That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Humans Have Arrived?

Scarlett Harries, after successfully using her growth magic to cultivate cotton and other plants, turned these resources into clothing for the villagers. Despite this achievement, she returned to her shelter to find Yumi discontented and hungry. Since Scarlett, unlike the newcomers, did not need food or water, the dilemma of the new human and dwarf settlers was not something she had considered before.

As night fell over the village, Yumi, who was one of the recent arrivals, faced a grim reality: there was no food prepared that evening. In their new and strange environment, surrounded by monsters and demons, hunting was not an option without the means to properly cook the creatures they could catch. The villagers just wanted the hunted monsters with bonefire and ate it without any ingredients or proper coocking. Feeling vulnerable and not wanting to be alone, Yumi chose to sleep in Scarlett's shelter.

Scarlett, meanwhile, decided to stay awake for two practical reasons. First, she was determined to learn telepathy, a skill that required intense concentration and self-teaching, especially in the absence of a mentor. This task alone was daunting enough, given that all she had to guide her was a book on the subject. Second, Scarlett had a peculiar habit of undressing in her sleep, and she wanted to avoid any potentially embarrassing situations come morning, especially with Yumi sleeping nearby. This was a small but important consideration.

The night stretched on with Scarlett absorbed in her studies, while Yumi, lying awake from hunger and discomfort, felt the weight of their situation. But it didn't take her long enough to sleep despite being hungry.

As dawn crept into the village, the cheerful chirping of birds and a gentle beam of sunlight sneaked under the roof of Scarlett's shelter, landing squarely on Yumi's face. She stirred from her restless sleep and stretched her limbs, her body stiff from the uncomfortable night. The first thing Yumi noticed as her eyes opened was Scarlett, sitting directly in front of her. Scarlett's legs were tightly crossed, her hands rested on her knees, with each index finger touching its thumb in an "O" shape, the rest of her fingers relaxed and free.

Despite wearing a blindfold, it was clear Scarlett had her eyes closed underneath, immersed deeply in some silent practice. Yumi, puzzled by this sight, couldn't help but interrupt.

"What are you doing, Nova-san?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Scarlett's focus shattered at the sound. She turned her head towards Yumi, a hint of annoyance flickering across her face before she responded, "Can't tell? I'm doing yoga. When you've taken as many lives as I have, you start to lose yourself. So, calming the mind is crucial."

She continued, her tone softening, "It also greatly enhances psychokinetic powers. You should consider learning psychokinesis too."

With that, Scarlett turned back to her practice, her lips moving silently as she repeated to herself, "Inner peace, inner peace..."

Yumi watched Scarlett return to her meditation, the seriousness of her words hanging in the air. The contrast between their mornings—Yumi's physical discomfort from a hungry night and Scarlett's deep mental focus—underscored the vast differences in their experiences and the paths they were on. Yet, this odd morning interaction also hinted at a strange form of companionship.

It had barely been a minute since Scarlett returned to her meditation when the voices of villagers outside her shelter disrupted her concentration once again.

"Scarlett-sama, can we come inside?" they called tentatively.

Without a word, Scarlett stood, letting out a sigh as she stretched out the stiffness from her body. She then stepped out of the shelter to meet the villagers, seeing the familiar faces from the day before.

"What happened?" she asked, her tone laced with mild confusion as she scratched her head.

"The plants, they are a little abnormal," one of the villagers replied hesitantly.

"Abnormal?" Scarlett echoed softly to herself. She wasn't entirely surprised; after all, she had used her own mana to accelerate their growth, suspecting it might have unexpected effects.

Leading the way, the villagers took Scarlett and Yumi to the farming area. What they found was startling. The plants had not only grown in record time—less than 12 hours—but had also developed unusual characteristics. The vegetables were oversized, and the leaves and stems sported golden hues, with some patches being purely golden.

Scarlett furrowed her brow, puzzled by the sight. She knew it had to be her mana; her magical abilities had already significantly altered the villagers age. Transforming plants into a golden version seemed minor in comparison. However, the pressing question was whether these spectacular-looking vegetables were safe to eat. Could they possibly be poisonous, especially to the demons among them? And given her frequent use of fire magic, was there a risk they might react dangerously to fire or even oxygen?

