That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

I Want Failed Hero

Scarlett leaned against the cold, damp walls of the prison cell, her expression a mix of amusement and resignation. "Well, this escalated quickly," she mused aloud, casting a glance at the two guards stationed outside her cell. Their hands shook slightly, their eyes darting nervously between each other and the formidable figure they were tasked to watch.

"Relax, guys. I'm not going to eat you. At least, not today," she joked, flashing a grin that did little to ease their anxiety. 

Her thoughts drifted back to the day's events—a chaotic summoning, a dramatic showdown at the academy, and an audience with a king so scared he probably wished he could swap his crown for a nice, safe desk job. "Summoned by Carl, huh? More like summoned into a sitcom."

Reflecting on her brief interaction with Yumi, Scarlett couldn't help but smirk. "A student council president with a knack for business? Sounds like I've hit the recruitment jackpot. Too bad she's wrapped up in all this hero nonsense. I'll just kidnap her."

As she settled into the reality of spending a night behind bars, Scarlett's mind plotted. "Tomorrow, I'll be free, and then it's time to do some headhunting. Yumi, ready or not, here I come. She always studies about business management, no wonder she got skills like communication, bargaining etc.

Turning her attention back to her reluctant guards, she called out, "Hey, do either of you have a deck of cards? This could be a long night, and I'm feeling lucky." The guards exchanged a look of bewilderment, clearly unprepared for dungeon duties to include entertainment requests.

Since everyone was afraid of her, What she might do if they refuse her. So the first guard goes and after some time he comes with deck of cards with him.

Scarlett's evening had taken a surprising turn, transforming from a tense standoff to a more relaxed card game with the guards. Laughter and lighthearted banter filled the cell, easing thier tension and fear. However, Scarlett's sharp skills at cards ensured she won almost every round, much to the amusement of all.

"Looks like I'm on a winning streak tonight!" Scarlett chuckled, collecting another round of cards.

Scarlett's laughter echoed through the small prison cell as she collected another winning hand, her grin wide as the guards groaned in mock despair. "Seriously, are you guys even trying? Or are you just that bad at cards?" she teased, shuffling the deck with expert flicks of her wrists.

The first guard, trying to hide his embarrassment behind a forced smile, retorted, "Maybe we're just letting you win, considering your...current accommodations."

"Yeah," the second guard chimed in, his earlier fear dissolving into a friendly banter, "it's the least we can do for our most 'distinguished' guest." 

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. A grey, smoke-like gas seeped into the room like a silent predator, engulfing the space and causing the guards to slump over, unconscious. Scarlett, unaffected by the gas, watched calmly as a familiar figure stepped into the cell.

Yushiro, with his distinctive grey hair and blue eyes, quickly made his move. He grabbed the keys from one of the guards and tossed them towards Scarlett. "Go, escape from here," he urged, his voice carrying a mix of urgency and sincerity.

However, Scarlett simply pushed the keys back towards him with a flick of her foot, sending them clattering to the floor at his feet.

"I don't need them," she declared firmly, her voice echoing slightly in the now quiet cell.

Yushiro looked perplexed, unable to understand her refusal. But for Scarlett, the reasons were clear: she had given her word to the king that she would remain in the cell for a day, and she intended to keep that promise. Besides, she knew Yushiro well enough to suspect that his offer of help wasn't without strings attached. She could almost see the wheels turning in his head, calculating his next move.

Yushiro, still holding the keys now at his feet, scratched his head. "You're an odd one, aren't you? Most people don't turn down a jailbreak."

Scarlett leaned back against the wall, her smirk turning into a thoughtful smile. "Oh, boy! If you knew half of what I've been through, you'd understand—I find my entertainment where I can. Besides, You ruined my mood, who's gonna take responsibility for that?"

Plus, I'm curious about what you were hoping to gain from this little rescue attempt," she added, eyeing him with a knowing look.

Yushiro's smile took on a sinister edge as he revealed his true intentions. "So, you figured out this was a trap?" He gestured casually, and from the shadows of the room, several students stepped forward, all of whom were schoolmates of Scarlett, numbering about five or six.

Yushiro had orchestrated this scenario driven by a desire for glory and reward. Initially, he had used his Chain Binding skill in an attempt to make Scarlett surrender publicly. However, everyone, including the king, knew that Scarlett had surrendered voluntarily, which meant that Yushiro did not receive the accolades or rewards he had hoped for.

Dissatisfied with the outcome, Yushiro concocted a plan to have Scarlett escape, believing it might make her feel indebted to him, potentially winning her over. Alternatively, if she didn't reciprocate his feelings, he could accuse her of incapacitating the guards and escaping on her own, thus recapturing her and claiming all the glory and rewards for himself.

His plan was a gamble, but Yushiro was determined to see it through, hoping to manipulate the situation to his advantage either way.

