Tantric Magic: Reborn in a hentai world

Chapter 9 – Uncermonious welcome

I hug my friends goodbye, Laura the fox girl and Stephen my only guy friend. Nura is crying waving me goodbye. The space mage motions for me to move on to the teleport circle. I give my friends one last goodbye wave.

Everything goes all loopy, colors, shapes and everything distorts as i move through a tear in reality. The previously pristine academy walls change to a stone brick wall. I stand straight holding my staff.

as i arrive there stands a middle aged man in courtly clothes and a disheveled old man in a gray mage robe. They both jump back from the magic circle that i arrived on. Surprised at my arrival and appearance.

"Who the hell are you" The noble i assume, stands infront of me. His attitude is standoffish and i sense his emotions reflect indignation.

"I am the court assigned mage, from Portoa academy. My name is Darrel Ourtsman." I give my best arrogant academy mage attitude, i can manage.

"WHAT a child is what they give me after all this, you can just go back to kindergarten and tell them to send an actual mage" He goes off in a screaming tirade, he turns his back and walks madly to the exit.

I slightly rise the staff and knock it on the ground. A rush of dominating aura fills the room, the mage stumbles back and the noble stops in his track. I am already experienced in bossing older people than me. So i know what to do in a situation like this.

"I was given full authority to preform my duties as a court mage, any disrespect to me is disrespect to the crown. You will obey." I dont add my aura on top of the Kings presence, they both look genuinely scared from the threat. So its good enough.

"Master mage, please forgive us. The lord was sick this morning so his mind was addled." The sweating old mage is speaking a thousand words a second. His emotions are a pure spectrum of fear.

"I think we should reset this meeting. I am the sovereign lord of house York, Micheal York." Micheal fixes his face and tone, but i can read his emotions. There are just pure hate and feelings of shame.

"I will announce my arrival after settling in, all problems should be set in a list and given to me after."I tell them my plans. Behind me is a magical floating box that has all my documents and the orb. The badge has to stay on me at all times, so i just need to find place to hide these. I also brought some luggage, but decide to carry light.

"But sir there is an urgent matter that needs help from a court appointed mage."The mage pleads with me.

"What is it." I look annoyed, not because i am. But doing so will help me deny doing it if its to tough.

"The lords lands has a plague that needs to be purged, not just that. The lords own daughter is infected with it and must be immediately treated." The reason of why the Yorks accepted having a court presence makes more sense. Usually noble houses would do anything they can to avoid having a court mage in their halls. Having one means that they are fully under the royal family's heel.

"Very well, i will only see the daughter then go to my property." That doesnt sound that hard. Plagues are common when you dont have a high level nature mage, i am 3rd circle mage in every discipline. Including nature magics.

"Follow me i will take you to my daughter."The noble tells me to follow him, his emotions full of doubt.

A few minutes later. They take me to a closed room that is dis-attached to the main building. Walking in you would notice a heavy flower fragrance. They must have added a perfume. In a closed room, a bed covered in many layers of blankets.

"She has been experiencing many bouts of intense cold, her fingers are dark blue. When it rains she experiences pain in her joints." The mage starts explaining what he understands of the disease. He must have tried to cure her himself.

I uncover her, shes a beauty. Her limbs dont have proper circulation and her eyes are glazed over, shes not lucid. If she wasnt sick i would try to get in her pants. I guess thats motivation enough to start work on healing her.

I cast a protection spell on my self, keeping me safe from infection. I put my hands on her neck. Sensing her mana flow, everything is in order, using diagnostic spells. I notice where the plague is concentrated. Her thyroid, spleen and lymph nodes are covered with a slime of infection clusters.

The plague attacks the immune system, so the possibility of recovering is low. I wave my staff and infuse healing wave with the curse energy. The staff emits darkened waves into her body. Cursed healing will take her natural vitality and mana to constantly heal her.

All the damage caused by the disease is healed, but the infection is alive in high concentrations. I form a flame in my hands, it flows past my fingers goes into her skin. The nobleman almost interrupted me, but the mage knows enough to stop him.

The flame magic doesnt hurt her as it passes through her veins and burns the infection. Any mistake i do is instantly healed with cursed healing, eventually managing to reduce its amount to a minimal. I start using immunization spells, Her immune system is kicked into overdrive. Allowing her to survive a re-infection, if that ever happens.

"She should be cured. Allow her to rest for a couple of days as her body recovers from the damage." The cursed healing is set on a timer of 4 hours. Giving her immune system as much help to win against the disease. It will also help strengthen her weak physique.

"Thank you master mage, i apologize again for my earlier rudeness." The nobleman looks happily towards his daughter. Hes happy, so my stay might not be difficult from an antagonistic noble.

Oh man, its about time for me to finally see my new home and settle in. I glance over the floating box, i need to also deal with that.

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