TF Amethyst

TFA2 28.3 – Retreat to Penna Hill

With ease dozens of Humvee passed the front gate of supervisor office. Other than three M1151 Weapon Carriers to help Lieutenant Reznik guard the front gate, Captain Tiffany brought the remaining Humvees to capture Donte, the main objective of tonight raid.

The distance from the front gate to the inner yard was about 150 meters and the attack team met almost no resistance. More than half of Makai guards on the supervisor office were too drunk to fight. Meanwhile, the shooter team had wiped out a small number of bowmen on the archer tower and rooftop. 

Initially, some sober Makai guards tried to organize a defensive measure. However, after shooter team nailed their leader, they immediately went into hiding. After stationing four M1151 Weapon Carriers on each intersection around the inner yard, Captain Tiffany took two nine-man squads to snatch Donte. 

There was only one corridor she could use to enter the inner yard. In this corridor a squad of Makai guards blocked her way. From a corner before the corridor, she peeked at the neatly line-up Makai guards. Shield and spear in the front and bowman in the rear, fifty Makai guards at least.

“They form a good defensive formation,” Captain Tiffany calmly said. “It would be very hard to penetrate it using arrow and sword.”

After chuckling for a moment Sergeant Stern said, “Unfortunately, they have to face assault rifle and grenade.”

“Yeah.” After taking a deep breath, Captain Tiffany loudly offered the Makai guards in the corridor a chance to surrender, “We just wanted Donte. Give him to us and we will be on our way.”

A reply was heard from behind the blockade, “Miss Tiffany, is that you?”

Captain Tiffany recognized the voice and immediately replied, “I’m.”

“Miss Tiffany, I don’t know why you attack this place, but I had already sent a runner to City Guard HQ. They will come in a few minutes. You better leave now.” 

“Captain Rawal, I don’t think your runner had a chance to leave this place,” Captain Tiffany calmly said. “Please, don’t sacrifice your men’s life for a scumbag like Donte.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” Captain Rawal firmly replied.

“You are a good officer, Captain. It’s a shame you have scumbag like Donte as your superior officer.”

“Yeah, I know.” 

After heaving a deep sigh, Captain Tiffany turned her gaze towards Sergeant Stern. “They had made their choice, let’s respect it.”

“Understood.” Without delay, Sergeant Stern gave his squad signal to attack the corridor.  

Clank clang cla-cla-claaaannk!!

Two high-frag grenades hit the floor before rolling over until it arrived two steps in front of shield holders. The shield holders looked at the two grenades with wondering eyes, without realizing that their life was under imminent danger from those two small round objects.


Without prior warning, the two high-frag grenades exploded almost simultaneously. The fragmentation with ease penetrated the wooden shield, and although it failed to penetrate the chest plate wore by the shield holders, it still produced dozens of cuts on unprotected arm, thigh, or shin.

In an instant, heart shattering screams filled the whole corridor. The shield formation was broke, while some bowmen fired their arrow accidentally. As for the remaining spearmen, panic and confuse clouded their mind. 

At the same time, the attack teams steadily entered the corridor in two rows. One squad on the left, and the other one on the right. 

Brrrrttt! B-Brrrtt! Brrrrrrrrrrttt!!


Without second thought, the two pointmen launched a spray and pray from their silenced Scorpion Evo. The Makai guards on the corridor couldn’t fight back as the rain of 9 mm rounds hit their body. 

Each pointman spent the first magazine in two breaths, swiftly changing into second magazine, and then continued the spray and pray. It required four fully loaded magazines before all Makai guards in the corridor fell to the floor. Blood was flowing out from their wound like a flood.

The raid team was still ten steps away from the closest fallen Makai guards, but the spreading pool of blood had reached their combat boot. Ordinary people would throw up or at least received a great shock when they saw so much bloods and death bodies from close range. 

However, the raid team calmly walked over the thick pool of blood and piled of fallen Makai guards. It was easy to tell that this was not their first bloody raid. Not to mention, when the two pointmen found Makai guards who were still breathing, they would shot them on the forehead.

