That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

Side Story (2)



In the quiet solitude of the Hero Academy's backyard, Layra Midgrez stood with her back against the cold stone wall, her long, fluffy pink hair framing her delicate face. Despite her cute appearance, fear etched lines of worry on her features as she found herself surrounded by three menacing figures.

This secluded spot, away from the prying eyes of teachers and fellow students, often became the stage for such cruel acts of bullying. Layra's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to maintain her composure, her body trembling with a mixture of anxiety and dread.

One of the bullies, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent, stepped forward and leered at Layra. "You've got a pretty face for a commoner," he sneered, his words dripping with contempt. "How about we have a taste of you?" His words hung in the air, laden with the threat of violence, as Layra's fear threatened to overwhelm her.

"I'll tell the teachers, you'll regret this," Layra stammered, her voice trembling with fear as she faced the trio of bullies.

The bullies erupted into mocking laughter, their cruel amusement echoing in the secluded space. "Hahaha... No one in this Academy would take a commoner's side," one of them sneered, his words like daggers plunging into Layra's already fragile resolve.

As the bullies closed in, their menacing presence looming over Layra, she braced herself for the worst. But just as their hands reached out, ready to inflict harm, a sudden interruption shattered the tension.


A forceful kick landed squarely on the face of the bully in the middle, sending him flying several meters backward. Shock registered on the faces of the remaining bullies as they turned to see their assailant.

Standing before them was a figure bathed in golden light, his lustrous blonde hair framing a face that exuded an aura of undeniable charm. With piercing green eyes and a chiseled jawline, Aoto Takahashi's presence commanded attention and respect.

"Aoto-sama?" the bullies exclaimed in a mixture of shock and fear, their bravado evaporating in an instant.

Aoto's smile was fierce as he addressed them, his voice dripping with authority. "No one would take the side of a commoner? How could you forget the great, almighty Aoto?" His words rang out with a confidence that left no room for argument, as Layra looked on in awe and gratitude at her unexpected savior.

"Tch..." The bullies snorted in anger, their frustration palpable as they glared at Aoto. However, they knew they were no match for him, both physically and in terms of status.

With a grunt, they hoisted up their injured comrade, who had received Aoto's powerful kick, and slunk away without another word. As they departed, a sense of relief washed over Layra, a joyful smile gracing her features.

"Thank you so much, Aoto-sama," Layra exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm, her voice filled with gratitude. "I never knew you were such a kind-hearted person. I'm Layra Midgrez from Class B-3. It's nice to meet you."

Aoto chuckled warmly, his charming smile lighting up his face. "Hahaha... Don't worry, Layra. If they try to bully you again, just tell me," he assured her with unwavering confidence.

Upon hearing her name spoken so casually by Aoto, Layra's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Layra?" she stammered, her voice laced with nervousness. "You... you called me by my first name in our first meeting?"

Aoto's expression softened as he realized his mistake. "Oops... I called you by your first name because you sounded so familiar. You don't mind, right?" he asked, his charming smile never faltering as he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Layra's embarrassment only deepened as she played with her fingers nervously. "I-I don't really mind," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. "Umm... I'm free on Monday. Would you like to go anywhere?" She asked, her words tinged with embarrassment yet filled with hope.

"What a coincidence, I'm free as well," Aoto replied with a warm smile, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"W-well then, I'll meet you on Monday," Layra stammered hurriedly, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she hastily made her exit.

As Layra disappeared from his sight, Aoto waved goodbye, his smile lingering until she was out of view. But as soon as she was gone, a mischievous grin spread across Aoto's face, and he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Yes! That makes it my 14th girlfriend!" he exclaimed with glee, his voice filled with triumph as he reveled in his latest conquest.

After defeating the illusion demon and rescuing the king, I found myself bestowed with the prestigious title of the king's representative. Suddenly, everyone around me upgraded my name from just Aoto to the revered Aoto-sama. It was like being showered with respect confetti.

But the real kicker came when the king, in his infinite wisdom—or lack thereof—decided to arrange my engagement to Princess Ingrassia. Sure, she's a vision of beauty, but personality-wise? Let's just say she's got a one-track mind, constantly yammering on about justice this and justice that. And don't even get me started on her bizarre obsession with dueling Irish-san. Every time she challenges her, it's like watching a kitten take on a lion—predictable and painful.

She fancies herself as Irish's rival, but Irish couldn't care less about her, probably because she's too busy hunting monsters or something. But what choice do I have? She's like a walking, talking beauty pageant winner with a personality as appealing as a soggy sandwich. If I want to "bang" her all night, I'll have to endure her quirks all day. Ah, the sacrifices we make for love—or in my case, Harem.

As absurd as it sounds, I was genuinely bummed when that illusion demon showed up pretending to be the king. I mean, I had this whole plan mapped out in my head where I'd kill the real king, slide into the throne like a boss, and build the biggest harem known to mankind. But nope, life had to throw me a curveball.

But hey, it's not all bad. Being the king's representative pretty much puts me in the same league as the king himself. And when that old geezer finally kicks the bucket, guess who's next in line? That's right, yours truly. 

