The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 32 - Shopping for Gear

Thea’s internal debate was interrupted as her eyes caught the attention of one of the advertisements within the building.

[Rapid Skill Mastery with Skill Trainings: Experience the True Power of the Deep Dive Simulation & Time Dilation Technologies!]

[Do you dream of mastering a new skill or improving your existing abilities in a blink? We turn your dreams into reality! We combine the cutting-edge power of the Deep Dive Simulation with the revolutionary Time Dilation technology to make sure you don't just learn, but learn quickly and efficiently!]

[With Skill Trainings, you'll be immersed in a hyper-realistic, simulated environment tailored to your learning needs. Whether it's piloting a spaceship, mastering martial arts, or delving into quantum physics, our courses offer an unparalleled, immersive learning experience.]

[But we don't stop there! The UHF’s Time Dilation technology allows us to warp your perception of time, stretching minutes into hours, and hours into days. This means you can spend months honing a skill, all within a few hours of ship-time. You'll return from your training ready to apply your new skills instantly, without missing out on the latest operations and missions.]

[Learning has never been so fast, so immersive, and so efficient! Sign up for your first courses today and be ready to apply your newly learned Skills tomorrow!]

Thea couldn't suppress a wry smile as she read the advertisement's flamboyant sales pitch. Despite its overblown style, it managed to still pique her interest. She had gleaned bits of information about Skills from Professor Pierce during the Q/A session after her System 101 lecture, but hadn't yet explored the concept in detail.

Retrieving her datapad, she scanned the advertisement to gain a better understanding. She navigated to the information panel, ready to delve into the subject matter with keen interest.

[Skills represent quantifiable competencies of every participant within the System. They encompass a broad range of professions, jobs, or hobbies. Generally, Skills can be divided into three distinct categories: Action, Research, and Knowledge.]

[Action Skills typically refer to combat-related competencies, including but not limited to first-aid, surgery, driving, piloting, hacking, or various martial arts.]

[Research Skills pertain to capacities that contribute to technological advancement, strategic planning, equipment enhancement, and more. This category includes skills such as engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, or more specialised areas like quantum mechanics, as well as simpler ones like blacksmithing or tailoring.]

[Knowledge Skills denote a participant's level of expertise in a particular field. These may overlap with Action or Research Skills, but can also stand on their own. This category encapsulates skills like linguistics, geography, geology, history, or even knowledge of different mythologies.]

[The UHF employs ship-bound Deep Dive Simulation (DDS) and time dilation technologies to facilitate rapid skill development among marines and other UHF personnel. Given the resource-intensive nature of these technologies, participants must pay for classes using System Credits. Furthermore, to safeguard attendees' mental wellbeing, classes are divided into multiple levels. Participants may enrol in one level of a class per Skill per month.]

A sense of wonder filled Thea's thoughts as she considered the potential of time dilation, ‘This is genuinely impressive. I never thought of utilising time dilation in such a way, but it's a brilliant idea! This should also mean I could take professional courses on different technologies, right?’ She mulled over the possibilities as she rose from the bench and made her way back to the System Store interfaces.

The familiar greeting resounded in her mind,

[Welcome to the Allbright System Store.]

[Please state your intended business.]

‘I want to browse the Skill Training classes,’ Thea replied mentally.

In response, the mental display shifted to reveal a comprehensive list of available classes, systematically organised by level and prerequisites for enrollment.

A veritable sea of courses unfolded before Thea's eyes, spanning a spectrum that included not only the subjects mentioned in the information panel, but also myriads of those that hadn't been covered and even some that took her entirely by surprise. She spotted courses on philosophy, drama, and art - topics she hadn't ever expected to find on a UHF class roster.

The array of options was more akin to a university course catalogue than what she'd envisioned for a military organisation - at least what she imagined a university course catalogue to look like.

The course levels on offer extended from "basic" to "master," with numerous intermediate levels. Thea wasn't certain if there were additional levels that she simply didn't meet the prerequisites to view or if what she saw was the complete spectrum. Regardless, the knowledge encapsulated within the available Skill Trainings likely exceeded what Lumiosia had ever possessed in its entirety.

It was a truly staggering amount and Thea had trouble narrowing down her immediate interests. This was akin to letting loose a bookworm inside of a fully stocked library!

To her great excitement, she discovered classes on a variety of technologies, encompassing both old-tech and an exclusive selection of next-tech courses. The latter, however, imposed stringent prerequisites including master-level Skills in physics, mathematics, engineering, and a host of similar subjects.

Determined not to be deterred, Thea proceeded to compile a wish-list of Skill Trainings that she intended to take whenever time permitted. She enthusiastically added one basic-level course after another to her list. The list comprised the aforementioned prerequisite subjects along with other topics that piqued her curiosity like hardware, electronics, and welding. It also included more theoretical courses like 'history of technology.'

After a headlong spree of adding classes to her list, she drew a deep, steadying breath. 'Alright, Thea, slow down! You're going about this all wrong. You need to check the prices first, or you'll end up repeating the breakfast debacle,' she reminded herself.

Opening one of the courses as though she intended to enrol immediately, she checked the price and gulped.

[Skill Training: Physics - Basic]

[Duration: 3 months (personal-time) / 1 hour (ship-time)]

[Price: 4,000 System Credits]

'Well done, Thea. If you'd checked the prices beforehand, you wouldn't have recklessly added like a hundred classes to your list,' she scolded herself mentally. She promptly began to pare down her list, retaining only the courses that she considered the most vital and immediately relevant.

In the end, she found herself with a list of 19 diverse classes, each priced between 3,000 and 5,000 System Credits, saved in her personal profile.

Feeling slightly daunted by the sheer cost of it all, Thea consoled herself, 'At least now I have a plan for my Credits, once I've sorted out my equipment,' and closed the System interface.

Returning to the bench where she'd previously sat, she started contemplating the order in which she should take these classes. For instance, the 'history of technology' course, while interesting, was not immediately relevant and could be pushed to the back of the queue. On the other hand, the basic-level physics class seemed paramount; after all, she'd come across numerous courses that necessitated some level of physics Skill, ranging from basic to master.

