The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

Honorary Devil

Lilith (Underworld Capital) - Third Person POV]

Going out of the portal was Sirzechs Lucifer, the current strongest devil and the face of the devil race in general, and accompanying him was Xeron Kezgenoth, who unlike how one would expect was still wearing his teaching outfit.

“If you would, please come with me to the meeting room”

Sirzechs said, and after seeing Xeron confirmation, they both entered the large castle that signifies the underworld capital.

“Lord Lucifer” x8

As they entered the castle's large garden, they were greeted by the guards stationed there, and upon seeing Sirzechs all guards saluted in union, which shows how much they admire their lord.

They also saw Xeron, but they didn't care much. He was a guest of their lord after all.

“At ease, and as always thank you for your service”

Sirzechs, wearing his usual business smile, gestured for the guards to calm down and remain in position, which they did so in an instant.

And as they entered the castle and passed through the castle corridors, the same scene kept on replaying itself, a couple of servants pass by, greet Sirzechs respectfully and then go on about their day.

Honestly, Xeron was getting pretty bored. If not for the obvious powerful energy signatures just a couple of rooms away from him, he would've just made Sirzechs spill out what he wanted without all this time wasting shenanigans.

He can see four energy signatures. One of them is probably Serafall, the other one is Ajuka, Azazel and another unknown fallen angel, but from the energy shape it looks like a woman.

If he didn't know better, he would've guessed that they were trying to ambush him.

And as exciting as the thought was, it didn't linger in his thoughts for too long.

Them naturally letting their presence run wild means that they want him to know that they were here, not hiding and trying to attack him.

The presence of Azazel also backs up this fact considering he just signed a deal with the man, he wouldn't just turn around and attack him, that would be stupid.

‘Well, I'll at least have to treat this as a serious gathering’

Snapping his fingers, the demon was enveloped by flames, and out of it he came wearing his signature black Victorian suit.

Sirzechs raised an eyebrow at the erupt change of clothes, but he didn't comment on it. He knows that Xeron noticed the other three and thought that his current clothes weren't suitable enough for such a gathering.

….Little did he know that Xeron just did this on a whim.

Finally arriving at the meeting room, which was more like a meeting hall, Sirzechs takes the lead and opens the door for Xeron to enter and after they both do enter they were greeted by the sight of the three other powerful leaders present.

Serafall was in her business suit, which signifies that she's taking this incredibly seriously, and Ajuka was visibly excited he had the same crazed look that Azazel had when anyone mentions sacred gears so it wasn't hard for Xeron to know what this meeting was about.

Azazel, for his part, was incredibly relaxed and with a small smile on his face.

In contrast to his fallen companion who Xeron immediately identified despite her being significantly weaker than Azazel.

“Good day to you all, and what an interesting gathering this is”

Xeron grinned and spoke to all present, then he turned his head to the female fallen and spoke with curiosity.

“Penemue, long time no see. Didn't expect to see you here”

The woman called Penemue had purple hair and purple eyes, decorated by an incredibly mature and voluptuous body.

Xeron knew of her because of the war, she was an original pure angel with 8 pairs of wings, and as such she didn't participate in the demon war, which required ten or twelve pairs, she was still a valuable asset considering her incredibly smart constitution.

She excelled in planning and development, which made her one of the primary tacticians of heaven. And the right hand woman to Azazel himself, who was the lead of research at fifth heaven and possesed twelve pairs of wings.

But now she seems to have fallen, which is a very interesting prospect and a story Xeron would very much like to hear.

Sadly, this will have to wait for now.

“Parging in my school and requesting me to attend a meeting between yourselves, I hope you have a compelling argument or I'll kick all your asses at the middle of the city”

Everyone in the room shivered slightly, all for the same reason except Serafall. Who seems to have discovered a new fetish since the appearance of the demon king.

But, she was the Satan in charge of foreign affairs and as such she had to take charge of the negotiations, so she cleared her throat to calm down and spoke with a respectful tone.

“Of course Xeron, we wouldn't want to waste your time after all”

Xeron nodded and sat down at his seat, and when all present saw that he sat down, they calmed down slightly and Serafall began speaking again.

“We heard from our fellow race leader Azazel that you plan to make a similar system to that of sacred gears but without the race restrictions, is that true?”

Serafall spoke slowly and with a steady tone, with Sirzechs being similar to her, the odd one out being Ajuka who was visibly excited.

