That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

We’ll Definitely Meet Again



In the Warrior Academy of the Kingdom of Gwarga, where talented children study magic and combat techniques much like a hero academy, it was almost afternoon, possibly lunch break for the students.

A distressing scene in a secluded corner of the academy grounds: A group of Three students were beating one helpless student, every boys were wearing blue button-up top with gold trim over a white dress shirt and green tie, navy pants, and black dress shoes like every typical high-schools from earth. The victim lay helplessly on the ground while his attackers, likely nobles judging by their demeanor, kicked him mercilessly.

This appeared to be a clear case of bullying, with the targeted student seemingly a commoner despite his regal appearance, no less than a royal, featuring silver-white hair, gold eyes, and a youthful, innocent face.

Their faces twisted with mockery. The boy at the center, his voice dripping with disdain, taunted the prone figure. "You lowly commoner with no talent! You were only accepted into this Academy by sheer luck. Your so-called unique skill is utterly useless."

Another boy, sneering alongside him, added with a scornful laugh, "Yeah, 'Summon Dragonoid'? What even is that? No one's ever heard of such a creature."

The third boy chimed in, his words laced with ridicule, "And on top of that, he's never successfully summoned anything. Hahaha... Did you really think the girls would protect you just because you have a handsome face?"

Their laughter echoed around the courtyard, drawing the attention of other students who watched from a distance but remained silent, none daring to intervene on behalf of the humiliated boy on the ground.

The boy was about to get up but they kicked him again, causing him to fall, but to his fortunate fate, a girl from the midst of students come to help him. Her long black hair flowing behind her and black eyes sharp with resolve, intervened to halt the harassment. With a face of an typical class president of ever anime or manga, Her school uniform, slightly modified to a shorter skirt, did nothing to diminish her authoritative stance as she confronted the bullies—Ethernet, Gems, and Beret.

"Ethernet, Gems, Beret! That's enough," she commanded, her voice cutting through the mockery and laughter, echoing across the courtyard.

Unfazed by her interruption, the trio sneered back, their disdain palpable. "Yumi Yamamoto? What's a failed hero like you doing here?" Their taunts, spiked with derision, her name, indicating that of an Japanese name, and Yes! She is from Japan summoned by kingdom Gwarga as hero, Just like Darwitz summoned Aoto.  

Brushing aside their insults, Yumi's focus remained unwavering as she assisted the fallen boy, Carl, to his feet. Her expression softened briefly with concern. "Are you okay, Carl?" she asked, ensuring he was not grievously injured.

Turning her attention back to the tormentors, her gaze hardened, and she took a protective step in front of Carl. "Don't you ever do that again to anyone!" Her command resonated with the strength of her conviction, even as her voice betrayed the frustration of dealing with bullies who saw no wrong in their actions.

The bullies only laughed harder, mocking her capabilities. "What can you do, huh? A summoned hero with no offensive or defensive skills, and no goddess's protection to speak of?"

In the charged atmosphere of the school courtyard, Carl, the boy long tormented by his peers, reached his breaking point. As Yumi tried to shield him, his anger, fueled by months of relentless bullying, finally boiled over. With a determined shove, he gently pushed Yumi aside, his expression hardened by resolve.

Carl slammed his hands down onto the ground, causing a resonant thud that silenced the surrounding whispers. His hands began to glow with a fierce, pulsating light that caught everyone's attention.

Carl's entire being was focused, his breathing heavy with the weight of his decision. For very long period of time, he had tried in vain to activate his unique skill, "Summon Dragonoid," but each attempt had ended in failure. Yet, driven by a surge of anger and desperation, something different happened this time. The air around him crackled, and a brilliant light enveloped his hands, signaling the activation of his skill.

The schoolyard fell silent, the usual murmur of students hushed by the spectacle unfolding before them. Carl's classmates, accustomed to seeing him as nothing more than a target for ridicule, watched in stunned disbelief as his hands radiated with an unearthly glow.

< Unique Skill : Summon dragonoid Activated>

He smiled mischievously, everyone else was surprised by looking at his glowing hand. But to his surprised the summon required mana but his mana was not close to enough and it drained completely.

As the glow intensified, Carl felt a sudden drain on his energies. His unique skill, His mana to summon was not close to enough, So it demanded more than just mana; it was tapping directly into his life force.

<Mana: 00>

< Notification: For summoning, the life force of user; Carl ben will be taken instead of mana>

<Notification : Because of unique skill; Summon dragonoid, the life force consumption will reduce in large scale>

<Notification : The user's one year of his life span is being reduced>

The realization hit him with a mix of dread and acceptance—this summoning, powered by his very life span, was a testament to his refusal to continue living in submission. For Carl, the cost of one year of his life was a price worth paying if it meant shattering his shackles of victimhood.

