The Adventurous Gamer Ninja – Daichi Hekima.

Chapter 310 – Raiding Orochimaru’s Lab – 01/02

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Gamer. Please support the official release.

Orochimaru's Base - Kimimaro P.O.V.

A pale skinned, green eyed teenager was slowly making his forward way along the dimly lit hall. His most distinctive features were the shoulder length white hair and the two scarlet dots present on his forehead.

Kimimaro was calm as he calmly made his way to his master's study. He didn't sense any intruder nor did he sense anything amiss. His reason for coming down to that room at this time… Just because.

Orochimaru's trusted bodyguard opened the door to the study and observed every inch. He stepped forward and soon stood in the middle of the room. He looked around and several seconds later let out an audible sigh.

'Of course there's no one here. It seems I'm too tense.'

Nodding to himself and after making sure nothing was out of place in the room, Kimimaro took a step forward only to feel something strike the back of his skull and a moment later he stumbled and fell to one knee.


Another second later he was face down on the ground with a line of drool slowly running down the corner of his lips.

The last of the Kaguya couldn't even form a coherent thought inside his own mind let alone utter a word, make a sound or even mold chakra to protect himself. He only felt the strong vice grip on his head even as he lay on the hard floor.

The white haired ninja lost his sense of time and soon closed his eyes as he fell unconscious.

Above the downed Kimimaro the green cloaked man let go of his grip and stood. He made a seal and a shadow clone appeared. The clone transformed into an identical version of the Kaguya clan descendant and walked out of the room as if nothing happened.

Daichi P.O.V. A minute ago.

The disguised Daichi had his senses focused on Kimimaro's every step. The second Daichi sensed Kimimaro coming his way, he closed the hidden room and made sure everything was the way it was, before hiding himself in the darkness.

The gamer ninja was going through several scenarios of his encounter with one of Orochimaru's most loyal men.

'There is no way he should know I'm here right now. Unless opening that hidden room alerted him somehow but that possibility is very small. It must be a coincidence or just bad timing. Regardless… What should I do with him?'

The Leaf Genin's brain was working through multiple variations of his encounter with the teen. 'I could hide and he would never be able to find me. This is a stealth mission so I should avoid conflict at all costs and make sure not to get myself dispelled before completing my assignments.'

Daichi's keen senses picked up the low sounds of footsteps. Kimimaro was getting closer. 'But this guy is someone in that snake's inner circle. He would definitely know what really happened and where sensei is. If I can get the information from him then hopefully I'll be able to save those two before anything bad happens. And killing this guy would definitely reduce the strength of Orochimaru's force.'

The eyes behind the mask narrowed as Daichi pondered on that course of action. But suddenly another thought stopped Daichi. 'What if Orochimaru finds out that he's dead? He didn't have a way to know when the Sound four died in canon but I shouldn't take that chance. What if he placed some seal on them? If I kill Kimimaro here and now and Orochimaru finds out, then he could cut his losses and there is a possibility of sensei's death.'

The new problem brought a frown to the face behind the cloak. 'Killing him is out of the question. At least till sensei and Shizune senpai are safe. But letting him go is unacceptable. He would definitely have valuable intel... It seems I'll have to use that technique.'

Having made up his mind, Daichi waited till Kimimaro was right out the door. The green cloaked man turned invisible just before the door opened and no trace of him could be found. The hidden Daichi clenched his fist as he looked at the white haired ninja. But he was able to keep his emotions under control thanks to the Gamer's mind skill. Not even a whiff of his intent showed.

He looked at Kimimaro who observes the room and as Daichi expected, the Kaguya wasn't able to find him. Just as the white haired teen turned around and was ready to leave, Daichi silently moved from his position and was already behind him.

He was ready to use the new Mana technique he had developed.

[Mana Mind Shock - Active (LV. 04): This skill allows the user to send a large concentrated pulse of Mana energy directly into the brain of the target to disorient and even render the target unconscious. This skill can bypass chakra barriers around the skull of the target if there is any. ]

[Note: The user must be in contact with the head of the target to send a pulse. Can only be used once every 31 hours.]

[Effects: Disorient and can even render the target unconscious with a high concentration of Mana energy.

MP Cost: 3270 MP.]

[Skill Mana Mind Shock has leveled up]

The disguised Daichi looked at the unconscious ninja and felt no sympathy or mercy for him. 'Time to find out what you know.'

Daichi knelt and grabbed the back of the ninja's head again and used the Mind Drain ability.

After 5 seconds of physical contact the skill Mind Drain was activated. This skill had the ability to permanently increase Daichi's Wisdom and Intelligence stats and it also had the ability to transfer some knowledge and information possessed by the target.

