TF Amethyst

TFA2 29.1 – Chicken in the Pot

TFA2 29.1 – Chicken in the Pot

To carry the Tiger Leap, one of Jack Sparrow’s offensive means was Heavy Mortar M120 120 mm. In total, Jack Sparrow had a platoon of eight mortar squads. Each squad had five-man crew and mortar shelter in separate locations. 

The separation was done to prevent the mortar platoon from being wiped out in one go. However, this separation wouldn’t reduce their capability to launch an On Time On Target fire mission. In short, network centric in Jack Sparrow would enable them to hit one target at the same time.

On the west side of Penna Hill, or to be precise on a small opening in the middle of towering Blackpines, a mortar squad calmly enjoyed their breakfast. They were on combat duty until the next four hours, so they couldn’t leave their mortar shelter other than for nature call.

It was casual and light breakfast. A cup of coffee and egg sandwich with cheese and thick bacon. And suddenly, Sergeant Turner, the leader of the mortar squad, received a radio call.

[Command to Slingshot 3-1, do you copy?]

After taking a sip of his coffee to washed down bacon sandwich he just chewed, Sergeant Turner pressed PTT button on his chest. “Slingshot 3-1 to Command, I read you crystal clear.”

[Slingshot 3-1, we have chicken in the pot, be ready to provide some fire.]

Wasting no time Sergeant Turner took out a small notepad and pen. “Copy, what type of fire do you need?”

[One gun, one round, high-fragmentation, 81 mm, laser-guided. Grid designator delta zulu seven-two, oscar romeo five-six.]

“Slingshot 3-1 to Command, reconfirm, one gun, one round, high-fragmentation, 81 mm, laser-guided. Grid designator, delta zulu seven-two, oscar romeo five-six.”

[Slingshot 3-1, you have correct fire, stand by for the green, Command over and out.]

As soon as the radio call ended Sergeant Turner said to his team, “Be ready, we have chicken in the pot.”

“““Aye Top.””””

The whole team replied cheerfully. This was their first fire mission, so they were very excited. At the same time question mark filled their mind to the brim, as only high value target had predetermined grid designator.

“Top, what is our target?” Gunner Damien asked curiously.

“I don’t know, but it’s not in Makai Royal City.” After taking a glance on the grid designator Sergeant Turner continued, “The impact point is 11 km northwest of our position.”

“I see.”

“Well then, this is our first splash, let’s make it as a good as we can.”


Wasting no time, Sergeant Turner and his squad prepared the fire mission. First, they installed M303 Sub-Caliber Insert. This piece of equipment would allow M120 to fire 81 mm round.

Then, they prepared one 81 mm guided round. This guided round had wings, control fins, GPS/INS or laser seeker to guide it, and could reach a range of 12 km in three minutes. It also didn’t whistle when flying to its target. Therefore, the mortar crew also called it as a silent round.


About ten minutes later, Sergeant Turner and his team received the green to execute the fire mission. Without delay, they carried it out.


The 81 mm guided round leaved the mortar tube smoothly, jumped to the sky, and then flew to its target silently. 


Four kilometer north of Makai Royal City, a mansion stood majestically. This huge and luxury mansion was Prince Dellan’s official living quarter. He received it from King Makai XXII two years ago, as a gift for his graduation from Makai Royal Academy.

Five days ago, Prince Dellan had returned from Tumbra Region. Since then, he would spend most of his time in his mansion and pouring his energy to rebuild Battle Group C. He didn’t even attend strategy meeting in Makai Royal Hall, and only sending Marquis Valmire as his representative. 

And so, every morning Prince Dellan would receive some updates from Marquis Valmire. After taking a sip of his tea, Prince Dellan turned his gaze towards Marquis Valmire.

“Uncle Valmire, what update do you have today?” 

In respectful tone Marquis Valmire replied, “Last night, The Majesty had ordered Grand Admiral Shoel to take over Battle Group B’s command element.”

“Sending the best admiral from Makai Navy to take over Battle Group B is good choice,” Prince Dellan calmly expressed his agreement. “Will Admiral Shoel bring 9th Makai Royal Fleet with him?”

“No, he will bring only his carrier ships and a dozen of cruisers as escort.”

