That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

It Takes A Man To Become The Best Waifu

Humans or Demons, Who's Stronger?

When it comes to the age-old question of who is stronger, humans or demons, opinions are divided. While many believe that demons hold the upper hand, When it comes to me, Then I firmly believe that humans are the stronger of the two.

 Why Ask?

I'm not talking about individual strength or raw power, but the strength found in unity and knowledge. Humans have accumulated thousands of years' worth of knowledge, meticulously recorded in books and passed down through generations. This wealth of information is readily accessible, with academies established to ensure the smooth transfer of knowledge. In stark contrast, demons are born with innate strength, regenerative abilities, and significantly longer lifespans—some even ageless. However, they lack the structured approach to learning that humans possess. Demons often learn magic through self-practice or by stealing grimoires from humans. This means that, despite their natural abilities, humans have a far greater repository of magical knowledge than even the mightiest demon kings.

Why Do Humans Still Gets Defeated?

Yet, despite this advantage, humans often find themselves on the losing side. I don't know about my original world but This World's peoples are kinda stupid, They lack creativity—or rather, the lack thereof. In this world, humans seem to squander their potential, failing to fully exploit the magic they possess. Every spell, every magical text, is a treasure trove of possibilities, far more potent and versatile than they realize. But instead of delving deep, they skim the surface, like reading only the title of a book and ignoring the wealth of knowledge within.

Let's take an example to illustrate my point: my psychokinesis! In this world, people typically use psychokinetic powers to lift objects and throw them at their enemies. And that's it! Psychokinesis is hard to learn and consumes a lot of mana, so it's rarely mastered. But if they truly understood its potential, they would realize psychokinesis is far more useful than they think.

With psychokinesis, you can do so much more than just hurl objects. Imagine enhancing your teammates' overall strength. Picture a swordsman who can control the direction of their slashes mid-air, dramatically increasing accuracy and lethality. Psychokinesis can turn a simple attack into a precise, devastating blow, making your strikes nearly impossible to dodge.

I'm not even close to done yet. You can create a "Repel Barrier" that doesn't block attacks in the traditional sense but makes them pass harmlessly through you, leaving you unscathed. It's like phasing through danger. 

Even more impressive, you can generate an invisible aura around your body that makes it impossible for anyone to touch you. Think of it like Gojo Satoru's Infinity. With this barrier, you can walk into a battlefield and remain untouchable, effortlessly defeating your enemies while they can't even land a hit on you.

Let's set aside thoughts of humans and demons for now and focus on the heart of the matter. My village, Dreadhaven, has almost transformed into a thriving town. I still have Avion's one thousand gold coins, which I'll refer to as our "Foreign Reserves." These funds will be invaluable for paying workers from outside the village and purchasing goods from other kingdoms.

Additionally, it's essential to create our own gold, silver, and bronze coins. This will make trade much easier for our citizens, who currently barter goods like in ancient times—exchanging wheat for rice, and so on. We can't simply mimic the coin designs of other kingdoms; we need a unique currency that represents Dreadhaven.

The most remarkable development, however, is the growth of our population. Our village now boasts over four thousand inhabitants, a diverse mix of species. This incredible expansion is a testament to Dreadhaven's prosperity and promise.

In an exciting turn of events, Doomthunder has returned with his pack of hounds. These powerful creatures will serve as our transportation. I plan to organize groups to ride these hounds and maintain order in Dreadhaven, much like a police force.

Now, you might wonder why I'm not forming a traditional army. The answer is simple: I don't need one. I am a one-man army, more than capable of defeating any opposing force. My strength alone is enough to protect Dreadhaven from any threat.

Dreadhaven is evolving, and with these new measures, we're on the path to a bright and secure future. 

Scarlett sat lost in thought, processing all these plans and changes in less than a second. She stood up from her chair, yawning and stretching her limbs. Today was her last day in her current shelter. 

Why? Because, apart from her palace, all the village's construction was complete. Most of the houses were made of wood, and Scarlett's shelter stood out awkwardly, making the village look uneven. So, she decided to move into a new home—a classic Japanese-style wooden house right beside her palace. It wasn't too big, but it promised comfort and a sense of belonging.

