The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 31 - System Store

The following day on board the Sovereign commenced in a growingly familiar fashion for Thea. She started with her routine morning exercises, followed by a refreshing shower. A quick glance in the mirror and a swift tying of her hair into her signature ponytail later, she donned her uniform and made her way to the communal area of Alpha Squad's living quarters.

Much to her surprise, she was the first one up, none of the other squad members seeming to have stirred quite yet. It was understandable, considering this was their first day off since integration. An absolute whirlwind of events had transpired, with more undoubtedly in the pipeline, so it seemed likely that many marines would be seizing this day to relax a bit.

As she awaited Karania's arrival, Thea mulled over the avalanche of information she had received the previous day, spanning from the Warfare 101 lecture to the intense sparring session with Isabella, and all the way up to the startling proposal from Councillor Lumis and her ensuing decision to embrace the UHF's support.

‘I can’t believe how much has happened in just these two days… I don’t know if I’ll survive if every day keeps being filled with so much stuff… Luckily, we get a bit of a breather today. Going shopping with Karania should be fairly exciting, I hope! That reminds me… I’ve never actually gone shopping with a friend before… Is there something I need to watch out for…?’

Puzzled by this new question, Thea pulled out her datapad and began scouring the galactic net for guidance.

[What's the etiquette for shopping with friends?]

[What should I keep in mind when shopping with a friend?]

[Top 10 dos and don'ts for a shopping trip with friends.]

Absorbed in her search, Thea lost track of time until Karania's lively voice jolted her back to reality, "Good morning, Thea! I hope you haven't been waiting too long, my hair was absolutely unruly today, but I somehow managed to tame it with some extra hairspray!"

As Karania swept her wavy, auburn locks with a theatrical flick and executed a pirouette, she presented herself to Thea.

"Oh, no worries, I was just doing some reading… Anyway…! You look absolutely stunning today! How do you get your hair to look so perfect all the time? I typically toss mine into a ponytail and just cross my fingers," Thea responded, shrugging. She hoped her spontaneous- definitely not rehearsed and thought-through many times - compliment hit the right note.

The article she had been skimming through had stressed the importance of starting off with a compliment, and Thea had seized the first opportunity that presented itself. She was determined not to miss a single chance to leave a positive impression on Karania during their shopping expedition today!

Karania's infectious laugh echoed through the room as she replied, "Oh stop it, Thea! You make it sound like it's magic, but it's really just a battle with my hair every morning. You know, your ponytail looks pretty cute too! Sometimes, I wish I could look that good with a simple ponytail… But alas! Anyway, thank you for the compliment! Now, shall we get this shopping day started? I believe we should head to the System Store first, considering how Councillor Lumis’ words are still fresh in our minds. How about it?"

With an acknowledging nod and a big smile, Thea packed away her datapad into the corresponding pocket of her uniform, before getting up and walking next to Karania towards the door of Alpha Squad’s living quarters.

Internally, Thea was elated at her success so far, ‘That worked extremely well! She was so happy…! Keep up the good work, Thea! Friendships will be an easy thing in no time!’

As the two of them stepped into the corridor, a fresh wave of adrenaline washed over them. Shopping was not just about picking out items; it was about exploring and experiencing the culture of the Sovereign’s DDS, the hubbub of the crowds, the thrill of exploring the endless aisles of futuristic tech, and the anticipation of discovering potential Abilities in the System Store.

Navigating through the maze-like corridors of the Sovereign, the two of them engaged in a casual conversation about their respective experiences in their Warfare 101 lectures. Much to Thea’s surprise, Karania’s class did not partake in a virtual environment, nor did they get the chance to see any real vehicles, let alone something as extraordinary as the Terra Venator!

Upon hearing Thea describe what Lucas’ and her own Warfare 101 lecture had been like, Karania was understandably miffed about having missed out on such a fantastic spectacle. Thea's detailed depiction of the Terra Venator’s Star-cannon especially seemed to irk Karania.