Xeron leaned back into his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

“And I assume you would like to participate in our little pet project?”

Serafall nodded lightly, and spoke with a helpless smile.

“Calling a new system that will definitely change the power balance of the world a ‘pet project’ is certainly a little self deprecating, but you are correct. We, the devil race, would like to be included in the project's development as well”

Xeron didn't speak and just looked at Azazel, who raised his hand to defend himself.

“Hey! You knew the moment I left that room, I'll be bragging about it!! Don't pretend to be innocent when you aren't”

*Sigh* ‘That fucking man child’

But he is correct. In fact one of the reasons Xeron decided to make such a system was to make every major power pay up to be included.

So, it wasn't like Xeron didn't expect this. But he didn't think the devils had anything to offer him in return.

“I don't mind, but what can you offer me in return?”

Serafall smiled courteously and with a flash of magic, adorned by the signature of the Sitri's magic circle, a stack of papers appeard beside her.

Xeron looked dryly at her and didn't speak, surely she didn't expect him to read some paperwork, didn't she?

Serafall looked like she understood his concern and smiled lightly at him while explaining.

“Don't worry Xeron, the paper work is meant to show you that we're being serious about what we're about to offer you”

Indeed, the demon could feel four distinct magical signatures from each paper in the stack. Most likely being each signed by all the Satans.

As if on queue, Ajuka summoned something of his own and put it in front of him on the table, and out from the Astaroth magic circle came a sealed box of chess pieces.

“Lord Xeron, as the representatives of the devil race we humbly offer you the position of an honorary devil along with the title ‘duke’ and if you shall accept, you'll have your own territory to do with as you see fit and nobody shall question your rule”

She stood up from her chair and grabbed the chess pieces box, and with a seductive sway, she started making her way to Xeron's seat.

“And as a noble devil, you'll naturally have the right to possess your own evil pieces set and also take parts in the rating games the devil population competes in”

Arriving in front of his seat the black haired devilish beauty smiled seductively at him and held out the evil piece box, while looking at him in the eye.

“Last but not least, we offer you the Satan Leviathan which is me! as your first peerage member”


The two other Satans didn't speak a word and they all three held their breathe in, they did so because this was something they stayed up nights to discuss since they discovered Xeron's agreement with Grigori.

Coupled with the fact that he most likely didn't harbour good thoughts towards them due to what they tried to pull of on their first meeting made them desperate.

They didn't know what he desired, so it was quite a gruelling experience to come with an enticing offer for him. Until Serafall herself came up with a plan.

She would sell herself to secure a future for her race. A hard decision to others, but to her it was to be expected, she was one of the four Satans for a reason, all she and her colleagues cared about was the survival and flourishing of their race.

As for why her specifically, it was simply because they didn't know Xeron's preferences, they just knew that he once desired Grayfia, so it was safe to assume that he fancies woman. In short, it was a safe bet.

As for the titles and land they offered him, it was all ceremonial. After all, they knew he wasn't interested in riches, or he would have actively seeked them out by now.

The tension in the room was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. They only ones that seem remotely relaxed are Xeron, who's face was expressionless, and Azazel, who was seemingly in deep thought.

And after what felt like forever, Xeron moved.

He didn't grab the chess box, which made the devils' hearts’ collectively fall to their knees, he instead stood up and towerd over Serafall, who was shorter than him by a feet and a half.

He grabbed her chin and forced her to look upwards, and then when her blue eyes met his now blood red ones, she froze.

She was terrified, incredibly so. It was a mins numbing sensation, similar to feeling that any living being feels when they feel their lifes being threatened. 

It felt like she was little fish in a little pond all her life, and suddenly she was in front of a Kraken, a feeling she honestly didn't think she'd ever feel in her entire life.


A shiver run down her spine, a skin crawling sensation like no other, it felt like something just tried and succeeded in throughly scanning her entire body, she even felt her thoughts being probed.


She didn't have time to think about what just happened and she shivered again, this time due to his hands, which have moved from her chin towards her face.

He lowers his head and stares into her eyes that have now returned to their golden red colour.

“Interesting choice little devil, but are you sure? Do you truly wish to become mine?”

Feeling his hands leaving her face and along them left the existential dread that occupied her senses, Serafall mind was spinning at full gears.

Did she truly desire this? They didn't exactly offer her to become his servant, but they both know that her being in his servant, basically meant that she'll be his slave.

