That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Nova Familia

As the villagers, newly strengthened by Scarlett's blessings, gathered around the cleared area, they organized the resources that Scarlett had created with her magic. The men, now boasting impressive muscles, lifted and sorted the trees Scarlett had cut down the previous day to make space for new shelters.

They divided their tasks methodically. First, they processed the tree trunks, cutting them into planks. These wood planks were crucial for their main project—building new houses. The leaves, they decided, could be used for crafting clothes or, if that proved too difficult, they would serve as kindling for fires. Lastly, the remaining parts of the tree trunks were set aside for making bonfires and other necessary items.

However, a significant challenge presented itself: none of the villagers had carpentry skills, which made the task of constructing wooden houses seem daunting, if not impossible. Recognizing the gap in their capabilities, Scarlett knew she had to take action.

Reluctantly, she concluded that the only solution was to seek help from the human realm. Given the history and tensions between humans and demons, persuading humans to venture into the demon realm was unlikely. Scarlett prepared herself for the difficult task ahead—she might have to use force to bring skilled workers to their village. Her resolve hardened as she planned her next steps, knowing that the well-being and progress of her village depended on her success.

Scarlett stood in the center of the gathering, her voice echoing confidently as she addressed her villagers. "Everyone, please listen," she called out, her presence commanding the attention of all those present. The villagers, filled with anticipation, quickly formed a circle around her, their faces alight with curiosity and excitement.

"Today marks a new beginning for us," Scarlett continued, her gaze sweeping over the crowd. "It's time our village had a name—a name that signifies our strength and unity. Though it may change as we grow and prosper, let it stand as a symbol of our current spirit."

Murmurs of approval rippled through the crowd, everyone eager to hear the name that would define their collective identity.

"I have chosen to name our village 'Dreadhaven'," Scarlett declared, her voice resonant. The name hung in the air, powerful and evocative.

Instantly, a cheer erupted from the villagers. The name resonated deeply with them, embodying a mix of menace and sanctuary. 'Dread', means fear or terror and 'haven' means a place of safety. The names contains that whoever will try to attack this village or villager will meet the wrath of it's ruler Scarlett Nova, Coupled with 'haven', a promise of protection and safety of villagers under Scarlett's leadership.

"From now on," Scarlett said, her voice firm, yet filled with warmth, "Dreadhaven will be our fortress, a place where each of us, regardless of our past or nature, can find safety and peace. As your leader, I vow to protect this haven with all the power at my disposal."

The villagers, moved by her words, responded with renewed enthusiasm, their cheers filling the air. They felt a renewed sense of pride and belonging, ready to face the challenges ahead with their newfound identity as citizens of Dreadhaven.

 Scarlett raised her hand to quiet the crowd, her voice carrying clearly over their cheers. "I'm not done yet!" she announced, ensuring she had everyone's undivided attention once more.

"Since all of you have entrusted your souls to me, we have forged a bond stronger than any typical alliance. Thus, I've decided that all citizens of this village will henceforth be known as the 'Nova Familia'," Scarlett declared, her voice steady and authoritative.

The term "Nova Familia" resonated across the gathering, eliciting a murmur of curiosity and surprise from the villagers.

One of the villagers, an older goblin woman with wise eyes, raised her hand and asked, "Familia? Why not something more common like 'Clan' or 'Group'?"

Scarlett looked around, meeting the eyes of her new family members, and replied with a warmth that softened her usually commanding tone, "Because 'Familia' signifies more than just a group or a clan—it signifies family. From this day forward, we are not just allies or villagers; we are a family, bound by shared fate and commitment. We will support, protect, and strengthen each other as any family would."

Her words settled over the crowd, stirring a sense of unity and belonging among them. The villagers nodded in agreement, their faces lighting up with the realization of their deepened connection. The idea of being part of the 'Nova Familia' gave them a newfound sense of purpose and camaraderie, reinforcing their commitment to Scarlett and to each other as a true family. 

Scarlett turned to Cryptus, her mind buzzing with a sudden realization—*Changes*. Everyone who had received her blessings had become younger and stronger, yet Cryptus appeared unchanged from four months ago. Was this because he was undead? Deciding not to dwell on it, Scarlett shifted her focus to more immediate matters.