As she left her shelter, a smile spread across her lips. Outside, Doomthunder waited for her, his tail wagging up and down and his tongue hanging out playfully. He had become more adorable after receiving Scarlett's blessings, his size reduced to just above that of a human, almost as large as a horse.

Seeing Doomthunder like this filled Scarlett with warmth and a sense of contentment. She gently patted his head, feeling the soft fur beneath her fingers. Without saying a word, she began walking toward the heart of the village, Doomthunder quietly following her. Dreadhaven was no longer just a village; it had grown significantly.

It took more than ten minutes to reach the site where the palace was being constructed. As she walked, villagers greeted her with bows of respect. When she arrived, she saw the palace was only half-finished, surrounded by a large garden. In the garden, a statue of Scarlett was also being sculpted.

However, her destination wasn't the palace. Next to it was an open field adorned with flowers, where her new wooden house was supposed to be. She had received reports that it was completed, yet there was no house in sight. 

Confused and on the brink of anger, Scarlett was about to speak when a bald, dark-skinned man ran towards her. "Wait a minute, Scarlett-sama..." It was Gohard, the craftsman, accompanied by a demon with yellow horns.

They reached her, and Gohard, panting heavily, explained, "The house hasn't been made yet."

Scarlett's eyes narrowed, her voice tinged with anger, "That's what I want to know—why isn't the house ready?"

Instead of answering, Gohard gestured to the yellow-horned demon. The demon stepped forward and placed his hand on the ground. In an instant, the earth trembled as a wooden house began to rise from beneath, forming right before their eyes. It was a classic Japanese-style wooden house, just as Scarlett had envisioned.

Scarlett watched in amazement, thinking, "Whoa, is he like Yamato from Naruto? Damn, I've got a very useful guy." She was clearly impressed.

Her anger melted away, replaced by awe and gratitude. She turned to Gohard and the demon, a smile forming on her lips. "You two have outdone yourselves. I'm speechless."

Gohard and the demon both bowed, relieved and pleased. The demon spoke gently, "I'm Hedz. I've been learning 'Wood Magic,' and I thought of using it to make houses as well."

A smile appeared on Scarlett's face as she thought, "That's exactly the kind of creativity I was hoping for. He deserves a reward."

Since money currently had no value in the village, Scarlett decided on a different kind of reward. She approached Hedz and hugged him tightly, her chest pressing against his. As she blinked one eye playfully, she said, "Well done, Hedz. I expect great things from you in the future."

Hedz's reaction was priceless. His face turned a deep shade of red, and he blushed so hard that it seemed like his cheeks were on fire. Even Gohard blushed at the sight.

"I... I was hugged by Scarlett-sama," Hedz stammered, a huge smile spreading across his face. "I can die peacefully now." He walked away in a daze, so overwhelmed with happiness that he forgot what he was supposed to do next.

Gohard chuckled and went after him, trying to bring him back to reality. Scarlett laughed inwardly, amused by how easily she could affect men. Having once been a man herself, she knew every weakness and enjoyed using that knowledge to her advantage.

With a light heart and a satisfied smile, Scarlett turned her attention back to her newly made house. Excited, she started running towards it, but after a few steps, she had to stop. Her breasts bounced so much that it became uncomfortable, and a look of annoyance crossed her face. 

"My breasts are bouncing so much that I can't run," she thought with irritation. "Now I know why girls run so slowly. But what can I do to stop this? Do I have to wear a bra?"

Scarlett sighed, "Well, the answer is yes. Not only a bra, but I think for my future plans, I'll even have to wear panties. What are my future plans? Well, that's a secret. Because I want to be like Aizen from Bleach, saying, 'Everything was according to my plan.' Hehehe..."

As she entered the house, a chuckle escaped her lips. She was already imagining the dramatic reveals and cunning strategies she had in store. The house was unremarkable, with a modest, ordinary interior. In the middle of the living room stood a large mirror, with a table behind it for her small belongings.

It had been over six months since she last looked at her reflection. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to see what had changed. As she approached the mirror, she saw her own reflection for the first time in a long while. Instantly, her face contorted in shock. She screamed, "Why does my face look ten times sluttier than before?"