[2 Intelligence]

[1 Wisdom]

[1 Intelligence]

As his stats increased Daichi also began to receive certain memories from his target. The images and the conversation that came to Daichi's mind made his blood boil in anger. His grip on Kimimaro's head became tighter and a crack was heard in the otherwise silent room.

[Skill Gamer's Mind has activated]

Due to the Mind Drain skill, Daichi received the memories of Orochimaru's attack on his teacher and it was as if he was there and saw what had happened.

Daichi let out a few deep breaths of air to try and calm himself and he looked at the man on the ground with fury. 'This bastard. I'm definitely not going to spare any of you. Once sensei is safe you're all dead.'

[2 Wisdom]

[1 Intelligence]

The gamer ninja kept using the drain skill in the hopes of getting information on where Tsunade and Shizune were being kept. As he was hoping for a miracle he came across another piece of information that almost made him curse out loud.

'Damn it. Orochimaru erased his memory of that information. This guy only knows that there is a hidden laboratory but he doesn't know where. That snake is being too careful.'

Daichi kept up the use of his Mana skill and came upon several other pieces of information that were very valuable to him. Several minutes later Daichi stood from his spot and gazed at the unconscious man.

He used 'observe' on Kimimaro and got to the last part of the information box.

[His brain has received a powerful shock from Mana energy and now his mental energy has been completely drained. Kimimaro is now in a coma and will not be able to wake up for at least 51 hours no matter what.

Current Status: Vegetative coma]

'So this is the aftermath of using Mind Drain on a living human huh. It's just as I hypothesized… Hmm… No seals have been triggered. And my quest didn't say I failed. So that's good. This changes my plans. It seems I'll have to stick around for a couple more days. No matter what, this whole mess will have an end in a few days. But whether that ends in Orochimaru's victory or sensei's rescue…'

"You're all dead. Enjoy your sleep Kimimaro. It's your last." Daichi looked at the unconscious Kaguya and spoke.

The gamer ninja moved the body of the white haired teen to the corner of the room and he opened Orochimaru's hidden storage room once more.

'Before I got here the plan was to infiltrate the location, and make a copy of the most important jutsus and leave but now… I don't need to waste time copying these. I can take everything here and create my own library.'

Daichi took a pill from his scroll and downed it. It was a chakra pill he specifically created to help in emergencies. The disguised Leaf Genin let out a deep breath and made 4 shadow clones. All of them were in the disguised form.

He turned one of them and nodded and the next second, that clone dispelled. It was a way to update his original on the ongoing situation. 'I really should make a better communication method.'

He turned to the second one and spoke. "You know what to do. Memorize every portion of the reanimation jutsu. Every word, every seal. Once you have it done, store the scroll in inventory and practice. Something tells me we'll need it sooner than we think. We need to understand and level up that jutsu."

"Yeah. I got it." The clone nodded and went to pick up one of the more dangerous forbidden ninjutsu in the world. He used 'observe' and after making sure everything was safe he took the scroll and opened it.

The main clone turned to the remaining two. "This whole room is a treasure trove. Take everything. But make sure you don't trigger any traps. There may be seals around to stop just this kind of thing. I'm heading to the other side of the lab to collect the genetic materials."

The two clones nodded and got to work as the main clone left the room. 'This trip yielded such good results. Forbidden ninjutsu, Reanimation jutsu, Notes on curse seals, forbidden body modification techniques, body control techniques, soul transfer jutsu and valuable information of all great nations. I'll be taking all the information and data you've collected, Orochimaru. This is the least I should do considering what you did.'


It wasn't long before Daichi was on the other side of Orochimaru's underground hideout. He was standing in front of a vault and after studying it for several minutes nodded in understanding. He quickly began making the seals he learned from Kimimaro and the moment the final seal was made the handle on the vault door started rotating and the door opened.

Daichi looked around and observed everything before taking a step inside. The room was much larger than the previous study and it contained several advanced medical equipment used for experimentation and genetic sample storage.

"Holy Shit!" Daichi couldn't help but exclaim to himself. Some of the most advanced and cutting edge machines were present in that room.

'Observe'. Daichi looked at a machine and used his information gathering skill.

[Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) Freezers]

[For long-term preservation of blood samples, ULT freezers can maintain temperatures between -40C to -80C, ensuring the stability of DNA, RNA, and other cellular components. Currently contains genetic samples from dozens of ninjas from around the world.]

Daichi's eyes locked in on that machine and quickly came near it. He pressed the switch on the side and the top lid slid open and cold misty air flowed out and low temp lights turned on inside the machine.

Daichi looked at the numerous small containers and used Observe again.

[Genetic Samples]

[Preserved genetic material from various shinobi, including samples from rare Kekkei Genkai users.]

