Tantric Magic: Reborn in a hentai world

Chapter 14 – Really willing partner

I groan out of my bed. But i cant move, a heavy thing is stopping me from getting up. A woman dressed sloppily is hugging me, legs spread all over me. Shes snoring, as her nipple is poking out of sleepwear lingerie. l am certain she didnt come with.

"Hey wake up." She doesnt respond. I try shaking her, but she is too much of a heavy sleeper. A thought came to mind, a way to wake her in a fun way. I position my hand over her ass. I wind up a smack and bam.

Nothing, she just giggles in her sleep and snuggles deeper into me. I try the actual best way to wake somebody up. I pinch her nose and stop her breathing. She jolts awake.

"Ten more minutes." Griselda hides her face in my shoulders, as she widow grasps me with her legs. I feel an erection coming, her toned thighs are in full display. Flexing as she does a wrestling move to stop me from getting up.

"Hey atleast let me wake up." I try to shake her awake. She stirs slightly.

"Come on Big man, i am feeling a headache from this horrible hangover." She stands up, in the cowgirl position. Her upper cleavage is half exposed from the lingerie. She perks up, as she notices my bulge between her thighs.

"Oh, still rearing to go, Big man, haven't had enough of this ride." She grins, flexing her washboard abs and thick toned thighs. She grinds her ass and pussy over my dick. Giving me a full erection.

"Maybe in a bit, i need breakfast" she jumps off me. Wrapped in luxurious silk bedsheets. I start taking off sleepwear, that I don't remember putting on. Man it seems like everytime I have sex. Someone dresses me up and places me in a bed. After I pass out.

Griselda enjoys the show, as I take off my clothes. She whistles and cat Calls me, when I reached the point of taking off my pants.

"are you not hungry from yesterday's event. Come on let's gets some food." I invite her to have a meal with me. Even though there are many servants, I still feel a little lonely. The head maid is the only one, I am vaguely close to.

"Ay, You fuck me, then wine and dine me. What gentleman." She stands up, ready to follow. Not Caring about the fact that she is effectively just wearing lingerie. I tell her to follow me to the dining room. A table large enough to accommodate 15 people sitting at the same time. A fire place behind the sitting place of the patriarch. Or the head of the household.

Its a sitting area, that I would imagine my grandfather would sit at and tell mostly fictitious war stories. Then I would say its fake and he would tell me to shut up. A warm smile comes to my face, as I remember these fond moments.

The headmaid is angrily Cleaning with a feather duster. She spots me and Griselda enter the room. Her face takes on a green tinge, when she sees Griselda walking in hugging my arms.

"Prepare food for both of us. Make sure to bring some wine for her." What is this. The headmaid is jealous, I didn't know. Or does she just not like Griselda.

"Before you go honey, thank you for the clothes." The headmaid doesn't respond and just gives a tight nod. Leaving the room. Hmm.

"what is on the menu."She cracks her neck and does some stretches. The lines of her body drive me crazy, it doesn't even seem like she notices. What she is doing to me.

"In Thursdays i have stuffed chicken roast with gravy as the main meal, Mashed potatoes and green beans. As a side dish and with strawberry shortcake as a dessert." I sit down on my chair. Across from me is an open window with the view of the gate entrance of the property with a tree, that has slightly browning leafs.

"Oh nice, seems like a meal fit for a king." She saunters over to me. as I think she would pull out the chair next to me. She gives a big jump and lands right on my lap. I scream in pain, as the sudden weight crush's my groin.

"Why did you do that, it hurts." I do say that, but I wrap my arms around her. Not letting her leave my grasp.

"Oh hush you baby, you love it." She adjusts her sitting position, to get into a more comfortable position. Everything she does is just so sexy.

"Not as much, as i love doing this." I kiss her neck, rubbing my hand all over her body. She doesnt resist, as i begin fondling her. Small moans escape her mouth, every little while. Like a kitten's squeaks.

After i reached the point of rubbing her inner thighs, A butler walks in to the room. We are too engrossed in our activities to even notice him. He coughs uncomfortably, as he trys to get our attention.