Internally, she began to organise the classes in order of priority, yet made a vow to herself that she'd eventually enrol in each one.

Karania's bubbly voice interrupted Thea's thoughts about ten minutes later. "All done! I hope you haven't been waiting too long?" she apologised.

Thea dismissed the apology with a casual wave and rose from her bench to greet Karania. "Not at all. It gave me some time to ponder over what to do with this," she said, extending the Tech-up voucher towards Karania.

Karania's curious expression gradually shifted to one of wide-eyed astonishment as she scrutinised the voucher. "A Tech-up voucher…?! That's incredible! I assume it's an Achievement reward then? Have you decided what you're going to use it for…?" she asked, her excitement and curiosity palpable as her eyes darted back towards Thea.

“Not quite… I was considering a DMR, first and foremost. Having a T2 main weapon available would be extremely useful and I could carry it around for quite some time. That said… I have kind of played with the idea of a T2 armour. Some of the modules we saw, even down here in the T0 area, seemed insanely useful for me.

“So having a T2 armour, that could potentially fit more, or even better modules? That could be a massive game changer for me, especially since my Vitality and Recovery are my two worst Attributes as it stands… Though, I did just get an Ability that should help with that, now that I talk about it…” Thea replied, while pulling up her new Ability and displaying it for Karania.

[Passive (Silver) - Armour of Resolve - Level 0]

Description: Enhances the participant’s ability to withstand physical damage. The effectiveness of this Ability is reliant on the participant's Resolve Attribute.

Resolve Scaling: 25%

As Karania skimmed the Ability's description, she began shaking her head gently, murmuring under her breath, "Of course, she went for another Silver-Rank, while I struggle to afford all my basic Irons..."

She lifted her eyes to meet Thea's, who had gradually become more comfortable with Karania's direct gaze over the last few days. Her voice rose back to its usual volume as she said, "Considering your ludicrous Resolve, this seems incredibly powerful… Though, I'm curious about the phrase 'withstand physical damage.' That's quite vague, no? Was there any more information available in the store about this or is that all the detail you have?"

Thea gave a noncommittal shrug, signalling that was indeed all she had to go on, before heading towards the exit of the System Store building.

"I suppose I'll need to run some tests to fully understand how this Ability actually works," Thea considered aloud, "But given the sparring sessions I have lined up with Ella, I doubt I'll be short on opportunities to figure it out." She wore a somewhat strained smile as she recalled her previous sparring session with Alpha Squad's close combat ace.

“So, anything you care to share that you picked up, Kara?” Thea casually asked, while actively hiding her burning interest in knowing what her friend had bought for herself.

With a devious grin, Karania simply held out her right hand and displayed a System window for Thea to read through.

[Passive (Iron) - Sanguine Pool - Level 0]

Description: Increases the participant's overall blood volume. The enhancement does not burden the circulatory system or induce any health complications on its own. The extra blood reserve is located close to the heart.

Blood Volume Increase: 33.3%

Scanning the description, Thea couldn't help but knit her brows, prompting her friend with, “What exactly are your plans with this one…?”

“Don’t worry, you'll be the first to know when the time comes~!” Karania responded with a light skip, evidently in high spirits.

‘That just makes me worry even more…’ Thea mused internally, but chose not to voice it. After all, the galactic net had mentioned maintaining a good atmosphere was paramount for a successful shopping trip!

“So… To the T1 Tech deck?” Karania prompted, while looking around.

They were currently standing outside the Allbright System Store building, at the core level of the shopping deck. Given that the Sovereign’s shopping complex was divided according to technology tiers, they needed to ascend a level to reach the Tier 1 tech floor.

As Recruits, they had the privilege to employ anything from T0 to T1 technology, a privilege that was shared by Privates and would thus continue to stick with them for quite some time.

Although this extended a vast array of equipment for their usage, Karania and Thea had agreed that it would be wasteful to invest in T0 equipment when they could maintain T1 gear throughout their entire tenure as Recruits and Privates in the UHF. Unless T1 gear proved to be unaffordable upfront, they were determined to opt for the highest quality before resorting to T0 as backups and fillers.

That was the plan they had come up with on their way towards breakfast, among other things. Now, it was time to put it into action.

Twenty minutes later, they found themselves in front of the giant bulkhead doors that barred their entrance to the Tier 1 technology deck. Scanning in their respective biometrics, the massive metal doors opened with their characteristic hiss and revealed the Tier 1 deck behind it.

The Tier 1 technology equipment deck buzzed with an atmosphere that was starkly more intense than the baseline deck they had left behind just minutes before. Unlike the latter, the Tier 1 deck was solely devoted to the procurement of advanced equipment and vehicles, a testament to the escalating seriousness of the endeavours that awaited UHF marines.

Bathed in the sharp, clean glow of white light, the deck was a neatly arranged array of stores.

Equipment vendors were arranged in distinct zones according to their specialisation - weapons, armour, support gadgets, medical equipment, and so forth, while vehicle stalls were allocated their own expansive area to display an array of modern, high-tech transport and combat solutions.

Each vendor had their own dedicated store - vast elegant spaces showcasing the best of their offerings. Holographic display units, smart labels providing intricate details, and interactive interfaces for personalised queries, as well as a veritable army of AI personnel offered a shopping experience that was as informative as it was immersive.

From compact personal gear to large transport and combat vehicles, each piece of technology was displayed with the utmost care, reflecting the importance of each item in the grand scheme of a given marine’s journey.

As Thea and Karania walked through the doors into the deck itself, an immediate shift in the atmosphere was palpable. The day had advanced since their early hour breakfast, filling the deck with a larger assembly of marines than they had encountered on the core floor of the shopping deck. Navigating through the avenues of this expansive tech bazaar, they were overwhelmed by a plethora of impressions.

The profound deliberations, meticulous scrutinising of gear, and strategizing consultations echoed around them, mirroring the serious nature of the challenges that lay ahead. This bustling milieu, so utterly teeming with purpose and intent, painted a vivid picture of the critical preparation phase that these marines were immersed in. One that Karania and Thea undoubtedly had to join into, if they intended to do their absolute best at the upcoming assessment.

