The Abyssal Lord (DxD)

The Only Way

[Next day - Kuoh Academy - Third Person POV]

“That's it for today class, also don't forget about the report and see you next week”

Xeron in his work clothes had just finished today's lecture to the students of second year at Kuoh Academy.

The young ladies and gentlemen were plenty diligent and seemee to focus extra hard whenever it's time for his mathematics lecture.

….Of course, he knew the reason why. If him having the feeling of being undressed by the numerous woman in the class was any distinction.

But, he didn't care much honestly, it was better than them trying to ignore him, which he admits that he wouldn't like it very much.

After taking his teaching material and leaving the class, he stops outside the classroom and turns his head at the direction of the Occult Research Club.

Honestly, he found the idea of them having a whole building for themselves a little amusing, but after he found out that the Gremory household runs this school, he wasn't really that surprised.

'It seems that someone came here uninvited, and that energy signature. Sirzechs? I see'

The demon thought to himself as he spotted the young brown haired pawn strolling out of the classroom behind him.

It also seems that Issei noticed him as well, so we approached him and asked curiously.

“Teacher Xeron? Didn't you go out of the classroom five minutes ago? What's the matter?”

The brown haired young dragon asked curiously, after having been accidentally pulled into to the supernatural. He seems to have adapted quite fast, it's like what happened to him was fate, which is in a way is true considering he is the holder of the boosted gear.

“Is Rias expecting someone today?”

The pawn thinks for a few seconds and answers the demon.

“Not that I'm aware of, no. But, I'm still new to this devil business, so maybe they didn't tell me?”

“Or maybe she didn't even know she will be receiving guests. Come, let us greet our guest properly”

Xeron casts an illusion spell on him and Issei and then he de-summons his teaching stuff.


[Ten minutes ago - ORC room]

The ORC was going about as usual. Rias was sitting at the president's seat lazing about as always, a questionable way to spend your time, but she was so spoiled growing up that no-one reprimanded her on her behaviour.

Standing behind Rias was Akeno, who now after finally uniting with her mother, was as bright as a sunshine. The young woman was ecstatic, knowing that she'll be able to live together again with her mother after all this time apart.

Kiba is a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes with a mole underneath his left eye, he was currently sitting on one of the two couches reviewing some of the devil contracts he'll be doing later this evening, and in front of him was Koneko.

Koneko, formally known as Shirone, she was a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes. The front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair.

She was currently sitting or more accurately sprawled on the sofa that was facing Kiba's. The young cat girl was truly catlike, she liked to sit idly all day and reserve her energy for the night.

“Akeno, what do you think I should do about Riser? He's honestly quite disgusting, I have no idea what my father was thinking when he engaged me to him”

Rias spoke out of nowhere, snapping her queen of her own thoughts. Akeno thought for a second until an idea was born in her head.

“How about you ask help from teacher Xeron, surely he can stop a marriage between two young devils”

Rias just face palmed and sighed at her queen, it seems that Akeno was infatuated with the demon more than she thought.

“Honestly Akeno? You think I can just ask a non-devil to cancel a marriage between two major devil clan without causing a war to happen? And my brother seems to have foresaw this idea coming eventually, and he absolutely forbade me from ever signing a contract with Xeron. I honestly don't know why he agreed to revive your mother without a price. He seems to have a hidden motive and it worries me”

Akeno, fell silent and thought about what her king said. Indeed, from what little they knew about Xeron, he won't agree to make a contract without him benefiting from it, so why did he revive her mother for free? 

She thought for a bit until finally giving up, her mother was alive and that's all that mattered.

“I should probably go and ask my broth-”

Rias's words were interrupted by the Gremorys' signature magical circle appearing at the floor, and out from it came the strongest devil currently alive, Sirzechs Lucifer.

The handsome man looked at his sister and smiled kindly.

“Good morning lord Lucifer” x3

All Rias's servants shot up and bowed towards the new arrival, which made Sirzechs smile lightly at them and gestured them to calm down.

“Good morning everyone and sorry for my sudden visit, and good morning to you too my little Rias”

“Good morning brother”

Rias just huffed at her brother's overly affectionate tone, but still returned his greeting. It would be awfully impolite if she didn't do so.

“Sit down brother, and Akeno prepare tea for us please”

“Right away Rias”

Rias accompanied her brother of the sofas in the middle of the room with her peerage standing behind her, and she waited for Sirzechs to tell her about the reason he was here.