The energy culminated in a blinding flash, and when it subsided, Carl stood there, his body slumped from the exertion and the profound drain of life energy, yet his eyes burned with a fierce, unyielding light. His gamble had been drastic, but in that moment, Carl had transformed from a victim into a contender, willing to sacrifice everything to change his fate.

As the smoke cleared, revealing Scarlett's formidable presence, the schoolyard fell into a stunned silence. Students gawked at the sight of the mysterious woman who emerged from the summoning circle—her striking purple hair and the blindfold that intriguingly masked her eyes added to her enigmatic allure.

Scarlett, standing there with Avion's red sword in hand, surveyed her surroundings with a mixture of confusion and disbelief. Her gaze fell upon Carl, whose expression of triumph seemed incongruent with the gravity of the situation. 

"Finally! Finally! My unique skill worked after months of trying, day and night!" Carl exclaimed, his voice cracking with emotion as he celebrated the successful summoning.

Scarlett processed his words slowly, her mind racing to connect the dots. Avion's teachings echoed in her memory—about the nature of unique skills and their profound connection to the bearer's deepest desires. 

She couldn't help but smirk slightly in disgust as her thoughts tinged with sarcasm. "That means, he had desire to summon a very strong mature women with big breasts and wearing erotic clothes, that will change his life?Just like those cliché stories where the weak fragile protagonist summons a powerful ally?"

Adjusting her grip on the sword, Scarlett stepped forward. She needed to address Carl directly, to understand the extent of his intentions and how deeply his unique skill had intertwined their fates.

Assuming a role that matched her mature appearance, she placed her hand on his shoulder, leaning in close enough for their faces to be just inches apart. Her voice was calm yet authoritative as she asked, "What's your name, boy?"

Flustered by her proximity, Carl's cheeks flushed. His voice wavered but found strength as he responded, "I-I'm Carl Ben." His tone grew firmer as he added, "I want you to punish those arrogant nobles."

A sinister grin spread across Scarlett's face, making Carl shiver at the sight of her chilling expression. She whispered provocatively in his ear, "Huh? I don't want to." Her flat refusal came without hesitation.

Scarlett's response was strategic. She harbored suspicions about the nature of their summoning bond. If Carl possessed any authority as her summoner, rejecting his request might reveal whether she was compelled to obey. However, her refusal prompted no repercussions, a relief that suggested his powers as a summoner were limited.

"Looks like you don't have control over me. That's good to know," Scarlett remarked, stepping back to reassess her situation. She was free to make her own choices. 

"B-but" Carl's attempt to interject was cut short by the mocking voices of the three bullies. 

"You got big balls on you, lady," Gems sneered arrogantly, sizing Scarlett up. "Judging by your outfit, are you an Amazoness?"

Ethernet chimed in with a laugh, "Hahaha... In the end, he summoned an Amazoness... hahaha!"

Their conversation took a more lecherous turn when Beret added, "I've heard that Amazonesses give birth only to females, so they need men. But many Amazonesses look for strong men to ensure strong offspring."

Their eyes gleaming with a mix of challenge and mischief, they turned their attention back to Scarlett, "Is that so? Then, lady, we'll prove that we are stronger than that weak loser!"

Gems, asserting his status as a summoner, slammed his hands onto the ground. "Let me show you what a real summoner can do." 

An orange magic circle flared to life under his palms, and with a deep chant, he summoned a beast. The creature that emerged was a brown dinosaur-like creature, but with an ability unlike any typical dinosaur—it could breathe fire, mimicking a dragon's fearsome blaze.

The crowd around them grew silent, a mix of awe and fear spreading as the fire-breathing creature roared.

The dinosaur, summoned by Gems, charged at Scarlett with a ferocious roar, its massive feet pounding the ground. Despite the beast's intimidating approach, Scarlett remained unfazed. Since she looks older so she decided to act like one, With the poise and calm of someone beyond her apparent years, she sighed, her voice tinged with disappointment, "Today's kids don't have any respect for elders."

With a flick of her wrist, Scarlett simply slapped the air in front of her. The force of her psychokinetic power was invisible but palpable; the dinosaur was abruptly halted mid-charge, thrown upwards as if caught by an unseen giant hand, and then sent crashing into a nearby fountain. The impact was thunderous, splashing water everywhere, and the once menacing creature was left whimpering, unable to withstand the force exerted upon it.

The dinosaur began to emit a fading glow, a sign of it being desummoned. Its form slowly disintegrated into specks of light, eventually vanishing, returning to wherever it had been summoned from.

This display of psychokinesis was rare and potent. Unlike elemental magic, which was more commonly practiced by mages because the more affinity you have with one or more element the easier it gets but psychokinesis required immense mental discipline and a deep reservoir of mana to manipulate physical objects with the mind alone. For Scarlett, whose mana was akin to an ocean's depth, utilizing such power was effortless. 

