The Ascension

Chapter 39 – She Looks Younger


"They are happy." Aila said quietly as she watched her servants sleep. They looked shiny and healthy after each one had a shower, and cleaned their bodies with the water from the ancient spring. Aila walked over to Shaala's side of the bed.

"Sh." Aila put her hand on Shaala's skin, right over her chest. Shaala slowly nodded, and sighed as life elements flooded her body. "There is a poison deep in your body, probably from a time your masters aborted a pregnancy." She trailed her hand down to Shaala's belly, and pushed more life elements into her lower body.

"That's it. Don't hold it down." She held a bucket, and turned her over on her side. Shaala vomited into the bucket, and it was as she expected. Black, and foul. She rubbed Shaala's back and pushed more life elements into her body. She put a finger between Shaala's lips, and sprayed water essence into her mouth.

"Spit it into the bucket, Shaala. Rinse your mouth, then drink some spring water." Aila said softly, and gently massaged her back. Shaala obeyed and sighed once her mouth was clean. She drank the offered water in a wooden cup.

"Master, why are you so nice to us?" Shaala asked her with an earnest look in her eyes. She watched as Aila's eyes turned into green gems, and glowed brightly.

"You six are important to me." She said in a soft voice that vibrated with elemental essence, but was only loud enough for her to hear. Aila leaned down and lightly kissed Shaala's lips.

"I have great affection for all of you."


* * *


"She kissed you." Kaala said and slipped in to her sister's side. Shaala nodded, but she looked troubled. "What's wrong?"

"She said she has affection for us. She does things that normal people can not. I've never seen any elementalist do things like this, Kaa. Ever." She said and felt her sister's arm slide over her belly. She drew her hand back and touched her skin.

"You feel younger, Sha."' Kaala said softly, and put her arm back over Shaala's hip so she could hug her.

"Is she a god, Kaa?" Her sister laid her head on Shaala's chest, and lightly rubbed her cheek. A few seconds later, she lifted Shaala's shirt and looked down at her sister in awe.

"Sha, your breasts...they are firm and high! Like when you were young!" Shaala looked down at her exposed breast, and started to cry. Her sister covered her lips with her own, and gently kissed her to help her keep her tears silent.

Only a minute later, Shaala murmured softly as her sister's lips sucked gently on her nipple. Shaala hugged her precious sister to her side, and held her face to her breast.

"Thank you, Master." Shaala whispered. It had been more than a few years since they had been affectionate with each other. Their bodies had been worn out by age, hostile living and work conditions, and stress. However, now she could enjoy the soft kiss of her precious sister, and not worry that it was only pity she received.

From across the room, Nuri smiled at the soft murmurs in another bed. She also had to keep silent as Ellie suckled at her breast, and was insistent upon giving the older woman some pleasure.

Aila was outside, carefully examining the areas of the forest around her home, while inside, the beds had many acts of affection being performed. She didn't begrudge them the time they spent on each other.

Aila was still unsure about life on this world, and why she could do so much more than others.

Although she would eventually learn the answer, right now, the reasons were well beyond her knowledge, and experience. She had much more to learn before she could figure it out.


* * *


Aila's plans were simple in nature. Heal her girls one at a time, teach them how to absorb elemental essence nice and slow, so their bodies could adjust, and treat them well.

While they slept later in the night, Aila went into the forest to harvest some trees. She moved the treeline further back from her walls, which would give her more time to deal with saplings suddenly popping up, or turning from seedlings to saplings in the span of a week.

With it moved back a hundred feet, the new space allowed her to deal with more violent beasts, like the iron tusked boar. The iron tusked boar that was now outside her walls, and running at them full tilt.

She jumped over the wall, ran along it, and timed it perfectly.

"Apparently, you are just as stupid as a storm wolf!" Aila said and punched the beast from the side. It rolled along the wall rather than back from it. She didn't try to take it head on as that would be a stupid maneuver. All she had to do was kill it, not stop it.

"Looks like Kaala will get to work with some pork tonight." She said with a smile. The boar looked at her with an angry glare, but it's front legs were broken. It could not rise up and face her. One quick jab with her short sword, and the blade slid between the two plates of its skull and killed the boar immediately.

She looked at the stone bear in the distance. It growled, but turned away when she didn't budge. It would not be able to kill an iron tusked boar so easily, nor would it get away unharmed.

It was not as stupid as the boar, nor was it as dumb as a wolf.

"I must make sure to send him a wolf or two for being smart." She said, and grabbed a tusk of the boar, and dragged it to her gate. "I wonder if Elena will ever be able to understand their natures. She has an earth affinity, and should be able to figure it out eventually."

"Oh wow." She heard one of her girls speak inside the courtyard. She inhaled the scent in the air, and knew it was Ellie. She had that ability now, and thought it was because of one of her affinities, but she didn't know which one.

"Ellie, go tell Kaala that I've gotten her an iron tusked boar. I'll move it beside the kitchen and set up another entrance so she can gut it." Aila said.

"Another entrance? Master, if you only want the organ meat, just use the stomach to hold the meat. We can take the belly, a shank, and the organ meat, but sell the rest." Ellie said, but pursed her lips. "Maybe I should go get Kaa. She knows more about this than I do." Ellie ran inside, which made Aila smile.

"I like how their egos don't get in the way. Once the two older sisters are healed, I'll take care of Nuri and Nadya, then those two." Aila sighed a bit.

"This life is so peaceful. I want to protect it."


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