Tantric Magic: Reborn in a hentai world

Chapter 8 – Punishment

Walking to the faculty area of the academy. the dean of the academy has called me to his office. I have an inkling to what he wants to talk about. But there is still some doubt about what might happen.

Professors shoot me glances everytime i pass them. they are showing me an unnatural, their emotions are all over the place. Glancing over to the alchemy teacher that i have a bit of a crush on. She looks away instantly her face showing embarrassment.

Deep breath, i open the door. A myriad of different automatic scans go over me. The director motions for me to sit infront of him. The serious mood forces me to comply.

"Darrel as you know. In this school of higher learning we hold ourselves to a higher standard." He doesnt wait for me and just starts monloguing.

"We hold very little tenants to that all mages in this academy must uphold in academy grounds. Having relations with a teacher is taken very seriously. Therefore there must be an appropriate punishment." Now that he mentions it. none of the students that are asking out the professors are getting lucky even of the sluttier one.

"What is going to happen to you is very light compared to miss Valtorax." Damn i thought that just because this is a hentai world. i can participate in debauchery with no consequence.

"What will her punishment be" I feel bad that Jaina will be in trouble because of me. I am the reason that the ritual resulted in an explosion. If i wasnt special no one would be the wiser to the situation.

"Shes going to be working as the local archmage in the wildlands for a couple years, but her punishment is of no consequence to you. Because you are a talented student of our academy, it would be to harsh to just expel you. so there will be a task for you to preform." He leans down and pulls a thick stacks of documents.

"These are your responsibility, In the York nobility's land there is a severe lack of talented college educated mages. They would be expecting someone much older, but you are competent enough to just take control with no complaints. Remember you are representing Portoa academy so you must not accept any disrespect." He hands me the stack of documents. They have teleport binder, that the dean can send new document to me through.

"Okay, so i just need to deal with magical problems for them." I start flipping through the papers, one of them is the property deed of a mansion. Another is the legal license to act as a judge and executioner signed by the crown. many similar proofs that i have almost full reign to do what i want.

"You are there to provide the land stability, by showing that the crown is capably to take control and fix problems through you. If you think that a situation is dangerous dont even bother risking your life. You are more important than some peasants." He stands up and walks to shelf. On the shelf lays a magical orbs on an ornate cushion.

"This transmission orb will be where you will be receiving orders. you are not allowed to use it unless it receives a transmission. This is only for official business, no private use. If something truly of note happens you can contact the proper authorities. I believe you have enough sense to know what to do." He hands it to me. This orb just became the most valuable object i own. This is so expensive that they prefer you just hid it away until absolutely necessary.

"Do i just leave straight to York lands?"

"You have until tomorrow. Oh before i forget take this." he slides a badge over to me.

"This will show that you have the support of the crown in all of your endeavors. if someone disrespects the badge, it will be your responsibility to enact punishment. You can leave now" I pick up all of the things that were given to me. After almost fumbling i cast a floating disc spell to hold all of it for me. The dean gives me a nod as i leave.

I now have to go to the space mage and show him my pass to leave. But before that, i still have some time to prepare before leaving to new lands. I could finish making my staff, which is helps me avoid explaining how i got it.

If i fess up about its creation, than it will be taken away and i will be actually punished rather then exiled. Free form magic of any kind is strictly banned. There were to many accidents, so you have to have someone supervising.

Of course i am a talented in free form magic, so i am not worried. I am so not worried that i am going to do it again on the same staff. Heading to my dorm room.

My roommate a chubby teenager is practicing his magic in his bed. I dont even bother speaking with him and cast a 2nd circle sleep spell on him. His spell goes out of control, i take control of it and dissipate it. He falls like a sack of bricks.

Looking through my concealment runes, i make sure that they are not tampered with in anyway. after confirming their function. A secret compartment under the bed opens up. A scanning spells scans me and confirms its me. If someone else was found. then all of the stuff under the bed would explode. leaving no evidence.

"Come here my masterpiece" The first artifact i ever created. Before going to the dean i couldnt resist not testing it. Even in its unrefined state, the effect went past what i ever thought possible. It even developed an activateble skill. i can cast one of the curses with absolutely no cast time or even mana fed into it.

I pull out a banned book. Its about curse evolution, a subject that only evil hedge wizards practice. I followed the contents inside to create the staff, there are many more ideas that i can explore to improve the staff. Maybe sacrificing an animal or something. It already has vitality stolen from the tree, so there are other part to explore and improve.

Before i knew it, multiple hours pass by. Fully immersed by the contents of the book and every little will engraving a bits into the staff. My roommate naturally wakes up from the sleep spell. Before he can disturb even further. i recast the sleep spell, this time using the cursed staff.

A slimy magic sticks to my spells, it flows into his body with no resistance. Sensing the magic, it is even more deeply rooted in his psychic core. The curse energy healing the degradation, making him fall into a permanent sleep.

A spell that does something like that, would need to be a 4 or 5 circle spell. I smile at my almost finished staff, unfortunately i am not skilled enough to finish it. Lets try something slightly more evil on my dear roommate. I smile creepily as i stand over his bed.

I use my staff to form a healing wave. His body seems to gain a healthy glow. Then a Pure nightmare of zorn. This spell receives cursed energy from the staff. The already slick energy receives a tar like luster. Flowing into his body, He shivers and his face twists from calm to a grimace and then to pure terror. I cast many spell movers to extract his fear.

A pure stream of fear is taken from him, the greater amount i take the better his complexion. I dispell the fear spell, taking the last bits of fear lingering in his body. If i left them there he would develop mental problems, so to cover my track. I care for him over the next 2 hours. Healing him and removing any negative emotional energy when they show up.

I smile while looking at my new ingredient, with this i can form the last spell for my staff. One of the weaker spells, but still very useful. The Kings presence, an aura spell that generates an intimidating aura. Most mages can push their aura out to show their strength level. With this, i can weaponize the natural feature.

Man i am beat, i should go to sleep. Oh shit, i forgot to tell my friends that i am leaving. Ehh, ill tell them as i leave.

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