Yushiro barked an order, his voice echoing in the shadowy confines of the prison cell. "Bring him here!" At his command, another two students emerged from the darkness, dragging Carl between them. The boy who had inadvertently summoned Scarlett looked disheveled, with noticeable bruises marring his face—a clear sign he'd been roughly handled.

The captors believed taking Carl hostage would compel Scarlett to comply with their demands. They positioned him in front of her, using him as leverage.

"Escape now, or we'll kill him," Yushiro threatened, his tone sharp and coercive, expecting Scarlett's immediate concern and capitulation.

However, Scarlett's reaction was unexpectedly indifferent, her expression one of annoyance mingled with confusion. Without a trace of concern, she responded flatly, "Who cares?" Her dismissive tone made it clear she held no attachment to Carl, and his fate was of no consequence to her.

Her lack of interest in Carl's wellbeing took Yushiro and the others by surprise, disrupting their plan to manipulate her actions through emotional blackmail.

Yushiro's rare skill, Chain Binding, manifested as black magic chains that sprang from his body and coiled tightly around Scarlett, lifting her into the air. With a confident stride, he approached her while holding an enslavement collar, which he had retrieved from his pocket.

Scarlett eyed the small device with skepticism, thinking to herself, "He really thinks this tiny thing can enslave me?"

Ignoring her internal commentary, Yushiro used a key to unlock the prison cell door and stepped inside. Despite her capability to easily shatter the chains and overpower her captors, Scarlett hesitated, reluctant to harm her former schoolmates.

However, the situation escalated when Yushiro noticed the purple diamond ring on Scarlett's finger. His demeanor changed instantly; his face contorted in anger as he spat out, "You're married?, Hmph...From now on you're mine."

Unaffected by his insults, Scarlett maintained a bored, expressionless face, giving no credence to his words. To her shock, Yushiro, driven by his fury, launched a small "Wind Cut" spell directed at her hand. A sharp wave of wind slashed towards her, aiming to sever her finger but merely grazing it without leaving a mark. However, the force of the magic shattered her engagement ring.

The ring, a symbol of her bond, lay in pieces, sparking a new intensity in Scarlett's eyes as the reality of what just happened began to sink in.

As Scarlett watched her engagement ring shatter into pieces, the last strand of her restraint snapped. With a surge of force that seemed to distort the air itself, she effortlessly broke the chains that bound her. She knelt to gather the fragments of her broken ring, her movements graceful yet charged with a silent fury.

The other students stepped back, their eyes wide with fear and disbelief at the raw display of power.

Yushiro, bewildered and panicked, demanded an explanation, "How did you shatter my unbreakable chains?" 

Scarlett paid him no mind, focusing solely on the remnants of her ring. His voice rose, echoing through the prison, "I said how?" 


Scarlett swung a punch so fast and forceful that it seemed to blur through the air, stopping mere inches from Yushiro's face. The shockwave from her restraint unleashed a destructive force, obliterating one side of the six-story prison. The impact sent debris flying, tearing away the facade and exposing the moonlit sky above.

Yushiro stood frozen, his face a mask of utter disbelief, his hair tousled by the blast, his mouth agape. The exposed interior of the prison basked in the moonlight, creating a stark contrast to the chaos inside.

With a menacing grin, Scarlett turned to address the other students, her voice calm yet chilling, "I'm letting you all go because you've given me a reason to take Yumi with me."

Since because of Yushiro, The agreement between Scarlett and king to stay one day at prison. And Yushiro also broke the engagement ring of Scarlett, So she can definitely make use of this.

The students were paralyzed with fear; one even lost control and soiled himself. They knew they had severely underestimated Scarlett, and now they faced the consequences of their actions.

As Scarlett strode out of the prison, the chilling silence of fear held everyone in place. No one even dared to moved to stop her; the guards remained unconscious from the earlier disruption.

Exiting the prison, she encountered Renji, the vice student council president from her school, who was also considered the strongest among the summoned heroes. Misreading the situation, Renji believed Scarlett was attempting to escape. He drew his new sword and charged towards her, determined to confront her.

Already frustrated from the earlier events with Yushiro, Scarlett had little patience left. As Renji approached, she casually extended her hand and delivered a swift slap to his face. The force was enough to send him flying, crashing into a nearby tree with a heavy thud. The impact resonated through the quiet night.

Scarlett paused, momentarily taken aback by her own strength and Renji's audacity. She muttered to herself, somewhat perplexed, "What was he even trying to do?" Her frustration evident, Scarlett continued on her way, leaving a stunned Renji grappling with the consequences of underestimating her.

As Scarlett made her way toward the Royal Palace to confront the king, a sudden thought struck her like a thunderbolt. "Wait a minute, he has brown hair and brown eyes, just like a typical protagonist who always gets beaten but then miraculously powers up and defeats the villain."

To her astonishment, Renji, who she had just slapped away, began to stir, mumbling to himself. A strange green glow emanated from his body, attracting elemental spirits as if fueling some kind of transformation.

"I will never lose, I never give up!" Renji declared, spouting cliché lines of determination.