Initially, I had this grand idea of amassing a harem of a hundred girls, but thanks to my newfound status, I've already racked up 14 girlfriends without even breaking a sweat. And hey, I haven't even started my quest to kick demon king's butt yet!

Once I hit the road on my epic demon-slaying journey, you better believe I'm gonna collect girlfriends like Pokémon. It doesn't matter if they're from some random village or a bustling city—I'll charm them all. Because let's face it, years down the line, some kid in a tiny village will be asking his mom, "Who's my daddy?"

And his mom will puff up with pride and declare, "Stand tall, kiddo! You're the offspring of a legend, Aoto Takahashi!" But then she'll drop the bombshell: "Oh, but you're his 1462nd son. Hehehe!"

So yeah, I figure I'll aim for a harem of at least a thousand girls, and I'll make sure each of them bear my child at least twice. Who needs world domination when you can have a thousand mini-me's running around? 

With a proud smile plastered on his face, Aoto made his way back to his dorm room, his mind buzzing with grandiose thoughts of future kingship. "When I become king, should I just banish all the males from the kingdom?" he mused to himself. "It'd make life easier for all the ladies left behind, right? But that pesky princess would never let me get away with it." He sighed, resigned to the fact that his dreams of a male-free utopia were dashed by royal bureaucracy.

As he pushed open the door to his room, a wave of nostalgia washed over him, memories of living with Scarlett flooding his mind. "Without your bestie, life sure is boring, no matter how many girlfriends you have," he lamented quietly to himself.

His gaze landed on a book resting on his bed, the one he had authored himself. "Oh, tomorrow's Irish-san's birthday," he recalled suddenly, a pang of sadness tugging at his heart. "I used to know all the girls' birthdays so Scarlett could surprise them with gifts. But now she's off gallivanting in the demon realm. Sigh..."

Picking up the book, Aoto's mischievous grin returned. "That's why I wrote this book—it'll definitely come in handy, for both Irish and me," he chuckled to himself. "And why me, you ask? Well, let's just say I recently exposed Scarlett's weakness by beating her in Rock, Paper, Scissors and making her wear that, uh, 'erotic' outfit." He shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "But I know she's already overcome her fear of wearing female clothes. And knowing Scarlett, she won't let that slide without getting revenge."

Aoto's expression turned serious for a moment as he contemplated his own abilities. "She's formidable, no doubt about it. But with my unique skill, I might just stand a chance against her. Still, it's a gamble." He shrugged, returning to his mischievous grin. "That's why I wrote this book—to exploit her weaknesses and save myself from her wrath. I'll make irish master of making Scarlett blush with embarrassment and Every time she blushes at Irish's antics, it'll be another victory for me! Hahaha..." He chuckled to himself, already looking forward to the inevitable showdown with his formidable friend-turned-foe.

As Aoto's mind wandered back to Scarlett, another familiar face popped into his thoughts—Chiyoko Hiiro, the otaku boy. "Ah, Chiyoko," he chuckled to himself. "He managed to snag four girlfriends too, but let's be real, Aisha's mine in bed, so we'll count his harem as three. Still, I've got 14 and he's got only 3. Hehehe... he's no match for me." A smirk danced across Aoto's lips as he relished in his own perceived superiority.

The memory of Chiyoko's bewildered expression upon hearing about Aoto's engagement to Princess Ingrassia brought a fresh wave of amusement to Aoto's mind. "His face was priceless," he snickered. "I still laugh just thinking about it."

A wicked idea began to form in Aoto's mind. "Should I steal his remaining three girlfriends too?" he pondered mischievously. "Or maybe I'll just bang Aisha in front of him and let him hear her moans?" He shook his head, dismissing the thought with a chuckle. "Nah... that'd be too easy. I'll save that for later."

With a contented sigh, Aoto flopped onto his bed, exhaustion finally catching up to him after a day filled with schemes and mischief. As he drifted off to sleep, a smug grin remained plastered on his face, satisfied with the chaos he had caused and the plans yet to unfold. 


Unlike his usual routine, Aoto found himself awake bright and early. Today held two important tasks for him: his date with Layra and Irish's birthday. He knew he had to act fast, especially considering the significance of the latter task. Giving Irish the book wasn't just about achieving his own ambitions; it held a deeper meaning – preventing Irish from harming herself.

Every day, Aoto noticed Irish showing up to lessons with new injuries and bruises. Given her yandere nature, he suspected she was deliberately hurting herself. Determined to intervene, Aoto saw giving her the book as a way to keep her occupied and hopefully prevent further harm.

With a sense of urgency, Aoto grabbed the book and hurried towards Irish's dorm room, eager to fulfill his mission.Aoto wasted no time in reaching Irish's dorm room, his sense of urgency driving him forward. With a swift pace, he approached the door and raised his hand to knock.

Knock... knock... knock...

"It's me, Aoto. Open the door!" he called out, his voice carrying a tone of determinatiom and enthusiasm.

