That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

She Will Have To Marry Scarlett?

"Whoever you are, come out," she called, her voice laced with irritation. "I know you all are hiding there."

And from the concealing embrace of the bushes, four figures emerged, their presence undeniable. Each step they took seemed deliberate, purposeful, as if they were stepping onto a battlefield, ready to engage in a struggle beyond mere physical combat.

The first to reveal himself was a young man, his silver wavy hair cascading around his face like a veil of moonlight. Two jet-grey horns protruded from his head, a stark contrast against the backdrop of his skin, which bore a faint purple tint, lending an otherworldly quality to his monstrous appearance.

His eyes, sharp and fierce, pierced through the darkness, a mix of golden and black pupils reflecting an intensity that spoke of both power and authority. Adorned in a long white kimono-like robe with wide sleeves, adorned with intricate white and gold accents, he exuded a regal aura that commanded attention. A white and red cape or coat draped over his shoulders added to his imposing presence, billowing slightly in the breeze as he assumed his stance, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of a massive katana strapped to his back, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice.

The second figure to emerge stood in stark contrast to the first, a towering mass of muscle and sinew, his dark skin glistening with a grey tint under the moonlight. A single horn jutted from the center of his forehead, a testament to his formidable strength. Despite his fierce exterior, he wore a pair of a lady's purple sunglasses, an unexpected juxtaposition that hinted at a childlike innocence hidden beneath his intimidating facade.

Following them, two more figures emerged from the shadows, their presence adding another layer of intrigue to the unfolding scene.

The first woman to step into view stood at an average height of 5.7 feet, her slender frame clad in sky-blue Chinese attire, reminiscent of the iconic Chun-li from "Street Fighter 6", She was looking so similar that she might easily mistake as Chun-li. Her outfit hugged her curves snugly, the tight blue leggings accentuating her lithe form as she moved with a grace that spoke of years of training.

With her hair tied back in a sleek ponytail, her eyes glinted with determination, mirroring the steely resolve etched upon her features. Every movement she made exuded a sense of purpose.

Following closely behind her was a towering figure, a woman of extraordinary height, standing at an imposing 240 centimeters tall. Her presence was as commanding as her stature, her single horn protruding from the right side of her forehead, it was small but I. Reality it was an average size of horns in female demons around 10-15cm, it was her huge size that making her horn look tiny 

Clad in a white shirt with the top buttons left undone, revealing her dark yellow bra with black lace trim underneath, she exuded an air of casual confidence, her attire reminiscent of a rebellious high-school gals. A mini-skirt completed her ensemble, adding a touch of youthful energy to her appearance.

Her dark skin bore the same grey tint as her bald demon, who was wearing purple lady glasses, a visual cue to their familial connection. It was clear from their shared features that they were siblings, bound by blood.

In her hand, she wielded a battle pickaxe with a practiced ease, its intricate design a testament to the skill of its creator. A small fang like tooth coming out of her mouth, the base of which had skin folded in a way where she appeared to be extremely angry, like she was having a rough day.

Scarlett's eyes first landed on a Chinese-looking girl without horns. Her face brightened, and a smile spread across her lips as she extended her hand. "Mommy Chun-Li, is that you?" she exclaimed, mistaking her for the iconic Street Fighter character.

As she approached, the girl's guard went up immediately. "Don't you dare take a step forward, you damn succubus!" she shouted, her voice sharp with anger and warning.

Instead of being cautious, Scarlett placed a hand on her forehead dramatically and sighed. "Ahh, what a voice," she said, admiringly. Her eyes then drifted to the girl's legs. "Look at those thighs! I think I have a thigh fetish now!" she declared, oblivious to the hostility.

Next, Scarlett's gaze fell on a bald demon with an extraordinarily muscular physique. She tilted her head, puzzled. "Why is he wearing a lady's sunglasses?" she wondered aloud, then chuckled. "Fufufu... What a cringe."