Pausing after a short period of wandering past the first set of stores, Thea found herself overwhelmed by awe and whispered under her breath, “This place is incredible…”

The staggering array of technology on display threatened to steal her breath away. Her eyes, like round cyan orbs, darted frantically, striving to absorb the spectacle of each individual piece of technology on the deck all at once. The sheer magnitude of it all was simultaneously overwhelming and utterly captivating.

Just as Thea was about to activate her Sensory Overdrive to fully immerse herself in the technology surrounding her, Karania's voice interrupted her eager anticipation.

“So, do we split up here…? I need to look for some close to medium-range weaponry, whereas you're likely more interested in sniper rifles or the like. How about we meet back here in... two hours? Then we can discuss what we still need, perhaps even pick out some armour together," she suggested, turning to Thea with an inquiring gaze.

Pulled from her technology-induced reverie, Thea hastily nodded, trying to hide the fact that she had momentarily lost herself to her fascination. "Yes, that sounds like a great plan... let's do that!" she agreed.

Splitting up, the two of them headed in nearly opposite directions down the street.

About 700 metres away from her, Thea's attention had previously been drawn to a store sign that seemed intriguing. It bore the image of an old-tech sniper rifle with the inscription 'Bullseye’s Rifles' underneath. The sign was unique in that it was the only non-holographic one she had spotted on the entire deck. It appeared to be made of wood, with the words and image scorched into the material, presumably with a handheld torch.

As she neared the store, she was surprised to find that it seemed to be quite popular among the marines on this street, given the half a dozen patrons she could see within.

Upon entering the store, Thea was downright assaulted by a symphony of different aromas, as her Perception kicked into high gear, attempting to process the myriad impressions all at once.

The rustic charm of the exterior had given way to an unexpectedly high-tech interior, catching Thea off guard. In the dim light of the store, glowing displays showcased an impressive variety of sniper rifles and Designated Marksman Rifles (DMRs), categorised by their technology - Gauss, Laser, Railgun, and traditional Projectile-based systems.

Each rifle was encased in sleek glass, the soft gleam of ambient lights tracing the smooth lines and intricate details of the weapons.

Information panels hovered in the air next to each display, constantly updating with detailed specs and user reviews in an elegant, digital dance. Woven into the sleek layout of the store were AI store clerks, easily identified by their uniformly metallic appearances.

The AIs moved with purposeful precision among the customers, responding to queries, demonstrating functionalities, and offering advice with an efficiency that only AI could provide. Every once in a while, the monotone hum of the store would be punctuated by a brief, intense sound, the result of an AI clerk showcasing a 'dry-fire' demonstration to an interested marine.

The distinct 'whoosh' of a gauss rifle, the rapid pulse of a laser DMR, or the 'thunk' of a traditional projectile rifle, each sound contributing to the unique symphony of the store.

"Absolutely incredible," Thea breathed, her eyes wide with fascination as they flitted between the weaponry on display. Each detail, each specification absorbed with an eager thirst for knowledge.

An unexpected yet distinctly feminine, albeit robotic, voice pulled her from her reverie. "Greetings, Miss. Welcome to the ‘Bullseye’s Rifles’ - the #1 medium-long range weapons store on this deck. How may I assist you today?"

For a moment, a spark of anxiety twisted within Thea. Her past interactions with store clerks had been anything but smooth. But as her gaze landed on the gleaming metallic form of the AI, her unease evaporated. Interacting with an AI store clerk, she reasoned, was not fundamentally different from communicating with the Sovereign or the System itself.

"I appreciate your assistance. I'm in need of a set of weapons for my initial assessment coming up at the end of the week. My primary interest lies in obtaining a DMR as my main-stay, in addition to a heavy, anti-material rifle for tackling more armoured targets, perhaps even vehicles. My familiarity with weapons of this tech level is rather limited however, so I’ll be relying on your expertise in this regard.

"If it provides any insight, I have previously used the laser variant of the X-23R “Mjollnir” during my initial challenge trial and found it to my liking. If that specific model or a similar one is available, I'd be interested in taking a look at it as my prior experience with it was quite favourable."

Pausing briefly, Thea pulled out her tier-up voucher from one of her uniform’s pockets and presented it to the AI clerk.

"I also possess this voucher for a technology Tier-up. It instructs that I should present it to a store clerk who would then guide me accordingly. Could you elaborate on the details, please?"

After a brief pause, the female AI store clerk inclined her head and responded, "I am pleased to assist, Miss. First, let us address your Tier-up voucher. As the holder of this voucher, you are granted access to explore and experiment with any piece of equipment that falls under Tier 2 technology level— a tier above your current authorization as a Recruit.

“Given that 'Bullseye's Rifles' offers Tier 2 equipment on the upper floors as well and your voucher applies to any equipment type, you are welcome to peruse the selection of Tier 2 weaponry available in our back room.

“Please note that if there is something you are interested in that we do not stock, or if you are looking for equipment from stores that do not have a presence on the Tier 2 floor, you would need to visit the appropriate deck in person. The biometric scanners at the bulkhead entrances will recognize your voucher, as long as it is on your person, and grant access despite your clearance currently extending only to Tiers 0-1.

"Naturally, we are here to assist you in selecting the best weapons for your needs and to guide you through the process of using your voucher effectively. If you'd like, I can accompany you to the back room and help you familiarise yourself with our range of Tier 2 DMRs and heavy anti-material rifles. Additionally, since you mentioned the X-23R-L 'Mjollnir' laser rifle, we can start with the similar models that we have in the Tier 2 category. This way, you'll be able to find the most suitable weaponry that will aid you in your assessment and subsequent operations.

“Also, do not hesitate to ask about any other specific functionalities or features you might be interested in. We have a wide array of attachments and enhancements that could further improve your combat efficiency and match your personal combat style. Shall we proceed?"

