Tantric Magic: Reborn in a hentai world

Chapter 10 – Uncertain authority

I angrily look at a group of knights they are contracted warriors for the lord of this land, but i am think of just wipe them out right then there. These mother fuckers are protesting my command over them.

After spending the last 5 days in my home lazing about and laying trap runes for protection, in my new mansion. The knights and general populace are heavily against having a court mage, that doesnt even do anything.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT, Tell your mother to come sit on my lap. I might forgive t-" A thin wire like mana blade passes through his throat and decapitates him. Oh brother, why do i have to deal with this shit.

"None of you are going to leave, i am going to teach each one of you the meaning of respect." The Greater curse soul shackles flys out of my staff. It is much to powerful for a 3rd circle curse. All the knights like cum rags fall on the ground. Unable to move a muscle.

Human experimentation is illegal, but I can keep some of them and say they died in punishment. You know it actually is convenient for them to do this, they allow me an opportunity to strong arm people and gave me healthy strong bodies that can handle abuse.

"Master mage please forgive them, they are ignorant lowly peasants. They don't know better." The gray mage runs to me and kowtows as he asks for forgiveness for the knights.

"Very well, but there are some that deserve to be punished." This piece of shit, I was going to get all of them and pick and choose the best. I guess, I'll settle with a few.

"Then punish me in their stead" This motherfucker. Wait does he know that they won't survive. Shit, I can only do a public punishment.

I am forced to take punishment in my own hands, so to hide the rumors of human experimentation. I will do a public punishment.

"I will give them a light punishment, because of your pleading" I wave my hand and lightning starts sparking from my fingers. A bolt of electricity goes through each of their bodies. Scorching them badly and her comes the second phase of the punishment. A healing spell designed for burns, but it causes unbearably high amounts of itching and pain. I leave, setting the curse to deactivate.

I go to my basement, it was originally designed to be a wine cellar. But I remade it to an alchemy work shop. I have ignored my responsibility of taking care of the plague, so I will start forming the cure right now. a druidic circle of nature connects the lifeforce of the surrounding greenery of my mansion and the forest surrounding the edges of the property. My paycheck as a court mage is 3 gold a day really small compared to other similar jobs, but it comes with a lot of side benefits.

"Master the ingredients you asked for." A beautiful maid and wholesale magic components. Both are paid or partially paid for by the crown. I haven't touched the girls yet, because I don't want to be known as a sex crazed maniac.

"Lay them the way I tell you." I start directing her, as I form a druidic circle. With this druidic circle, I am going to siphon the energy of nature to sustain an alchemy pipeline.

An anti-plague elixir. That is supposed to be diluted and placed in drinking water to protect from infections and help the infected recover. This elixir is a general purpose one. It's not that good, but I have a plan. That plan is to make a shit ton. Make so much that the plague will sue me for bullying.

I use telekinesis to move ingredients all around. A bucket is placed in the output of the pipeline. A few hours pass, as I fuck up the set up multiple times and have to start from the beginning all over again. In the fifth hour, I finally finished it. A single drop falls down the valve.

Oof, I just need to wait a couple hours and tell the maid to empty the bucket each time. With this I just need to set up a price for each bottle. Hey maybe, after this I can make a side business and make some money on the side. But if I calculate the amount of spare life force. I have only about 1 liter worth of production per day before I start hurting the surrounding ecology. I am planning to produce 5000 liters per day. if I just exhaust everything the forest has to make elixirs. Then I have about 75,000 liters, it should be a bit more, because of the plants natural recovery.

Man you really need to cause problems to fix problems. Well, if theres a will theres a way. I make money off this and then look through nature affinity treasures to heal the land. Easy fix.

Now need to find something to wet my dick with, after tasting my masters forbidden fruit. I've been anticipating my next hit of that natural drug. Now that i think about it that way, i could genuinely get a sex addiction. How do the people of this world deal with it. Do they have built in ED, the men of the village usually ask me for advice. Ignoring that it would be totally inappropriate to talk about that near a child.

I could use the detox strategy, to allow me to have a healthy sex life. Well just because i wont fuck them, doesnt mean i cant sexually harass them.

"We did it!!"I hug the maid and grab her ass, as i pick her up in a spinning swirl. She laughs as the gesture is taken as innocent. I take deep whiff of her fragrant soap smell, holding her up for a little to long. I let her down, as i feel like my creep meter is filled up.

I pat her shoulder, while shes still close to my body. I tell her to take care of productions and if anything breaks, she should run to me right away. Doing this passes multiple HR boundaries. But the job of HR is to avoid lawsuits and not to protect the victim. In this world They dont even have that. They can only quit or suffer through it.

I head to dining room, for a late night snack time, A whole gaggle of skimpy clothed maids and androgynous femboy butlers. Start serving me plate after plate of full dishes, a literal feast just for me. After stuffing my self for the 3 time today, i lay down my napkin and rub my belly. If i had a toothpick, it would be the perfect time to use it. Not even 30% of the food is finished. Pure decadence. I command everyone to disperse after they collect the plates and head to my private room, that only the head maid is magically allowed in.

What do i do now. Nothing is on the task list, i could do what ever now. Maybe i could start working making a magic guards. Maybe create cursed death guards, empowered with curse magic. Or a platoon of magic spellswords, craft a set of runed weapons and armor. I could even make drug addicted warriors that would do anything i say. Hmm options, options...

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