The Butcher of Gadobhra

Chapter 20: A knock on the Door.

“OMG, this is awesome. Do you see all the stuff we can choose from? I had no idea this shit was in the game." Rolly hadn't calmed down for half an hour after reading the various abilities that could be purchased with Enhancement Points.

"I see, I see." Ben was on his fifth piece of charcoal from the hearth, making notes on the walls as he read through the long list of abilities. "I'm also confused by some of these. And some of the implications. Tails? Massive Size?"

Suzette had already chosen her abilities and was kicking back with another bottle of wine and some of the snacks. She'd always had a good feel for her characters and made decisions quickly. Possibly not the most optimal for some builds, but screw that; she wanted to like her character and enjoy playing. She found that a quick wit and a nice smile could also get you ahead faster than just game mechanics.

As usual, when presented with a large amount of new information, Ozzy was brooding. He was of the opinion that if something seemed too good to be true, it needed more investigation. Something was off, and while he had suspicions, he needed more information.

"How much money does anyone have left? For one silver penny, which is equal to 100 copper, we can get on the Data Net from here and do some research.”

They all pooled their pennies, having enough because of Billy’s generous bonus and a lack of time to spend it. They weren’t sure what Ozzy was going to do; he wasn't really talkative when in this mood unless you asked direct questions.

"8 copper"

"37 copper"

"Uh, none, and I'm in debt to the bar for a smallish amount. I ran up a tab with Derek, and it used up all of my bonus."

"It's not unexpected, Rolly, but that's enough. I have 57 copper left in my account. Hand it over, and I’ll log into the Data Net and see if I can find a good source of information on Enhancements. Some beta tester has to have leaked information."

Less than a minute later, the four of them had alcoholic beverages in hand and were watching the opening scene of a recent datacast.

"Welcome back, folks, to another great Vidcast about our favorite topic: The World of Genesis, brought to you by your favorite recreational beverage: Bludgeon Brew! Grab a couple of cold Bluds and kick back while we talk some numbers. I'm here with my favorite punching bag, Darkdeath54..."

"Wow. Knuckles is still gaming? He's old as dirt."

"And that shit beer he keeps tossing adverts for tastes like dirt."

"Quiet, time is money here; we need to get info on things."

A short time later, they were even more confused.

"So players get Enhancement Points the same as we did. They get them from killing bosses, beating encounters, or doing quests. But their list of options looks different. Granted, that list was for Warriors, and obviously, other guildhalls will have other options. But I saw the same perks on both lists, and ours were cheaper." Ben had tried to copy down the list while Ozzy paused the vidcast and was now comparing his charcoal scribblings to the list in his interface.

"Yes, definitely cheaper in a lot of ways. And we have options that they'd kill for. They didn't have any of the crazy stuff. Forget about two heads or firey breath. Being able to double your size? Huge advantage for tanks. Ironic though, we have a better list, but won't get all the points players get from killing bosses to take advantage of it."

"And I saw nothing like some of the abilities that add a tail or wings. Can you become a monster in this game? The more I look at this list, the more I'm convinced that NPC monsters like that wolf could use it."

Rolly was fairly drunk at this point. He had pondered the question of whether getting drunk while you were dead could carry over until you respawned. Being drunk would make getting through a couple of hours of Death De-buffs a lot easier.

"Hell, give me a couple hundred points to spend on those abilities, and I'll be a boss." He stomped around the room, arms outstretched. "Oh no! it's the dreaded Rollyboss, we is doomed for sure." His rampage came to an end when he tripped over a couch pillow Suzette tossed in his way. "Dammit, slain again. Probably by some little tailor."

Ozzy quit laughing suddenly as an idea pinged around his skull. "You know, I have a wild idea. I think that...…"

Everyone was surprised by a sudden knocking at the door. There were three knocks and then a pause, followed by three more knocks, slightly louder.

Rolly was still on his back on the floor. "Someone is at the door. Go be a dear and answer it, Benedict."

"There isn't a door to this room, Rolly."

"Well, there is now Ben. Look." Sure enough, Rolly was now pointing at an oak door with brass hinges that had not been there before. The problem with really good VR at times, was you forgot where you were. Shaking his head, Ben opened the door.

The person standing at the door was immaculately dressed in a pinstriped suit and a stylish top hat. Pale leather gloves and shiny black shoes completed the look. He held a leather satchel in his left hand. He sported long sideburns but was otherwise clean-shaven. His hair was the pure white that is left when old age has bleached out any natural color.

He was also only three feet tall. He tipped his hat at Ben. "Good day to you, sir. Might I be given a moment of your time? I am Elgebert Coppertwist of the Law Firm Coppertwist, Fellrock, Kindfeld, and Bumplasonek, Attorneys at Law."

Astonished, Ben backed away from the door. "Certainly, sir, won't you come in? I apologize; my friends and I were relaxing before work and did not expect anyone." Rolly quickly got off the floor and took a chair.

The gnome, for that was what he obviously was, entered the room. After hanging up his coat and hat and doffing his gloves, he took a seat. A large stack of papers was taken from the satchel, and quills and an ink fountain were placed on the table.

"All set. If you'd please just all sign your Non-Disclosure Agreements, I'll be on my way."

Ozzy and Ben both sat down. Ozzy nodded at Ben. Ben looked hard at the stack of papers and at the gnome. "My apologies, but could I ask for your name again? I am Benedict, and this is Suzette, Roland, and Oswald."

