Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

The Bite, The Code and the First Transformation #2

Peter was chaotic evil, he lived for drama and just now, he had a beautiful idea or so he thinks.

Lucien got on his bike and rode away, Peter soon followed him after changing to his alpha form.

Lucien did not know of the danger he was in, not until the alpha jumped on him and threw him off his bike.

"Uurghh" groaned Lucien as he stood up and looked around, knife in his hand. He heard rustling behind him and quickly turned around, the alpha jumped on him with his mouth open ready to bite at him.

Lucien held his knife tightly and swung at the alpha in a fast movement that not even the alpha was able to evade on time, but his knife could barely penetrate its skin as it was hard, he cursed for bringing a regular blade with him, the knife was stuck but his mind rapidly told him to duck, he evaded a slash on his abdomen by kicking the alpha stomach and roll away, but the alpha was faster than him and bit him.

The alpha did what he had come to do and bit his lower ribs then left. Lucien gritted his teeth and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Aarghh no no no!" he panicked because he knows what happens after and his family have a strict code that if one hunter becomes a werewolf then he or she must take his own life.

Lucien grabbed the knife and shakily placed the tip on his chest, he started shedding tears and gritting his teeth in defiance he had to do it... for the code and his family... but he didn't want to die. He wanted to live and protect his dear sister.


"I-I'm sorry I'm sorry mom and dad... forgive me Allison" he had red eyes from crying, but he still couldn't pushed the knife into his chest, he was wired since kid to follow the code but his will to live and see Allison, Dad and mom again was stronger than a measly code.

He couldn't, he dropped the knife and ran home, he made it to the house where Victoria and Chris were waiting for him outside, their faces sported anger but upon seeing his bloodied stomach, they rushed to him.

"What happened!?" asked Victoria worried.

"Where were you?" asked Chris but decided to ask something else instead "Are you okay?" he asked worried too. He wanted to check his wound or if he had any but Lucien kept his shirt down tightly.

Lucien did not answer and just cried there while holding his shirt down, Chris knew he was hiding something and gently pulled his shirt up after his mother removed his hands gently.

Victoria gasped upon seeing the bite, she recoiled backwards "no no you can't! not you! not my baby!" she said scared with shaky hands.

Chris was more calmed on the outside but in the inside he was raging "Who?" he asked.

"I-I don't know... it was an alpha" he said scared of what his father might do "I tried to take my own life... but I couldn't dad, all I could think about was Allison and you, I don't want to leave you, I don't want to die mom... dad!" he said sniffing in between sentences.

Both parents stayed quiet for a moment, the silence was killing Lucien and he stepped forward towards his mother and she stepped back.

Lucien seeing this was scared "M-mom... it's mee!" he said with shaky voice.

"And soon you'll be one of them!" she said fast.

"No! I will be different, I promise! I won't hurt people!" said Lucien wanting his mother to believe him, that was all he needs right now, someone to believe him.

"I can't.... I can't... have you live with us... go!" said Victoria with heavy heart and tears in her eyes.

Lucien looked to his father, Chris lowered his head, Victoria is the matriarch of the house and he still love his son but what he has become, they aren't ready to deal with this yet, they've never dealt with this before so they didn't know how to act beside, Chris's father was strict on the code so it was best if Lucien just... leave.

Lucien felt betrayed, he stepped back "o-okay" he said before he ran as fast as he could.

Chris yelled at him to stop but Lucien mind was filled with sadness and couldn't hear him, Chris wanted to at least prepare his son with the essentials before leaving.

Once he left, Victoria burst into to tears, Chris held his wife "I had to send him away! or else he would have to die due to our hunter's code!" said Victoria crying "it's for the best, it's for his own good... I rather him hate us than be dead, I know he can take care of himself, he is a great hunter like his dad and I know he will be able to control it in the future but in two days, there is a full moon and I'm sure he would not be able to control that"


Allison waited for her brother but he never came back home, mom and dad had told her he ran away from home, but she was a smart girl and she knew her brother better than anyone, after all she sleeps with him and he tells her stories, but her parents wouldn't lie to her either so maybe her brother really did abandoned her like aunt Kate had told her.


That same night when Lucien ran away, there was a huge fire in a house deep in the woods, this fire would later be called the Hale Fire, as almost everyone in the house were burned alive.

When Lucien saw the news about the fire he felt sad that he couldn't change their fates.

Lucien walked and walked for hours turned days, the first full moon came and he ended up into the dessert in New Mexico, he didn't even know he walked this far for two whole days stopping only to hunt animals, he felt like he needed to be as far away from them as possible.

In the middle of night, with his new senses, he sensed a group of people not far from him, he hoped they will go away, pain started to surface in his body, his bones cracked.

"Aaaaghhhh" he screamed and then gritted his teeth,  he could feel his bones breaking and reforming, every muscle move and reshaped, his back arched.


"What do we do?" asked a woman wearing very little clothes.

The leader of the group raised her hand and they stopped whispering, the leader looked at the young boy and then smiled "He is different than normal werewolves"


A strong resonating howl that shook the earth around the beast was heard, animals fled while nearby were creatures shook their heads in defiance.

"He is born an alpha" commented the leader as they saw the 6 ft tall dark hair beast standing on two feet, pointy ears, silver like claws and fangs, red eyes.

"So should we kill him?" asked one of the Skinwalkers.

"No... we keep him and train him" said the leader

"that's impossible, we've never had a male amongst us!" said a few of them, clearly not happy about the decision.

"I am the leader and I say he will be ours and we'll be his" the leader turned to the women who opposed her and glared "Are we cleared?"

They nodded and stepped back. The leader looked at the werewolf again and then suddenly a hole opened up beneath Lucien.


The alpha werewolf roared as he was entrapped under ground

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