The treatment differs between noble devils and reincarnated ones but the principle still stands, she'll be his servant, and that's for sure.

But, what choice did they have. They had a bad first meeting, didn't have anything else to offer and they couldn't afford to be left out.

Their only hope now was to offer their sincerity and ‘cling to his thigh' for lack of a better word.

Accompanied by the fact that all devils naturally desired and respected power made it a more accepted descision from the devils perspective. 

But, not all devils will accept this descision, despite their better judgement, and attempt to retaliate.

Of course, Serafall and her colleagues don't want their race to go extinct so soon, so they planned to negotiate with Xeron to keep the Serafall matter a secret to the public.

Which he wouldn't likely refuse, considering their brief observations of his personality.

That was of course, if he agreed to take the deal in the first place.


[ORC room - Immediately after Sirzechs and Xeron left]

Despite Xeron's and Sirzechs's departure, the red haired princess and her peerage didn't immediately return to their own devices, instead they where all lost in thought and after a minute or so of silence, it was their newest member, Issei the 8-peice pawn that broke the silence.

“President, I'm aware of mister Sirzechs. He was in the books you forced me to read this morning, but isn't teacher Xeron also a devil? Why wasn't he being respectful?”

Rias looked at her new servant absent mindedly untill she remembered that none of her servants know about Xeron, except Akeno.

Deciding that it was her duty to educate her servants, she returned to the club president's seat and waited for her servants to each take a seat as well.

“Before I answer any questions, tell me what each one of you feels about Xeron. Is there something that comes to mind when you think if him now?”

They all fell silent and thought about their mistress's words. What are their thoughts about the being called Xeron? What emotions does these thoughts evoke?

The first one to answer was Akeno, who out of all of them was arguably the most influenced by the arrival of Xeron into their lifes.

“....Despite my mind telling me not to, I can't find it in myself to feel negative thoughts towards the man….H-He literally brought my mother back to me. So part of my heart will always feel gratitude towards him”

‘Understandable’. They all thought

It wasn't a secret that Akeno's mother has sadly long passed away. But it was yesterday that she was revived again by their new teacher Xeron, they two other peerage members naturally thought that he was an ancient and powerful devil, but it turns out that wasn't the case.

….Issei was clueless as always, but he could more or less string the situation together in his head.

“What about you Koneko? What do you think about Xeron?”

Rias said to her rook, and she was honestly curious about her opinion, considering that she was a Nekomata. A race famous for being good judges of character.

The white haired, soft spoken and petite girl didn't talk much. But when she did, she had a habit of saying as little and as impactful as possible.

“...It was scary. Everytime I meet someone for the first time, I could somewhat determine if they're good or bad. But, when I first saw him and looked a him….I-I f-felt scared, so I didn't try again”

The little girl shiverd slightly while looking at the ground as she spoke, and suffice to say that the sight broke everyone's hearts. Issei swore to teach his scary teacher a god- *Aaaah*

Everyone turned their heads to Issei, who was clutching his head in pain and didn't make a comment. They knew he said the forbidden word and suffered for it.

“And you Kiba?”

The handsome boy took a deep breathe and spoke lightly.

“I don't have Koneko’s sensing ability. So, he appeared to be a normal gentleman in my opinion. I also saw him teach my class and he appeared to be very educated too”

Rias shook her head slightly but didn't blame her knight. She would've honestly thought the same too if she was in his position.

She then turned her attention to her newest member, who stopped clutching his head in pain and was in turn looking at her.

“And you Issei? What do you think about Xeron?”

Issei thought for a couple of seconds and spoke seriously, it seems he has some deep thoughts on the matter.

“....Yesterday in school, just a few hours before Raynare ambushed me, he invited me to the cafeteria and asked me if I'm ready to make a choice”

The words grabbed the attention of everyone in the room and soon they were all calmly listening to Issei in silence.

“He said that my life is going to change and that I must be prepared….at the time I didn't understand and I thought he was just passing time…but I do now”

“He clearly knew and didn't warn me, he just stood at the sidelines and watched as I was tricked by a fallen and was about to quite possibly be murdered”

Issei's words weren't being spoken with malice or resentment….It was more appropriate to describe them as the cold, hard truth.

“But now it's clear…now I know why he didn't do anything….it's simply because he doesn't care. After all, the only thing that truly matters is his own amusement”

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