The Ascension

Chapter 40 – Share Time

Up to chapter 50 on Patreon for first tier, and 53 for second.


"How do you feel now?" Shaala asked after their Master helped Kaala to wash out her mouth, and drink some water.

"Lighter." She said. "A little tired though. Is this how you felt?" Kaala looked down as her sister slid her tattered shirt up and lowered her lips.

"Yeah. Sorry, but I have waited all night and day to taste you again, Kaa." Shaala said. "So smooth. Your breasts are nice and firm, and the only wrinkle is this cute piece between your breasts. Your boobs were always heavier than mine." Kaala weakly slapped her sister's hands, but didn't push her away.

"Bad girl." Kaala whispered. "You need to make us clothes, Sha. This is embarrassing for such young and healthy women to see us old folks." She said, but immediately felt a smaller body press to her back. Kaala turned in surprise.

"Master?" She whispered. Aila smiled, and right alongside Shaala, she sucked softly on Kaala's firm plump nipple. With a gentle smile, Aila moved up, and gently kissed her on the lips.

"I'm sorry, Kaala. I should have asked, but you sounded so....what's the word?" Aila tapped her own lips with a finger.

"My lovely sister lacks confidence, Master." Shaala said. Aila nodded.

"You're right, but there is no reason for her to lack confidence. Even when she was less healthy, she was still attractive." She sighed, and snuggled in to Kaala's side. "I hope you don't mind, Kaala. In the future, you will be quite popular. I do not doubt that at all." When Aila laid her face against her chest, she was surprised to find Kaala's hand on the back of her head, and her other hand directly pressing her breast to her mouth. Aila blushed, and licked her nipple.

"From now on, ladies, in order to make sure that no one feels that it's an obligation, you'll need to slip into my bed. I can't take the chance that you'll feel like you're being forced." Aila said and hugged her around the middle. Kaala and Shaala had impressive figures, with wide hips, narrow waists, and large breasts.

"You'll let us visit you in bed?" Shaala asked earnestly. Aila smiled, and leaned in to kiss her on the lips gently.

"I would suggest you ladies talk with the others. I don't mind sharing my bed with any one of you, or even the other two, Ivadra and Alara. For now, you will need to discuss who will be there on each night. When they come here, you'll have to share the time with them." Aila smiled, and leaned down to kiss Kaala on the lips again.

"So not fair." Aila pouted. "You two be good, and don't stay up late." Aila walked away and laid on her own bed. Shaala looked at her sister.

"I want to, Sha. Can you help me to get there? If we can't do anything, I still want to sleep beside her." Kaala said, and watched her sister grin. They rolled out of bed, and slid in with Aila as quickly as they could.

"You didn't have to come tonight, ladies." Aila said, but she turned to Kaala and sucked on the nipple placed at her lips. "However, I am quite happy that you did."

"We wanted to, Master." Kaala said and snuggled in to Aila's side. "Even if I'm going out like a candle, I still wanted to sleep beside you." With a sleepy little grin, Kaala pushed herself up a little, and placed her large breast right on top of Aila's face. She pressed her globe flat on top, and made Shaala chuckle.

"Such a naughty sister, I have. You have to suck her nipple into your mouth, Master, or she won't lift it. She's done this to me many times, and loves to feel your teeth scrape when you pull it in." Shaala watched her sister's face and how she narrowed her eyes as she felt Aila's teeth scrape her nipple.

"Oh." Kaala said and murmured softly as Aila slid her hand down low.

"Teasing me like that." Aila said softly, and lightly kissed Kaala on the lips after she lifted her breast from her face. "I think I'm going to enjoy living and sleeping with such lively and wonderful ladies." Kaala smiled and yawned.

"You don't act like any master we've known, Master. We really like it." She sighed, kissed Aila on the lips, and snuggled down again.

"Um, she's asleep." Shaala said, and pouted.

"So?" Aila smiled, and turned towards the more demure sister with a grin.

"More kisses for you."


* * *


"You two slept with Master last night." Elena said. Shaala blushed, while Kaala sighed.

"Yeah, I did sleep because she healed me, but it felt wrong to leave her alone all night." Kaala pursed her lips. "But Master knew that because she laid down with us, it might feel like we were being affectionate due to her being our master." Nadya nodded.

"She's quite smart. I would probably think that way, even if I wanted to be affectionate." Nadya said. "Master said we would think twisted thoughts for a while." She looked a bit disappointed.

"That's why we crawled into her bed." Kaala said. "However, she also said that between us, we can decide when we want to have our night." Elena looked at her quickly.

"Our night?"

"She knew all four of you would want to sleep with her in her bed after we did it." Shaala said. "So, in order for there to be no hard feelings, we need to discuss the nights, and who will sleep in her bed with her. Kaala and I had last night, but she was dead asleep for most of it." Kaala sighed.

"But that doesn't take away from the fact that I had my night." She sighed. "So, in order for the youngest not to sleep alone and feel sad, Nuri, Nadya, and then each person can sleep with Master on each night, but if Nuri is with Master, Ellie will either stay with us, or with Nadya and Elena. When it's Nadya's turn, Elena will stay with us or Ellie and Nuri." Nadya looked at them quietly.

"But what about when Elena sleeps with Master? I'll be alone then." Shaala looked at her sister and saw her nod.

"No, you won't." Kaala said. "Don't forget that Master also has two more who will live with us soon." Elena nodded quickly.

"Those two, right?" She pointed to Aros.

"Yes. That means we need to start cleaning the rooms, and get this home prepared for two more girls. We'll also see where they should sleep, and with whom." Kaala said. "Master will make more beds, so they might only fit two people soon, but we must make sure not to disappoint Master. We must take our turns, and if someone is too tired, or sick, they don't lose their turn."

"Yes. Last night, Kaala was too tired, and she shouldn't lose her turn, but she's already decided to let everyone else take their turn properly, and not complain. So, from now on, if you're too tired, or sick, you won't lose your turn. You will be pushed back by a day or two, and the one next in line moves forward. Once the line up has come back around again, it starts over from the beginning. Simple and fair. Master won't be upset with us for being greedy, and she won't be disappointed in us for acting like they do in the clans." Shaala looked at Nuri.

"What?" Nuri asked.

"I don't know why, but I feel we need your approval." Shaala said quietly. Nuri pursed her lips.

"The only person you need to have approval from is Master." Nuri said firmly. "Master comes first. Always." Shaala looked at Kaala, who smiled and nodded.

"Agreed." Although Nuri softened at her word, the sisters only looked at each other to see if they agreed with each other on how it looked. Kaala nodded, which meant she agreed with Shaala's take on things.

Nuri may have the least amount of physical power due to her elemental affinity, and physique, but she was at the top of the structure of authority.  Like she was assigned that role.

"So who is next in line?"


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