Finally, her eyes settled on the tallest figure in the group, a blonde demon woman with a single horn on her right side of forehead with a single tail hair. Scarlett's eyes widened, and she nervously pointed. "Umm, miss, your bra is showing."

"Huh?" The woman's voice was deep and filled with what seemed like anger. Her face twisted into what Scarlett assumed was a death stare.

But in reality, she wasn't angry at all, it was just her facial feature that seemed like she is pissed off.

"Ack! Sorry," Scarlett stammered, feeling a chill run down her spine. She thought to herself, "Well, I guess her body is just so big that her bra is showing. But where did she get a high-school uniform?, From humans, I guess?"

Then suddenly silver-haired demon's stern expression did not change as he turned to Scarlett. "You damn succubus! First, you destroyed our village, and now you roam around freely?" His voice was filled with fury. "That time you were in a group, but now you're all alone," he continued, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "This must be it, hehehe... rather than fighting you all at once, we'll hunt you down one by one."

Scarlett's face twisted with annoyance. She looked down at the ground, her irritation clear. "Succubus... succubus... succubus..." she muttered under her breath. Then, unable to contain her frustration any longer, she yelled, "I'm not a succubus, damn it!" Her voice was so powerful that it sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

The shockwaves from Scarlett's high-pitched voice were so intense that they forced everyone to their knees, making them believe Scarlett was launching an attack. Realizing her mistake, Scarlett quickly called out, "Oops! It was a mistake! We can talk it out!" Her voice was sincere, but it was already too late.

The silver-haired demon stepped forward, eyes burning with rage. "I, Li Feng, will behead this succubus and begin my journey of revenge for my village!" he yelled, his voice echoing with determination.

Li Feng leaned in close, his hands on his katana, ready to unsheath it. He took a deep breath, his chest heaving, and closed his eyes to focus. His body began to gather mana, channeling it into his hands and katana, preparing for a high-speed attack. "Two hundred consecutive strikes," he declared as he partially unsheathed his katana. In an instant, two hundred sword slashes flew towards Scarlett.

Scarlett's eyes widened as she saw the slashes coming at her. Dodging two hundred strikes at once seemed nearly impossible; most would have to block or fly away using their wings. But this was Scarlett. With eyes that could see through attacks that cut time and space, this was nothing—just too slow, damn slow.

As her eyes widened, time seemed to slow down, almost to a standstill. One, two, ten, fifty... Scarlett effortlessly dodged all two hundred slashes, moving gracefully and with precision.

Horror fell upon Li Feng. "I-impossible!" he stammered, his eyes wide with disbelief. It was the first time he had seen someone dodge an attack like this so easily. 

"Ugh... Today is feast day, right? I just want to go home," Scarlett thought, her face showing clear boredom and laziness.

"I shall not back down! I will defeat you!" Li Feng yelled with fierce determination. "This time, I'll use five hundred strikes."

Just as he said this, a voice came from behind him. "Younger brother Li Feng, no! Your hand will be damaged if you use it!" It was the Chinese-looking girl with no horns.

Li Feng sighed and replied, "No, Elder Sister Xao Feng, I have to do this." He began to concentrate again, but Xao hurried over and placed her hands on him. "Don't worry, I'll handle this," she said sincerely.

Hearing her, Li Feng bowed his head and took a few steps back, withdrawing from the fight. He had already used most of his energy in those two hundred strikes; attacking again with five hundred would have been too much.

Scarlett stood there, watching their family drama unfold. "Ugh... If I use my wings to fly, my clothes will tear off. It was a bad idea to wear this," she thought, feeling annoyed. Her gaze shifted to Xao, and she couldn't help but ask, "Are you both Chinese?"

"What is Chinese? Trying to pull me into your puzzling games?" Xao replied confidently.

"She doesn't even know what Chinese is?" Scarlett thought, puzzled. She asked again, "Then what was your name again?"

Xao took a martial stance, pointing her left palm at Scarlett while her other hand clenched into a fist. "I'm Xao Feng," she said with confidence.

