Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

Lucien’s Parents #22

"Your mother's name was Maribel Argent" Chris took a deep breath "She was my sister and when you were going to be born, on her way to the hospital a pack of werewolves opted to take revenge on one of their betas your grandpa had killed, the alpha bit you mom in retaliation and we didn't know if she was going to make... and she didn't, between the bite and you being born, it took the toll on her and didn't survive"

Lucien was listening intently, he felt some sort of rage bubbling deep inside him the more he heard and  when Chris finished speaking, his fangs had elongated and he was gritting his teeth so hard the squeaking can be heard.

"Son, calm down" said Chris standing up putting a hand on his shoulder.

"What happened to this alpha?" asked Lucien coldly.

Chris knew where Lucien was going so he sighed "Your grandpa killed him along with his whole pack!"

"Okay" said Lucien, he still felt angry, it may sound weird and cliché but to him knowing he had a real mother that was killed by the same creature that he is, made him feel a bit disgusted.

Lucien knew then why he was turned into alpha right after he was bitten, the bite that was meant for his mother was transferred to him in some way and made him a different monster.

Lucien clenched his fist, in some ways he feels like he took part in killing his mother. He was focused on his anger that blood poured out if his hands, Allison took his hand away and gently rubbed it comfortingly, she used a cloth to wipe the blood.

"Thanks!" said Lucien. Allison stayed quiet, she didn't know how to talk to him right now, but wiped the blood from his hand.

"I'm sorry we kept this from you, Lucien" said Chris

"We wanted to tell you but it was a hard subject and you grandpa forbid us from speaking about it" Said Victoria

"Why?" asked Lucien.

"Because the werewolf that killed your mom was your father" confessed Chris looking down "your grandpa thought if you knew this than you would react badly"

It clicked in Lucien's mind, why they kicked him away when he was bitten "Is this why you reacted the way you did back then?" asked lucien.

Victoria and Chris looked down and nodded "We thought history could repeat itself, but you proved us wrong"

"You are not like the rest of them"

Lucien nodded and stood from the couch and walked outside after telling them goodnight, Allison did the same, she was about to follow her brother but Chris stopped her "Dad, he needs someone right now!" pleaded Allison but Chris just shook his head.

Lucien drove away slowly, thinking about everything he has been told, the rain drops on the windshield and car helped calm him down a little.

When he arrived home, he took a cold shower and sat on the balcony seeing the moon and hearing some howls in the distance outside Beacon Hills town.


His phone rang and saw the caller ID, it was Allison, he sighed and smiled, he took the call "Yes?"


There was silence for a few moments before Allison spoke "I'm sorry, Luci! I'm sorry about everything!"

"You don't have to be sorry, Allison, it's not like you did something wrong"

"Do you need company?" she asked

"I'm okay alone right now, thanks. I'll see you at school tomorrow Okay?" answered Lucien as he hung up.


Allison flopped on her bed, a sad look on her face, she wanted to help her brother but all she can do now is give him space.


Lucien thought more and more, and the more he thought the more confused he became, things just didn't add up.

His father angry at mom enough to bite her? so that means he is not an alpha because his mother was bitten but because his father was one and he transferred his power to him? or was his father a werewolf since birth 'No... grandpa wouldn't have let a werewolf if he knew what he was after all that old man was something else, he could deduce someone in a day or two, but why would father kill mother?'

"Argh" he shook his head in disappointment. Not only  is this sketchy, but someone else also wants him dead, out of the picture. He didn't get anything from that guy in the plane but whoever it was, it was bound to make a mistake sooner or later.

He'll just wait for the prey to pop out its head from his hiding spot and then break all their bones, He could tell by the way they wanted to handle him in the plane, they wanted him dead for sure and those five men were the ones to make sure he died before the plane crash which means they really are scared of he can do, now, Lucien could sniff them out like his moniker, the Black Dog suggests but why follow someone who wanted to kill than instead wait for them to make a mistake. Besides, he wanted a break for once so he let it be for however long he can get before shit goes down the fan.

"Welp, my emotions are back to normal" he stood up and left for his room in a good mood after his emotions dissipated.


He looked at his phone and saw multiple messages but the most recent one was from Allison.

[Allison: btw, aunt Kate will be coming in two days]


And just like that, his anger returned.


(A/n: Does the council agree this is still incest?)

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