Hearing his voice, Irish rose from her bed, her curiosity piqued. With a soft sigh, she made her way to the door and swung it open. "Yawn... what happened?" she mumbled, her voice still heavy with sleep.

Aoto stood before her, a wide smile lighting up his face. "Happy birthday, Irish-san!" he exclaimed, his words filled with genuine joy.

Irish blinked in surprise, the realization dawning on her. "I forgot, today's my birthday," she admitted, a hint of sheepishness coloring her tone.

"I know you're not one for celebrating birthdays," Aoto replied, his smile unwavering. "So, I prepared a special gift for you." With a flourish, he presented a book, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "This will be perfect for you, I'm sure you'll like it."

Irish accepted the book, her curiosity growing as she examined its cover. As she read the title aloud, a mixture of amusement and incredulity washed over her. "Thousand ways to Make Your Husband Blush—Tomboy Edition?" 

A chilling grin spread across Irish's face, her eyes alight with anticipation. "This will certainly help me a lot!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.

"Well then, goodbye," Aoto said hastily, his demeanor shifting as he made a swift exit, leaving Irish alone with the intriguing book.

After delivering the book to Irish, Aoto made his way back to his dorm room, a shiver running down his spine as he caught a whiff of the overpowering scent of blood. His mind raced with concern: had Irish harmed someone? He quickly dismissed the thought, knowing that Irish wouldn't resort to such violence, especially after Scarlett's advice against it. With a shake of his head, he entered his dorm room, letting out a long, exhausted sigh as he flopped onto his bed.

"Huff... mission completed, guys!" he muttered to himself, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he relished in the accomplishment.

Just as he began to relax, a sudden knocking sound echoed from outside his door.

Knock... knock... knock...

"Aoto-kun, it's me, Saintess Clare," came the voice from the other side.

Aoto's surprise was evident as he hurried to open the door. Before him stood Saintess Clare, her petite frame looking up at him as she bowed deeply in apology. "First of all, I deeply apologize for what I did," she began, her voice tinged with remorse. "I was controlled by a demon, but as a Saintess, to allow myself to be manipulated in such a way is truly shameful."

As Clare spoke, Aoto couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment. "Apologies? Is that all?" he thought to himself, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. He knew the extent of the damage her actions had caused, including Scarlett's forced journey to the demon realm also As being the Summoner, Clare has the power to desummon Aoto, if he wouldn't have come in this world before clare Summoned him, He'll definitely sent back to his world by Saintess.

But outwardly, Aoto maintained his composure, gently placing a hand on Clare's shoulder. "Don't worry about it," he reassured her, his tone masking his true intentions. "The fact that you came all this way to apologize... it really touches my heart."

As he spoke, Aoto's mind whirled with a sinister plan, knowing that this apology could be the perfect opportunity to manipulate Clare to his advantage.

Aoto's expression turned grave as he adopted an extremely sad face, his eyes filled with feigned sorrow. "But Clare-chan, I'm truly saddened by the fact that you've been corrupted," he lamented.

Saintess Clare gasped in shock, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Corrupted?" she echoed, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Yes, it's true," Aoto continued, his tone somber. "The Goddess herself came to me in a dream and revealed to me the way to purify you."

Clare's expression shifted from shock to hope, a smile blossoming on her face as she leaned in with enthusiasm. "What way? I'll do anything," she declared eagerly.

Aoto paused for dramatic effect before delivering his next line. "You'll have to... sleep with me," he announced, his words hanging heavy in the air.

A deep blush spread across Clare's cheeks, her face turning crimson at the unexpected proposition. "W-what?!" she stammered, her voice betraying her shock. "But you know that a Saintess must remain pure for her entire life."

Once again, Aoto spoke, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I'll have the blessings of the Goddess, which is why I can purify your body... but only if we become one," he explained gently.

Clare shook her head in disbelief at the audacious proposal, but deep down, she knew she had little choice but to accept Aoto's offer. "Okay, then... please make it quick," she murmured, her legs trembling beneath her.

Aoto's disappointment was palpable as he processed Clare's reluctant agreement. "Ughh... I have a date with Layra," he lamented inwardly, his plans momentarily thrown off course.

Thinking quickly, he rallied with a mischievous smile. "I have a very important task to attend to as well," he declared, his voice oozing with charm. "Why don't you come to my room tonight? We can have a... whole-night session," he suggested, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

A lustrous grin spread across Saintess Clare's lips as she licked them hungrily. "Okay, then. I'll come tonight," she declared, her voice dripping with anticipation.

With that, she turned and swiftly exited the room, leaving Aoto alone with his thoughts. A sinister grin twisted his features as he watched her depart. "Finally," he thought to himself, "that buxom beauty is mine. She may be a Saintess in name, but in reality, she's just a woman driven by primal desires."

As he replayed their conversation in his mind, a sense of triumph washed over him. "Her legs were trembling with excitement," he mused, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. "She's ready for it, eager to lose her virginity at any cost."

Aoto concluded, his smirk widening as he relished in his growing harem.

"Hehe... with her included, it's my 15th girlfriend," 

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