"That means you are Chinese, damn it!" Scarlett yelled in frustration, since it was clearly a Chinese name.

Just as Xao took her stance, a sudden invisible pressure descended upon Scarlett. It wasn't enough to cause her any trouble, but she recognized it instantly. "This is the same pressure that geezer Avion, the first demon king, always uses," she recalled. "But his pressure was on a whole different level compared to his, This is nothing." Her eyes narrowed in thought.

"But still, he didn't teach me this. I guess I'll have to ask her about it," Scarlett pondered. "What are you using? There's an invisible pressure on me. Is this your doing?" she yelled, questioning Xao.

"Of course! It's called spiritual pressure. Do you feel fear now? Want to accept your fate and get executed by us?" Xao laughed, her tone mocking.

"Fear? Me? I didn't even feel fear at Avion's pressure. Huff... I guess it can't be helped," Scarlett sighed deeply. Realizing she had no choice but to first beat them up and then talk, she thought, "What should I do then, punch her?"

"#Gender equality punch!" Scarlett yelled as she leaned close to Xao and unleashed her punch, aiming for Xao's chest.

But before it could land, Xao sidestepped smoothly, her movements fluid and precise. She used an unusual and rare martial art, adhering to the core concepts of redirecting and controlling the energy of an opponent's attack. As Scarlett's fist passed by, Xao used a soft block with one hand, redirecting the momentum. Her other hand shot forward in a straight punch aimed at Scarlett's chin.

Scarlett's head snapped upwards, spit flying out of her mouth. She couldn't help but think, "Did she just use my own force against me, plus some of her own, making it even more powerful?" She was amazed by Xao's technique.

Though Scarlett had been holding back, the fact that Xao could block her attack and even counter with such precision clearly impressed her.

Every time Scarlett threw a punch, Xao deflected it and struck back. Scarlett began to speed up, and soon they were exchanging blows with precision and at high speed, shockwaves from their punches ripping through the air.

A sinister grin spread across Scarlett's face as she thought, "Why does this look so familiar? Like I've seen it before?" A sudden realization hit her as Xao landed another hit on her. "Isn't this Wing Chun, one of the hardest martial arts to learn?" A fierce smile appeared on Scarlett's face as she took a few steps back.

"What? Are you scared now?" Xao questioned, still in her guard and fully aware of her surroundings.

Instead of replying, Scarlett let out a mischievous smile. "I'm getting late. I should finish this fast," she thought. "How about I show you some martial arts as well?" she exclaimed, confusing everyone.

In the next moment, Scarlett moved at an incredibly high speed, so fast that no one could even see her. She leaned in close to Xao and, just like Chun-Li from Street Fighter with her technique where she unleashes her barrage of kicks, Scarlett unleashed a flurry of kicks on Xao. Her kicks were so fast it looked like she had a dozen legs, landing more than a thousand kicks in a single second. Xao's whole body was struck; her limbs broke, and blood spewed from her mouth. She didn't even have time to react and was left utterly confused about what had just happened.

Scarlett had held back enough to ensure Xao wouldn't die, but her attack was still powerful enough to leave Xao's entire body numb. Xao collapsed to the ground, unable to move a single finger, her clothes slightly torn, and saliva dripping from her mouth.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden turn of events. Sweat started dripping from their foreheads. Meanwhile, the muscular bald demon still had no idea what was going on; he was hugging a tree, thinking it was a person. Scarlett couldn't help but think, "What is he exactly trying to do?"

"I guess it's my time, huh?" A voice came from the front. It was the tall demon woman with blonde hair. She spun her battle-axe, showing she was ready for a fight.

"Hmmm... She has only one horn, but she isn't tamed," Scarlett thought. "Only one species has one horn—a ogre. That's why she's so tall?"