"You damn demons... Born powerful, merciless, emotionless creatures..." His rant continued as he enveloped himself in a green aura, sprouting ethereal spirit-like wings reminiscent of a popular character, 'Yuno' from Black clover.

Scarlett paused, trying to comprehend the spectacle before her but quickly realizing Renji was attempting a dramatic comeback.

With a roar, he charged at her. But when he reached where Scarlett had been standing, she was no longer there. Puzzled, he scanned his surroundings.

"Just like my name, I'm a fan of Asta, not Yuno," Scarlett quipped from behind him. As Renji turned, she landed a gentle punch on his back. Despite its softness, the impact was enough to disrupt his transformation and knock him out cold.

Scarlett couldn't help but muse to herself as she watched Renji collapse, "Did I just become one of those overpowered characters?" 

Scarlett approached the Royal Palace of Gwarga, her pace unhurried. Despite walking barefoot, she covered the short distance in less than five minutes. As she stepped through the gates, she was met with a barrage of royal knights, their swords drawn and pointed at her in a clear display of preparedness; the king had anticipated her return and made ready.

Without a word, Scarlett slightly lifted her blindfold, just enough to expose her vibrant blue eyes. As she opened them, a subtle but powerful blue light emanated from her gaze. She activated her "Mana Pressure," which immediately engulfed the palace grounds.

The air thickened, and an oppressive force swept over the area. This invisible power was so intense that it pressed everyone within the palace grounds to the floor, overwhelming them before they could even grasp what was happening.

Despite the palace's defenses, which included three magical barriers designed to protect against large scale attacks, Scarlett's mana pressure shattered them as if they were made of glass. The Royal knights standing closest to her succumbed instantly, their lives extinguished by the sheer intensity of her power. Those inside the palace, including the king, found themselves pinned helplessly to the ground, alive only because Scarlett had consciously restrained her power, desiring them to witness her might without perishing from it.

The royal guards and servants could do nothing but tremble under the weight of her gaze, a clear testament to her formidable power that echoed ominously through the halls of the palace.

Scarlett adjusted her blindfold to cover her eyes once more, removing the oppressive mana pressure as she stepped into the throne room. Inside, the scene was one of utter submission; everyone was on their knees, a few still coughing up blood despite her efforts to moderate her power to avoid fatalities within the palace. Her mere presence, even without the active use of her mana pressure or red death aura, was enough to keep them physically subdued.

Amid the fearful silence, a knight in brilliantly polished white silver armor, distinct from the others, made a bold move. He charged at Scarlett, his white sword engraved with arcane symbols flashing in the dim light. "I, Grandmaster Swordsman Fez, shall punish you," he declared, his voice echoing through the hall.

However, his attack cut through nothing but air. In the blink of an eye, Scarlett was no longer before him but behind, holding something deeply crimson in her grip. Fez struggled to understand what had happened as he felt a chilling wetness seep around him. Turning slightly, his eyes widened in horror just as blood spilled from his lips, and he collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

The object in Scarlett's hand was revealed to be Fez's heart, still warm and dripping with blood. With a cruel laugh, Scarlett crushed the heart in her hand, raised it to her lips, and drank from the blood that pooled in her palm.

Her laughter rang out, sinister and chilling, "Bwahaha... I knew it, the stronger the person, the tastier the blood!"

The terror in the room intensified at her gruesome display; several onlookers were so frightened that they lost control, their fear manifesting physically. 

Scarlett strode forward towards the king, who, fearing for his life, was relieved when she merely kicked him to the ground and sat on the throne for herself. The king promptly kneeled before her, and seeing their ruler subdued, every noble and royal in the room followed suit, begging for their lives.

Scarlett erected a barrier around the palace to ensure no one could escape or enter. She was well aware of the Holy Knights—a group of powerful warriors—who could pose a significant threat, as Avion had informed her. However, she also knew that the Kingdom of Gwarga, being one of the weaker realms, did not have the authority to summon these formidable defenders.

The king, recognizing his precarious situation and the lack of preparedness for such an unexpected assault, had no choice but to plead for mercy.

Breaking the tense silence, Scarlett's voice boomed with authority, "Do you know why I came here?"

"No, Your Excellency!" the king stammered, addressing Scarlett with a title befitting her perceived power.

"I told you not to try anything funny while I was in prison, but not only did your foolish heroes cause chaos, they also broke my engagement ring!" Scarlett declared, her voice sharp and commanding.

The king gasped, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he internally cursed the summoned heroes for their actions. He managed a forced smile in a feeble attempt to appease Scarlett, "Please forgive us for their immature behavior, Your Excellency!"

Scarlett's grin widened, pleased that everything was unfolding as she had planned. "Why not, Why not.... But you will need to compensate me," she stated firmly.

"I'll give anything I can, Your Excellency!" the king responded eagerly, desperate to resolve the situation.

Scarlett's voice Echoes through the hall as she demands her compansation, " I want the failed hero, Yumi Yamamoto".

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