She addressed Cryptus with a decisive tone, "I need you to teach the villagers everything you learned from Zephyrion's subordinate." While she was unsure of the specifics of his training, she trusted that anything he learned would be beneficial, especially since the villagers were utterly unfamiliar with magic.

She observed the villagers, many of whom were still adjusting to their new strengths and appearances. It struck her that these villagers had been eating raw meat for decades because they lacked knowledge in even basic culinary skills. Just yesterday, they had experienced cooked food for the first time. Though it was plain and lacked any seasoning, it was still a significant improvement over raw food.

Scarlett's command was clear, "This knowledge is crucial for our progress. Not only will you help them understand and harness magic, but you'll also improve their daily lives significantly."

Understanding the importance of his task, Cryptus nodded solemnly, ready to share his knowledge and contribute to transforming the village under Scarlett's leadership.

Scarlett concealed her long, 30cm horns beneath her skin as she prepared to depart for the nearest human kingdom to recruit some humans. With her horns hidden, she resembled a human wearing a blindfold, making her indistinguishable to anyone unless she reveals her aura.

She considered bringing someone along, but apart from Cryptus, no one was mature enough for the journey. And since Cryptus was a skeleton, his appearance would immediately betray him as non-human.

The villagers watched her, reluctant to see their ruler leave so soon. As her subjects, they felt it was their duty to serve her for at least a week or two, but they could not question her decision.

When Scarlett unfurled her divine wings—six magnificent wings tinged with purplish-white—the villagers instinctively bowed down. They were unsure why they felt compelled to do so, but one thing was clear: the figure before them was more than their ruler; she was akin to a deity.

Scarlett, unaware of the deep reverence they felt, mistook the bowing for a gesture of respect. She responded with a bright smile and a playful 'V' sign with her fingers, bidding them farewell.

With a powerful flap of her wings, she soared into the sky. Below, Evadne watched, longing to accompany her but understanding his limitations as a child and not wanting to be a burden in the human realm.

Scarlett was flying at a speed of 200 km per hour, which might seem fast, but to her, it felt painfully slow. She was capable of reaching her destination in less than two seconds, but doing so would create a massive shockwave upon stopping, potentially destroying everything in the vicinity and drawing unwanted attention.

Therefore, she opted to maintain a moderate pace. As she glided through the air, various thoughts circled her mind. She reflected on her escape from the earth, where she had eliminated everyone at the base where she was held captive for over seven months. Yet, she hadn't managed to find Dr. Ragi and Dr. Magi, the first people she encountered when kidnapped.

Moreover, she noted the surprising weakness of the people at the base. If they were from a world of magic, why had so few used any significant powers, except for an old man who could transform his body into stone? Was it because her world was without magic, making magical abilities rare among the peoples from other world?

She didn't have a clear answer, but she knew one thing: the Third Demon King, Asmodeus, likely held the answers she sought.

As Scarlett entertained herself with playful rolls and swim-like movements while flying, a sudden magic circle appeared beneath her. It wasn't an attack but rather a summoning circle, indicating that someone, somewhere, was trying to summon her.

This unexpected occurrence reminded her of something Avion, the first demon king, had once told her during her training. He had explained that when a new angel, dragon, archdemon, or primordial demon is born, two significant things happen: First, a chant for summoning them appears in many ancient grimoires, requiring sacrifices. Second, someone might acquire a rare skill that allows them to summon a random dragon, demon, or angel.

Scarlett had placed a magic circle on Irish's hand, allowing her to summon Scarlett without using any mana, and Scarlett would instinctively know if Irish was calling her. However, this magic circle was powered by mana, meaning someone else was trying to summon her to form a contract or pact, or perhaps they had acquired the skill to summon her.

This interruption frustrated Scarlett, who was already in a hurry to recruit humans for her village. Her annoyance was palpable; her time was precious, and now someone was using it up without her consent. Her jaw clenched and her lips twisted in anger as she muttered to herself,

 "Who the hell is summoning me?" 

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