Her gaze traveled down to her hips. "Why is my ass bigger? It looks like Mei Mei's from Jujutsu Kaisen." She then touched her breasts, realizing, "And my breasts are larger too."

Despite wearing an off-shoulder purple sweater, her chest was prominently visible. With mounting curiosity and anxiety, she opened her spatial inventory and took out a measuring tape. She started with her height. "184 cm? I've grown from 178 cm to 184 cm. That's a 6 cm difference."

Her hands trembled as she then moved to measure her breasts. "100 cm... 106 cm... 108... 112 cm,? Last time I checked it was 96cm." Her face turned pale, and her mind raced with shock. "Did I just surpass Mommy Tsunade and Mommy Boa Hancock? What the hell am I becoming, Vermeil from Vermeil in Gold?"

Her heart pounded in her chest. An overwhelming urge took hold of her, and she couldn't resist squeezing her breasts. "Hmm... they're softer than marshmallows," she murmured. Then, snapping out of it, she smacked her forehead in frustration. "This is not the time for this!"

She quickly put her sweater back on and began pacing back and forth, her mind racing. "Is it because I'm still not fully become an adult yet? Am I still maturing?"

"Or could it be because I slept with Irish? I've heard that a woman's body can change to increase sexual appeal, so her partner is more attracted to her. But damn, I was a man, at least have some mercy" She sighed heavily, trying to make sense of it all.

"And then there's my face. Before, it was just like I had a harem of boys. Now, it looks even worse, like I sleep with 50 or 60 men every day." Her expression twisted in despair as she dropped to the floor, banging her fists and crying out in frustration.

The shock and confusion were too much to handle. She felt trapped in a body she didn't recognize, with changes she couldn't understand. The mix of anger, fear, and disbelief left her feeling utterly lost.

It was actually a good thing that Scarlett was tall, making her big breasts "Top-tier", Or else she will be like Saintess clare with small body but huge boobs making more difficulties in movement.

Scarlett stood up, brushing aside the thought, "What can I do anyway?" With a sigh, she decided not to dwell on it. Taking a step back, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror. 

She was captivated by her own beauty, unable to resist the allure. Her body seemed to move on its own as she leaned closer to the mirror, drawn to her reflection. Just as she was about to kiss her own image, a sudden, loud burst from the door swinging open shattered the moment.

Scarlett jumped back from the mirror, her face flushing with embarrassment. She hoped whoever entered hadn't seen her almost kiss her reflection. Rubbing her legs nervously, she glanced toward the door.

"Everyone is ready and waiting to show their performances to you," Yumi announced, stepping into the room. Scarlett's heart raced; had Yumi seen her?

A blush crept across Scarlett's cheeks as she scratched her head, trying to compose herself. "I-I know... I know... hahaha... I was about to come myself. L-let's go!" she stammered nervously, pushing Yumi gently to go first, eager to escape her own awkwardness.

As they walked through wooden house, Beside the house, the grand halls of the nearly finished palace, Scarlett's thoughts drifted to the bustling village of Dreadhaven. The population had swelled to over four thousand, with a diverse mix of species calling it home. Scarlett had established strict rules: in every family, at least one person had to work. She would not tolerate beggars who leached off the hard work of others.

In this village of monsters and demons, their primary talent was fighting, So thier first was to become guardians/Police and protect the village. The second was to enroll in the army. Scarlett's palace was nearing completion, and she had no intention of living alone in such a vast space. Today, the villagers would showcase their skills, hoping to earn a place among the elite VIPs who would live in the palace, akin to nobles and royals.

Scarlett had decided to select at least forty VIPs eventually, but she wasn't in a rush. She planned to choose them over time, ensuring only the most deserving would gain this privilege.

As they approached the gathering area, Scarlett took a deep breath to steady herself. Before she could say anything, Cryptus ran toward her, his small figure darting through the crowd. "Scarlett-sama, this way!" he called out, his cute voice ringing in Scarlett's ears.

"Owww.. As always, his voice is so cute!" Scarlett thought, smiling to herself. Cryptus led her to a camp where a flashy wooden chair had been set up just for her. Scarlett sat down, crossing her legs with the poise and confidence of a ruler.

