That time I was reborn as a…

Getting prepared

As he stepped through the door he saw a modern office, His guide moved behind the desk. “Welcome to my office, I am Devi, a demigoddess. I will be helping you set up who you will be in your new life. Alex we do have a lot to go over, after we get you set up we will talk about your new sister.”

She takes a minute to look at her computer, “Before diving into everything, let me go over everything you will need to know for now, more will come out once it is needed. Everything you did in your life will be given a karma score, after going over it I will give you a chance to ask questions. This karma score is used to buy anything and everything you will have upon being reborn. If you want more or need more you can work in purgatory to earn more. Let us see your score, decent childhood, nothing major happened, due to you generally being a nice kid you get some good karma score. perfect military record, 8 years in service, 7 of them spent in a war zone, from this you get a large amount of karma. The last 10 were spent trying to survive, even with everything that happened you never resorted to crime or even underhanded means to make your life better. For everything that happened you got a massive amount of good karma. Making you hit the max amount of karma you can use in a single rebirth, the rest will be used to grant random beneficial skills and improving the environment you will be reborn into. Any questions on what we went over?”

Alex took a moment to process what was said before responding. “Just one so far, does the type of karma effect what can be gained with it?”

Devi nods hearing the question, “yes, every karma type has its own use. I will dive more into that once we get to were you will spend it. Now I am going to go over a little about the world then dive into the set up that will help us make the new you.” She takes a minute to pull up some information on her computer,

Devi gives him a minute to look at the tablet, “I will go over what the world is like. It is at the medieval times from your world if you add magic into it. As you can see, there are a large number of races, this happened due to all the deities that where there when the world was born made at least one sentient race in their image. More on the world itself will be up to you to discover. Now I am going to send you into the new you builder so we can go over all the options you have and get everything the way you want it.”

Everything changes as Alex is transported into what looks like a character creator from a video game, off to the side is a large comfy cushion. “You will probably want both hands for this so I made sure there is a comfy spot for you to set you new sister down on.” Smiling at her thoughtfulness, he did so, a fluffy blanket popped into existence above her. He grabbed it and tucked her in.

As he finishes, Devi's voice sounds out. “Aww, cute. Now on to the fun part making yourself, I did take the liberty of sealing some of the races. Some due to them not being compatible others due to you not meeting the requirements. Look at where you started, there should be a screen floating there. Take a look and ask if you have and questions, one last thing, everything there you can afford if it is unlocked.”

Looking at the screen. He sees that there are tabs labeled, common:500, uncommon:1000,rare: 2000, epic: 5000, unique: N/A and legendary: X. Seeing these odd markers. “Devi I see some of the tabs have something other then a cost listed. What is going on with the unique and legendary races?”

“Ah, good question. unique races are hybrids or variants you cannot get under normal situations. Then there are legendary races, these ones are just to powerful to start as though there are ways to gain them in the world. If you want to make a hybrid you will have to select the one you want as the primary the select the hybrid option and choose the second one.”

Alex nods, “got it, thank you Devi.” He then got sucked into the different races, to start off he touches common. It opens a list of all the basic fantasy races, Human, elf, dwarf, halfling, beastkin. Beastkin seems to be a tab so he clicks it, a massive list of all the variants, catkin, cowkin, dogkin, etc. There are two of each one of them tagged feral. He compares feral to normal beastkin, two holograms show up, the feral on looked like the animal if it had a humanoid form. The other only had minor influences on it, mainly ears and tail, other minor changes exist. Looking at the information on feral variants, there is a warning on it. This is a hard start,most feral tribes live isolated from other races and a primitive for this era. After seeing this he marked them off the list and added a filter to remove them from the creation menu.

Alex then decided to take a look at the uncommon races. In this one the basic races showed up, now with rare variants of them. There where also some new tabs, fairy,minor fae, minor demon, minor angel. Surprised by this he asked, “what is up with the demons and angels, I would have thought they would be considered divine races?”

“Ah, those are left overs from the holy wars that happened there. The ancestors of them decided to stay on the world, in order to do that they had to give up their divine powers making it so the races have to work their way up their evolution tree in order to regain their power. Oh, I never talked about that, most races have an evolution path that you will progress down to get stronger. That is also how you can get a unique race, can't get to much into it though, this falls into the category of things you will need to figure out yourself.”

Alex digested what was just shared, “interesting, so many things I will need to think about. Follow up question, will starting lower on the evolution tree be beneficial to truly make your race your own?”

There was a moment of silence as Devi thought about it. “What I can say is that if you start with a more advanced form of a race it will only pull from a normal template that will not take into account any boosts you might gain.”

Nodding Alex smiled, “thank you, that is more then enough.” He then added to the filter having it remove any evolved forms from the lists. He then moved on to rare, there where a few options there, minor dragonkin,minor phoenixkin , minor divine beastkin. Rising an eyebrow at the dragon part, he moved on to epic only to find epic and legendary grayed out. A voice surprised him out of his thought. “if something is grayed out then you have removed any option for that one with your search filters. Did you want to pick now or look at the other options now?”

He thought about it for a minute, “let us move on, I need some time to think about it.”

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