The gamer ninja couldn't stop his curiosity and used 'Observe' skill on the containers.

[Genetic sample of Kimimaro Kaguya]

[A genetic sample of someone from a clan that is nearly extinct due to their ferocity and penchant for war. Their Kekkei Genkai, Shikotsumyaku, allowed them to manipulate their skeletal structure to create weapons and armor from their bones, making them formidable opponents in close combat.]


[Genetic sample of Kamizuru Clan]

[Contains multiple genetic samples of a clan known for their Bee Techniques, which involve manipulating bees for various purposes, including reconnaissance and combat. Though not famous or powerful, their unique abilities were of interest to Orochimaru.]


[Genetic samples of Explosion Corps]

[While not a clan, the Explosion Corps of Hidden Stone Village specialize in using Explosion Release, a Kekkei Genkai that combines earth and lightning elements to create explosive attacks. This ability is rare and highly destructive and this made it a valuable addition to Orochimaru's collection.]

'Mmmhmp. Yeah. I'm taking this.' Without wasting another second Daichi unplugged the machine and took the whole thing and shoved it into his inventory space.

He then looked around and nodded to himself. "Yep. I'm definitely taking everything not nailed down and I'm taking a crowbar to the bitch that is."

'My quest says to infiltrate the place and to keep my true identity a secret. I'm pretty sure this won't conflict with that.'

The boy looked around and found another machine similar to the one he had just taken.

[Liquid Nitrogen Storage Systems]

[For cryopreservation, liquid nitrogen storage systems can keep samples at temperatures as low as -196C, ideal for preserving whole cells or blood samples for extended periods without degrading their genetic material.]

He quickly opened it and saw several test tubes filled with blood. He used observe skill on the contents and information made his eyes widen.

[Genetic sample of Hashirama Senju]

[Known for his unique Wood Release abilities and his ability to heal wounds without forming seals. His DNA is highly coveted for its rare and powerful nature. This is a sample Orochimaru has taken from the vault in the Leaf village.]

'A pure blood sample of the First Hokage. Hell yeah. I can create so many things with this.'

Daichi continued and looked down the list.

[Genetic sample of Tobirama Senju]

[Recognized for his creation of numerous jutsu, including the Reanimation Jutsu. His water manipulation abilities were also among the best. This is a sample Orochimaru has taken from the vault in the Leaf village.]


[Genetic sample of Hiruzen Sarutobi]

[Known as the "Professor," Hiruzen had knowledge of all the techniques in Konoha. His mastery over all five basic nature transformations and Yin and Yang Release made his genetic material valuable. This is a genetic sample Orochimaru acquired from the Leaf hospital several years ago.]

Daichi frowned as he looked at the last statement in the blue box.

'A sample from the hospital huh. So either Orochimaru paid the hospital a visit without anybody knowing or someone supplied this to him.'

He quietly sighed and moved on to the next one.

[Genetic sample of Minato Namikaze]

[Famous for his Flying Thunder God Technique, a space-time ninjutsu that allowed him to teleport to any location marked with his special seal. His exceptional speed and sealing techniques were also noteworthy. Orochimaru acquired this sample during his time as a Leaf Shinobi.]


[Genetic sample of Tsunade Senju ]

[Known for her extraordinary medical ninjutsu and superhuman strength, thanks to her mastery over the Mitotic Regeneration technique, which granted her rapid healing abilities. This sample was acquired shortly before Orochimaru left the Leaf village.]

Daichi frowned as he looked at the blood sample. 'I should destroy this… but not now. Her blood along with theirs might be the key to finally completing that quest.'

The boy looked at the next sample and sighed. 'So he kept them all together huh.'

[Genetic sample of Dan Kato]

[Known for his spirit transformation technique, which allowed his spirit to temporarily leave his body and fight. Dan's unique abilities and his relation to Tsunade, one of the legendary Sannin made his genetic material of particular interest to Orochimaru.]


[Genetic sample of Nawaki Senju]

[As the younger brother of Tsunade and the grandson of the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, Nawaki inherited the Senju's strong will and dream of becoming Hokage. Although he died young and his abilities were not fully shown, his Senju lineage makes his blood valuable for its genetic potential related to Hashirama's extraordinary abilities.]

'Orochimaru had both Nawaki and Dan's blood samples. Did he suspect something or is this just a coincidence?'

Not willing to waste time pondering on the answer, Daichi took his next course of action. He locked the liquid nitrogen storage machine and quickly stored it in his inventory. The boy looked around with a big grin on his face.

'This must have cost that snake a pretty penny. Thank you for the donation, you snake. I'll make sure to put all these to better use.'

Daichi used his information gathering skill on the other machines and items in the room and the grin on his face only widened.

Author's Note.

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