Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

Mariko #23

(Warning: I know it isn't much (by my standards mind you) but suicide is sort of mentioned here so if you are easily triggered by that I would put a warning before the action begins. Read at your own risk)

Lucien had gone to sleep not knowing a conversation about him was going on somewhere else in secret.


Japan- Yakuza Yashida Family

Ichiro (Yakuza) Yashida, the leader of the Japan's mafia Family sat in the middle of a dark room staring at his family, his son and his crying granddaughter.

Ichiro is a middle age looking man, his demeanor was that of a serious man, his eyes glowing yellow in the darkness along with his family indicating he was not a regular man.

The Yakuza family were vampire family that ruled Japan through the shadows. Their reign started a couple hundred years ago when Ichiro looking for the immortality life happened to come across a vampire who turned him.

He then proceeded to change his whole family along with him, he changed his son and his granddaughter right away before passing his gift to the only ones he thought worthy of being in his family.

Throughout the years battles between other vampires and werewolves happened without human's knowledge. Until one day when her daughter was kidnapped by the enemy which were vampires but they had help from a pack of werewolves seeking to usurp the Yakuza family.

Ichiro did everything he could, he used his forces against his enemy slaughtering everyone he could until he came upon his daughter who laid on the ground with bite marks on her body.

These marks were werewolves bites, Ichiro felt despair  and rage and swore right there and then that he will kill any werewolf that near his country, be a good one or an evil one, they will all die, he and his son rushed the Mariko who was slowly closing her eyes due to the venom slowly killing her.

Werewolves' bite had the ability to turn humans into were beasts but used against a vampire, the bite becomes lethal with no cure known to man or monster.

That was when a huge monster the size of 9 ft tall fell from the roof, a huge hulking werewolf, his fur was as dark as night freely flowing through the wind, his eyes were slitted and fangs and claws were like silver shining under the moonlight.

Ichiro stepped back in fear, he felt the primal fear inside him telling him to run, the beast looked imposing and all of them looked miniature in front of it.

He wanted to run but seeing his granddaughter defenseless dying body being picked up by the beast, he yelled at it and even attacked it, but the beast just pushed him away.

Ichiro understood that the beast meant no harm so he commanded his family to stand back and watched in wonder as the werewolf gently marked Mariko's left breast with a claw wound and saw with wide eyes as all the venom from the bites gathered around the claw and a small glob of pure venom floated in the air before it was swallowed by the beast, once it swallowed it, the beast released a sighed of hot air towards Mariko who slowly opened her eyes and panicked, screamed and kicked away from the beast.

Ichiro and Shingen rushed to the scared girl and comforted her.

Ichiro bowed to the now transforming man in front of them, they saw as his clothes magically and mysteriously appeared after transforming, his mask hiding his face, even as a human, the beast now a man stood tall in front of them.

The mysterious creature approached the scared Mariko who shook in front of him, Shingen, her father explained to her that he had saved her and Mariko shakily bowed to the man.

The masked man stopped in front of her and opened her blouse showing her tit to him, she widened her eyes and blushed fiercely as she felt helpless.

"I'm sorry for the wound... I am Van" spoke the masked man in Japanese to Mariko, she widened her eyes, she can feel the smile behind the masked man, she blushed and looked at the mark on her boob, she traced the wound, it didn't hurt despite being fresh and soon she smiled looking at her mark.

She looked up to talk to the mask man and talk him that it was okay but the masked man was already talking with her grandfather.

Soon her grandfather used his power and everyone but the family fell on the ground.


Ichiro remembering this from the past clenched his fist hearing about what had happened to Van. He saw Van as his son after spending only a few days with them. Van was the candidate he had chosen for Mariko to marry after that.

"We must do something about this" said Shingen, Ichiro's son.

Ichiro nodded "Yes, but we have to do this carefully and under the radar, whoever it was, it had to be someone powerful" explained the head of the Yakuza.

Ichiro had contacts in the Hunter's association in Japan but if he were to look for answers than he would be seen as a potential target from whoever did this to Van.

"Marik-" Ichiro wanted to tell her granddaughter that they were going to do everything in their power to find out who had done it but Mariko had stood from her seat and left the meeting crying before Ichiro could tell her.


Mariko cried as she touched the mark from Van on her bust, she traced it lovingly thinking she was marked as his woman, Van sure liked to tease her that way before making her always blush and shy away from him.

She was already over 100 years yet someone younger than her made her feel like a school girl, she knew Van was young, his scent tell her that. Van's scent can't be smelt by others but when he was close enough for Mariko to nipped at his neck before she could smell his youth, his vitality was enormous.

Mariko blushed remembering the nights she basically licked his whole body while he slept, it was creepy but pleasurable more so for Mariko who always came whenever he did thing to her.

(Warning!!: Here it is my friend, skip the next paragraphs if you want but it isn't too heavy to be honest, it's just what Mariko actually did in the The Wolverine movie. oh Yeah Ichiro, Shingen and Mariko are based on The Wolverine movie just a little change in here)

So now that Van was gone and she felt her mark no longer hot like before when Van was 'alive' than it told Mariko that Van was really dead, so she ran for a while until she found a cliff with rocky mountains below, she cried a red tear "Anata" she whispered before leaning forward, she closed her eyes and suddenly saw a vision of a young man with dark hair and beautiful grey eyes staring at her in front of her.

She jumped away from the cliff into a safe spot and the young man approached her wiping her tear away "Come find me" spoke the figure before it dispersed into tiny dust particles and disappeared with the wind.

"Anata!!" yelled Mariko, she touched his mark on her bust and felt hot again, she shook in relief and knelt on the ground "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry" she cried thinking Van felt disappointed that she was about to take her own life, she felt pathetic but what she felt most was love and excitement, she rushed to her home and didn't bother to tell her father or grandfather anything, she just took off with her belongings.

Outside the Yakuza compound stood the old man Ichiro smiling as he saw his granddaughter run "So you are alive after all" mused Ichiro.

"Sir, should we stop our search?" asked a young Vampire behind the old man.

"No" replied Ichiro, suddenly the young vampire felt a chill run down his spine as he looked at his master grinning.

"I still want to know who dared do this... however" Ichiro turned and his glowing eyes stared at the young vampire "you will forget everything I said before and forget Van is alive, to you he is still dead"

The young vampire's eyes glazed "I will forget" he mumbled before regaining his focus.

The young vampire shook his head feeling a little spaced out "Do you have any orders for me, sir?" asked the young vampire.

"No, just keep on with the search of who murdered Van" said Ichiro looking into the distance, specially to his granddaughter 'good travels little bird' he thought as he disappeared from his spot.


Lucien woke up from his dream "Wow, if I hadn't showed up in time  Mariko would have really jumped. Lucien saw the height and couldn't help but laugh because the jump wasn't going to kill her but break her.

"Guess, I'll soon have a roommate" he mused and got out of bed with a huge boner.

"I need Jocelyn pretty lips right around now" he laughed and made his way to the showers.

(A/n: First of all. It may seem like a loophole but Ichiro erased everyone's memories of Lucien transforming back to his human form, all they remember was that the young man saved their mistress. Lucien already knew of Ichiro's Prowers so he wasn't worried of asking him to do this, he knows a honorable man when sees one)

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