Thea hesitated, her eyes flicking briefly towards the entrance to the back room that the clerk had gestured towards before returning to the AI clerk’s face. A knot of anticipation and a bit of apprehension formed in her stomach as she considered delving directly into Tier 2 weaponry. On the one hand, the prospect of getting her hands on more advanced technology was an enthralling proposition. On the other hand, she found herself wanting to familiarise herself with Tier 1 weaponry first, in order to better appreciate the difference.

"Thank you, I appreciate the offer," she began, her gaze still lingering on the entrance to the back room, "However, I think I'd like to start with the Tier 1 selection first. I want to gain a solid understanding of these weapons before I delve into the advanced options."

She turned back to the AI, her expression earnest. "I hope to be able to appreciate the advancements Tier 2 offers by first understanding what Tier 1 has to provide. Once I have a firm grasp on these, I'd be thrilled to explore the higher-tier weapons."

The AI clerk nodded in understanding, her metallic eyes gleaming with an almost human-like intelligence. "Very well, Miss. Let us start with the Tier 1 weaponry then. We can certainly circle back to the Tier 2 options later, after you have had the chance to acquaint yourself with our more basic range.”

The AI clerk led Thea towards a display case showcasing a somewhat familiar looking weapon. At a glance, she could immediately tell that this was likely some kind of successor to the ‘Mjollnir’ she had used during her challenge trial, as the similarities were striking.

When she checked the information panel hovering before the display case, her thoughts were immediately confirmed.

[Presenting the X-27-R ‘Gram’ Mk. 4 from Starfire Armaments. As the latest iteration and successor to the widely-popular X-23-R ‘Mjollnir’ line of Designated Marksman Rifles, this newly renewed version represents their most advanced model yet!]

"It bears a striking resemblance to the original 'Mjollnir' design, both in its form and the available variants, does it not?" The AI clerk spoke up, while gesturing towards the weapon behind the glass.

"The 'Gram' comes in three distinct variants, much like its predecessor - the Laser, Gauss, and traditional Ballistic, with the latter being the standard R version. It deviates slightly from the 'Mjollnir' in terms of efficiency and power, relinquishing some of the comfort that characterised the original 'Mjollnir' series. However, the Mk. 4 model of the 'Gram', which you see in front of you here, remarkably recaptures much of the comfort without sacrificing the enhanced features of the redesign.

"The 'Gram' is marginally longer than the 'Mjollnir', measuring approximately 138 cm in total length, but it compensates with an extended barrel of roughly 92 cm. This greatly extends its power despite its marginal increase in weight and length. The weights, inclusive of a fully loaded magazine or capacitor, are as follows: The Ballistic - R - baseline variant stands at 5.73 kg, the Laser variant - L - at 5.34 kg, and the Gauss variant - G - strikes a middle ground at 5.49 kg.

"It's also notable that all variants of the 'Gram' maintain the same length, irrespective of type. The additional space in the Laser and Gauss versions has been utilised to boost their efficiency, thereby prolonging their operational lifespan significantly. All three variants also support full customization, offering a wide range of options including different optics, compensators, suppressors, foregrips, bipods, and a multitude of ammunition options for the Ballistic and Gauss variants.

"Would you be interested in examining any of these variants in more detail? Should any model appeal to you, you are welcome to try it out at the store's exclusive shooting range," suggested the AI clerk.

Thea's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she nodded enthusiastically, selecting the laser variant for her trial. "Yes, please! I would love to try out the laser variant at the shooting range."

"Very well, Miss. If you would follow me, please," the AI clerk cordially invited, motioning towards the back of the store.

Thea was led towards the rear of the establishment, the dimly lit store giving way to a futuristic-looking space that stood in stark contrast to the more cosy-feeling atmosphere of the storefront. The shooting range was a sizable area, around fifty metres in length, divided into individual lanes by transparent partitions made of high-density energy shielding. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all formed of an unblemished, silvery alloy, an embedded grid of softer light adding a serene glow to the area.

Noise reduction technology filled the room, a subtle hum almost imperceptible to the ear, promising a comfortable shooting experience, devoid of the thunderous bangs often associated with gun firing.

Thea was directed to one of the vacant lanes, the high-tech target system activating as she stepped in. A pedestal on her right side came to life, generating a low hum, and the Gram Mk. 4 Laser variant materialised onto it, waiting for her to take a grip.

Excitement surged in her chest, her heart pulsing in a rhythmic cadence as she prepared to test a piece of technology from a Tier she had never dared to dream of handling before. Furthermore, this would be her very first shot fired since her integration into the Allbright System. She was dying to know just how much this had changed her ability to shoot.

As she braced herself, the environment around her seemed to skew and twist abruptly, only to settle back into tranquillity just as swiftly. Confusion swept over her as she looked around, discovering that she was now in an open-air shooting range.

The steady voice of the AI clerk filtered through her perplexity, "Welcome to the shooting range, Miss. You now have complete control over this space, allowing you to request any scenario for weapon testing. If you would prefer a more traditional, indoor range like the one you saw when you entered the room, you can simply request it, and the system will accommodate. Feel free to spend as much time as you desire in trying out the weapon or exploring its variants. You only need to submit your requests to the system."

Taken aback momentarily by the cutting-edge technology now at her direct beck and call, Thea delicately began experimenting with some straightforward modification requests. "Adjust the target distance to 500 metres, and set the target size to represent the average integrated human... Actually, use the standard integrated human average and provide a range of Tier 1 armors for variety."

Instantaneously, the landscape before her morphed to accommodate her specifications.

The featureless expanse of the initial open-air range was transformed into a simulated battlefield. Five human-shaped targets appeared at a distance of 500 metres, each dressed in different types of Tier 1 armour. Ranging from lightweight mesh suits to heavier overlapping-plate based armour like Isabella typically wore, the targets provided a broad spectrum of potential defensive challenges.

The environment was akin to an advanced holographic simulation, the air now filled with a tangible sense of anticipation. The backdrop was no longer a nondescript wall, but a detailed urban landscape replete with ruined buildings and artificial rubble, offering a heightened sense of realism. This setting would allow Thea to test the weapon's performance in a situation that mirrored potential real-world scenarios.

