The Ascension

Chapter 113 – The Sril


"That is so weird." Sol said. She had instructed all slaves and servants to leave the compound, and more than once.  Even though it was obvious that they were scared, they still kept coming back.

"All slaves. I have killed all the Inaris clan members!" Sol called out in a loud voice. "You belong to me now. Leave the compound. Wait in front of the slave shop." The slaves started to cry, as did the servants. Sol frowned heavily, even growling angrily.

"What is going on?  Why are they being disobedient?  The clan members are all dead!"  Sol grit her teeth, but soon felt a soft touch to her neck, and a familiar caress.

'Sol. There are metal bands on their wrists, infused with dark elements.'  Her Master's voice soothed her anger.

"Slave bands on their wrists, not their neck?"  Sol asked.

'Yes. I will send Ivadra and Ava to you. My lovely Ava has mostly recovered, but needs to learn how to manipulate her element. A full legion is escorting them.' Nuldeir said.

"So the Inaris clan did something unsightly again. I should have had them torn apart a bit more leisurely." Sol said as her eyes narrowed. She heard a soft chuckle at her ear.

'Behave, Sol. You're sounding a bit like Giel, my Queen of the Sril.' Nuldeir said, and lightly caressed her core with a stream of death elements.

"The Sril, Master?" Sol asked softly. When Nuldeir spoke, she felt her heart thump, and her consciousness vibrate.

'It is the name of your species, my dear Sol.' Nuldeir said with a grin. 'No longer will you be considered undead, or a living zombie, or a necro. You are the Queen of the Sril, Devourers of Life and Death, and are a living species all on your own. You breed and give birth to your own kind, also giving life to those about to die.' Sol sniffed a little.

Even though they were the ones used to mete out justice to the world, and given great power to do so, it still bothered her greatly to think of her daughters being called zombies, or undead.

'Do not let it bother you any longer, Sol. You are the Queen of the Sril. The Queen of the Death Element. You will have a castle built solely for you, and your children.' Nuldeir's voice rose, and was heard throughout Aros.

'You are a Queen! Should any fail to submit to your authority, a true Queen of Death, and the hand of the goddess within the forest, they will die!' Nuldeir's voice softened.

'You are my girls, my daughters, my mates. Remember your place when dealing with those who oppose me, Sol.' Nuldeir reached out and gently stroked her cheek.

"Master." Sol whimpered. The touch felt so gentle, but she could sense the underlying power in her touch.

'Grow stronger, Sol. Reinforce your body with death elements, and join me in the void.' She felt two fangs lightly hook her earlobe, while insubstantial lips sucked softly on that lobe.

'We shall spend a long time loving each other, Sol. While my sisters love the others, I shall love my daughters.' Nuldeir said.

"Master? Sisters?" Sol looked up and saw several pairs of eyes focus on her.

'We are Aila, but we are also more than that, my dear Sol. She is our center, our whole universe, and we are her beloved sisters.' Nuldeir's voice held reverence, and affection in her tone. 'She has denied me nothing, and I desire you.' As Nuldeir spoke, a pair of gray eyes, much larger than the others, appeared between them.

'I am Aila.' One familiar voice spoke, followed by all seven voices at once. 'We are Aila.' Sol shivered, and trembled at her core.

Her beloved Master was so strong, and powerful, but also so mysterious, she could no longer understand her. Such a lovely being was now focused on her, and her daughters.

How could she grow strong enough to join her in the void? That attention blazed within her mind, and made her shiver slightly.

'Did you have to frighten her like that?' Nuldeir asked softly. She looked at the center where Aila's form lay sleeping within the void. She moved in closer.

'Sister? Are you awake?' Nuldeir asked. She reached out to hug Aila's hip. 'We have missed you.' She whispered. A gray pair of eyes opened for a brief second or two, but it sent a sliver of delight straight through Nuldeir.

Each reflection of Aila was extremely powerful, but the whole being was on another level entirely. She didn't give Nuldeir a feeling of dread, like a limited human upon the soil of Imera.

Her gaze alone made Nuldeir feel a sense of comfort that she had not felt since long before Aila was born upon Earth. That was a secret no one needed to relate, nor could they explain to Aila's companions.

