TF Amethyst

TFA2 29.2 – Air Assault

TFA2 29.2 – Air Assault

With a complicated gaze, Donte looked at the long table before him. A few minutes ago, an extremely detailed and precise map of Makai Royal Palace was displayed on that table. Worst of all, after he drank a cup of tea he got from one of his interrogators, he lost his ability to lie.

Every time he got a question to confirm a classified information about Makai Royal Palace, he couldn’t stop himself from answered it with every drop of knowledge he had. Only in matter of hours, he had spilled out huge chunk of information that normally would require years of effort to acquire it.  

Not to mention, most of those information were tightly related to Makai Royal Hall, one of the most guarded area in Makai Royal Palace. Therefore, it was natural that up to this moment cold sweats were still drenching Donte’s back like a flood.

‘What I have done,’ Donte muttered as he imagined his head was rolling away from his body.

Then, Lieutenant Reznik suddenly entered the interrogation room while carrying a plate of egg sandwich and a big cup of orange juice.

“Ser Donte, please have a breakfast. You maybe haven’t felt it yet, but the interrogation formula is draining your energy.” 

Lieutenant Reznik said in a calm tone. He didn’t use flattering tone like the one he usually used when visiting Donte in his office. At the same time, he also didn’t have mocking expression that an interrogator would usually and proudly show to his prisoner.

After looking at the egg sandwich and orange juice in front of him, Donte turned his gaze towards Lieutenant Reznik, and in tone full of hatred he said, “Reznik, you are a fucking liar.”

“Well, I heard that a lot,” Lieutenant Reznik calmly replied. “But history is full of liars, mostly are dictators who wielded power far bigger than mine. I’m just a drop of water in the ocean, nothing else and else.”

After slightly snorting Donte curiously asked, “What is your unit and rank?”

“First Lieutenant, Intelligence and Diplomacy Group.”

“I know intelligence people and diplomacy people work together most of the time, but only fool will put them together under one command structure.”

Lieutenant Reznik nodded in agreement. “In most case it’s true. Normally, a country would separate diplomacy and intelligence into two departments so the highest authority could assess the situation objectively. 

But TF Amethyst is not a country. It’s just a huge mercenary group. So, we adopt many policies in compact version to spare us from unnecessary spending, protocol, and bureaucracy.”

After silent for a moment Donte warily asked another question, “What will you do with the information you squeeze from me?”

“Use it to help my superior officer capture King Makai XXII.”

“Insane fool.”

“If you say so.” Lieutenant Reznik slightly nodded before continuing, “However, after killing a Prince, it’s only proper if our next target is the king himself.”

“What did you say?”

As Donte gave him a big questioning gaze, Lieutenant Reznik calmly explained, “A few minutes ago, we killed Prince Dellan and his right hand.”

“You are bluffing.”

“We are not.” 

“Killing a prince will trigger an irreconcilable war.”

“Well,” Lieutenant Reznik casually said. “For the last thousand years, nobles in Amstell Continent wage a war left and right as if it’s a recreational activity, because a ransom can guarantee their safety even if they suffer a total defeat.

So, it’s time to wake them up. TF Amethyst doesn’t give a damn about ransom. War against us is a sure way to arrive in afterlife.”

“And what if Kingdom of Makai refuses to back down?”

“Regrettably but surely, TF Amethyst will wipe Kingdom of Makai out off the map.”


Donte gulped hard as he realized that even if Lieutenant Reznik said his words casually, steel resolved was reflected in his eyes. Not to mention, a moment later Lieutenant Reznik showed him the recording of how Prince Dellan and Marquis Valmire met with their end.

“Ser Donte, before we start the next interrogation, I suggest you eat your breakfast.”

In a defeated tone Donte replied, “Reznik, I already told you all information I know about Makai Royal Palace.”

“Yes, you did. But as member of Makai Royal Family, I believe you have other valuable information and my job is to milk it to the last drop.”

As he took a glance on the orange juice in front of him Donte asked, “Do you mix the interrogation formula in this orange juice?”