As they navigated the ship, Karania continuously peppered Thea with technical questions about the Star-cannon's operation, the impact it had on the surrounding landscape, and what it felt like to witness such a thing. Unfortunately for her, many of the questions were so detailed that Thea found herself unable to provide the answers Karania sought.

Ultimately, the conversation moved on to lighter topics. They discussed their main goals for their trip to the shopping deck, considered what they might grab for breakfast along the way, and touched on other, similarly unimportant topics, as they continued their way through the ship.

Around twenty minutes later, having gotten lost as a result of their animated conversations and needing to backtrack with the help of the Sovereign's AI, the pair finally reached their first destination: The entertainment deck.

They had agreed to begin their day there, grabbing breakfast at a local eatery before embarking on what was sure to be a long day of shopping and tough choices.

As they stepped through the massive bulkhead doors separating the deck from the rest of the ship, they were struck by the stark difference in atmosphere from their last visit. Their previous trip, led by Major Quinn, had taken place around lunchtime. Now, it was just past 7am ship-time, and the entertainment deck reflected the early hour.

During their last visit, the deck had been a hive of activity. Now, it had a more tranquil ambiance. They could spot only a few marines carrying out their early morning routines here and there. Many were likely occupied with training or attending lectures at this hour.

Navigating the more serene landscape of the entertainment deck, Thea and Karania took a moment to appreciate the sheer variety of facilities that it housed. Amidst the muted conversations and the hum of the ship, they passed by a series of bars, arcades, and eateries, each brimming with its unique allure.

They encountered numerous bars, currently quieter in the early hours, but evidence of their night-time liveliness was evident. Colourful neon signs boasted a multitude of drinks, while holographic displays depicted lively scenes of camaraderie, hinting at the promise of the evening's potential entertainment. They exchanged excited glances, making a silent agreement to explore these establishments at a later time.

Then there were the arcades. The flashing lights, the cacophony of beeps and dings, and the promise of virtual adventure were too tempting to ignore. They couldn't help but peek into one of the establishments, watching a pair of marines engaged in a high-stakes virtual duel.

Feeling a surge of excitement, Thea realised that she couldn't identify the game the pair were engaged in. Evidently, there were games here that she had never encountered before! A strong urge to simply plop down and delve into a gaming session washed over her, but she steeled herself against the temptation. She kept reminding herself of the true objectives of this shopping trip with Karania - preparing thoroughly for their upcoming assessment and strengthening their bond as friends.

Forcefully ripping her attention away from the enticing lights and sounds of the arcade, Thea followed a few steps behind Karania, who had already stepped away from the arcade after their brief look inside - clearly not too interested in what they had to offer at this time. Quickening her steps to catch up, Thea promised herself she’d come back here very soon, to try out all the available gaming options.

Despite the allure of the other establishments, their primary goal remained unfulfilled - breakfast.

The enticing aroma wafting from a nearby eatery eventually drew them in. It was a quaint café, offering a menu of traditional and exotic dishes that made their mouths water. As they stepped into the inviting warmth of the café, their stomachs rumbled in unison, making them laugh.

The café, simply named "Falstead’s Café," was surprisingly packed for such an early hour, yet still managed to maintain a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. A chorus of friendly chatter filled the air, underscored by the soothing rhythm of utensils clinking against plates and the soft hum of distant machinery.

Karania, with a gleam in her eyes, made a beeline for the meat-filled dishes on the menu. "Yes…! They have so many of my favourites," she laughed happily, revealing her unanticipated love for hearty meat dishes as she placed her order. She ended up choosing a robust, protein-packed platter, featuring grilled steak - bloody -, fried bacon strips, blood sausages, and a side of fluffy scrambled eggs. It was the kind of meal that would provide ample energy for a full day of shopping and decision-making.

On the other hand, Thea was both intrigued and overwhelmed by the wide array of choices.