To the right, a digital counter suddenly flickered into existence, ready to track her hits and misses - a score system to track her precision.

Chuckles of excitement escaped from Thea as her exhilaration soared, quickly taking her position and aligning her sight through the Gram's standard-issue 1-16x variable scope.

The initial sensation that struck her as she steadied her breath and took the time to aim at the various targets was the remarkable lightness of the Gram. It was even more featherweight than the Mjollnir had ever felt in her grasp.

"This must be the result of my enhanced Strength... Even a baseline of around 3 makes such an enormous difference compared to before," she mused aloud, while continuing to scrutinise the weapon. The elongated dimension of the Gram didn't feel cumbersome in the slightest. Having grown a few centimetres since she last held the Mjollnir, Thea found nothing amiss with the Gram's overall form while she held it and pointed it down the range.

As her concentration zoomed in on the distant targets and her fingers delicately traversed the smooth metallic surface towards the trigger, she naturally found the power regulator settings for her Laser variant. With a determined smile, she cranked it up to the maximum power. If this was going to be her first shot since integration, she intended to make it a spectacle.

Brimming with anticipation, Thea pressed her cheek against the cold, metallic stock of the Gram, narrowing her focus to the first target in her sight. Drawing in a deep breath, she gently squeezed the trigger, releasing a dazzling streak of concentrated photons that bridged the distance to the target almost instantaneously.

The target, an integrated human mannequin clad in T1 composite armour, was instantly pierced by the high-energy laser. The focal point of the laser drilled into the armour, producing a cloud of superheated plasma that erupted from the back of the target in a brilliant display of raw, destructive power. In stark contrast to the explosive effect, the laser's precise energy output ensured no damage beyond the point of contact - an encapsulation of destructive finesse.

Moving on to the second target, she quickly adjusted her aim and fired another shot. The scene replayed: a bright lance of energy, a brief moment of superheated plasma, and a perfectly round hole appeared in the centre of the second target, its T1 armour proving just as ineffective against the intense power of the laser.

Transitioning to the third target, Thea decided to alter her approach. This mannequin was clad in medium T1 armour, designed to withstand significantly more punishment than the previous two light variants. Recognising that a direct shot might not be as effective against this armour type, she aimed for a perceived weak point instead: the junction between the chest and shoulder plating.

Drawing a breath, she let the laser fly. The beam traced a perfect line through the air, connecting the muzzle of her Gram to the selected vulnerability in the armour. With a muted yet audible thud, the high-energy laser tore through the joint, ripping the arm off the mannequin as an explosion of superheated plasma erupted into the chest cavity.

Exhaling, she quickly shifted her aim to the fourth mannequin, clad in a similar type of medium armour. This time, she aimed for the seam between the helmet and the chest piece. The result was the same: the laser punctured the weaker junction and the target was incapacitated as the back of the neck exploded into a blue-hued eruption of plasma.

Lastly, she turned to the fifth target, the most heavily armoured of the lot, wearing what looked like a more modern variant of the armour Isabella had worn during their sparring session.

She took a moment, analysing the target, identifying the weak points.

Then, choosing her target, she aimed for the visor. She exhaled halfway, squeezed the trigger, and the laser delivered a fatal blow right through the target's visor, eliciting a muted thud from the inside of the helmet as the mannequin’s head exploded.

"Wow, this feels incredible! But it's a bit too easy," Thea mused, "System, extend the distance to 1 kilometre and set them to run in random patterns. Actually, let them return fire too. And please, include some obstacles!"

The scenery within the range immediately began to shift at her request and transformed in response to her commands. The landscape stretched out, extending up to a full kilometre in length. The targets, which had been stationary until now, came to life, darting around in unpredictable patterns. The air crackled with tension as additional visual indicators lit up, signalling the targets were now armed and able to return fire.

Suddenly, a series of obstacles sprung up from the ground - tall barricades, ruined walls, and even a derelict vehicle or two. They were arranged in a scattered pattern across the range, providing the targets with places to seek cover and complicating Thea's shooting environment. Each obstacle was thoughtfully designed and placed, creating a challenging landscape that simulated the unpredictable nature of a real battlefield.

“Hmm… This still doesn’t quite do it, does it…? System, make them faster. Give them the equivalent speed and agility of integrated marines with random Attribute distributions for Strength and Finesse between 3 and 5,” Thea instructed, aiming for a greater challenge.

The mannequins, once static in their speed, now sprang to life with uncanny agility.

Their movements, powered by simulated attributes, matched the swift, coordinated manoeuvres of integrated marines. Some dashed forward, their movements strong, quick and powerful, demonstrating an impressive display of speed fueled by their higher Strength Attributes.

Others moved with an elegant finesse, smoothly zig-zagging across the field and taking cover behind the newly placed obstacles. The targets not only began to shift positions rapidly but also returned fire, sending out bright, non-lethal ballistic projections towards Thea's position.

"That's the spirit..." Thea murmured, a playful grin creeping onto her face.

Taking a calming, deep breath, she zeroed in on the field sprawled out before her. With a decisive utterance of "Begin," she commanded the shooting range's system to launch the simulation.

Instantaneously, a salvo of ballistic projections rocketed towards Thea at blistering speeds. She nimbly sidestepped the onslaught, her body reacting instinctively to the sudden threat.

With anticipation in her heart, she commanded the System in her head to activate her Ability.

‘Sensory Overdrive.’

At once, the projectiles that were coming towards her slowed down to a crawl, as her Perception skyrocketed to new heights. In this heightened state of awareness, every minute detail came into sharp focus.

The spinning shells of the simulated gunfire, the fine grains of dust kicked up by the mannequins' rapid movements, the whirling currents of air displaced by their speedy trajectories, all appeared to hang in time, as if captured in a crystal clear, slow-motion snapshot.

Securely cradling the laser variant of the 'Gram', Thea experienced fluid, unhurried movements amidst the slow-motion tumult around her. A stark contrast to her past melee encounters where her physical prowess strained to match her mental agility, she now sensed a newfound freedom.