The area was buzzing with excitement. Families of the participants cheered them on, but most eyes were on Scarlett, captivated by her presence. She could feel their gazes, a mix of admiration and anticipation, and it only added to her sense of responsibility.

The crowd was diverse, featuring many different species. Among them were demons with fierce expressions, others with chubby, pig-like faces, and some with the heads of goats. Despite their differences, there primary goal was not to become a VIP Citizens, they all shared a common goal: to impress Scarlett with their strength and skills or become commanders in her army.

Scarlett watched as the participants prepared to showcase their abilities. She could sense their determination and the weight of their dreams. The villagers were not just performing for a place in the palace; they were striving to prove their worth and earn a position of honor and responsibility.

Scarlett's heart swelled with a mix of pride and resolve. These were her people, and today was a chance for them to shine. She leaned forward slightly, her eyes scanning the crowd.

The participants gathered in a large open area, the center dominated by massive round stones that towered over twenty meters high. These colossal rocks made everyone around them look like tiny ants by comparison.

Most of the participants had been trained by Cryptus. Despite his skeletal appearance and youthful demeanor, he had prepared them for this day, though Scarlett was still unsure of the specifics of his training.

The first participant stepped forward, a tall, muscular man with the face and horns of a goat. His presence was imposing, and he carried himself with a mixture of pride and humility. He bowed deeply to Scarlett and introduced himself, his voice resonating with respect.

"I give my respect to Scarlett-sama. I'm Baron Nova!" he declared.

Scarlett assumed her authoritative demeanor, her voice heavy with command. "You may proceed," she intoned.

Baron approached the gigantic rock with measured steps. He paused for a moment, gathering mana in his arms, which began to glow with a faint, mystical light. With a powerful punch, he struck the massive stone. The impact echoed through the air like thunder, creating a shockwave that rippled outward.

Without hesitation, Baron leaped into the air. Despite his size and bulk, he soared effortlessly, reaching the top of the towering rock. As he landed, he tightened his fingers into a rigid chop and struck the rock's peak. The force of his blow sent cracks spiderwebbing through the stone, and with a final, decisive split, the massive rock cleaved into two pieces.

The crowd watched in awe, a mixture of gasps and cheers filling the air. Scarlett felt a surge of excitement and pride. Baron's display of strength was not just impressive; it was a testament to the dedication and power of those who served under her rule.

"Did he just channel his mana into the boulder and weaken it? Then, with a jump and a choke hold, he broke the boulder into two? Just what the hell was Cryptus teaching them?", Scarlett's eyes sparkled like refined crystal as she watched in awe.

Unlike Scarlett, Cryptus was visibly angry. He shouted, "I told you to cut in a straight line! Why is it jagged?"

"I'm sorry, Cryptus-sama. I'll try my best next time," he replied, bowing deeply before leaving the training area.

Scarlett was shocked. "What the hell? That was impressive! Why is he so angry?" she thought to herself, glancing at Cryptus with a mix of confusion and admiration.

The next participant stepped forward. It was a demon with red skin and a long, curved horn. He bowed and introduced himself, "I'm Arpeus Nova." With a determined expression, he approached the boulder and unsheathed his sword. It appeared to be an ordinary iron blade, but everyone watched in astonishment as he executed a precise, swift movement.


The sound of slicing rock echoed through the area. Arpeus moved so quickly that the cut was almost imperceptible. As he sheathed his sword, the boulder fell apart, revealing a perfectly horizontal cut.

Scarlett's breath caught in her throat. The precision and skill displayed were astounding. She could feel her heart pounding with excitement and curiosity. What kind of training did Cryptus put them through to achieve such feats? 

But unlike Scarlett, Cryptus was having none of it. He shouted again, "I told you to cut it into at least four pieces!" His voice carried a hint of anger.

"What's his deal? He cut that large rock with an ordinary iron sword. Isn't that impressive?" Scarlett thought to herself, bewildered by Cryptus's harsh critique.

As time went by, one by one, participants showcased their skills. Each had a unique style, making it difficult for Scarlett to choose a standout candidate. Everyone seemed to possess immense strength and impressive abilities.

