That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

First Guests


In the dense, shadowed expanse of the demon realm's forest, a heavy silence hung in the air. Birds perched quietly on tree branches, and the river meandered through the underbrush with barely a whisper. This profound stillness, however, was abruptly shattered by the piercing screams of several people. They burst through the bushes, running as if their lives depended on it—because perhaps they did.

Leading the trio was a man in his mid-twenties, who looked rather ordinary but carried a certain air of rugged charm. His white hair and grey eyes stood out starkly against the forest's dark greens and browns, and a small beard dusted his jaw, giving him a slightly weathered look.

Close on his heels was a teenage girl, around seventeen years old. She had vibrant blonde hair styled into twin tails that bounced as she ran. Her green eyes scanned the surroundings alertly. Dressed in a mage's robe, her attire marked her clearly as a sorcerer. She possessed a beauty that was striking, almost radiant, suggesting a mix of youthful charm and a bold, adventurous spirit.

Bringing up the rear was a teenage boy, his pink hair and light pink eyes adding a touch of unusual color to the group. He wore sturdy leather armor typical of a knight, though his youthful features and slight frame made him appear almost out of place in such robust gear. Together, the three made a striking group, clearly unprepared for whatever had startled them in this hauntingly quiet forest.

The dude in his mid-twenties name was Vermillion, Blonde girl with twin-tails was Jenessa and the teenage boy with pink hair was kaelan.

Vermillion, Jenessa, and Kaelan were sprinting through the forest, their feet pounding the ground much faster than any normal human could manage. Despite their considerable abilities, they were clearly outmatched by whatever was chasing them, the urgency of their flight etched on their faces.

Amidst the frantic running, Jenessa couldn't hold back her frustration any longer. "It's all your fault, Vermillion! You should have warned us that these Hounds are monstrous!" Her voice was a mix of anger and disbelief, echoing loudly through the trees.

Vermillion, gasping for air but somehow still managing a grin, shot back without missing a beat, "Shut up! I'm the leader here. Even I didn't know the Hounds could grow that big. Just stick with me and we'll make it out."

But Jenessa wasn't having any of it. Her face contorted further with rage as she yelled back, "It's your fault for not doing your homework! If I die first, I swear I'll haunt you as a ghost, nagging you forever, you idiot!"

Their banter, mixed with bursts of adrenaline-fueled sprinting, added a touch of dark humor to their dire situation, as they dashed through the underbrush, with monstrous howls echoing behind them. 

As they sprinted through the dense forest, Jenessa's angry words were almost drowned out by the sound of their frantic footsteps. Kaelan, on the other hand, stayed silent, his focus solely on escaping the terrifying threat behind them. Just when they thought their situation couldn't get worse, two monstrous figures emerged from either side of the path.

To their right, a hulking red hound emerged, its menacing presence unmistakable. It stood over ten feet tall, with thick, matted fur that seemed to swallow the dim forest light. Its eyes, glowing a fierce red, cut through the shadows like beacons. The ground shook under the weight of its massive paws, leaving deep imprints in the mud. The creature's teeth were sharp and glistening with drool, and every growl it emitted rumbled like thunder, deep and terrifying, sending shivers down their spines.

Matching the terror of the red hound, its counterpart appeared on their left. This one sported blue fur and skin but was equally massive and daunting. Its most distinguishing feature was a single horn protruding from the center of its forehead, adding an extra layer of threat. Though similar in size and ferocity to the red hound, the blue hound's quieter demeanor and the absence of glowing eyes suggested that it was not the leader.

There was no doubt, however, that the red hound commanded the chase. Its body language and the focused intensity of its hunt marked it as the leader, driving Kaelan, Jenessa, and Vermillion to push their limits as they tried to escape these twin behemoths closing in on them.

As they dashed through the shadowy woods, a deep, ominous voice halted them in their tracks. It was the red hound, its voice booming and filled with a terrifying authority, "You're not going to escape from me, puny humans!"

The trio skidded to a stop, their eyes wide with shock. "They can even talk?" Jenessa gasped, her voice cracking under the strain of fear. The revelation added a new layer of horror to their already dire situation.

In that moment of dread, Jenessa's hope dwindled; she felt the grim acceptance of a fate she couldn't escape. However, Kaelan turned to Vermillion, locking eyes with him in a silent conversation. It was then that Kaelan spoke up for the first time since their ordeal began, "Let's do our special combo!"

Vermillion responded with a thumbs-up, his face breaking into a bright, confident smile, in stark contrast to the fear around them. Jenessa, on the other hand, looked utterly baffled. "Special combo?" she echoed, her confusion clear.

Without another word, Vermillion and Kaelan stopped running and turned to face the hounds squarely. Seeing this, Jenessa halted too, her puzzlement growing as she tried to grasp what was happening. The hounds, interpreting their stop as surrender, also paused, perhaps thinking the humans had accepted their defeat.

Kaelan took a deep breath and spun around to face the menacing twin hounds. The red one, drool dripping from its lolling tongue, seemed almost eager for the confrontation, while its blue counterpart remained calm, eyes cautious and assessing as they slowly inched closer.

With the beasts mere feet away, Kaelan closed his eyes, a shiver running through his pupils as if he were concentrating on summoning every ounce of his strength. Then, with dramatic flair, he snapped his eyes open. To everyone's surprise, his eyes sparkled like stars, his pupils morphing into the shape of tiny stars themselves. But the real transformation was in his expression—a perfect imitation of an adorable, innocent child. He cupped his cheeks with his palms, and in a voice sugary enough to melt the heart of any beast, pleaded, "Please forgive us and let us go."