She was used to the simple, often monotonous meals from the Undercity, so the opportunity to try new things was exciting yet daunting. Wanting to taste as much as she could, she decided to order a wide spread of several different dishes: a helping of fluffy pancakes smothered with sweet syrup and a pat of melting butter, a bowl of exotic fruits she'd never seen before, a serving of savoury crepes filled with a mix of vegetables and cheese, a platter of protein simply titled ‘Chef’s Choice Platter’, a bowl of steaming hot rice and a side of hash browns crisped to golden perfection.

"Wow, you sure are hungry!" Karania teased when she saw Thea's order. Thea simply laughed and shrugged while explaining, "Well, there are just so many things I've never tried before. I couldn't resist!"

As their orders arrived, they found themselves facing a veritable feast that even drew attention from the surrounding tables. Sampling their breakfast, they swapped stories, their conversation ranging from lighthearted banter to their hopes and expectations for the day ahead. The morning was off to a perfect start, full of hearty food, warm companionship, and the promise of an adventure yet to unfold.

An hour later, after they'd heartily savoured every bite of their expansive breakfast, their conversation slowed, lulled by the comforting heaviness of full stomachs. Observant patrons glanced their way, a mixture of amusement and surprise on their faces as the two marines lingered over their consumed meals.

Exhaling deeply, Thea's voice was brimming with satisfaction and a hint of awe. "Wow... that was absolutely amazing! I can't believe such amazing food exists…! I wonder what else I've been missing all these years..."

Her comment elicited a chuckle from Karania, who replied cheerfully, "You should have tasted the blood sausage! It's quite fantastic, I assure you!" She had repeatedly offered Thea pieces to try, but Thea had refused to try anything with the word ‘blood’ in its name.

Casting an incredulous glance at Karania, Thea shook her head slowly, her words a low mutter. "The fact that such a dish exists is surprising in its own right... though perhaps not in the same way..."

Karania's chuckle at Thea's remark filled the space as she rose from her seat.

"Let's take care of the bill and get started on our shopping spree. I'm really excited to get those Abilities that Councillor Lumis mentioned, they seemed incredible!" Her voice echoed with anticipation.

Thea's complexion turned pale at the mention of payment - a detail she had entirely overlooked. Despite not having spent any of her System Credits yet, she realised she had indulged in a rather extravagant breakfast without considering the cost. Her undercity orphan side seemed to rear its head in a flare of brutal self-reproach.

Struggling to suppress her internal distress, Thea hesitated, her voice faltering as she asked, "Right... payment... How... How do we go about that, precisely? I haven't actually used any System Credits up until now…"

"Don't worry, it's actually quite straightforward," reassured Karania, her words lifting Thea's spirit slightly. "We just need to head over to the counter and input our biometrics. Since the DDS interfaces directly with the Allbright System, it just handles the rest. It's incredibly handy!" Karania's explanation was punctuated by her gently guiding a somewhat dazed Thea towards the café's payment counter.

Navigating the counter, Karania made her way to a compact data screen that promptly displayed a detailed summary of her orders, the total amounting to 57 System Credits. As she input her biometrics on an attached terminal, she murmured to herself, "A bit on the higher end, but then again… I rarely dine out. A little self-indulgence every now and then never hurt anyone, Kara!"

She pivoted back towards Thea, gesturing towards the data screen with a reassuring smile, "See? It's a breeze. Your turn, go on."

Thea approached the terminal and, as it did for Karania, the screen morphed to display her orders. The final tally was a hefty 132 System Credits. Her eyes widened at the total, the amount a stark contrast to the modest 734 Imperial Credits she had held on the eve of the challenge trial - the highest amount she had ever owned at any one time. Although System Credits and Imperial Credits weren't equivalent, Karania's earlier reaction suggested that her breakfast was significantly costly.

Suppressing her surprise, she input her biometrics and promptly received a notification confirming the successful transaction.

