The Adventurous Gamer Ninja – Daichi Hekima.

Chapter 311 – Raiding Orochimaru’s Lab – 02/02

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Gamer. Please support the official release.

Leaf Village: Training Ground 3.

Daichi was under a tree sitting crossed legged and meditating. At least that's what it would look like to anyone who saw him. He received new memories from his clone less than a minute ago and was currently reviewing them.

'So Kimimaro is under custody huh. That's good. Based on the information my clone was able to take from him, the other two in the base are Jirobo and Kidomaru. So that means the rest of sound Five are with Tsunade and Shizune. Maybe even Kabuto is there…'

Daichi's eyes slightly closed tighter as he decided to focus on his clone's mission. 'It seems my initial plan of copying the jutsu and leaving is now out of the question. This was supposed to be a stealth mission. No one was supposed to know I was even there to begin with… Well it doesn't matter. I dealt with the cards I have. My clone doesn't have much Mana left. He can't use the Mana mind shock again so if he encounters any other enemies he'll have to kill them.'

A couple meters away his teacher was leaning on a wooden stump and reading his favorite literature. Even though Kakashi was reading he couldn't help but take a glance at Daichi every now and then.

Finally he decided to break the silence. "You're quiet." He spoke in a soft tone and saw Daichi opening his eyes.

The Genin looked at the silver haired man with a raised eyebrow and Kakashi sighed. "Even more than usual."

"I have a lot on my mind."

Kakashi looked at the boy and gave a small nod. "I thought you'd want to train. You know to take your mind off everything."

"Right now I'm not in the mood to train and meditation is helping me focus and calm my mind."

Kakashi closed his book and stood straight. "Then you should get some sleep Daichi. You've had a long day. Go home."

"I doubt I'd be getting any sleep tonight… But I suppose you're right." Daichi let out a long breath of air and stood. 'I'll also need to keep an eye on everything happening with my clones.'

Just before Daichi left he turned to his teacher and held a serious gaze. "If anything new comes up, please inform me. I want to be kept in the loop."

Kakashi looked at the boy and after a few moments of silence gave a short nod. Daichi nodded his head and vanished with the body flicker jutsu.

The gamer ninja soon reached home and made his way to the backyard. As he opened his inventory he found dozens of new scrolls and books.

As Daichi looked in his storage space, he saw a couple new unexpected items as well. He looked at the details of the items and his eyes widened in shock.

'Ultra low temperature freezers? Liquid nitrogen Storage systems? What the hell? Did my clone decide to rob the whole place?'

Daichi smirked as he thought about the situation. 'Orochimaru's going to be in hell of surprise when he returns.'


Land of Sound: Orochimaru's base.

The clone looked around the large room and used 'Observe' on everything his eyes fell on.

[Experimentation Chambers]

[Secure chambers for conducting experiments, often with restraints and monitoring equipment for observing test subjects.]

Daichi looked at the chamber and saw seals covering several areas of the room. 'I can't even imagine how many people have died in this room.'

[Medical Equipments]

[Advanced medical tools for performing surgeries and biological experiments, including microscopes, surgical tools, and healing ointments.]

'Yeah, I'm taking all that.' Daichi took the small shelf containing numerous medical tools and placed them in his inventory.

He then looked around and saw a slightly larger area with several seals drawn on the floor.

[Summoning Area]

[A space dedicated to summoning jutsu with pre-drawn summoning circles and materials for blood contracts.]

Daichi saw several blood stains on the ground in the summoning area and he could hypothesize a guess. 'That snake must have used his summons to dispose of corpses with no further use. Brutal but I suppose it's effective.'

Daichi's eyes fell on another shelf that held various glass jars with different colored liquids in them.

[Chemicals and Poisons]

[A variety of chemicals, poisons, and antidotes, showcasing Orochimaru's knowledge in toxicology. Among these are dozens of new poisons Orochimaru created using snake venom.]

'If I didn't have my gamer abilities, studying these would have taken years.' Daichi didn't waste time and stored them in his space without another thought.