“When will he depart?”

“In four to six days.” After pausing for a moment Marquis Valmire continued, “The Majesty will also help Your Highness rebuild Battle Group C, and expecting we can depart as soon as possible in full power.”

After slightly nodded Prince Dellan cheerfully said, “With the help from The Majesty, I believe we will be ready to sail in ten days.”


As he deeply looked at Marquis Valmire, Prince Dellan asked, “Uncle Valmire, can you take Uncle Velker’s position and becomes my right hand?

‘It will be a great honor to serve Your Highness Prince. This humble servant will serve you with his utmost, till his last breath,” Marquis Valmire firmly replied.

“Good. I believe Uncle Valmire will be a great help for me.” Price Dellan happily smiled before continued, “I know member of your family from Uncle Velker’s branch don’t support the decision to choose you as new family head.

However, I will help you solidifies your authority and assist you to seize the tittle of Duke that Uncle Velker left behind. In return, don’t use violence or harsh means to suppress direct lineage of Uncle Velker.”

“Your Highness is wise and full of compassion.”

“I’m just preventing a loyal vassal family from getting destroyed because of internal power struggle.” After a moment of silent, Prince Dellan then stood from his chair. “Before starting today meeting with the rest, let’s have some exercise.”

“As your command, Your Highness.”

Wasting no time, Prince Dellan and Marquis Valmire went to the range in the side yard. After choosing a longbow and a quiver full of arrows, the two took a firing stance in middle of the range or about 100 meters before a row of target practice made of straw.

This was not their first longbow practice. Since his return, Prince Dellan would have a longbow practice with Marquis Valmire every morning. This exercise helped him to reduce the bitterness that had plagued his heart after the defeat of Battle Group C.

However, Prince Dellan and Marquis Valmire didn’t realize that IDG’s element in Jack Sparrow was closely monitoring their morning routine. And at this moment, while they were loosening up their wrist and shoulder, an 81 mm mortar round was silently approaching their position.

With ease, Reaper in the high sky used laser designation to mark the impact point just two steps behind Prince Dellan and Marquis Valmire. Then, the incoming mortar round finally arrived.


It was perfect hit to the intended impact point. The blast fragmentation cleanly cut Prince Dellan and Marquis Valmire on the legs, just slightly below the knee. At the same time, the shockwave hit their body like an invisible club and lobbed them to the air. The two met their death even before their body hit the ground.

As for the mansion guards who guarded the range, they could only freaked out. Their face rapidly became as pale as corpse as they ran over to the two destroyed bodies in the middle of the range. 


In the underground Command Center, Colonel Meyer observed the mortar strike through aerial footage from Reaper. A few seconds after the mortar round completed its mission, he personally radioed Sergeant Turner.

“Command to Slingshot 3-1, you cook the chicken well, tell your men they did a good job.”

[Copy, we are ready for the next round.]

“Not so fast, Slingshot 3-1, stand by for now, Command over and out.”

After sipping of his coffee, Colonel Meyer turned his gaze towards Major Alfred. “Two successful strikes so far.”

Major Alfred slightly nodded and said, “I hope the third strike will also go according to the plan.”

“So do I,” Colonel Meyer heaving a deep sigh before continued, “But last night I had another dream about my funeral.”

“Damn…” Major Alfred swore in half whisper.

This was not the first time Colonel Meyer had a dream about his funeral just before a raid. The last time he had it was before an attempt to capture one of the most wanted targets in CIA’s shit list. In this raid, he lost two choppers and failed to save the crews and the raid team.

“Maybe, just maybe, we can pray. Asking a divine intervention to help our effort in stopping the war against Kingdom of Makai,” Major Alfred calmly proposed an idea.

“Nope,” Colonel Meyer flatly rejected Major Alfred’s idea. “I’m a catholic, remember?”

“I do. You are a catholic who believed our Father in heaven is a good Father, and like any good father He will expecting His children to be tough and wise enough to take cares of their own problem.”

“Yeah.” After a pause Colonel Meyer said, “Let’s launch the third strike and wrap this senseless war up.”

“Aye Sir.”

Without delay Major Alfred relayed the launching code for the third strike, or to be precise the air assault on Makai Royal Hall.


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