"Back of–..... Scarlett was about say something but Scarlett's retort was cut short as she turned to face the onlookers, her eyes landing on a familiar figure among them. Her voice dropped to a near whisper, recognition dawning on her. "Student council president?"

The girl, Yumi Yamamoto, stood out not just for her poised appearance but because Scarlett knew her personally—Yumi was actually the student council president of the high school where Scarlett had been a student. Yumi was a grade above Scarlett, a classmate of Aoto, and someone she had encountered on numerous visits to Aoto's class. 

Confusion flickered across Scarlett's face as she tried to piece together what Yumi was doing in this fantasy realm, so far from the mundane school corridors. Her confusion deepened when she heard the commotion caused by her display of power, which drew even more spectators.

Among the newcomers, Scarlett recognized several faces from Aoto's class. The presence of these familiar figures in such an unexpected place added layers of bewilderment to the unfolding scene, making Scarlett question not only Yumi's presence but also the broader circumstances that had led her whole Aoto's classmates to this world.

Scarlett's mind raced as she remembered Avion's explanation that kingdoms often summon more than one hero, though the quality of those heroes might diminish with greater numbers. It appeared she was in the midst of such a scenario, with an entire class from her old school inexplicably summoned to this fantasy realm.

Exhaling deeply, Scarlett realized her initial plan to simply leave and continue her recruitment efforts would need adjusting. Just as she turned to depart, Kenya, a former classmate known for his unique ability to detect non-human entities, triggered his skill.

**Ring! Ring! Ring!**

The sharp, alerting sound of Kenya's skill resonated in the air. He wasted no time in announcing, "Everyone, be careful! She is not human!"

The group instinctively recoiled, with Yumi seeking confirmation, "Is that true, Kenya?" Upon his nod, a wave of tension swept through the students as they readied their weapons and faced Scarlett with renewed wariness.

Scarlett rubbed her head in frustration, muttering under her breath about the unnecessary delay this misunderstanding was causing. As the students unleashed a barrage of spells and physical attacks, none managed to even scratch her. Magic orbs fizzled out upon contact, and blades seemed to pass through her without effect.

Unmoved and slightly annoyed, Scarlett stood amidst the chaos, pondering her next move. "This is just going to take longer," she thought, considering how to defuse the situation without escalating it further. Her presence alone had escalated tensions to a breaking point, and now she needed to navigate this misunderstanding with as little conflict as possible.

Seeing every attack futile, Yumi drew her sword and charged at Scarlett. With a swift motion, she attempted to slash Scarlett, but as her blade made contact, it shattered into pieces. Scarlett's strength was such that even etherium, a metal known for its durability, could not leave so much as a scratch on her.

As Yumi stepped back, stunned by the failure of her attack, the taunts of her classmates filled the air. 

"You don't have any useful skills, Yumi. What were you even thinking?" one girl jeered, her voice dripping with mockery.

"Yeah," another classmate chimed in, snickering, "Skills like Bargaining, Possibility Detection, Communication... You'd be better off as the wife of some merchant."

Yumi bit her lip in frustration, her cheeks flushing with anger and humiliation. However, for Scarlett, this scene sparked a mischievous grin. She had been on her way to recruit skilled individuals when she stumbled upon Yumi and her classmates. To Scarlett, Yumi's unique set of skills and the dismissal she faced from her peers presented an unexpected opportunity—like icing on the cake.

Scarlett stepped forward, her presence commanding silence. "It seems you all underestimate the value of someone who can negotiate, sense possibilities, and communicate effectively. 

She turned her attention back to Yumi, her tone softening. "President, how would you like to come with me? I could use someone with your talents. Don't waste them on those who can't appreciate what you offer."

As chaos erupted, Only few could barely heard her words. Immediately, students scrambled to alert professors or summon royal knights to the scene. Amidst the frenzied crowd, two figures prominently stood their ground.

The first was a boy with striking gray hair and piercing blue eyes, whom Scarlett recognized as Yushiro. His bold demeanor contrasted sharply with the surrounding tumult. Beside him stood Renji Watanabe, the Vice President of the Student Council, notable for his brown hair and eyes—a typical protagonist's features, reminiscent of Chiyoko. It was clear from his poised stance and the deferential space the students gave him that he was the most formidable amongst them.

Scarlett's pity deepened as she understood the grim reality facing these students, they are just cannon fodders. Unaware, they are a mere pawns in a celestial game, expendable at the whims of their kingdom and manipulable by the saintesses who held the power to unsummon them at will. And the mastermind Goddesses, when they die there soul, powers everything will devoured by them.