It was as if her physical abilities were finally in harmony with her heightened perception. This was the inherent benefit of ranged combat, where subtly shifting the barrel a few millimetres proved far less demanding on her limited Strength than swinging a knife or glaive.

Carefully and methodically, she lined up her shots, accounting for each mannequin's speed and trajectory. Her Perception, augmented to a superhuman degree, made the task downright trivial.

A squeeze of the trigger, and a beam of concentrated light cut through the stagnant air, striking the first mannequin square in the chest. The impact was immediate and devastating; the energy of the laser bore a hole through the armour and mannequin with brutal efficiency, leaving only a smoking cavity in its wake as the mannequin fell over into the dirt with a thud.

Quickly moving onto the next target, she adjusted her aim slightly to the right and fired. The laser shot hit its mark, obliterating the visor and tearing through the mannequin's head.

So it went, one after another, her laser systematically taking down each of the armoured figures. Despite their simulated agility and speed, in her heightened state of sensory perception, they were as static as holographic targets lined up for the shooting.

Only after the final mannequin was reduced to a smoking husk did she release her breath, the world around her speeding back to its regular tempo as she felt her Sensory Overdrive fade away.

Thea found herself at a loss for words as the thrill of the simulation still pulsed through her veins.

She had always felt that Sensory Overdrive had been a phenomenal fit for her, as a scout, but never had she expected it to perform to this degree for her role as a sniper as well. She felt downright dirty, as if she was using an overpowered character in a fighting game, taking apart the mannequins under the influence of her first active Ability.

The AI clerk's voice startled Thea as it piped up beside her, "Remarkable shooting, Miss. My commendations. I perceive that the Gram and its performance have met your approval thus far. May I propose something?" Taking a deep breath to steady her racing heart from the sudden start, Thea merely gestured a nod in the general direction from where the voice originated.

"We, at 'Bullseye's Rifles', being a premier purveyor of rifles, provide a unique opportunity for customers to test their skills at our shooting range through a trial. Although it's a one-attempt offer per purchase, the highest scorers are inducted into our hall of fame, with their names proudly displayed at each of our store locations. They are also rewarded with some enticing prizes. Given your impressive performance so far, I am confident you would excel."

The AI clerk's proposition stirred a debate within Thea.

She found herself wrestling with the decision between taking a shot at the trial with the Gram, which she felt intimately familiar with thanks to its close similarities to the Mjollnir, or taking a chance with a completely new Tier 2 weapon instead. Although the Gram was a fine rifle, and she had demonstrated excellent proficiency with it, the allure of the higher tier weaponry was hard to resist…

She pondered, her fingers absently tracing the sleek contours of the Gram. The idea of earning a place in the hall of fame was enticing, yet, she couldn't help but think how much more fun it would be to achieve such a feat with a more advanced weapon, while still being listed as a Recruit.

With a glance at the Gram, a hint of regret in her eyes, she made her decision. "I would like to see the selection of Tier 2 weapons," she requested, citing her tier-up voucher. Her gaze then shifted back to the AI, anticipation sparkling in her eyes, as the shooting range environment around her dissolved into nothingness and she found herself returned to the backroom of the store.

"Certainly, Miss. Allow me to guide you," the AI clerk responded, leading Thea away from the shooting range. They traversed a brightly illuminated corridor that opened into a space reminiscent of an exclusive lounge.

The AI clerk gestured towards a plush couch, inviting Thea to make herself comfortable. Offering her a digital catalogue, the clerk added, "Please browse at your leisure. Should any of these rifles pique your interest, or should you desire to test them on the shooting range, do not hesitate to inform me."

With eager anticipation, Thea accepted the digital catalogue from the AI's grasp. She instantly delved into the vast selection, absorbing the intricate details of the diverse rifle offerings within the Tier 2 technology division of the store.

Immersed in the digital catalogue, Thea's eyes sparkled as she marvelled at the array of offerings within the Tier 2 technology division. The Designated Marksman Rifles (DMRs) were displayed first, an extensive collection boasting innovative design and exceptional firepower. They came in two primary variations - Laser and Gauss - with only a handful of Ballistic models listed.

The integration of advanced technology within the familiar DMR blueprint had resulted in weapons that were generally lighter and more powerful than their T1 brethren.

Next, she turned her attention to the Sniper Rifles. These were the true gems of precision, offering unparalleled range and accuracy. The catalogue showcased an exclusive selection of Railguns, a technology only utilised within this class of weaponry, which boasted extreme muzzle velocities and penetrating power that none of the other weapon variants could hope to match.

The T2 versions listed here were supposedly vastly more powerful than the T1 versions, if the data provided was anything to go by. Thea made a mental note of this fact, as it seemed to be a vastly larger difference than with the DMRs she had looked at.

The Assault Rifles section proved to be a broad spectrum of robust firepower and rapid fire rates. Available primarily in Laser and Ballistic versions, these rifles were the embodiment of raw aggression and frontline dominance. The design diversity within this category reflected the range of tactical roles that Assault Rifles fulfilled, from room-clearing close-quarters combat to mid-range battlefield control, but none piqued Thea’s interest for they didn’t exactly fall into her specialty.

Finally, she skimmed through the section dedicated to sidearms.

The selection was as varied as it was impressive, covering a wide range of Ballistic, Laser and Gauss pistols and submachine guns. Regardless of the type, each sidearm was designed with the same core principles in mind - compact size for easy portability, quick-draw accessibility, and enough stopping power to serve as a reliable backup in a sticky situation.

There were two specific weapons that captured Thea's attention during her brief exploration of the catalogue.

First was a Ballistic DMR, a unique creation from Sentinel Munitions. It intrigued her due to its exclusive design and single variant nature. The weapon was built solely as a Ballistic model, without any available alterations. This peculiarity stemmed from its distinctive structure - where most rifles boasted a magazine, this one sported a revolver-like cylinder.

This unconventional setup rendered Laser or Gauss variants virtually unfeasible without a significant design overhaul. Unfamiliar with cylinder-based DMRs, Thea found her curiosity piqued.

