The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 124: And Another One Joins

February 1st, 2090

Irene’s POV

“So, boss, what’s it like being outed to the rest of the harem?” I cackled at Minato as he flushed a solid brick red in embarrassment.  My gender bending creator finally got busted when Trap-kun connected the dots together.  I don’t think the blushing red on his face has faded since.  He has also been coerced into going out with them as Rin for a girl’s night.  The others were giggling over how they would do their nails, watch a romantic movie, all that girly stuff.  It’ll be funny as hell to watch the boss’s reactions throughout.  Some would say it’s in poor taste to relentlessly tease him on a first date, but the bastard kept me waiting for nearly a month before taking me out after my confession.  It’s only fair I get even.

“Minato.”  “Huh?”  “Call me Minato.  We’re on a date, you should call me by my name.”  Now it was my turn to blush.  He’s right, but it’s so embarrassing.  “…Fine, M-m-m-Minato.”  I stuttered back bashfully, taken off guard as he smiled at me.  Damnit!  It’s hard to think when you smile like that!  I took a big bite of my cheeseburger, using the action to buy time for me to compose myself.  We’re at the mall, an ideal first date location according to the data mining I conducted beforehand.  After eating we’ll do some shopping before he takes me back to the apartment and k-k-kisses me. 

“Where do you want to go?”  Minato asked as we walked around the mall.  “I don’t know.  There’s nothing really here that interests me.”  I replied.  I don’t mind nice clothing, but I prefer just buying it online.  This was a miscalculation on my part, but all the data indicated that the mall was the ideal first date location.  “I see.  Well, how about we go somewhere else?”  Minato asked with a roguish smile.  Before I could ask where, we teleported away, landing in a dusty little town.

“Welcome to Texas.”  Minato said cheerfully.  “And why are we in this dirty shithole?”  I asked grumpily.  This place seems even more boring than the mall.  “You’ll see.”  Minato said mysteriously as we walked down a dirt road.  A few minutes later and a building came into view.  It was old and dirty, but the sign caught my eye.  “Big Billy Bob’s Big Gun Range – Bigger is Always Better!”  “…No fuckin way.”  “Yes way.  This is a popular place, I had to call weeks ahead of time to reserve it for today.”  Minato said as we entered the door.  Ah, so that’s why he took so long asking me out.  Damnit, why do you have to be so fucking thoughtful.

Despite the horrid exterior, this place was without a doubt heaven.  Guns upon guns lined the walls and displays, and just like the sign advertised there were big guns ranging from heavy machine guns to small artillery pieces.  It was a way more extensive collection that that underground dealer had in Tokyo.  “Is it legal for a private citizen to own this kind of military grade weaponry?”  I whispered to Minato as we waited for the owner.  He snorted at the question.   “It’s Texas.” He said, as if that explained everything.

Any further talk was interrupted as a 300 pound 6 foot 8 inch man with shaggy brown hair walked in.  He wore a dirty white tank top that barely covered his prominent gut.  “You Jack?”  he asked gruffly.  “Yessir.  Is everything ready?”  Minato replied in English.  “Sure is, follow me out back.”  We went outside, where a large target range was set up, with a variety of stationary and moving targets.  But that’s not what drew my attention.  It was the rather glorious line-up of weaponry set up on tables by the firing range that my optics focused on.  “Alright, you guys have 4 hours here on the range.  If you run out of ammo, reloads cost extra.  If you shoot each other, I ain’t liable.  Have fun.”  The owner stomped back indoors, leaving me and Minato alone.  I just stood there, still processing this surprise.  “Um, Irene?  Do you—”

Minato never got the opportunity to finish his question as I grabbed his shirt and yanked him in for a deep, long kiss.  Fuck waiting until the end of the date.  Only after my tongue finished mapping the entire interior of his mouth did I let him go.  “Let’s go shoot some fuckin’ guns!”  I cheered happily, running off to pick my first firearm as Minato stood there in a bit of a daze.  4 hours and thousands of rounds later, our first date ended.  We teleported back to the apartment, which had been thoughtfully cleared out by the others just in case things got intimate.  It did.

The door barely finished closing before I yanked Minato in for another kiss, intentionally grinding up against him in order to turn him on.  A firm pressure on my abdomen indicated success.  A few moments later and we were both stripped.  Even though I am an automaton, my exterior is indistinguishable from that of a human.  I feel just as squishy and warm as any of them, although I am far sturdier and have a few other differences.

For example, I don’t need to breathe, which makes me give one hell of a blowjob.  Minato was groaning in pleasure as I did my thing with him on the couch.  It was a damn good ego boost to get him going so quickly.  Eventually Minato couldn’t restrain himself, and he lifted me up in his arms and penetrated me at the same time.  “Hot damn, that’s good!”  I moaned as I wrapped my legs around him.  Pleasurable sensations rippled through me with each movement of his hips as he pounded me.  Damn, now I see why organics do this all the god damn time.

Unlike most organics, however, I have far superior stamina, which meant that Minato and I went at it for the whole god damn night.  I showcased the flexibility that having omni-directional joints provided by trying out a variety of particularly daring positions, much to Minato’s delight.  It ended shortly before the sun rose up, and I was lying contently in Minato’s arms.  “Well Minato, you’ve proven me wrong about your ‘performance issues’.  There’s nothing that needs to optimized down there, you horny fuck.”  I murmured softly into his ear.

“Glad to hear it.”  Minato whispered back with a small smile on his face.  I snuggled into his embrace, eliciting a chuckle.  “Despite your adamant denials, you can be rather cute.”  He teased.  I turned slightly red at the reference to back when he first activated me.  “I’m also sexy and cool, don’t forget that or else I’ll beat your ass.”  I cheekily replied back.  We didn’t say anything more after that.

I guess that I’m officially a part of Minato’s harem now.  He really likes his variety, most guys would just be satisfied with having multiple women.  But not Minato.  No, that otaku pervert has a dhampir, a cat-kin, a dark-elf, and now an automaton in the harem with a fox demon to follow once she matures.  Speaking of which, I’m gonna enjoy rubbing this in the furball’s face when she comes back home.

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