As Scarlett pondered the potential risks of the enchanted vegetables, one villager's patience snapped. Having grown accustomed to scavenging the random fruits and vegetables of the forest just to stave off hunger, the sight of these lush, fully-grown crops was too much of a temptation.

Without waiting for permission or warning, the villager, driven by curiosity and hunger, grabbed a tomato. It was unusually large, about the size of her palm, and glittered with a golden sheen covering roughly 25% of its surface. Before anyone could react, she took a hearty bite. Instantly, a surge of energy coursed through her body. Her veins bulged noticeably, her muscles tensed sharply, and she was overtaken by a berserker-like frenzy.

With newfound and startling speed, she dashed toward a nearby tree, which was already twice the size of the others in the forest. Seizing it with both hands, she uprooted the massive tree as easily as if it were a weed.

Yumi and the other villagers watched in shock, their mouths agape at the display of raw power. Meanwhile, Scarlett allowed a smirk to spread across her face, her expression turning into a sinister smile as she observed the dramatic effects of the vegetables.

"I just found an idea for business," Scarlett declared, her voice ringing with a hint of excitement.

Yumi, intrigued, turned to her and asked, "What kind of idea?"

"We are not in a hurry. I'll tell you once the village is fully constructed," Scarlett replied with a calm smile, her response cloaked in mystery.

She then quickly shifted her focus back to the task at hand. "Everyone, please start plucking the vegetables and storing them in baskets," she instructed. The villagers sprang into action, filling baskets with the unusually large and partially golden vegetables.

While overseeing their work, Scarlett wandered through the village and noticed the newcomers. Their faces were drawn and pale, clearly showing the toll of not having eaten. Yumi's expression mirrored theirs, revealing her similar plight.

Seeing this, Scarlett knew she needed to act. "Everyone, gather around!" she called out. Her voice carried across the field, and soon the villagers halted their tasks, forming a circle around her.

Pointing towards Yumi and the newcomers, Scarlett asked, "Does anyone here know how to cook?" The group exchanged uneasy glances, their eyes darting around, none daring to speak up. Even the student council president, whom Scarlett had assumed would know basic cooking, appeared clueless.

Realizing her oversight, Scarlett sighed deeply. She had forgotten to request a chef in her compensation list—a mistake that now seemed glaringly obvious. "Everyone will eat these vegetables," she announced, trying to mask her frustration. "If you can, use fire, or try to cook them somehow!"

Yumi and the other newcomers maintained their somber expressions, still uneasy about the situation. However, the villagers reacted quite differently. At Scarlett's announcement that they could eat the vegetables, they began jumping around joyfully, the atmosphere quickly turning festive, almost like a party.

Scarlett, observing their excitement, cautioned them, "Eat only a little at first and avoid the vegetables that are mostly golden."

Taking her advice to heart, the villagers, Yumi, and the other newcomers hesitantly began to try the vegetables. To their surprise, even the raw vegetables tasted incredibly good—far better than any normal vegetables they'd ever had. Encouraged by the delicious flavor, smiles spread across their faces as they continued to eat, their initial reservations slowly melting away with each bite.

As the days slipped, A week flows by like water, Scarlett found herself deeply embedded in the daily routines of the village. Her time was largely spent overseeing the construction efforts, hunting monsters for sport—a pastime she found particularly exhilarating—and attempting to master telepathy. Despite her diligent efforts, learning telepathy without a mentor proved to be much more challenging than she anticipated. After a full week, she still hadn't managed to harness the skill.

During her breaks, a female servant would come by to massage her, a luxury that offered Scarlett a moment of relaxation amidst her hectic schedule. These sessions, however, often took a playful turn as Scarlett couldn't resist the urge to flirt, adding a light-hearted, albeit flirtatious, break to her day.

Meanwhile, Yumi's initial anxiety had completely dissipated. She grew increasingly comfortable and sociable within the village, building friendships with the villagers and frolicking with the children, particularly a little girl named Evadne, Ops...sorry, a boy. Her laughter and smiles became a common sight, reflecting her newfound ease and happiness. 