[System]: 132 System Credits have been debited from your profile for your purchase at "Falstead’s Café".

Joining Karania, who had been momentarily entranced by a miniature statue of a leaping canine placed on a nearby table, Thea masked her shock at the sum she'd just spent on her culinary expedition. Shaking Karania out of her reverie, she managed a composed smile, "That was indeed very straightforward. You were spot on, Kara!"

With a reassuring smile, Karania gestured towards the exit of the café, before replying, “You see, I’m never wrong! Now, let’s get going and find that System Store, I want to get my Abilities… I’m so excited!”

Agreeing with her friend’s statement with a firm nod, Thea excitedly walked next to Karania as they made their way out of the café and through the rest of the entertainment deck on their way towards the shopping deck. On this leg of their journey, conversation between the two was scant. The lavish breakfast they'd consumed had left them pleasantly full, reducing their chatter to occasional remarks and shared smiles…

A further half-hour of navigating brought them to the desired deck within the shopping district. They had traversed the remaining stretch of the entertainment deck, wandered through meandering corridors, and ascended a few flights of stairs until they arrived at a bulkhead doorway clearly labelled 'Tier 0 Tech'.

Entering the large doors, the deck was as they recalled from their tour with Major Quinn just days prior. A few marines could be seen attending to their respective tasks, though the deck's vista was predominantly occupied by an uncountable number of holographic advertisements, showing off the respective special products of each shop in their field of view.

On their left, a sleek, contemporary weapons store unveiled an array of weaponry that dazzled the eye. Laser rifles, ballistic machine guns, sturdy-looking pistols, and an assortment of vibroblades showcased their gleaming surfaces behind force field-protected displays, reflecting the soft overhead lights.

Thea's fascination was palpable as she observed a marine scrutinising a hand-held weapon so large, it was better described as a portable cannon. The store's holographic signage projected a real-time demonstration of the weapon's capabilities - a rapid-fire succession of miniature explosions engulfing simulated targets in an instant.

Observing this, Thea mused, 'This seems like the kind of weaponry Lucas or Isabella would appreciate... I wonder what kind of arsenal they'll select for the upcoming assessment...?'

Their journey was shortly interrupted once more as they found themselves gazing through the window of a cutting-edge armoury.

The store was a visual spectacle, displaying everything from Nanofiber vests and selected UHF medium armour designs to massive, towering ballistic shields and heavy-duty full-plated heavy armour suits.

According to the advertisements running non-stop on the holographic displays in front of the merchandise, some of the armors not only offered protection, but allegedly even enhanced the wearer's physical capabilities, providing superhuman strength, agility, and endurance.

One piece that especially caught Thea's eye was a suit of lightweight, iridescent armour that featured a nanobot dispenser as its major module, which could apparently render the wearer almost invisible for a limited amount of time.

Barely able to restrain herself from simply going on a purchasing spree, as more and more pieces of new-tech equipment caught her eyes, Thea noted to herself, ‘I’ll definitely have to check out the armours on the next floor up, if this is what the Tier 0 Tech looks like…’

In contrast to the more specialised stores, a few general equipment shops were interspersed between, which the two of them perused as they walked by.

They offered a variety of everyday necessities for the marines - multi-tool kits, portable energy generators, compact survival kits, and even hi-tech communication devices. One item that particularly intrigued Thea for a short time was a handheld translator, capable of deciphering and translating thousands of known languages in real-time, a vital tool for any marine venturing into uncharted territories.

Their mutual intrigue for the cutting-edge technology around them lent a leisurely, enjoyable pace to their journey towards the System Store. On more than one occasion however, Karania found herself gently coaxing Thea away from a particular piece of tech that had captured her attention. Their tech-filled wanderings, while slow, were filled with shared laughter and wide-eyed admiration.

They finally arrived at their destination around an hour and a half after they had entered the shopping deck: The entrance of the System Store. It was a minimalist structure standing out among the neon-soaked landscape of the rest of the shopping deck. They exchanged an excited glance before stepping inside and were immediately greeted with a surprising sight.