After a few minutes of silence, Akeno came back with the tea and put down the cup in front of Sirzechs, which he took a sip from and finally started speaking with a slightly serious face.

“Let us get straight to the point Rias, I'm here to talk about your engagement to the young boy at the Phenex's house”

Rias just scowled at the mention of Riser, but decided to swallow down her hatred and listen to her brother. She knows that he loves her, but can't help her with the engagement because it might lead to a civil war.

But, that didn't mean he can't help her in the shadow, which she guessed that is what he was here for.

“In your report to your family you said that you have acquired a new pawn, and an 8 pawn piece one at that. Which means he is significantly powerful, or at least has the potential to be so”

Rias just nodded and thought about her new cute servant Issei, and while he's a little preverted, he is her family and she'll treat him well.

“Indeed, but why are you mentioning my servants brother?”

Sirzechs but down his tea cup and looked straight into his sister's eyes.

“It has been decided that you'll be competing with Riser in a rating game to decide the fate of your marriage”

The new stunned Rias a significant bit, mostly because it was her first time competing in a rating game and it was against Riser, who was a renowned rating game champion.

“Brother! That's simply unfair! How can I compete against Riser if he has a track record while it's still my first time?!”

The young girl was visibly upset, but her brother simply shook his head while sighing sadly.

“Rias, you must know this was the best I can do without causing a civil war, and besides you certainly have a chance, considering your peerage in comparison with Riser’s who's only real threat are himself and his sister who's his bishop”

Rias fell silent and thought about her options, but the sound of the door opening pulled her out of her thoughts.

“Interesting conversation, you don't mind if I join in do you?”

And there was Xeron, who was smiling his usual unconcerned smile, being accompanied by a slightly sorry Issei.


Sirzechs's attention was grabbed by the new arrival, he was shocked by his being unable to sense both Xeron and Issei arriving, but he remembered who the demon was, so he shook his head and stood up to greet them.

“Good morning Xeron, and no, I don't mind you joining our conversation”

“Good to see you too Sirzechs, Iid I'd have known you had it this rough, I would've offered to get you a maid after I took Grayfia”

Xeron spoke with Sirzechs with slight sympathy, it didn't look obvious because devils don't feel ill, but to Xeron who can see directly into the soul. It looks like Sirzechs is mentally exhausted, probably due to his position as the Satan of internal affairs.

“Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. If I see that I'm unable to handle my work alone, I'll ask my wife to hire me a new maid”

Xeron nodded and looked for a place to sit, and when he didn't find one he walked to the sofa Sirzechs is sitting on and casually sat down beside him. Sirzechs didn't say anything, but Koneko and Kiba nearly had their eyes pop out of their eye sockets.

Akeno giggled slightly and went to prepare tea for Xeron, while Issei saw his fellow servants standing behind Rias and went to accompany them.

On his way towards Rias's sofa, Sirzechs notices him and calls out to him.

“Oh? You must Hyoudou Issei? It is nice to meet you, my name is Sirzechs Lucifer, I'm Rias's brother”

Issei stops in his tracks and look towards the red haired devil, and seeing him smiling towards him, he gulps slightly, feeling the difference in strength between the two of them, but still answers the greeting.

“Good morning to you too, Lord Lucifer. I'm sorry for my impolite greeting”

Sirzechs waved his hand and spoke lightly towards the nervous Issei.

“Don't worry about that, you're a new devil after all, but please do take care of Rias for me, I'll be sad to see her get hurt”

Issei straightened up and saluted Sirzechs like he was military trained, to the amusement of those present.

“Yes lord Sirzechs!! I'll protect the president's breasts until my last breath!!”

Sirzechs and Kiba just smile, Koneko mutters ‘pervert’ quietly while Rias sees all of this and just sighs tiredly. And when she sees Akeno serving tea to Xeron and smiling like a fool, she sighed more tiredly.

“Ahem, as I said Rias. The rating game will be held exactly in a month, so you should get prepared”

Rias was once again hit with the reality of the situation, and was forced to contemplate on her future actions.

And after making sure that his sister took his words seriously, Sirzechs stands up, seemingly ready to leave.

“Brother, are you leaving?”

“Yes Rias, the underworld still has a lot work for me to do, and I can't stay here for too long”

Sirzechs then turns his head towards Xeron and speaks with a slightly pleading tone.

“Xeron, can you please accompany me for a while, I have something to discuss with you”

Xeron, seeing the look in Sirzechs's eyes, nods slightly and stands up and together they teleport with the magic circle that Sirzechs casted.

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