As the number of participants dwindled, the time for the final contestants arrived. The last participants were two sisters with long green hair and seductive figures. Their eyes were covered with blindfolds, and they wore matching, strapless bikini tops with decorative straps and ties in the front. Their bikini bottoms had side ties and covered half of their thighs, unlike smaller bikinis.

"That's one hell of an erotic outfit!" Scarlett thought, recalling how she used to wear revealing clothes herself. 

They both bowed as they introduced themselves. "I'm Euryale," one began.

Her sister followed, "I'm Stheno Nova. We are gorgons, descendants of Medusa. We have petrification in our eyes."

"Is that so? That's why they're wearing blindfolds," Scarlett thought. Their blindfolds were simple, unlike the more elaborate ones Scarlett had wore before.

In front of them were two large boulders. As they approached, they temporarily removed their blindfolds. A flash emanated from their eyes as their petrification powers activated. The boulder Euryale looked at turned into solid cement, while the one Stheno focused on transformed into bronze.

Unlike other participants, Scarlett wasn't particularly impressed. "Hmmm... They're useful in battle, but for crafting, what can I do with them? Turn humans into bronze statues? Realistic statues might make money, but I'm not that impressed," she thought.

"Is that it?" Scarlett questioned aloud.

"No, we are not done yet. After receiving blessings from you, our petrification gained additional attributes," Stheno replied, closing her eyes to avoid accidentally petrifying anyone.

As they spoke, they turned back to their respective boulders. Opening their eyes again, Euryale's boulder transformed into gold, and Stheno's into silver.

Scarlett's mouth hung open in astonishment. Her eyes sparkled like gems, her pupils shaped like gold coins as she exclaimed in bewilderment, "Did I just find an infinite money glitch?"   

 "Cryptus, don't let her escape! Capture her, go, go, go!" Scarlett shouted, pointing at the sisters, suddenly looking like an excited ten-year-old child.

Everyone was surprised since all they could see was a glowing yellow stone. They had no idea how valuable gold was, but unlike them, the sisters and Cryptus knew its worth.

Cryptus immediately understood what Scarlett was trying to convey and announced, "Scarlett-sama is saying that you are now VIP citizens who will live in the palace."

A stunned silence washed over the crowd. Then, the sisters began jumping in excitement, giving each other high fives.

"Ahem... ahem... meet me later, I'll have work for you," Scarlett said with authority, quickly regaining her composure.

Cryptus moved to the center of the crowd and announced, "Now that every participant has shown their best, it's time for Scarlett-sama to demonstrate her strength."

"M-me?" Scarlett was caught off guard by the sudden attention. But she had a feeling things would end like this, so she stood up from her chair and moved forward with a determined expression.

The crowd watched in anticipation, eager to see what Scarlett would do next. Before beginning her demonstration, she decided to speak to clear up any misunderstandings.

"I know many of you were confused about why I chose those two instead of other participants. Many of you might be disappointed by it," Scarlett began. "But I want to say that no one did poorly. Every single one of you was outstanding. I'm literally speechless by your performances. In the future, you'll understand why I chose those two. For now, just trust my decision."

Her words hung heavy in the air. The crowd nodded in agreement, trusting Scarlett's judgment. No one seemed disappointed.

Scarlett then approached the last boulder, but she hesitated. What should she do to the boulder? Burn it? Slash it? Pushing aside unnecessary thoughts, Scarlett simply raised her hand and gently punched the boulder as if she were punching a newborn baby. Despite the punch looking extremely weak, the air cracked and the ground shook from its sheer force.

The boulder exploded like a balloon, debris flying everywhere. It shattered into countless pieces, leaving everyone watching in astonishment, their mouths agape in disbelief. Yumi smacked her forehead as if she had expected this outcome, and it seemed that a part of everyone had suspected something like this might happen.

Scarlett, realizing the awkwardness of the moment, she thought . "Thank goodness I didn't punch it any harder. I might have destroyed half the town," she thought with a sheepish smile.

With the performance concluded, we designated those two sisters as VIPs. Yet, my task was far from over. I still needed to appoint at least 38 more individuals. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the village outskirts, and I still hadn't returned to my new house to rest. Why? Because I had something crucial to investigate.