Inside, the store appeared far more spacious than its exterior suggested, undoubtedly augmented by the Sovereign’s DDS to accommodate the enormous number of System Terminals populating the vast area. And judging by the vast number of marines going about their business inside the store, it had been desperately needed.

The interior of the store was a study in symmetry and precision, an ode to geometric perfection. Rows upon rows of System Terminals, like chess pieces on an infinitely expanding board, were arranged with flawless alignment. The walls met the floor at exact right angles, and every surface was pristine, a testament to the meticulous cleanliness that Thea had started to connect with any Allbright System related technology.

Each System Terminal was a gleaming, grey-black monolith, standing tall and silent, awaiting interaction. The screens emitted a soft, blue glow, casting an ethereal, surreal ambiance throughout the space. They seemed to float on their stands, the thin and minimalist design giving them an almost otherworldly appearance.

Marines were scattered throughout the store, some huddled in small groups, others standing alone before their chosen terminal, their faces illuminated by the vibrant displays. The atmosphere was one of quiet concentration, the hum of the terminals and the soft tap-tap of fingers on screens the only sounds breaking the tranquillity.

As Karania and Thea took in the scene, they could not help but marvel at the stark contrast between the seemingly bustling activity of the shopping district outside, generated by the abundance of holographic advertisements, and the serene efficiency within.

They made their way towards one of the monolithic structures, before they decided to split up towards their own individual terminals each with an excited nod shared between them.

Moving towards her chosen System Terminal, Thea could not help but intensely study the marvellous technology before her. To her discerning gaze, it was beyond extraordinary.

It towered at around two metres high, with a screen that took up the upper half of its body. The panel was made of a crystal-clear material, smooth and highly responsive to the touch. Despite its immense size, the image quality was flawless, every pixel perfectly sharp and vibrant, and it emanated a soft, cool light that did not strain the eyes, no matter how long one was to engage with it.

What drew Thea's attention the most was the seemingly intangible interface, almost like a holographic display suspended in mid-air. It was a mesmerising fusion of tangible hardware and seamless software, blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds. But it was more than just the interface that fascinated her, as well.

It was the underlying technology, the intricate network of circuits and quantum processors that would undoubtedly be required to power such a sophisticated system. The fact that it could access the Allbright System itself and process its untold volumes of data in real-time was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Upon stepping up to the terminal, it immediately pulsed with a soft, rhythmic blue light, synchronising in an unknown rhythm that captivated her attention. The anticipation of what it could do, the countless functions it could perform, made her heart beat faster with excitement.

There was a profound sense of respect and awe as Thea reached out with her hand to interact with the terminal. For a tech enthusiast like her, this was more than just a tool—it was a marvel of technology that encapsulated everything she loved about the field.

Just as her fingers made contact with the ethereal interface, her vision blurred momentarily, and a System Window appeared in the center of her sight.

[Welcome to the Allbright System Store.]

[Please state your intended business.]

Taken aback, Thea paused momentarily to ponder her response before attempting to provide the answer through a mental command, in the same way she would typically interact with the System. 'I want to browse the Ability store.'

Much to her delight, the command was accepted.

The digital storefront that now lay before Thea was like nothing she had ever seen, yet strikingly familiar in its setup.

The interface was neatly organised and streamlined, clearly designed for user-friendly navigation. The Abilities were displayed in an array, each assigned a separate card-like section. On each card, the Ability's name was printed in bold, clear letters at the top.

Underneath, there was a concise yet informative description of what the Ability entailed, along with a well-rendered icon depicting a rough representation of it. The Merit price of each Ability was neatly stated at the bottom of the card, in clear, unambiguous figures.

The interface was thoughtfully equipped with a search bar at the top and various sorting options, allowing the user to categorise the Abilities by name, price, category or even relevance to their currently owned Abilities or Attributes.