Upon reviewing the provided datasheets, she discovered that this unique firearm was aptly named 'Vipermark.' Its ammunition was proprietary, roughly 30mm in diameter and twice as long, resembling mini-missiles more than standard bullets. Each round came equipped with its own mini-propulsion system and would detonate upon impact.

The demonstration videos embedded in the catalogue showcased the Vipermark's explosive prowess, causing Thea internal turmoil as she fought to suppress her bubbling excitement to not prematurely commit to this attention-grabbing weapon.

The second weapon that had caught her eyes was an anti-material sniper rifle simply named ‘Caliburn’, designed and manufactured by Dominion Armory.

Offered in both Railgun and Ballistic variations, it was the aesthetic appeal of the Railgun model that had truly captivated Thea.

The Railgun version of the Caliburn was an absolute behemoth of a gun and notably larger than its Ballistic counterpart, measuring in at around 160 cm in length and nearly 20kg weight. The barrel, a significant portion of the weapon, extended a little over 120 cm, its internal and external magnetic accelerators housing the capability to propel projectiles at speeds unrivalled by traditional firearms or even its own Ballistic counterpart.

Constructed with a matte-black alloy, its body was embossed with royal blue detailing, a stark contrast that further highlighted its aggressive geometry. The scope was an integrated part of the weapon design, with a digital heads-up display showcasing a wide array of ballistic data and target acquisition capabilities.

Its ammo chamber, though relatively small considering the size of the weapon, held up to eight ferromagnetic projectiles specifically designed to be accelerated by the Railgun mechanism. These rounds were armour-piercing and explosive by design, meant to deliver maximum kinetic energy to the target before evaporating any remaining parts, with the potential to penetrate even the most robust defensive technologies.

Lastly, according to the datasheet, the stock of the Caliburn featured an advanced recoil absorption system to combat the substantial kick that was undoubtedly going to be produced by the weapon.

No matter which angle she looked from, this weapon resonated with an aura of cutting-edge technology. The 'Caliburn' shouted 'new-tech' louder than any other weapon Thea had previously encountered and she was hard-pressed to not immediately redeem her Tier-up voucher here and then.

With an enormous exertion of self-control, Thea forced herself to close the catalogue, shifting her focus back to the patient AI clerk. Requesting to test the Vipermark and Caliburn, her wish was promptly met with a nod from the AI.

Shortly after, she found herself back in the desolate urban wasteland scenario of the shooting range that she had previously configured, the store’s shooting range having seemingly saved her preferences.

Beside her, the Vipermark manifested seemingly from nowhere. Awestruck by the weapon's splendid design and cutting-edge technology, Thea hesitated for a moment before firmly gripping it. Gradually, she assumed a shooting stance, her awe giving way to the focus of a marksman.

The Vipermark felt substantial yet impeccably balanced in Thea's hands. She admired the intricate details, the matte-black surface of the rifle intermittently broken by edgy, neon-green accents that followed the aggressive lines of its frame.

The distinctive snake decals, intertwining and slithering their way across the rifle, added a touch of menace that perfectly complemented the weapon's formidable reputation.

Adjusting her grip, Thea could feel the cold, precise machining of the rifle against her fingers. Its tactile feedback was immediate and rewarding, a testament to the extraordinary engineering that birthed this marvel of destruction. Lifting the weapon to her shoulder, she peered through the 1-20x variable scope.

She appreciated the clarity it provided, offering a detailed view of the range, without inducing the dreaded tunnel-vision that so often happened with lower quality scopes.

Gathering herself to try the gun properly, she slowly exhaled until her lungs were half-empty, steadying her aim as she held her breath. With her heart pounding subtly against the silence, she gently began to squeeze the trigger.

With a thundering boom, the hammer of the weapon ignited the proprietary ammunition’s initial load, catapulting the projectile out of the barrel at intense speeds. The recoil from the Vipermark was surprisingly moderate, far less than Thea had anticipated from a weapon of its calibre.

There was a distinct whir of mechanisms and a faint, metallic hissing as the mini-missile projectile soared towards the target. Quickly tracing the trajectory with her scope, she watched as it cruised through the air with a breathtaking velocity.

Unlike traditional ammunition, the projectile didn’t drop off over distance but rather maintained a near-perfect straight line, courtesy of its built-in propulsion system. Its design compensated for wind, elevation, and even the Coriolis effect, drastically reducing the complexity of long-range shots.

The moment of impact was nothing short of cataclysmic compared to anything Thea had fired before.

The projectile slammed into the first mannequin with a stunning force. The T1 light armour it wore offered no resistance, disintegrating instantly under the impact. The ensuing miniature-explosion engulfed the target’s torso entirely, ripping apart the mannequin's frame and sending debris flying in all directions.

With a single shot, aimed at centre mass, the mannequin’s entire upper body had completely evaporated.

For a few moments, Thea simply stared in awe at the devastation caused by the Vipermark, her mind reeling at the sheer power she now held in her hands. It wasn’t just a simple DMR – it was more akin to a piece of small artillery!

Thea decided to empty the cylinder, as thundering booms rapidly echoed through the empty, urban landscape. Each shot ended another mannequin’s unlife, as the proprietary ammunition simply evaporated anything in its path. Even the T1 heavy armoured mannequin had simply lost its head as the projectile slammed into it and subsequently exploded.

Thea's laughter rang out, the sheer power of the Vipermark offering a thrill like no other.

However, as she sought to reload, a pair of significant drawbacks became evident. The revolver-style cylinder necessitated individual reloading of each round or the use of a quick-loader. Yet, neither option offered the convenience of a conventional magazine.

Furthermore, due to the substantial size of the mini-missiles, the Vipermark could only accommodate eight rounds. To make matters worse, each round was considerably heavier than those of conventional DMRs, especially those of the Laser variants. These factors, in combination, rendered the Vipermark a challenging prospect as a main-stay DMR, in Thea's assessment. This didn't negate her burning desire to own the rifle, though.

Deciding to change pace, she requested the Caliburn from the system, bidding farewell to the Vipermark as it dematerialized before her eyes. Hoisting the Caliburn into a shooting position, she immediately noticed the profound difference in both length and weight. This colossal firearm bore its own challenges.