Scarlett confirmed that the tall demon woman and the bald demon wearing sunglasses were ogres. As Scarlett approached, despite being very tall herself, she still had to raise her head to look up at the woman. Scarlett was only as tall as her abdomen.

"You look strong. I'll challenge you to a duel, angry miss!" Scarlett exclaimed.

"I, Reiza, accept your duel," the tall demon woman declared, pointing her battle-axe at Scarlett.

"Umm... But first, tell me, is he not going to fight?" Scarlett asked, pointing at the bald demon who was still pacing back and forth, trying to figure out where he was.

Reiza's eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes narrowed, her pupils taking the shape of squares. She nervously glanced around before saying, "Umm... He's Rin. He doesn't like to fight, and right now, he's in no condition to fight even if he wanted to."

Scarlett's eyes widened in shock. "He doesn't fight? What's the point of that muscular build? Damn, I thought he was the strongest of these four!" scarlett's's eyes narrowed with disappointment.

"Well then, let's get started," Reiza said, her voice steady and determined, as she began walking towards Scarlett. She spun her heavy battle-axe effortlessly, its weight seemingly inconsequential in her strong grip.

With a precise and powerful leap, Reiza, despite her tall and heavy frame, soared into the air. She raised her battle-axe high above her head, preparing for a devastating strike. As she descended, she swung the axe down with all her might towards Scarlett. However, Scarlett, with a calm and fluid motion, sidestepped the attack, allowing the massive weapon to crash into the ground.


The impact of the battle-axe hitting the earth was thunderous. The ground trembled violently, cracks spreading outwards and the surrounding earth breaking apart. The force was so intense that Scarlett momentarily lost her balance, her footing faltering on the unstable ground. Before she could fully regain her stance, Reiza abandoned her axe, which remained lodged in the ground, and swiftly delivered a powerful kick to Scarlett's face.

Scarlett didn't block the attack; instead, she took the kick directly on her left cheek. Her skin and body, smooth as tofu under normal circumstances, transformed into an unbreakable wall when struck. Despite the force behind Reiza's kick, Scarlett remained unmoved, standing her ground with unwavering steadiness.

Reiza's eyes widened in shock, but she quickly shook off her surprise and didn't back down. Without wasting a moment, she clenched her fist and aimed a punch at Scarlett's face. Yet, before her fist could make contact, Scarlett caught it effortlessly with her palm. The collision of Reiza's fist against Scarlett's palm sent powerful shockwaves rippling through the air, causing nearby trees to topple.

Scarlett had blocked the punch with ease, but the sheer force behind it caused her body to shift slightly backward. "There's no doubt about it, she is the strongest of the four," Scarlett pondered, a sinister grin spreading across her face.

Before Reiza could launch another attack, Scarlett tightened her grip on Reiza's fist. With a swift, decisive movement, she landed a punch to Reiza's abdomen. The force of Scarlett's punch lifted Reiza off the ground for a moment. As Scarlett withdrew her fist, Reiza fell to her knees, her mouth open as a large amount of saliva mixed with blood dripped out.

Reiza's body trembled from the impact, pain radiating through her core. She struggled to maintain her composure, but the force of Scarlett's punch had clearly taken its toll. 

Meanwhile, Xoa sat on the ground, her back resting against a nearby tree as she watched the battle unfold. She had been relaxing, confident in Reiza's victory. But seeing Reiza's defeat, her eyes widened in shock. 

The realization sent a chill down Xoa's spine. She had never imagined seeing Reiza, the village's most formidable warrior, in such a vulnerable state. The idea of Reiza being bound to the Scarlett filled Xoa with dread, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to process the shocking turn of events.

"Reiza, the strongest person in the village," she thought. "For the last three decades, no one—male or female—has been able to defeat her. And now, here she is, kneeling on the ground from just one punch. She's been defeated!"

Xoa's eyes widened even more, her forehead beginning to sweat. Horror spread across her face as the full implications of the scene sank in.she thought, her mind racing. "That means... that means... Reiza now has to marry that succubus?" 

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