To an unknowing observer, Thea mused, it might seem as though she was browsing a standard galactic net storefront, rather than interacting with the omnipotent Allbright System. The clear evidence of the System's hand was in the flawless user experience and exceptional design - the site's usability felt as natural as a second skin to her.

Captivated, Thea navigated through a random assortment of Abilities, acclimating herself to the site's interface. Yet, she reminded herself, she had to maintain focus. 'Keep it together, Thea!' she internally scolded herself, 'Let's check the prices first. I can't afford to burn through all my Merit. We may have an assessment coming to replenish some, but we were explicitly forbidden from exhausting our Merit… “After all, emergencies are rarely scheduled.” as Major Quinn liked to say.'

Choosing to filter by the lowest rarity of Abilities, Thea sought to establish a pricing baseline. The display refreshed, revealing an overwhelming list of Copper-Ranked Active and Passive Abilities. The sheer volume momentarily stunned her, but she quickly reminded herself, 'It's logical, Thea. These are Copper-Rank, the most common of all Abilities.'

As she scrolled through the expansive list, she marvelled at the diversity of Abilities, even within the Copper-Rank tier. A week at this terminal wouldn't be enough to explore them all. To maintain focus, she concentrated primarily on the prices, leaving names and descriptions as secondary unless a price particularly caught her attention.

To get a clearer perspective, Thea summoned her Currency screen to view her current Merit balance.


System Credits: 18,434

System Merit: 1,489

A surge of excitement filled her as she gazed at the numbers. ‘I can get so many Abilities with this!’

Through her perusal, she discerned a rough price range for Copper-Rank Abilities, ranging from 50 to 200 Merit. Some Abilities commanded significantly higher prices than others, despite sharing the same rarity. A discernible pattern eluded her best efforts however; the most and least expensive Abilities didn't seem to bear any clear similarities to others of their price-range.

Switching the filter to Iron-Rank Abilities, she set about gathering information in the same manner. She discovered a price range of approximately 250 to 400 Merit for these Abilities.

Looking up one additional Ability by itself, she did some quick mental calculations and let out a relieved sigh; her current Merit was just enough to afford the Abilities that Councillor Lumis had recommended, which all fell within the Copper and Iron rarities, barring one.

‘Thankfully, I didn’t spend any Merit on random things yet… I’m glad that we got the chance to speak to the Councillor before our shopping trip… Who knows what would have happened if I just ran into this store blindly, with no prior list of what to look out for…? I can spend all my current Merit, as I have another 300 waiting for me from the last Silver-Rank Accomplishment, that I haven’t claimed yet… So let’s see these Abilities, then…’

She started filtering for the specific names given to her by Councillor Lumis, rather than filter by rarity, to have the System create a full list in aggregate for her. Having managed to get a full list, she started looking at each Ability in order that the System had listed them for her.

[Active (Iron) - Penetrative Shot - Level 0]

Requirements: Ballistic, Ranged

Description: Allows the participant to use up a certain amount of Stamina and Focus in order to drastically increase the penetrative power of their shot(s). However, this augmented shot is incapable of penetrating materials beyond a predetermined tier.

Cost: 30 Stamina + 30 Focus - Factor: 5x - Maximum Material Tier: 1 - Effect Duration: 1 shot(s) or 1 second(s).

Reading a line in the Ability's description she hadn't encountered before, Thea mused, 'It makes sense there would be specific requirements for the usage of this Ability. After all, a laser doesn't really "penetrate" things; it mostly just burns through them...'

Her anticipation for the upcoming assessment spiked as she finished reading. 'I'm so ready to test these Abilities! It's like being in an arcade game…! The notion of blasting through rockcrete walls as if they were made of paper is incredibly exciting. I just hope the assessment doesn't have too many Tier 1 material barricades...'

Moving on to the next Ability, Thea's eyes sparkled with anticipation. This was the one she had been eagerly awaiting!

