Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

A New Hunter in Town Yeehaa! #9

"*cough* Right, what's your name kid?" asked Raph.


"Where are you from and what are you doing here?" asked Raph.

"I'm from around and I came here to sell some fangs" Lucien took out a whole jar with fangs inside.

Raph was about to comment on his first question before he almost swallowed his cigar seeing the amount of fangs he has, then his eyes widened seeing claws of werewolves.

"Holy shit, kid! Did you steal tho-" he swallowed his words as in a blink of a eye, Lucien had a dagger on his throat "R-right, I believe you" he said nervous.

That speed was incredible, he guessed he must have trained his agility from way earlier, he didn't see it coming.

Lucien nodded and put his dagger away "Now, I labeled the fangs, from old to young"

Raph nodded inspecting the young and old fangs, they were authentic, those were indeed real fangs and seems to have been recently pulled out as well.

"Wow, I don't think I've seen this many fangs before me, not even Big John has brought me something like this... Lucien, right?"

Lucien nodded

"Listen, when did you kill these?"

"it's been about three days, I was traveling on my bike but once I had to find a motel to stay the night I would always encounter vampires" explained Lucien.

Raph nodded "Damn... at night?" he couldn't believe a kid killed these vampires in three days and he even hunts at night.

Raph put the fangs down 'based on the amount of fangs and the agility and speed of the kid, I can very well make him a hunter' he thought 'but I want to see those werewolf claws, those are very precious and not everyone can have them or will be ballsy enough to sell them since if they were from a pack member than the pack leader would find the killer and kill him or her depending on the leader since there exists auctions of supernatural and humans alike'

Raph was a little troubled by this since he didn't want werewolves busting into this place and wreak havoc around.

Lucien seeing the unsure expression of Raph, rolled his eyes and said "I killed the betas along with the alpha so you don't have to worry about revenge" said Lucien.

Raph sighed in relief "Pheww* Had me there for a bit" he laughed nervously.

"Anyways, You will get around 600k for the fangs but since you are new and aren't a hunter you will get 25% only as we will hold 50% of the first sell for filling out paperwork and the longer it takes to process the information, the less money you'll get, so it's 5% per day, but don't worry, it usually only takes a day or two before the information is processed and 25% will go to registration fees and taxes.

"Dafac you are" said Lucien taking all of his fangs and leaving only a pair of a juvenile fangs "You can deduce all that from those teeth after you've done that, I'll sell these fangs normally"

Raph was annoyed at this since the kid basically cheated the system, even Big John didn't even realize this until later, basically almost all hunters miss this in the exception of him and a couple of other people "Fine" he said in a bad mood.

After selling his fangs and filling out paper work, it came the time Lucien was waiting for, the claws.

"Let me be straight, I won't pay fees and taxes for these"

Raph sighed and understood "fine" he said again.

"How much?" asked Lucien.

"2 Mill" said Raph putting two fingers up.

"Man, these werewolves are really worthy, huh" commented Lucien.

"Oh yeah! and between you and me... there is an alpha of alphas whose price is at 10 million dollars right now, dead or alive"

'Damn, I'll hate to be that guy' thought Lucien.

"it was last seen on a dessert up in New Mexico"


Lucien choked on his spit.

"You okay there, bud?" asked Raph.

"Y-yeah" stuttered Lucien "Do you have any proof that it was there?" asked Lucien.

"No, we couldn't it was too fast and our guy wasn't even carrying a camera, he is one of the old school guy so he was carrying a Nokia" laughed Raph.

'Aah I remember now, yeah, I remember seeing a phone on the ground once, I punched the phone and was surprised that the ground underneath caved but the phone only had a scratch' Lucien rubbed his chin remembering.

"What's on your mind?" asked Raph.

"My mom... used to have one of those when I was little" chuckled Lucien sadly.

Raph seeng this sighed and rubbed his back "What happened?"

"An alpha happened" answered Lucien as he stood up to the door "I'll come back for the money later"

Once Lucien was gone, Raph sat on his desk and started playing with the claws, "Hehe rawr!" he mimicked his hands.

Suddenly the door was kicked open again and in came a fairly tall black man with cowboy outfit "Hey yo, it's B-I-G John with the biggest hunt of the year, oweeh" Big John dropped the fangs of a really old Vampire.

Raph was about to snap thinking it was Lucien who came through the door but upon seeing Big John with a small bottle, he sat straight "shit" he said as he dropped the claw.

"What's up, John?" asked Raph regaining his composure, then he saw the fangs in the small bottle in John's hands "Interesting, about 300 years old?" Raph analyzed the fangs and deduced. today just seem to keep getting better, first Lucien with werewolf claws and now Big John with an elder vampire? 'I will use all my luck on the bar and see if I can score some pussy' he thought grinning inwardly.

"Yeah!" confirmed Big John "Oh, by the way, who dafaq brought an angst kid here?" asked Big John remember seeing an angst kid kicking the air as he walked outside.


'I'm not angst' yelled Lucian in his mind, he was hearing them with his super hearing.


"No one, he found us" said Raph.

"New hunter?" asked John.

Raph nodded

"Yeehaa, gotta have some fresh blood, imma introduce him to one hot mommas around, ooweeh" sang John as he lit up another cigarette.

"Please don't kill the new kid" said Raph sighing and relaxing on his chair before taking out a cigarette himself.


I strongly recommend you read the tags I out in the auxiliar chapter if you haven't seen them

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