harmonia have not exhibited any special abilities, in fact, nobody actually knows what the founder of House Harmonia's bloodline ability was. Some people speculate that House Harmonia did not have any special abilities to begin with, but that suspicion was quickly dismissed as out of all the families, they are the ones who are closest with the royal family.

And it just so happens that the Viscount family of House Byron is being supported by house Harmonia. The weirdest thing about it is the fact that they had only started giving support about a year ago. Because of their high status, not even the current Headmaster who currently holds the title of Marquis, can touch them, let alone, punish them as they had the support of 4 of the 5 Dukes.

"But if you really want any kind of possible evidence, then here. That's a letter he wrote 5 days ago." (Eirene)

The letter says

Hey, I'm gonna be gone for a week or so. Don't worry I'm gonna come back soon. Also, don't throw away that letter, I have a surprise for you guys. If I'm not wrong, then there should be something different about it in 5 days, but you should check everyday just in case.

If you can read this, then I have successfully invented a new type of ink. It's an ink that is initially invisible, but after a set amount of time, which I set to about 5 days, the ink should be visible again. Anyways here's my actual message. By now, I'm probably doing something else already with another identity so don't even bother. I'm pretty sure that you guys won't ever find me~. Anyways, it was a nice time here but I got bored. In short, I quit.

-Lyle Stein

Ps. I'm sorry that I was incapable of it, but Headmaster should really invest in hair regrowth technology research, or master the light element from your shiny head. Bye bye~

The headmaster then stood up and glared at the letter in his hands. He then ripped it into shreds as he screamed.


Meanwhile, in a certain adventurer's guild branch

"Lyle, you're hired! You're starting tomorrow!"

"Yes! See you guys tomorrow~" (Lyle)

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