As soon as they entered the inner yard the raid team immediately searched the place throughfully, but they found no one.

After taking a glance on the camp fire and stone table full of food and wine, Captain Tiffany said, “Donte is the bunker, let’s breach it.”

“Aye Ma’am,” Sergeant Stern calmly replied.

Other than the raid to take over the inner yard, the raid team had also simulated the breach to the bunker below it. They were fully aware that the huge block of stone table in the middle of the inner yard was the door to the bunker, and if someone had locked it from inside it was nearly impossible to open it from outside.

Fortunately, with proper application C4 would destroy the stone table. C4 was not the best option to destroy a hard object. However, it was the most stable explosive that a frontline squad could carry all the time. Not to mention, it had wide range of flexibility on how a non-demolition specialist could use it

Without delay, two members of raid team who had qualification for setting up C4 made a preparation. At the same time, the remaining member of raid team secured the area. 


In a calm mood, Donte enjoyed a bottle of high quality wine. He was sure the attacker would easily take over the small fort, but he was not worry. Donte had absolute confidence on the huge stone table that blocked the entry to the bunker. 

He believed the reinforcement from City Guard HQ would be arrived before the attacker could destroy the stone table. Unfortunately, Donte’s calculation didn’t include C4 in the equation.


Without prior warning, a loud explosion suddenly rocked every corner of the bunker, followed by big chunk of stones that fell on the staircase under the entry point. In an instant, cold sweat drenched Donte’s back as people on black clothes suddenly entered the bunker and arrived before him.

However, Donte’s pale face returned to normal as he recognized the attacker was woodcutter from Penna Hill. Moreover, the woman he admired with every single fiber of his existence was among them.

“Miss Tiffany, even if you have a grudge against me, I don’t think attacking this small fort is a wise action,” Donte calmly said. “But I can overlook this incident if you accept my offer to become my wife.”

In a flat tone Captain Tiffany replied, “Thank’s for the offer, but no.”

Donte looked at Captain Tiffany for a moment before saying, “You will regret it.”

“I won’t.” Wasting no time, Captain Tiffany then explained, “Ser Donte, we are at war and if it up to me, I will have execute you right here right now.”

In an instant a big question mark popped up on Donte’s forehead, “How can we are at a war?” 

“Please allow me to reintroduce myself,” Captain Tiffany calmly said. “Tiffany Lockwood, Captain of Ground Combat Group, TF Amethyst.”

Donte was familiar with the name of TF Amethyst. For the last few days, he had heard a lot of things about them. For example, TF Amethyst was the biggest reason for the defeat of Kingdom of Makai in their effort to retaliate on Kingdom of Buriek.

He also heard a lot of talk that TF Amethyst was preparing an attack on Makai Royal City. However, never did Donte imagine that he would become the victim of that attack.

“How many manpower TF Amethyst have in Penna Hill? I’m sure it will not exceed five thousand and it wills not enough,” Donte confidently said. “Currently, Makai Guard had established defensive network up to 300 km from Makai Royal City to all direction. They have more than two million combatants and a few thousand Riders.”

“We will kill them all if we have to,” Captain Tiffany ignored Donte’s mocking expression as she turned her gaze towards Sergeant Stern. “Let’s wrap over this raid and retreat.”

“As your command.” Wasting no time, Sergeant Stern ordered two men to escort Donte out of the bunker. Then, as he looked at bag of money, pile of banknote, and other valuables at a corner he asked, “Capt, maybe we can also take valuable on this bunker.”

“We have no time for that,” Captain Tiffany firmly replied. “Reznik has to interrogate Donte before we launch third strike this afternoon.”

“Aye.” Deep regret gripped Sergeant Stern’s heart, but he didn’t argue.

A few minutes later, the attack team and blocking team had already on their way to Penna Hill. They were retreating in full speed while carrying the main objective for tonight raid.


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