That time I was reborn as a…

in the beginning

Silence, blessed silence surrounded Alex as he breathed his last. He could finally rest, after ten years of suffering. He had served his country loyally, when he returned he was abandoned by his nation friends and family. Left to try to make a living in peace when all he knew was war.

Sadly the quite did not last, first light started to slowly invade, then a soft voice called out. “Awaken valiant warrior and receive your long overdue reward.”

As he slowly opened his eyes he saw the source of the voice. A young woman stood in front of him, dressed in a simple if revealing white dress. Honey blond hair flowed unbound down her back, reaching at least her waist. Sky blue eyes look at him, a gentle smile on her face. Her build defined youthful elegance, that was set off by the dress that hugged her form perfectly. Realizing he was staring, he distracted himself by standing up, unintentionally falling into an at rest stance.

Her gentle tones flowed around him once more. “Good you are awake, Welcome to purgatory. This is were all souls come after their mortal body dies. Please follow me so we can go over everything in a comfortable location.”

His eyes finally adjusted to the new light he can now see. Around him are others meeting with other being like the woman talking to him. Oddly he cannot hear them, as if something is keeping the conversations private. After looking around for a second, he simply nods his head and gets ready to follow her, as he starts he notices someone else wandering around without someone to greet her. This stands out due to the fact there is no one talking to her. The other fact is he can hear her crying.

Pausing his movement, “Excuse me Miss, there is a crying little girl over there. No one seems to be there to talk with her like everyone else. Is there something you can do for her?”

Hearing him speak for the first time makes her look at who he is talking about. Seeing the lost child, “let me look, that is unusual.” Her smile drops as she looks at something in front of her. Tears form in her eyes as she looks at the child with pity. “She is a twin, something must have happened to her second half. Normally if a twin dies before their sibling they go into a deep sleep here and wait for them then move on. See twins, triplets, and so on are special. Their souls are interconnected, so if something destroys one of the souls then this happens. The other will wander purgatory until they run out of energy, then they vanish due to the hole left in them from their twin being destroyed.”

He looked at her with a shocked face, then her walks over to the child. Gently he picks up the child. She instinctively buries her face in his chest as he cradles her in his hands. His heart melts seeing this. “Is there anyway to save her?”

She is crying as she looks at something again, flicking her fingers every once in a wile. She tilts her head as she reads something. “there seems to be a way, a soul can take the place of the lost one. This is permanent, so the other soul will forever be bound to the one they saved.”

Hope shined in his eyes, “I am willing, how do I bind my soul to hers?”

She blinks, taken back by his willingness to do something like this. Then a genuine smile takes place, “come with me, it will be done during the rebirth process. Do not worry about her, she has more then enough energy to live until we finish everything.” She then opens a door that did not exist until she reached for it.

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