Anti-material sniper rifles, such as the Caliburn, were not known for their portability. The weapon was nearly as long as Thea was tall, and its 20kg weight significantly taxed even her superhuman Strength.

Opting for stability, she deployed the included bipod and gravitationally locked it to the table.

Initially drawn to the Caliburn by its striking design and aesthetic, Thea found herself entranced once again as she cradled the weapon in her hands. The sleek lines, the elegant craftsmanship, and the sheer power contained within the heavy frame offered an allure that was impossible to ignore for someone like her.

Wanting to give the Caliburn a proper test, Thea requested for a variety of vehicles to be lined up, harking back to the Warfare 101 of the previous day for inspiration.

She requested a grav-bike, a medium-sized landspeeder-style tank called the “Panther”, as well as a large-sized tank called the “Predator”.

The Panther was one of the medium-sized vehicles that Lt. Jorvik had introduced her to the day before, which was primarily used for scout squads or rapid-assault teams. It boasted a fair bit of frontal armour, but primarily relied on its speed to stay out of any major engagements.

Contrarily, the Predator was the embodiment of combat prowess. Counted among the few 'true' main battle tank options of the UHF, it was equipped with an impressive main cannon and a wide array of secondary weapons, including heavy machine guns, gatling lasers, and even mounted railguns. As one would anticipate from a primary combat tank, it boasted substantial armouring, further enhanced with a T1 material alloy to ensure the internal structure's heightened survival in battle.

Thea was excited to see just what kind of damage the Caliburn could wreck on those vehicles, so she quickly readied herself, took a deep breath and gently squeezed the trigger.

The sensation of anticipation was palpable, coursing through Thea's veins as she steadied her aim and finger over the trigger. All thoughts fled from her mind, the world narrowing to the singular act of discharging the Caliburn.

Her heart pounded in synchrony with her breath, steady and resolute. The entire setting seemed to still, as if time itself paused in expectation of the coming devastation.

As her finger pulled back gently, the Caliburn sprung to life. A low hum filled the air, reverberating with a power that seemed almost unfathomable. The hum grew louder, steadily climbing in pitch and intensity, before culminating in a resounding and near-deafening crack. It was the unmistakable sound of a railgun discharging - a sonic boom resulting from the projectile exceeding the speed of sound within the confined space of the barrel coupled with the unmistakable crackles of rapidly occilating electromangetic fields.

In a mere blink of an eye, the Caliburn's round cut through the distance separating Thea from her targets. The sheer velocity of the railgun round distorted the air in its path, leaving a rippling shockwave that was visible even from her distance.

The grav-bike was the first to meet the projectile's devastating trajectory.

The round pierced through it effortlessly, reducing the once sleek grav-bike into a mess of shrapnel and smouldering wreckage, as the sheer kinetic energy ripped the bike apart.

Then came the Panther.

It was considerably sturdier than the grav-bike, with its advanced armour and structural design. However, even that could not stand against the Caliburn’s might. The round penetrated the Panther's frontal armour like a hot knife through butter, sending up a brilliant eruption of sparks and debris before exiting on the other side. The medium-sized landspeeder showed a massive, gaping hole in it’s frontal armour, where the projectile had ripped it apart.

While the Panther would likely be able to continue functioning, assuming no critical systems or personnel had been ripped apart by the destructive force of the Caliburn’s projectile, it would not be in a good shape to continue its operations for long.

Finally, the round met the Predator, situated at the end of the line of vehicles.

A momentary clash ensued, pitting the might of the railgun round against the formidable armour of the Predator. But even the impressive fortification of the main battle tank couldn't fully repel the railgun's assault, as the massive armour plates bent inwards from the sheer amount of energy from the projectile disintegrating. While it wouldn’t cause any problems for the Predator’s operations, it was undoubtedly an impressive show of force nevertheless.

Overwhelmed by the staggering display of force, Thea erupted into unrestrained laughter.

Her voice echoed across the deserted range, "What the fuck even is this weapon?! This is fucking insane, hahah!" The words tumbled out, encapsulating the awe and disbelief she felt towards the overwhelming might of the Caliburn.

As her laughter subsided, Thea remembered to vent the capacitors of the Caliburn.

Much like a bolt-action rifle, high-power Railguns necessitated certain post-operative care to maintain their long-term functionality. While it was possible to continuously fire without this step, doing so would inevitably cause harm to the weapon's intricate components.

Pulling the metal lever swiftly, she discharged the capacitors' heat in one fluid action. In response, a small fireball materialised as the surrounding air rapidly absorbed the expelled heat, instantaneously reaching a superheated state.

"Wow," Thea uttered, mesmerised by the tangible manifestation of the raw power necessary to operate the Caliburn. She had never seen a capacitor ignite the air through heat dispersal before, but it seemed there truly was a first time for everything.

Decidedly smitten with the Caliburn, Thea made a mental note to add it to her future acquisitions. She savoured each of the remaining seven rounds, truly appreciating the brute force of the weapon.

However, she knew she had to part with the Caliburn for now.

Once she had explored T2 Armor options with Karania, she would revisit her choices. If the armors failed to captivate her, she had decided to use her voucher for the Caliburn.

The Vipermark, although intriguing, didn't fit her criteria for a main-stay DMR, and the other DMR options in the catalogue hadn't sparked much interest. Fortunately, they hadn’t needed to. After all, the X-27R-L ‘Gram’ had already done that. Given the apparent lack of substantial technological advancements in T2 for DMRs specifically, she felt confident in selecting the Laser-variant Gram as her current main weapon.

As the Caliburn dematerialized before her, Thea requested the Laser-variant Gram from before. Cradling it in her hands she nodded firmly, her decision made.

“I’d like to participate in the shooting range trial with the X-27R-L ‘Gram’,” she proudly declared into the empty landscape of the urban environment.

“Understood. The shooting trial will commence shortly. The rules are as follows: Kill as many targets as possible in the alloted time. Kill-shots only. Medium-power Laser setting only. Good luck, Miss,” the AI clerk informed her, as the scenery of the shooting range transformed yet again before her eyes…

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