The issue of clothing, which had been a major concern, was now largely resolved thanks to Scarlett's magical cultivation of cotton and other plants. The villagers had put these materials to good use, crafting simple but functional clothing for everyone. Each villager now sported an outfit consisting of pelts, pants, and a leather jacket. These weren't luxurious or fancy garments, but they were more than sufficient given the limited resources available.

Scarlett, on the other hand, continued to wear her usual attire—outfits that were quite revealing and had a tendency to make anyone, man or woman, blush. Yet, in this village, under her watchful eye and strong leadership, no one dared to comment or criticize her choice of clothing. Her presence commanded respect and ensuring her personal style was accepted without question.

The construction of the village was proceeding at an impressively rapid pace. House after house was being completed, and many villagers had already started moving into their new homes. Yumi was among them, settling into a freshly built dwelling. If things continued at this speed, it would only take about a month to transform the collection of structures into a bustling, newly minted town.

Scarlett, however, still resided in her modest shelter. Why? Because her plans for a home were far grander than a simple house. She had envisioned and requested materials for nothing less than a palace, befitting her status as the ruler. It was only natural that her residence should be the most magnificent in the village.

Yet, even with her own grand living quarters on the horizon, Scarlett was preoccupied with another ambitious project—a "Gym." This facility would not just be any gym, but a comprehensive training center with areas dedicated to physical training and sparring. Implementing this would require a significant amount of resources, but Scarlett believed it was an investment in the village's future, providing a place where both villagers and visitors could hone their skills.

Outside her current abode, Scarlett had placed a large poster that declared, "Humans are welcomed." This was a strategic move. Many adventurers and thrill-seekers ventured into the demon realm to hunt monsters and attempt daring feats to earn the title of "hero." With no demon king ruling this particular area, Scarlett's village offered a unique and attractive haven for these adventurers. Her invitation was clear: here was a safe base where adventurers could prepare, rest, and maybe even call home.

As the village construction continued at a brisk pace, Scarlett found a moment to relax in her shelter, engaging in playful banter with a goblin woman named Seiira. Seiira's appearance was striking; her skin had a soft, pale green glow, and her lips were a glossy red, reminiscent of ripe strawberries. She was undeniably alluring, her features more seductive than those of many human women.

It was no surprise that Scarlett was drawn to flirt with her. The setting inside the shelter was intimate, with Seiira sitting comfortably on a chair while Scarlett leaned in close, towering above her due to her height—Scarlett was the tallest woman in the village. Looking up at Scarlett, Seiira blushed deeply, clearly flustered but also charmed by the attention she was receiving. The air between them was charged with a playful yet palpable tension, making the moment both fun and flirtatiously serious.

Scarlett leaned in closer to Seiira, her hair cascading over Seiira's shoulders, creating an intimate canopy around them. She spoke softly, her warm breath caressing Seiira's ear, "Say, Seiira, you're quite mature, yet you haven't married yet?" The warm, close whisper sent a shiver down Seiira's spine.

Before Seiira could muster a response, Scarlett continued, her fingers gently tracing the smooth skin of Seiira's palm. "Ah, this soft skin... I really enjoyed your massage earlier. How about I give you a reward?"

Scarlett's hands then moved to encircle Seiira's neck, drawing their faces so close that their noses touched. With a playful smile, Scarlett whispered teasingly, "Do you want to know how lips and tongue taste? I could give you some experience." 

Just as Scarlett leaned in, about to seal her flirtation with Seiira with a passionate kiss, and as Seiira reciprocated, opening her mouth in anticipation, their intimate moment was abruptly interrupted. From outside the shelter, the voice of Elder Semiath broke through, calling out urgently, "We have an emergency, Scarlett-sama."

Annoyance flickered across Scarlett's face, her romantic endeavor thwarted. She turned towards the source of the interruption, her frustration evident as she exclaimed, "I was almost at the good part here!"

With a heavy sigh, Scarlett stood up, her mood visibly dampened by the disruption. Seiira, sensing the change in atmosphere and perhaps feeling a bit awkward, quickly stood as well and was the first to exit the shelter. Scarlett followed shortly after, stepping outside to confront the elder. 

"What happened?" Scarlett asked, her tone sharp with residual irritation.

Semiath bowed his head respectfully before delivering his news, "Some humans have arrived!" 

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