Daichi took everything of value in that lab and nodded in satisfaction. The once fully equipped lab was now stripped naked.

Just then the clone received memories from the ones in Orochimaru's study. 'Detailed notes on Genetics and information on the other labs here. That saves some time.'

Daichi decided to move to the next base Orochimaru had hidden in the land of Rice Paddies and quickly disappeared from his spot.


Daichi bypassed several guards standing outside the base and soon entered the second laboratory he could find. The equipments in the room was just as advanced as the ones in the main lab.

'How is he getting the funding for all this? To create so many labs and ship these equipment here. If his other labs are just like this then it must have cost him the wealth of a small nation. How did no one trace the purchase and movement of materials like this?'


[Incubators with CO2 Regulation]

[For growing and maintaining cell cultures that are being genetically modified or used in experiments, ensuring they have the right conditions for growth and survival.]

Daichi opened the Incubator and saw a sealed tray with a cell culture.

[Genetic sample of Shin]

[Shin is one of the many test subjects under Orochimaru. However, what truly sets Shin apart is his unique genetic makeup that allows his body to accept any transplant without rejection. He can integrate any foreign tissue or organ into his body seamlessly, effectively making him a perfect vessel for Orochimaru's experiments in seeking immortality and mastering all jutsu. Orochimaru, fascinated by Shin's adaptability, would likely conduct a series of experiments aimed at unlocking the secrets behind Shin's unique ability to accept and adapt to any foreign genetic material.]

There were several stacks of documents on a nearby table. Daichi opened the folder and saw the photo of a young Shin on the front page. The young medic read the notes and was shocked at how far Orochimaru had come in the field of biotechnology and Gene Mapping.

Nearby, in another medical equipment Daichi saw 2 compartments with cells and organs inside.


[Synthesized cells for Gene Mapping and Analysis]

[Subject: Shin]

[Orochimaru started by mapping out Shin's genome to identify any genetic markers or anomalies that contribute to his extraordinary adaptability. This involved comparing his DNA with that of individuals from various clans, especially those known for unique Kekkei genkai, to understand how Shin's body recognizes and integrates foreign DNA.]


[Extracted Tissue and Organs for Transplant Experiments]

[Primary Subject: Shin]

[By transplanting tissues and organs from various shinobi with unique abilities into subjects with and without similar adaptability to Shin, Orochimaru could observe the outcomes. Success in these experiments led to breakthroughs in creating synthetic bodies or vessels that could harness multiple Kekkei Genkai.]

Daichi reread the last part in the system information box.

'Success in these experiments led to breakthroughs in creating synthetic bodies or vessels that could harness multiple Kekkei Genkai… Wait a minute.'

In that instant a figure came to Daichi's mind. 'Danzo's arm. It was composed of Senju blood and Sharingan. Is it possible that Orochimaru had success with combining other bloodlines?'

Daichi looked at the papers documenting the experiments done on Shin and one page suddenly caught his attention. He read the notes written by Orochimaru about his observations of the boy.

Chakra Nature Adaptation Studies: Subject's unique physiology positively affects his ability to adapt to and manipulate different chakra natures and Kekkei Genkai. This involved rigorous training sessions under controlled environments, where Shin is exposed to various chakra types and tasked with mastering them. Further testing under extreme conditions are required for more in-depth analysis.

The gamer ninja couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the data. 'If his blood was used in the right way it could be used to create a cure for many fatal diseases.'

Daichi turned the page and the information on the next paper proved his hypothesis correct.

Immune Response Manipulation: A key aspect of Shin's ability is his immune system's tolerance to foreign genetic material. I have manipulated the immune response in other subjects, attempting to replicate Shin's tolerance involving genetic editing, viral vectors to introduce specific genes, or even creating a serum based on Shin's blood. But there hasn't been much success.

Daichi turned to the next page and a frown formed on his face as he read the information.

Cloning and Mass Production: Attempt to clone Shin and create beings with Shin's genetic makeup is successful. Will need to conduct further tests to see if it's possible to create a new Kekkei Genkai in the clone body. The final objective would be to produce an army of shinobi who can adapt to any Kekkei Genkai.