“No, excessive use of interrogation formula can lead into brain damage. We will only use it once a week, when we have to confirm the truth of the information you have provide.”

“I see.”

After heaving a deep sigh, Donte then started enjoying his breakfast. He chose to fully cooperate rather than put a meaningless fight. To be precise, he decided to preserve his life at any necessary mean.


Like any other tier two units in TF Amethyst, 2nd Air Assault Brigade put a great emphasize in combat readiness for its infantry element. Every infantry from the lowest to highest rank had to be ready to be deployed in front line at short notice, both mentally and physically. Therefore, rigorous training regime was like second nature for them.

Every week, every infantry from first company, first battalion, 2nd Air Assault Brigade or 2-11 Company had to meet the quota of 35 hours of physical exercise. This quota didn’t include recreation sport like basketball, volley, or tennis. 

As for marksmanship, they had to visit shooting range or CQB house three times a week, 35 round of live ammo each. This was not including combat simulation using Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System or MILES. 

Once every three months, on an unscheduled time, the whole company would conduct a 54-hours war game. After 40 km cross country in full gear, they had to seize hostile camp in a forest, mock-town, or in the middle of nowhere. 

In this war game, each personnel could spend 200-300 rounds at pop-up targets behind a window, on the roof, on tree top, behind a tree, behind a car, and then clearing another series of pop-up target room by room or hut by hut.

Calling close air support, artillery strike, or aerial cas-evac were also in the menu. It was not rare that they would also have unpleasant surprise in the end of the war game. Instead of hot food and hot bath, they got Osprey or choppers to airlift them to the next target. Then, they conducted an air assault when they were already half-dead mentally and physically.

Meanwhile, when they have combat mission, the quota for physical exercise would decrease into 20 hours per week, mainly for endurance training and martial arts. In return, the quota for marksmanship increased into 150 rounds per day. As for the rest of their spare time, they used it to drill every intel they needed into their mind, or sharpening individual skill such as radio operator, paramedic, demolition, booby trap, etc.

In short, for the last two weeks 2-11 AA Company had done whatever they could to ensure the capture of King Makai XXII. If after all that rigorous preparation they still failed, then they could only blame it to Granny Bad Luck.

After taking a deep breath, Captain Mullen looked deeply at second platoon of 2-11 AA Company. Each personnel wore dry moss combat fatigue, along with combat boot, glove, tactical vest, and FAST helmet all in dark grey. They stood ramrod straight, brimming with confidence, but at the same time their eyes and expression was calm and quiet.

The paint on their HK416 or USP Compact was flake off in some area. It was a clear sign of hard abuse that those weapons had to go through with their operator. However, every piece would work as good as or better than new piece out of the box. The master armorer had made sure of it and would gladly guarantee it with his life.

As for rifle scope, they used combination of Trijicon TA02 and Trijicon RMR as do-it-all rifle scope. One for mid-range engagement, while the other for close-quarter fight. 

“As you already knew,” Captain Mullen calmly opened the brief. “Captain Tiffany and her mountain monkeys from 3-11 MI had carried out the first strike brilliantly. However, it’s just an opening strike. We, the real infantries, are the one who would carry the decisive strike.”

“Aye Sir,” All member of second platoon happily replied.

“IDG had confirmed all intels we have. Fortunately, we don’t have to make last minute adjustment.” After a small pause Captain Mullen continued, “However, we just killed a prince. So, in case shit hit the fan, save one bullet for yourself as they will torture any prisoner publicly, as long and as painful as they can.”

“Aye Sir.”

“Well, let’s get the job done and end the war.”

Wasting no time, Captain Mullen led second platoon exited the underground parking lot, and went straight to the helipad where two Vipers and Six Venoms had been on stand by and ready to fly at any second. Like any other light infantry unit, second platoon had four 9-man infantry squad. Each squad immediately hopped in into four Venoms.

A moment later, two Vipers and four Venoms took off and flew straight to west, leaving behind two Venoms that would stand by to carry out emergency evacuation in case shit happened.



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