The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 123: The Truth Comes Out

January 22nd, 2090

Reiji’s POV

I stumbled up the stairs, sore all over from Minato’s latest training.  I dragged myself into the bath, letting out a moan of pleasure that could have been recorded for a dirty movie as I sunk into the hot water.  I unfortunately can’t savor this bath for too long, since this was a morning training and school starts in an hour.  Apparently, Minato is holding these super early trainings to make us adapt to operating with sleep deprivation.  Jeez, he really is a drill sergeant from hell.  But I can’t argue with the results.  I looked over my body, noting the increased muscle.  Has it been only a year or so since I had been an overweight dough boy?  Now I’m becoming lean and mean.  Well, kind of.  Instead of a bookish pretty boy type, I now am getting closer to the athletic pretty boy type.  Although the others would claim I’m turning into an athletic pretty girl, those pricks.

Speaking of body changes, Hikari scared the pants off me with her new species change.  We went out for coffee the day after Minato told me that she had been in a near death coma for a month.  And damn did I shout at him for keeping that away from me.  The bastard claimed that I was still “emotionally compromised” and he didn’t want to undo the progress I’ve made.  Anyways, Hikari was already at the coffee shop, wearing a brand new illusion artifact.  When I entered said shop, I saw through the illusion artifact which I didn’t know was there.  I thought I was going crazy when I saw a vampire version of Hikari sipping on a latte.  When she made no comment about her new appearance, and when I saw no one else reacting either, I was befuddled.

Eventually, Hikari couldn’t keep her composure anymore and started laughing.  She then told me cheerfully that she became a Dhampir.  My face at the news was priceless, an image that was immortalized when Minato took a picture at that very instant.  Gah, I need to get those two back somehow for their stunt.  No one pranks me like that and gets away with it!  And Minato was lying to me when he said he couldn’t change my appearance.  Tch, he’s been holding out on me.  I should have suspected that he was downplaying his shapeshifting prowess.  For all I know, he could be leading a double life right no-

And then it happened.  That one casual thought sparked an epiphany of tremendous proportions.  The dots that were there became connected, leading me to an unbelievable conclusion.  Holy shit.  Minato is Rin Yamamoto.  That’s why she had Minato’s phone when I called, that’s why I thought the two looked so similar last year, and that’s why I saw Rin the fox at the concert attack.  His reluctance in joining the fan club, and his discomfort whenever Rin was discussed.  All the clues add up.  Holy shit.  That shapeshifting bastard had been leading a double life as a female idol.  Holy shit.  That’s why the Demon Lord didn’t personally slaughter everyone at the concert, he was too busy fighting Minato to do so.

I have to confirm this.  As sure as I am, this is something that must be verified.  And if it’s true I will forever have material to tease Minato with.  Ha, I wonder how the girls will react.  Or better yet, I can use this to get Minato to owe me a big favor.  But before I even consider using this as blackmail… “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”  My loud and raucous laughter echoed throughout the house.  I laughed so hard that I nearly drowned in my bathtub.  My aches were forgotten, along with my sleepiness, as I eagerly got my things ready for school.  I practically skipped out my front door, and when I saw Minato sitting as I entered the classroom, I flashed him an ominous smile before taking my own seat.

Mr. Doi walked in, signaling the start of math class.  How dull.  I want it to be lunchtime already!  Why am I sitting here learning about calculus?  That stuff is so simple!  I decided to people watch instead, taking advantage of my position in the back of the room.  I glanced over at Kira, who was rapidly scribbling down notes in her notebook as Mr. Doi talked.  Her tail was moving to and fro, causing Reito, who was sitting behind her, to sneeze.  That’s right, I think she has a mild cat allergy.  What a cruel curse to inflict on someone, making them unable to embrace the glory that is the cat-kin. 

Eventually, I shifted my gaze over to Veronica.  Instead of Kira’s eager scribbling, she focused more on the lecture, only jotting down brief notes as Mr. Doi talked.  2 rows over and 3 seats down from where she sat, I spied Aito.  I wonder how would he react to learn that one of his classmates is an elf?  To have your dream so close to you, yet be completely unaware of it is rather sad.  Lastly, I peeked over at Hikari, who was biting her lip as she was trying to figure out one of the practice problems project onto the holographic display.  That action really emphasized her prominent canines.  Gosh, it’s still strange to seeing her new dhampir look. 

Class times started blurring after that, until finally the bell rang for lunch.  Hikari, Veronica, and Kira got together for a “girls-only” lunch date.  Hikari jokingly (I hope) offered me an invitation, which I declined.  I headed up to the roof with Minato, who most certainly noticed that I had something I wanted to talk to him about.  We were just about to dig in to our food when I said “What’s it like being an idol, Rin Yamamoto?”

To my immense amusement, Minato choked on his onigiri as I spoke.  Alright, confirmation acquired.  First, get in some well-deserved outrage before the actual discussion.  “Give me back my heart, you bastard!  I had a minor crush on you!  Hell, I founded a fan club for you!  What do you have to say for yourself!?!?  What possible reason do you have for doing this?!?!?”  Hehehe, Minato will now desperately try to explain himself, anything he says I will ignore unreasonably.  Then I will threaten to tell the girls, and goodness me would they tease him mercilessly about it.  He’ll then try to buy me off, just as planned.

“I felt like it.”  “Pardon?”  Minato took a sip of his water before repeating himself “I said that I became a famous idol because I felt like it.”  “…You became a female idol because you felt like it?”  “That is correct.”  Minato’s face was expressionless as usual, the surprise from my discovery already gone.  The one major difference was that his whole face was a lovely shade of bright red that showed no signs of fading soon.  Nevertheless, he maintained his indifferent demeanor.  Hoh, he’s gone the defiant route.  He fully expects me to tell the girls, and he has in turn decided to accept his fate of being mercilessly teased about it.

…Suspicious.  Very suspicious.  This is not what Minato’s reaction would normally be.  As a socially stunted individual, he is particularly sensitive to embarrassing things.  A whopper of this magnitude getting out would be scarier than death to him, yet he’s not putting up a protest or trying to bribe my silence.  Why is that?  I filed away that thought for another time.  It seems like Minato has layers of secrets I have yet to discover.  I guess I’ll just have to enjoy myself for now by seeing how much prodding it’ll take to break his taciturn mask.  I want to see Minato’s panicked/flustered side by the end of lunch!

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