[Active (Iron) - Inspect Target - Level 0]

Requirements: Line of Sight, Line of Effect

Description: Allows the participant to use up a certain amount of Focus in order to inspect another participant’s basic profile. The full basic profile lists a rough estimate of the Level, Attribute spread and the highest level Active- and Passive-type Ability of the inspected target. This Ability relies on the participant’s Perception Attribute to overcome resistances.

Cost: 60 Focus - Maximum Targets: 1 - Perception Scaling: 20%

Thea had wondered whether the System featured something like this, as an Inspect-like Ability was a fundamental feature of any quality RPG she had ever played. After reading the description, she was thrilled to realise that her massive Perception, especially enhanced by Sensory Overdrive, was going to come in clutch.

‘This will absolutely skyrocket my capabilities as a Scout! I’m so glad that Councillor Lumis mentioned this one to me… I probably would have forgotten to look for it, with all these Abilities just being thrown right at me, whenever I open the list, not going to lie…’

Getting more and more excited, as she felt like browsing through the skill tree of a character in an arcade game, Thea immediately opened the next Ability’s description.

[Active (Copper) - Improved Sprint - Level 0]

Description: Allows the participant to use a certain amount of Stamina to briefly boost their walking, running and sprinting speed, based on a percentage of their baseline, up to a maximum speed.

Cost: 30 Stamina - Effect Duration: 10 seconds - Boost Factor: 50%

Maximum Speed: 30m/s

Reading through the description, one thing immediately caught Thea’s attention.

‘Hmm… I’m not surprised it has a limit, to be honest. Otherwise, someone like Isabella would break through the sound-barrier in no time… I wonder if there’s an Iron or Silver-ranked equivalent, with a higher limit, or maybe even none at all…? I should mention it to Ella, whenever I find the time. That would be monstrously dangerous to have on her…’

Having considered all the Active Abilities recommended by Councillor Lumis, she turned her attention to the final two on her list, both Passive in nature.

The first was an obvious choice for Thea. Despite its uninspiring name, it would unquestionably bolster her abilities as a scout and sniper.

[Passive (Iron) - Agile Stealth - Level 0]

Description: Enhances the participant's ability in remaining undetected and leaving no evidence of their presence when attempting to stay concealed. This Ability actively opposes the Perception Attribute of potential observers and minimises the participant's impact on their surrounding environment. The effectiveness of this Ability is reliant on the participant's Finesse Attribute.

Finesse Scaling: 50%

Reading through the description, Thea gave a mental shrug, 'Just as expected... a typical Stealth Ability. However, the scaling aspect in this and [Inspect Target] isn't very intuitive. What exactly does the scaling entail? Obviously, the higher the better, but what are its exact effects...?'

Unable to come up with an easy answer to this question, she marked it down mentally as something to ask someone more proficient with the System about. Maybe Professor Pierce or the Sovereign, whichever one was more easily accessible whenever she got done with the shopping trip.

Finally, she turned towards the last Ability on Councillor Lumis’ list - the only Silver-Rank.

[Passive (Silver) - Armour of Resolve - Level 0]

Description: Enhances the participant’s ability to withstand physical damage. The effectiveness of this Ability is reliant on the participant's Resolve Attribute.

Resolve Scaling: 25%

Reading through the description, she was positively surprised, but also annoyed at the sheer brevity of its description. ‘Well… It’s great that my Resolve can help me fix up my Vitality shortcomings, at least somewhat… But…

‘Would it really be too much to ask for an explanation, as to what “ability to withstand physical damage” even means? Does it increase my HP? Harden my skin…? Based on the name, I’d expect the latter, but without an actual confirmation, I can’t exactly rely on it. Haa… Another one for the list of experiments, I guess…’

Having double-checked all the recommended Abilities on Councillor Lumis’ list, Thea could find no fault in her recommendations. Each Ability either added something to enhance her strengths or shore up some of her weaknesses, while giving a roughly even spread between Active and Passive type, making sure that Thea wasn’t overwhelmed with too many costly Abilities.

