Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

The Union #8

Lucien after spending another night at crappy hotel where he did not worry about fleas since his body is robust and normal flees would just break trying to leach on him, he finally made it to California's Union.

By now, he had a bunch of fangs and claws to sell that he would be rich... richer, he already had the millions that the drug smuggler had, but a little more wouldn't hurt.

He entered the small shop and an asian lady was at the register.

Lucien smiled "I wanna sell some teeth" he said smiling.

The lady was stranged by this kid 'How did he know this is the entrance for the Union?' 'Why is a kid this intimidating?' and finally 'is that his dick?' she asked at last since it was quiet obvious this kid lacked sense of fashion and wore tight pants, scratching his balls from time to time making the woman wanna laugh at his actions.

"Who?" she asked.

"Right... My name is Lucien Arg-gagege" he stopped remembering that his family was a famous werewolf hunters "Lucien Argelo" he coughed.

The lady wasn't buying it but shrugged and picked up a cable phone "Sir, there is someone out here trying to sell fangs... yes, a kid" she clarified in the end.

After a few nods and short answers, the woman waved him off to the side "The elevator, click on U and you'll be there"

"Thanks Beautiful lady" said Lucien as he made his way to the elevator.

*Doki* *Doki*

The old woman's heart fluttered a little hearing the child call her beautiful, a hint of red adorned her cheeks and looked away as to not show her face to the kid "Yeah yeah whatever" she said 'uninterested'

Lucien shrugged his shoulders and entered the elevator, now that he thinks about it, how come a floor level store has an elevator?


Sure it is for the Union hunters and those who know about it but... couldn't they have bought a multiple story building to guise the elevator, if normal customers walk in they are gonna wonder why the fuck there is an elevator on the store when there is no upper and lower floor.

Lucien's head was starting to smoke the more he thought about it, so he just clicked the U button, a series of Click and bangs was heard on the other side of the elevator before opening up.


Lucien entered and whistled as he looked around, there was nothing fancy but there were hundreds of people in there and more where out hunting right now, since it was dawning again and night is when the crazy people come out, him included.

He saw a chubby woman on a registered, she did not have any one and her spot was open so he decided to go with her.

"Hello, I want a hunters license and sell my fangs and-"

"I'm busy" said the woman no sparing an eye on him.

Lucien rose an eyebrow "Fine" he said as he saw a door with a tag and on the tag there was the word "Chief"

Lucien kicked the door open, only for him to be annoyed at what he was seeing.


Before Lucien came in-

"Carol, don't let anyone bother me"

"Okay" came a monotonous voice.

The chief rolled his eyes and called another number "Baby, come to me, daddy is free right aaarrr"

There was an exchange of cat purrs before he hung up the phone and a woman came in, she was average looking but still had her curves.

Mary was looking into that promotion and she will sleep with the chief if she had to, so when the manager called her, she jumped at the opportunity.

'Poor fool' she thought as she saw how desperate the chief was 'he looks like a kid with a present' she laughed internally as he buried his face in her bosom.


They both jolted away and turn to see a kid on the door, his eyes twitching and Carol behind him with wide open eyes as she looked at the new girl with her boss.

"*Cough* I was...." the chief tried to come up with an answer but he couldn't find an excuse and there was a silence as the kid just stared at him.

Mary was unhappy and snorted away from the office, she glanced at the kid before leaving, resentment for taking her opportunity away, she didn't care that the kid was cute and seem to have a big package, she snorted and humped away 'I'll get back at you for ruining my day, kid' she promised as she left.

"Wait! Mary don't leave!" said the chief pathetically at Mary who didn't spare him a glance as she walked away.

He then looked at Lucien "This better be good or else Imma have a fit and no on-"

"Well, I wanted a hunter's license and to sell some teeth but the woman behind me ignored me so I came to complain about it to you but it seems you were desperately trying to score some kitty" explained Lucien.

The manager glared at the woman Carol "I'll excuse my self" she said and bolted away, Lucien saw her tits jumping around as she left running.


"I'll ignore you calling me desperate since I actually was, but you ruined my hot session kid... you better have some good teeth to sell otherwise I'm spanking you" warned the manager, though he couldn't actually spank him since that will probably be seen as sexual harassment and the kid in front of him seems to be the type that would beat him up instead.

The manager, Raph Seeger, took out a cigar rete and smoke it while he studied the kid up and down like a pedophile, he couldn't deny that the kid had muscles despite being around 12 or 13, his body was a little bulky but not overly so, Raph couldn't put his finger on it but he looked like someone he had seen before but he can't remember, the kid was going to be a lady killer, that was for sure, his misty gray eyes peering into him as he studied him. He was tall about 5'6" so Raph guessed he was 12 or 13, he guessed it was the latter. he had black hair, smooth black hair that Raph seems jealous he doesn't have and the way Lucien carries himself tells him he is indeed a hunter... 'also... is that his penis? damn kid has the same size I have while erect and he is limp, I bet' Raph self esteem plummeted down as he knew the kid in front of him will end up with more 'kitty' than Big John, another hunter of the Union.

"Stop looking at me like that before I call the FBI" said  Lucien.

"*cough* Right, what's your name kid?" asked Raph.

"Lucien Argelo"

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