Standing on the outskirts of the village with Evadne, I could sense his nervous energy. We were here to test out his Ultimate skill, a power that held immense potential and danger. 

Scarlett's voice cut through the tension with authority, "Ed, I'm repeating what I said earlier—punch me using your Ultimate skill. If by any chance I'm sent flying, don't bother calling anyone. Just go home and rest. I'll come back later. Nothing's going to happen to me."

Evadne nodded, but his hesitation was evident. Despite Scarlett's reassurance, the gravity of the situation weighed on him.

Inwardly, Scarlett struggled with her own pride. "I can block any punch if I'm on guard," she thought, "but taking a stance to block a child's punch? It hurts my pride. Yet, this is an Ultimate skill we're talking about. I kind of know what's going to happen."

"Now, punch me!" she declared, standing freely without any guard, her body relaxed, prepared to take the punch head-on. The resolve in her eyes was unwavering, reflecting her confidence and determination to push Evadne to his limits. 

Evadne clenched his fists, his heart pounding. He could feel the weight of Scarlett's expectations, the trust she placed in him, and the fear of failing her. As he prepared to unleash his Ultimate skill, a mix of emotions churned within him—anxiety, determination, and a flicker of excitement. 

Scarlett stood her ground, ready to face the full force of Evadne's power. The air between them crackled with tension, the moment stretching out as Evadne gathered his courage.

He clenched his fist and, with a burst of determination, started running towards Scarlett. His eyes shut in nervousness, his heart pounded wildly. As he reached her, he threw his punch, aiming directly at her abdomen, and activated his skill.

<Ultimate Skill: Tremor King Activated>

There was no sound of the punch, no shockwaves, not even a crack in the air. Instead, the very fabric of reality itself began to shatter. The world around them turned into a fractured mirror, pieces of the environment splintering and floating as if in a surreal, dreamlike state—just like Doctor Strange's mirror dimension.

Scarlett's eyes widened in shock. "Is his punch breaking reality itself?" she thought. But before she could process it further, the force of Evadne's punch sent her flying.

As Scarlett was hurled backward, the ground beneath them erupted with a loud thud, tremors rippling out like an earthquake. Trees, stones, even monsters in her path were smashed aside as she crashed through them, unable to stop.

The punch's unbelievable force launched Scarlett almost half a kilometer away from where she had stood. She finally came to a halt, lying amidst the wreckage of the landscape, the immense power of Evadne's skill leaving a trail of destruction.

As Scarlett stood on her feet, she immediately coughed up blood. She had instinctively blocked the crashing impact to protect her clothes, but the sheer force of Evadne's punch had taken its toll on her body. Despite the pain, Scarlett's thoughts were clear. She felt a mix of awe and pride in Evadne's power. "He's truly remarkable," she mused, as she dusted herself off and steadied her breathing.

Evadne, standing at the point of impact, watched in a mixture of horror and astonishment. He hadn't expected his skill to be so devastating. His heart raced, worried he had gone too far.

Scarlett's voice, calm yet firm, broke through his panic. "Well done, Ed," she called out, her voice carrying over the distance. "Now, go home and rest. You've earned it."

Scarlett stared into the distance, focusing on Evadne. Despite the great distance between them, she could still see him clearly, while Evadne could barely make out her figure. Using wind magic, Scarlett amplified her voice so he could hear her words distinctly.

Her words, a blend of praise and reassurance, eased his anxiety. He had proven himself, not just to Scarlett, but to himself as well. As he walked back towards the village, a sense of accomplishment washed over him, the promise of rest now within reach.

Scarlett began to make her way back to the village slowly. The sun was about to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. She had no intention of hurrying, savoring the peaceful transition from day to night.

As she walked through the forest, she took pleasure in her surroundings. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, and she occasionally picked ripe fruits from the trees, enjoying their sweetness. The tranquility of the forest was a welcome respite after the intense events of the day.

However, her peaceful walk was abruptly interrupted. Scarlett suddenly stopped in her tracks, her senses alert. A look of annoyance crossed her face as she scanned the trees and underbrush around her. 

"Whoever you are, come out," she called, her voice laced with irritation. "I know you all are hiding there."

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