<Skill: Forgiven One Activated>

As the skill took effect, the twin hounds paused, their fierce demeanors softening. The red hound turned its head to look at its blue brother. There was a noticeable change in its voice, now tinged with sorrow as it said, "Let's go, brother. I think we should spare them this time."

As the twin hounds turned away, resigning themselves to leave the three humans unharmed, they trudged a few meters before a sudden thought struck them like lightning. "But why did we forgive them? They are our lunch, right?" They both halted, confusion written all over their faces.

Spinning around to resume their hunt, the hounds were met with nothing but empty air. The humans had vanished without a trace—not a footprint or scent remained. The leader, the red hound, growled in frustration, his fur bristling with anger as he realized they had been duped by mere humans.

Meanwhile, a short distance away, Vermillion, Jenessa, and Kaelan moved swiftly but silently through the forest. They were completely invisible, a ghostly trio sneaking away. "I used my Stealth skill," Vermillion whispered, his voice barely a rustle of leaves. "It hides not just our footsteps but our scents too. However, once the effect wears off, it won't take long for them to track us by our smell. So, let's keep quiet and cover as much ground as possible."

As they walked quietly through the dense forest, the trio stumbled upon a sight that left them utterly astonished. Before them lay a sprawling village, or more accurately, a town taking shape within the bounds of the demon realm. Unlike the small, scattered villages of monsters they had occasionally encountered, this was an expansive, organized settlement. Many of the houses were already complete, suggesting a rapid pace of construction.

At the entrance of the village, a large banner fluttered in the breeze, proclaiming, "Humans are welcomed." It was an unexpected and almost surreal invitation in such a foreboding environment.

"What's this? Did someone actually manage to build a town inside the demon realm? Has human influence really become this strong here?" Kaelan murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of wonder and skepticism.

Vermillion, ever the opportunist, didn't pause to ponder the implications. "Let's go inside and check it out. It looks like a good place to hide!" he suggested with an eager grin.

Jenessa, however, was not convinced. Her face twisted into a scowl as she gave Vermillion a sharp smack on the back of his head. "Are you stupid? It's definitely a trap!" she hissed, her voice heavy with irritation and disbelief. 

As Vermillion, Jenessa, and Kaelan stood arguing just outside the entrance to the village, a small skeleton child meandered by under the archway. Upon noticing the trio, the skeletal youngster, clad in an oversized helmet and clutching an iron sword, hastily pointed his weapon at them.

They instinctively took defensive stances, seeing him as a potential threat. The skeleton attempted to sound imposing as he challenged, "What are your intentions, humans?" Yet, despite his best efforts, his voice came out high-pitched and unexpectedly adorable, reminiscent of a pop idol's.

Jenessa couldn't contain her delight at the sound. "His voice is so cute!" she exclaimed, her previous apprehension melting into amusement.

Vermillion and Kaelan also couldn't help but be taken aback by the childlike innocence in the skeleton's tone, which made even Kaelan's deliberate attempts at cuteness seem pale in comparison. Vermillion cleared his throat and stepped forward, assuming his role as the group's spokesperson. "Ahem... ahem... 'Humans are welcomed,' it's written here!" he pointed out, gesturing towards the banner.

Realizing they bore no hostility, the little skeleton lowered his sword and adopted a more formal tone, "Oh! So you're guests?"

"Guests?" Vermillion echoed, his voice laced with surprise and a touch of irony. They all shared a moment of confusion, marveling at the oddity of a monster town under no demon king's rule, where even a skeleton—one of the supposedly weakest monsters—could communicate so freely and charmingly.

As they stood at the entrance of the village, the small skeleton child bowed respectfully and introduced himself with a dignified tone, "I'm Cryptus Nova. Welcome to Dreadhaven Village. As long as you abide by our rules, we'll ensure your safety."

"Dreadhaven?" they all murmured under their breath, surprised. It was the first time they had encountered monsters who named their settlement and seemed openly non-hostile towards humans.

Before they could digest this new information, another figure emerged from behind Cryptus—a child with small horns and a delicate face that could easily be mistaken for that of a girl. It was Evadne. He approached Cryptus with a look of concern, asking, "Did something happen, Cryptus-sama?" His voice carried both respect and worry.

The sight of him was too much for Jenessa to resist. Her patience snapping, she leaped toward Evadne with a mischievous smile and exclaimed, "What a cute girl!" Before anyone could react, she began playfully squeezing his cheeks, oblivious to his startled expression.

Evadne, overwhelmed by the sudden attention, tried to understand what was happening. The appearance of Evadne meant that Elder Semiath was not far behind. True enough, Semiath appeared moments later. Upon seeing the trio, he approached them with a formal demeanor, announcing, "Welcome! Welcome!, I deeply apologies in advance, This is our first time receiving guests from outside the village, so we must conduct a security check before you enter."

"Security check?" Jenessa echoed, her tone mixing surprise with a hint of skepticism, not expecting such formalities in a monster-inhabited village.

They all straightened up, Jenessa reluctantly ceasing her playful assault on Evadne's cheeks. "What kind of security check?" they asked in unison, curiosity piqued.

Semiath smiled warmly and explained, "Since our village isn't very well-known yet, and it's our first time hosting outsiders, our ruler, Scarlett Nova, will decide if you pose any threat or not."

Turning on his heels, Semiath started to jog back into the village, calling over his shoulder, "Just wait here for a minute while I call her majesty!" His voice faded as he disappeared into the distance.

Stunned, the trio exchanged glances, their confusion clear as they repeated in unison, "Ruler Scarlett Nova?" 

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