Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

The Hunters Code #1

"We are going to burn that house and kill everyone in it" said a young, dirty blonde woman who was about to lead a group of hunters out.

Lucien Argent is the big brother of Allison Argent and the son of Victoria and Chris Argent also the nephew of the woman he had just heard.

His heart was beating super fast because his father always taught him the code when they go hunting for  killer werewolves.

He was 10 years old and due to going out on hunts he had a saying in supernatural matters as well as for being the son of the man of house, so he stepped up to his aunt "You can't do that!"

"We have a code" he said firmly, not trying to look weak in front of them.

"Awww, Lucien always so sweet but right now he is being a bad boy, why don't you go play with Allison I heard she was looking for you" said Kate pushing her nephew out of the room.

Lucien stood his ground and grabbed her wrist surprising Kate, he was already strong due to training, still though, Kate was stronger since being older and more experienced but the strength Lucien had surprised her.

"Let go, Lucien!" said Kate angrily at him.

"Not if you are still planning to do it... there are kids there!" said Lucien angry though he looked cute but Kate did not see this as cute, instead it irritated her and pulled her hand hard.

"If you so much as think of telling this to your dad then you better take care of Allison because accidents happens" warned Kate as she walked away.

"You bitch!" murmured Lucien in anger, it was the first time he's called his aunt that and it felt good.

Right now, he needs to find a way to warn the Hales, the Hales are a pack of good werewolves, well, at least most of them. Peter is a nut job but still, most of them are and Lucien feels like he needs to warn them because if he doesn't then their blood will also be in his hands now. He was after all just 10 years old and despite hunting with his dad, he feels sad when he kills werewolves so he decided to do something and pray while exterminating the beasts, to his father and mother this looked like he cared about this hunting job but to the ones he killed gave them the chills before death.

After all, who in their right mind would pray for a werewolf before killing it cold blooded?

Lucien carried a silver cross on his necks and when he was killing supernaturals, he will be doing so while praying for their soul, doing this made Lucien feel a little better despite probably those souls going to hell but he still did it either way.


He decided to leave to the Hale house but at the front door, Allison spread her arms not letting him go.

"Where do you think you are going?" she asks haughtily demanding an answer.

All his anger deflated upon seeing his cute sister who had just come back from France for vacations in Beacon Hills.

He smiled, then smirked and stalked his prey, Allison seeing his signature move whenever he is about to tackle her and tickle her, starts to run away from him while giggling.

"Noooo" she screams while laughing as Lucien runs behind her.

"Raaaarwwgh" Lucien caught her and started tickling her.

Allison giggled uncontrollably "Stwap!! no more no moree! hahaha"

"Not until you say you are sorry!" said Lucien.

"Okay okay okay.... I'm sorwry! now stopppahh hahaha" yelled Allison.

Lucien stopped and Allison rapidly stood up and sat on her brother's lap moving her head under his chin showing that she wanted him to pet her head.

Lucien giggled and did so, after a couple of minutes, Allison had fallen asleep.

Her brother's caressing her head always makes her feel at peace and sleepy.

Lucien put her sleeping body on the couch and left the house, he got onto his small dirt bike and left, Kate couldn't had gotten that far besides, she had to pick up some things on the way so he still had a few minutes in advantage.


Allison woke up finding herself alone on the couch, she pouted and humphed to her brother's room. She will sleep there as punishment for him leaving her alone, though not that she didn't like it, she loved sleeping with her brother,  he always touches her head when on bed and makes her feel giddy.

"Alison, where is your brother?" asked Victoria.

"I don't know... he was gone when I woke up" replied Allison.

Victoria nodded and left to find her son, it was time for his training. Allison just went back to bed.


The closer Lucien got to the Hale's house, the more anxious he felt, but he ignored those feelings and kept going until he finally reached the home in the middle of the woods.

Lucien looked around and sighed not seeing Kate yet. He was going to the front door when a man appeared behind him and grabbed him by the back of his neck.

"Let go! I came to talk to Talia!" Lucien swung his arms and legs around while Peter just laughed.

"Why should I take you to her and not kill you right away? you are an Argent after all" growled Peter in anger.

"Because... Kate is coming here to kill you all!" said Lucien, he knew telling Peter this was probably a bad idea but Peter soon let go and Lucien went inside the house, being followed by Peter.

"Peter, what's wrong?" asked a beautiful woman once they entered.

"I think we might have a problem, you have to listen to this little guy, he told the truth so far since I didn't hear his heart beat jumped even once, well anymore that is"

Peter and the woman talked for a few seconds before Peter motioned him to come closer. He did "Tell her what you told me"

Lucien nodded "It's my aunt Kate, she is breaking the code, I tried to talk to her but she even threatened to kill Allison if I spoke with father so I came to warn you, she will be here any moment now and she is bringing hunters with her, she plans to kill you all!" Lucien stopped and took a deep breath.

Talia nodded since she also did not hear any heart beat spike but she was an alpha and she wasn't afraid of hunters, but she was still grateful for the warning.

"Thanks for telling us but why? you could have just let us die you know" asked Talia.

"Because we only hunt those who hunt us" said Lucien in a serious tone.

Talia smiled at the resolve of this little man, she patted his head and crouched down "Thank you for the warning, now go home kid. Being here will be dangerous" Talia approached Lucien and placed a kissed on his cheek.

"Peter, escort him outside" commanded Talia.

"Kid?" muttered Lucien and pouted while leaving proving Talia's remark.

Peter nodded and guided Lucien outside. Once outside Peter smirked looking at the little hunter.

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