Aila was not born on Earth, and taken to Imera. She was reborn on Earth willingly, and her sisters brought her home when it was time. She did not get added to their number, or become a part of them.

Aila was always Aila, and for a reason buried within her consciousness, she decided to live on Earth as a human.

Now that she's closed that door, it was time to open the next one. The one she needed to bring her mates through.

While her body was in a living stasis, Aila allowed her sisters to act in her behalf.


* * *


"You do not do things in moderation, do you, Sol?" Ivadra said with a grin. Sol pursed her lips slightly.

"Why did you come instead of Hanna?" Sol asked. Ivadra pouted softly, and put her hands on her hips.

"Why? Am I not good enough for you?" Ivadra asked, but soon grinned, and shivered. "Alright, Master, I'll behave." She smirked slightly. "Hanna is still too weak to come out and absorb those elements. Once she has a stronger base, she will take over the oversight of her element." Ivadra shivered as she looked around.

"Still don't like this place?" Sol asked.

"It makes me remember our past. Besides, I'm not meant to be out here among the people. My place is within the temple that will be built, as far as I am aware. Alara said she can see an image of an altar, a large temple, and both of us bouncing baby girls on our laps." Ivadra shivered and grinned again. Sol lifted an eyebrow, but cleared her throat softly.

"Did she perhaps indicate when?" Sol asked. Ivadra grinned.

"It will happen, Sol. Even you will carry her babies." Ivadra sighed. "But it is in the future. The temple is not built, and neither are any of the towers she pictures for her children. Each tower will be dedicated to each queen, which will help her raise her babies. For now, we must take care of this problem the Inaris have left behind." She turned to Ava, who still blushed brightly.

"You've been quiet, Ava." Ivadra said, and leaned down. Ava blushed even more.

"I'm not used to being intimate with women." Ava said simply. "I think Master called it 'repressed sexuality', but I'm not sure I understood her properly. She's patient with me, but I'm still adjusting."

"If you like your sisters in that way, then it is fine. If you don't, then Master will be upset if you force yourself." Sol frowned slightly. "Does it bother you?"

"No." Ava said, and blushed again. Her fingers moved restlessly on her lap. "I'm just not used to others seeing me being intimate with another person. Sometimes two or three different people." She grew even more embarrassed. "Elena is so savage, I'm still healing from all her biting and scratching." Sol grinned, while Ivadra chuckled a little.

"So are the others, Ava." Sol said, and sighed sadly. "I'm still hardening my base, so I have to be really cautious about whom I play with. I can't wait until I can play with Elena and Hanna." She sucked in her breath quickly, and shivered.

Ava blushed again, but she smiled. She also enjoyed Hanna's methods, and even though she was scratched and bitten several times last night, she quite liked her new sister's vigorous methods of loving their partners. She just wasn't used to being so bold as to expose herself like that.

Her eyes landed on Sol's shapely figure, and blushed again. Even though she was deathly pale white, she was quite beautiful.

After the night she had with Elena and Hanna, she wondered how it would feel if it were Sol biting her breasts like that.


* * *


Hulda watched her patiently within the void, and lightly hugged Nuldeir's hip.

'Make Sol practice harder, Nully.' Hulda said softly. 'My little Ava likes her older sister, and wants to play.' Nuldeir grinned, and hugged Hulda's hip possessively.

'I understand how she feels, my dear sister.' Nuldeir leaned in and lightly licked her neck. 'What do you think, Hulda? Want to help me recover some of the iron in my diet?' Hulda blushed a bit as Nuldeir's lips landed on her shoulder.

'You are just as savage as your daughters, Nully.'  Hulda said.

As she felt her sister's fangs penetrate, she groaned a little. It has been a while, so she would let her sister indulge herself for a while. After all, Hulda was not the type to enjoy her sister's savage hunger one bit.

Which is what she told herself as she turned towards her sister, and wrapped her legs about her hips. Even when she climaxed for the third time a few hours later, she still wouldn't admit it.

How could her precious Nully enjoy her submission if she didn't work for it?


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