'If Orochimaru is able to mass produce clones with special bloodlines then we're all fucked.'

Daichi didn't wait another second and started shoving everything from notes to lab equipment into his inventory. Once the whole place was empty the disguised Daichi moved on.


Locating the hidden labs was not as difficult as Daichi expected. He was able to easily get past the patrol ninjas who were oblivious to his presence. Daichi made sure to not fall into any hidden boobytraps or seals that were placed.

It took almost an half an hour but he was inside the third laboratory hidden underground. As he looked around, Daichi found another cryopreservation system and he opened it. He immediately used Observe and the Genetic samples stored inside surprised the boy.

[Genetic sample of A (Third Raikage)]

[Known for his physical durability and lightning-fast speed, A was considered one of the strongest Raikage in Hidden Cloud's history. His Lightning Release and Hell Stab were particularly feared.]


[Genetic sample of Third Kazekage]

[Known for his unique ability to use Iron Sand, the most feared weapon in Hidden Sand's history. He modeled this technique after the Jinchūriki of Shukaku before him, creating weapons from sand mixed with iron powder. His ability to manipulate magnetic fields made his Iron Sand techniques versatile and deadly.]


[Genetic sample of Kushina Uzumaki]

[Known for her incredibly strong life force, sealing techniques, and chakra reserves. The Uzumaki's ability to recover from injuries and perform jutsu that require large amounts of chakra makes their genetic material exceptionally valuable.]


[Genetic Sample of Itachi Uchiha]

[A member of the Uchiha clan and as such is known for his strong genjutsu and visual prowess. His ability to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan, granting unique abilities drew Orochimaru to obtain his blood.]

'I didn't know he had blood samples of the Third Raikage and Kushina. He must have gotten the Raikage's blood after his death somehow. And Kushina's while he was still in the village.'

Daichi sighed and took all the samples. He looked at the nearby machines and used his skill.


[Refrigerated Centrifuges]

[Before storing blood samples, it's often necessary to centrifuge them under cold conditions to separate plasma, serum, or other components without compromising their integrity.]


[Automated Cell Counters and Analyzers]

[To assess the quality and quantity of cells before and after preservation, automated systems can provide vital information about cell viability and concentration.]


[PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Machines]

[Essential for amplifying DNA sequences, making it easier to study small samples by generating thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence.]


[DNA Sequencers]
[Used for sequencing the DNA, allowing scientists to understand its exact makeup. High-throughput sequencers can sequence entire genomes quickly and efficiently.]

'These PCR and DNA sequences are even more advanced than the ones in the Fire Capital hospital. Where did Orochimaru even get these? I need to look into this when I get the time.'

[Electrophoresis Equipment]

[Utilized for DNA, RNA, and protein separation based on size and charge, critical for analyzing molecular components.]


[Microarray Scanners]

[For gene expression analysis, these scanners allow researchers to understand the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously.]


[Flow Cytometers]

[Used for cell counting, cell sorting, and biomarker detection, providing detailed analysis of cell populations.]

Daichi moved around the machines and removed the protection seals as he noted the information his system showed him. He stored them one by one and made sure not to disturb the contents inside the machine as he did so.


[Essential for the separation of fluids, gas, or liquid, based on density. Ultracentrifuges are used for more detailed molecular biology work.]


[Incubators and Growth Chambers]

[For culturing cells and tissues under controlled conditions, essential for experiments requiring specific temperatures, humidity, and atmospheric composition.]

"Yeah. I'm gonna need to build a really big lab to fit all this." Daichi spoke to himself as he took the incubation chamber and safely stored it in his system space.

The Gamer ninja looked around and began plundering the rest of the lab. Soon there was nothing left but a giant empty space.

Daichi closed the door to the lab behind him and disappeared. Around an hour later he found another hidden base and was soon inside the lab. The moment he opened the door a large tank caught his eye and what was inside the tank made him freeze.

Author's Note

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