Putting all the Abilities in her current filter into the purchase tab, she went over the list.

[Active (Iron) - Penetrative Shot - Level 0] - Cost: 255 System Merit

[Active (Iron) - Inspect Target - Level 0] - Cost: 355 System Merit

[Active (Copper) - Improved Sprint - Level 0] - Cost: 60 System Merit

[Passive (Iron) - Agile Stealth - Level 0] - 270 System Merit

[Passive (Silver) - Armour of Resolve - Level 0] - 545 System Merit

[Total Price: 1,485 System Merit.]

[Accepting this transaction will automatically slot the purchased Abilities into any free, available slots in your profile.]

Nodding to herself after conducting one final review of her list, Thea finalised her purchase. Her [Currency] window immediately updated, showing a sharp drop from her previous balance of 1,489 System Merit to a meagre 4.

Resisting the urge to browse further through the myriad of Abilities available in the System Store, she backed away from the terminal. A sheen of sweat, born of her intense shopping spree, gleamed on her brow. Swiftly, she claimed the remaining Accomplishment rewards, ensuring she had enough System Merit for any emergencies, as per Major Quinn's order.

[Senior (Silver) Stellar Republic Menace Accomplishment]

Successfully kill more than 50 soldiers of the Stellar Republic that are actively using their Faction Trait.

Next Rank: Successfully kill more than 75 soldiers of the Stellar Republic that are actively using their Faction Trait.


1x Technology Tier-Up Equipment Voucher (Claimed)

3,500 System Credits (Claimed)

300 System Merit (Claimed)

Her heart skipped a beat when a paper-like voucher materialised before her, hovering in the air. As she reached out to grasp it, the levitation ceased, causing the top half of the voucher to flop over her hand, now under the effect of gravity.

'Well... That was unexpected. This must be the Tier-Up Equipment Voucher then, huh...?'

Examining the voucher in her hand, she directed her focus onto it, trying to discern if there was any vital information or hidden details imprinted on it.

The voucher was fashioned from a material akin to traditional paper but with a strange luminescent quality that gave it an otherworldly appearance. As she scrutinised the voucher, she noted it was adorned with intricate patterns, likely some form of system encryption or verification. At the centre was her name, "Thea McKay," neatly imprinted in a bold and elegant script, denoting her as the owner.

The lettering sparkled with a silvery gleam that was soothing to the eyes, while the rest of the voucher was a harmonious blend of radiant whites and soft pastels. On closer examination, Thea could see swirling galaxies, nebulous clouds, and constellations embedded subtly in the background. On the flip side, instructions on how to redeem the voucher were carefully listed.

It specified that the voucher could be used at any Allbright System recognized store and would allow her to licence a single piece of equipment of her choice, up to one Tier higher than would normally be allowed for her current Level.

The fine print at the bottom cautioned that the voucher was non-transferable and would lose its validity if an attempt to transfer it was made.

Gripping the voucher a little tighter, Thea couldn't help but marvel at the level of sophistication and beauty in this simple piece of paper-like item. She carefully tucked it away in her pocket, feeling the weight of the possibilities it represented.

Thea contemplated the voucher, 'Deciding what to get with this will be a challenge... A rifle seems like a logical choice... Yet, considering the frequency with which I'll be upgrading my weaponry, given every few Tiers unlocks a whole new technology level, perhaps investing in armour might be wiser...?'

Following her deliberation, Thea took a final glance at her Currency window, then closed it entirely.


System Credits: 21,934

System Merit: 304

Spotting a nearby bench, she decided it was the perfect place to wait for Karania to wrap up her own part of the shopping excursion to the System Store. They still had to visit the various equipment vendors for their combat gear, after all.

Her thoughts continued to whirl as she waited, the possibilities of what the future might hold swirling through her mind like a vivid dream…

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