As Renji charged towards her, brandishing his sword enveloped in a green spirit aura, Scarlett effortlessly melted the weapon with a mere touch. Her power was so immense that even holding back was a delicate balance.

"I'm trying my best to hold back here," she whispered, a hint of frustration in her tone. She knew the catastrophic potential of her full strength—if she unleashed her aura, everyone nearby would perish; if she glanced their way with her eyes open, the sheer force could be lethal; a mere flick of her finger held enough power to devastate.

Caught in a moral quandary, Scarlett weighed her options carefully, searching for a way to resolve the situation without unleashing her devastating powers. 

From Renjis's behind, Yushiro jumped, Scarlett remained passive as the chains conjured by Yushiro's skill, Chain Bind, wrapped tightly around her wrists. Despite her ability to shatter them effortlessly, she chose not to, instead sheathing her sword back into her spatial inventory and allowing the dark bindings to secure her arms.

As the chains clicked into place, Yushiro couldn't contain his glee, his laughter echoing across the grounds. "Hahaha... No one has ever broken free from my chains; now you're trapped just like the rest!"

With a mild look of irritation crossing her face, Scarlett gracefully dropped to her knees in an act of surrender, her movements smooth and controlled. Around her, Royal soldiers cautiously approached, their spears aimed at her neck, their eyes wide with a mix of fear and triumph.

Yushiro continued to revel in his perceived victory, boasting loudly, "See that, Renji? I've outdone you at last. I'm the strongest here now, hahaha!" His laughter filled the air, but Renji remained silent, his expression somber. He seemed to sense something amiss, his eyes locked on Scarlett, pondering the real strength behind her calm surrender.    

As rumors of the academy's invasion by a demon circulated, the identity of the summoner was kept under wraps. Carl, driven by fear, remained silent, letting the guards take charge as they escorted Scarlett toward the Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Gwarga. Conveniently located adjacent to the academy, the palace was a mere stone's throw away, less than a hundred meters distant.

During her march to the palace, Scarlett glanced over her shoulder at Yumi and flashed a mischievous grin. "We'll definitely meet again!" Her words sent a chill down Yumi's spine, leaving those around puzzled as to why Scarlett singled her out.

They reached the throne room within minutes. The king of Gwarga, a man in his fifties who appeared slightly younger and more astute than the king of Darwitz, awaited her arrival. Seated regally on his throne, he exuded an air of authority that filled the room.

His voice, deep and resonant, carried a weight that seemed to press physically on those present. "From the looks of it, you are a demon, most likely a succubus," he stated, his tone brooking no argument.

Scarlett's expression contorted with annoyance at his words, frustrated by yet another mistaken assumption about her nature. Her irritation was palpable, a testament to her tiredness of being misidentified.

Scarlett revealed her 30cm-long horns, and as they glimmered ominously in the light of the throne room, a palpable wave of terror swept through the assembled courtiers. The king himself recoiled, his heartbeat thundering loudly enough to echo through the silent hall. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he stammered, "Did the students really defeat you?"

With a snarl of indignation, Scarlett retorted, "The student named Carl summoned me unwittingly. I could have left without incident, but they didn't let me, Still I chose to surrender voluntarily."

"Consider this mercy, kid!" she added with a fierce glare, her voice booming across the room.

An irate noble burst out, "You dare, you accursed demon, to address His Majesty as 'kid'?"

Before the noble could continue his tirade, the king raised a hand to silence him, his eyes wide with a sudden realization. He muttered under his breath, well aware of the gravitas of the situation, "With horns of such magnitude and a visage so alluring and seductive, she must have ensnared countless souls and drained countless males over millennia. She is older, so indeed, I am but a child in her presence."

Recognizing the disparity in power, the king knew discretion was the better part of valor. Unlike in Darwitz, where Scarlett had to act as slave, Here her mere appearance here commanded respect and terror. 

Scarlett observed the king's demeanor closely; his every word underscored by fear and the high stakes of political reputation. She understood that though he wished to release her immediately, the complexities of royal decorum and the eyes of his court necessitated a show of authority. 

With a voice that quavered with hesitation, the king finally spoke, "Since you're not hostile but have nonetheless caused a significant disturbance at the Warrior Academy, you will be detained in the prison for one day."

He swallowed hard before adding, almost pleadingly, "Then, please, I beseech you, leave the Kingdom of Gwarga and venture elsewhere."

The addition of 'please' was not lost on Scarlett; it was a clear indicator of his trepidation. Recognizing her location as the Kingdom of Gwarga and understanding that the confrontation had taken place at the Warrior Academy, Scarlett assessed the sincerity etched across the king's face. 

Relenting with a heavy sigh, Scarlett agreed, her tone resolute yet calm, "Okay! I'll leave tomorrow unless you don't try anything funny in the meantime."

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