Tantric Magic: Reborn in a hentai world

Chapter 15 – A Powerful posse.


I try to pop my ears, all I hear is ringing. an explosion 5 feet from my face, flinging sharp rocks all around. Shifting swirls of an arcane bobble. A shield spell that blocks everything. This particular spell is at the precipice of falling apart. A glowing talisman around my neck is creaking, as the spell strains.

I stumble back to the arena. Standing Infront of me is a magical mecha. A hulking 3.5 meter monstrosity of metal. The obsidian black visor that glows red when activated, is truly an intimidating sight. This piece of magical technology put me so far in the red. My pockets are starting to look like they did, when I had to buy my reseller permit.

"Wow, My lad. This thing is incredible. I feel like could do anything." A stereo speaker echos out the dwarf's voice. Even through the distortion, you can tell the absolute glee in his voice. This mechanized armor was advertised as spellsword equipment, but it requires a completely different skill set. Even a 90 year old 0 circle granny can kill a 5 circle mage. I am using only mage ranking system, because i dont know other method to measure power. With the dwarf its an easy 6-7 circle combat ability.

"Time to get out, I need to run diagnostics." I did not expect it to be this strong. In the instruction manual, the hardware statistics. Were only saying the minimum functional range. The manufacturer was a famous golem and magical equipment craftsmen academy.

So i should have guess that they didnt over sell their product. They dont have a competitor with a level even close to them. so their research is more ambitious and they dont bother looking into methods to manufacture cheaply or cut corners.

They obviously have mastered their craft, because everything about this armor is amazing. Of course when i bought it, All the documentation was written with incomprehensible high level technical language. They were particularly surprised when i offered to buy it. They ever even more surprised to find out, i can afford it. I had to pull a few strings to even get them to show up to the negotiation table. This was the first time got to speak with my master since i fucked her brains out.

"What, come on. Give me five more minutes." He's skating and flexing the mechanical joints. Technically its his armor, but actually. Its MY armor.

"What no fair, I still haven't got my turn." Griselda is standing behind safety glass. That I installed for field tests. All the brown withering dry grass is scorched, surrounding the testing area. Oof, I should probably get to dealing with that ecology problem.

"No one's having turns. Come on get out. Get."I tone out his grumbling. The mecha makes a hissing sound of compressed air, as the hatch opens up. an incredibly depressed dwarf walks out of it. The reason he is so comfortable with me. Is because we grew really close during the time that i started paying him.

I became more friendly with all of the adventure party. Initial it was only the Berseker, then the 3 other party members. the spellsword, priestess and scout. The wizard was content to just retire, but when the others got their promised equipment. He showed up the next day and offered to work for me. Of course i massively lowballed him in salary. I kinda low lowballed all of them. Because i was willing to offer 25 gold for them, but most of them got between 7-5 gold. The wizard only got 3 gold. The same salary as the court mage.

I still havent got my money's worth, but this is still only their first week. I have some plans to deal with them. Some of them include training new recruits. Maybe i could get them to go to the dungeon, to get me rare materials.

I use a DIY magical crane to move the whole 10 ton piece of metal to a warehouse/workshop. Both of them were constructed with my modern blueprints and then further improved with enchanting using my own magic. The fire mage helped in small places, but he only really knows offensive fire spells and his magetheory is also a little weak. I didnt really understand the difference between collage educated and normal mages. But it makes sense why people differentiate them no.

Because of all this new projects happening at the same time, It was a week of stress for me. The people I hired are of course, as happy as clams. Each of them were promised equipment upgrades. My lover, Griselda would have had the most expensive setup. But i decided to window shop and was entranced by this advanced spellsword armor. Instantly pushing the dwarf to the most invested person.

This buy wasnt just because the armor is fucking cool. Its also for the future. If i use it to improve my understanding of magical engineering, then my normal engineering knowledge will translate even better. I could build an army of deus ex machina warriors. The dwarf was more than happy, to be the first of my army.

The things, I could do. If I manage to figure out the production process. I might be strong enough to conquer countries. Of course this is for when i reach atleast 6 or 7th circle in my magic.

Considering the time it would take me to reach that. It would be 5 years, until then. I close the door to the warehouse, the research is going to take time. So i have to just work on it in my off time.

"Come on you baby, You got the best equipment out of all of us." Griselda laughs and uses her own brand of consoling on the dwarf.

"Says you, Look at your own equipment. Its way better than anything we have. Atleast you get to use them." The dwarf goes of on a tirade. Griselda just stands there with level 90 boss armor, with a destroy of worlds battleaxe on her back. Of course thats just hyperbolic. But her armor is a little over the top.

"I guess that the benefit of sleeping with the boss." She laughs, making the dwarf grumble in anger.

As i walk back to the house, i slap Griselda on the ass. It connects perfectly and makes a nice clapping sound. She yelps and rubs her ass cheeks. I continue smiling the whole way to the gardens. In a good mood from harassing her.

When i make it back to the garden. A heavy weight falls on me and squishy cushions rest on my back. The priestess has jumped and hung on my back. You would assume, because shes a holy woman. She wouldnt be so slutty. But when you think about. Who's holy woman she is. It all starts making sense.

The nuns of the fertility goddess are known to never marry or be in a relationship. They can only fuck around or do one night stands. Their main duty is using holy energy. Priests form other gods have holy energy that mostly has the features of the god themselves. This worlds main religion is the fertility goddess. All other religions are consider minor cults or heathens. So dont expect to find one of them to admit to being a priest or follower.

Holy energy from the major goddess has many uses. Its most known for its incredible compatibility with Tantric energy.  The only way that priests/priestesses use holy energy is through lewd acts.

Other priests just need to pray or chant mantras. but priests of the sex goddess, Pray in a different way. They masturbate or something similar to receive the blessing of their goddess. This woman's actual adventuring kit, is a dildo, buttplug and all kinds of self pleasuring paraphernalia. I dont have a big fetish for slutty easy girls. So i never really wanted to get with her.

"Heeey, i missed you. Did you have fun playing with the others." She grinds her breast on my shoulder. Her arms that were wrapped around my waist slowly slide over my cock. Cupping the bulge in her hand.

"Come on, give me a little space. And we weren't playing. It was important research" I push her off of me. There is the temptation, but girls like her. Should never have it given to them. She would walk all over me, if i went the distance. Its a good thing i have a willing pair of legs that spread, as i tell them to. Letting me relieve my self.

The priestess had a generally neutral dismissive attitude towards me. But when she saw the money, the lifestyle and the gifts, that i shower Griselda with. She became extremely interested and friendly.

Her acts were like an actual anime. She would trip and fall right on my cock. She would jump up and down trying to reach a high object. Shaking her mommy milkers, with every little hop. She would hug my arms, squishing her breast on my arms. Stuff that would have definitely worked a week ago.

It got to the point that Griselda got into a fight with her, from jealousy of the attention i started giving her. Just because i am trying not to fuck her, doesnt mean i can control my eyes. The way her robes contort to her ass and hips. The little sways, when she walks.

I clear my head from intrusive thoughts. There is a giant issue that i need to deal with and it isnt the priestess' ass.

Its preparing my path to the fourth circle.

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