"Sir, the food is ready." He is a thin frail looking young man, with a curtain haircut. if you saw him you would say he looks like a boy band member or just a twink. His face is beet red, while holding two trays that have metal coverings. I motion for him to lay them. He turns around and power walks out of the room.

His pants are a little tight fitting so they show off his pearl shaped Buttocks as he leaves. Its odd, it seems like all the butlers were hired with a preference. I dont know who hired them, i didnt hire them.

"Thank you for the meal" Griselda licks her lips. She places both infront of us.  Pulling the coverings. Two full roasted chickens. I grab my utensils and dig in. Griselda was struggling with the knife, gouging rather than slicing. I cut bite sized pieces. rather then doing anything. She let me hand feed her.

I place big pieces of breast meat in my mouth and let her pick it off and eat it. She gives me a big kiss everytime, after swallowing. By the time the side menu arrived. we weren't even eating, just making out. Is this what they call a whirl wind romance.

Plates placed by a plethora of uncomfortable maids and butlers. They all leave as quickly as possible. Except a select few, that i take note of. Damn voyeurs. I slip my fingers between her thighs and underwear. She stopped speaking and joking around, Just silently panting. I am prepared to tell everyone to leave and just take her right there. As i am about clear the table and place a different type of meat on it. A maid walks in.

"Sir, there are visitors." Fuck, i guess. I have to get a little presentable. In a princess carry, i stand up. Shes still slightly dazed, not fully understanding. I put her over the chair and drop her. She jolts to lucidity.

"Oh no you dont, You made me like this. You cant leave." I shake my head wistfully and walk away. She runs after me, but at this point in time. i already left.

Followed closely by a predator in heat, i rush to meet my guests. I didnt have enough time to ask who the guests are. Before i enter the room, i check over my body and straighten the creases.

Opening the door, its some of the adventurers. The scout, spellsword and priestess. They dont seem really happy. My cursed staff manifests from nothing into my hand. Completing my kit in an instant. This is a custom home ritual, so i can only do it at home.

"Hey what did you-" The scout has build up a full head of steam, but when Griselda walks in. All his momentum stops in its tracks.

"Where were you Griselda-." The spellsword places his hand on the scout and stops him from continuing.

"You guys here to apply." Griselda saunters right on in. Completely natural in her skimpy silk clothes.

"No, we came to check up on you. did you decide to quit the party." The spellsword speaks in his naturally deep dwarf voice.

"Yeah, i hooked up with this big man. Not going to be adventuring anymore." Walking next to me and gives me a deep needy kiss. Still turned on from earlier.

The spellsword gives her and me a suspicious glance. But he doesnt say what he thinks. If i could mind control people, would you think i would wait. I researched the concept and it requires some hyper advanced topics, that not even the academy's brightest would understand.

"It seems like you close friends need a moment, I'll give you some time to speak with each other." I walk out of the room. They need a moment to discuss it between themselves.

I think about eavesdropping. But i will respect their privacy. Some murmuring is coming out of the room. I leave, before i could accidentally hear anything. A wind spell is cast to allow me to glide and skate across the ground.

Because she distracted me so much, i didnt get to eat alot. So i go back to the kitchen and finish my dessert. Drinking down freshly squeezed juice. The maids, start acting less tense. When i stopped flirting and tongue fucking someone right infront of them. They could focus now, Weird.

A few moments after finishing, i walk back to the guest room. They are all laughing, seems like they are pretty close friends. I guess putting your life at risk together builds strong bonds.

"Had a fun time," Griselda jumps into my grasp, forcing me to catch her.

"It seems you two had more of a fun time," The scout laughs. Both the dwarf and priestess are giggling.

"So is the work offer still open." The priestess spoke for the first time, both the scout and dwarf nod along.

"Yeah, do all of you want to work here." Griselda must of told them about what i am offering. During the 1 hour of talk there must have been some relevant information about the job.

"Yea, it will be a pleasure to work here. Now lets discuss salaries." Oh boy.

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