"That's not a problem, young man. As I said, I am Elgebert Coppertwist of the Law Firm Coppertwist, Fellrock, Kindfeld and Bumplasonek. We have law offices in all the major human cities: Wolfsburg, Devil's Gate, Argo City, Shadowport, and, of course, the Imperial capital. My card."

Ben took the card and passed it to Ozzy. It was what it appeared to be, an expensive business card drawn in gold ink on black parchment. "And may we ask the reason for your visit, Mr. Coppertwist?"

"Certainly, Benedict." He smiled at Ben.

After a long pause, Ben asked, "What is the reason for your visit, Mr. Coppertwist?"

"As I said before, and will most likely repeat a few more times, to have you sign your names on your Non-Disclosure forms."

"And what is it we aren't supposed to disclose?"

"Sorry, my boy, but I simply cannot say. I've signed a similar contract myself and cannot discuss the details."

"Then I'm afraid, sir, and I speak for the group, that without a thorough reading of those huge contracts, we will not be signing anything."

"I'm sorry as well, Mr. Benedict; I thought I had made myself clear. Let me put it another way. I have brought four Non-disclosure contracts and will be witnessing your signatures on them before taking them back to our client. That part is not open to discussion or change. None of us are leaving this room until that happens." The door abruptly shut and disappeared, and the computer showed a blank white screen.

Ben looked over at Ozzy and nodded. Ozzy stepped forward. "Mr. Coppertwist, I wish to ask you a number of questions that would clarify this matter. Are you open to such questions?"

"The gnome smiled warmly. "I am not. As you are neither my client nor closely related by family, I am under no obligation to give advice. I was hired to procure your signatures."

Ozzy nodded at him in understanding. "And I am certainly not wishing for you to give such advice, sir, on a pro bono basis. It is doubtful that I can find myself in your family tree; my heritage seems to be going in the opposite direction. But I am in possession of the entirety of my current monetary horde and will offer it to you in payment. Will you take me and my friends on as clients for a short period of time for the payment of two copper coins?"

"Two coppers, you say? I'll be careful not to spend it all in one place, but I accept. Taking a man's last two coppers in the world has a certain feeling to it. The money just feels more special."

He took out an hourglass and set it on the table. "You have until the sand runs out, gentlemen and ladies. I am at your service."

The gnome settled in his seat. Ozzy sat down. "What's in the contract? Why should we sign it? And what happens if we don't?"

"The contract states that you will not communicate via the Global Data Net or by any means of communication in the game any information you acquired today in this room from a large list you were mistakenly shown. While you can’t be stopped from doing so, the penalties will be quite harsh. It's not really a wise choice, but it's up to you. If certain information becomes leaked to the Global Data Net because of your loose lips, penalties will occur. Actions have consequences."

"You should sign the contracts because if you don't, bad things will happen for all of us in this room."

Ben was curious, “What are the bad things that happen? Theoretically.”

"What will happen is the following: I will be late to dinner, and you will incur the wrath of my secondary wife. Great cook with a terrible temper. Then, as we continue our stay, after a few weeks you will find this room and my company tedious, especially when the wine runs out. My primary wife will become annoyed and place a bounty on your head that will follow you for years. Did I mention that my third wife is a big game hunter? She’s generally gunning for larger prey, but if you mess with dinner, she’ll come after you. And, of course, there is a chance that your employer will be upset with your absences, void your contract, and dump your comatose bodies in the gutter. Please, don't make me late for dinner."

Rolly's eyes grew large at these pronouncements: "OK, we have to sign the contracts! I'm not dealing with a pissed-off gnomish cook!"

The gnome shoved the contracts forward; Rolly picked up quill and ink, turned to the last page, and paused. "But I think we should talk about the remuneration owed for our easy cooperation and not holding either your dinner or your wife's temper hostage."

"Harumph. Harumph, I say again!! Well played, young man." The lawyer didn't seem upset; rather, he was pleased that someone knew how the game was played.

"Yes, while it is set in stone that these contracts will be signed, I do have some latitude in offering a small amount of remuneration. I will even go so far as to make it a substantial amount, along with an explanation, once the NDAs are signed. Will that satisfy you, young man?"

"Sure does." Rolly signed with a flourish.

"Rolly, are you sure?" Suzette had been locked into bad contracts before.

"Sure, Suzy, isn't it obvious?"


"Yep. We learned something. And someone doesn't want what we learned to reach the player population. They have enough connections that they can find us while we are dead and the ability to send someone to meet us. ACME can log us out or log us back into the game, but they can't manipulate the game world this way. So, this has to be a part of the game world. Someone very powerful in the game world, most likely the governing system or the AI himself."

"If the person wanting the NDA could force us to sign, there would be no need to send a high-powered lawyer to convince us. So he's here for another reason - which might be to give us information or to give us remuneration for the NDA. Either way, we have to sign. And if we have to, why make the nice lawyer late for dinner? It's all really clear once you think about it."

Sighing, Suzette took up another quill and signed a set of paperwork. Ben and Ozzy did the same. Their lawyer put fine sand on the ink to ensure it didn't smear, then gathered up the paperwork and sat back in his chair after getting a glass of wine. "Now then, I thank you all for making this nearly painless and also a bit entertaining. We have some time left, so let me give you a quick explanation."

"Earning points the way you did is not a problem; this is meant to happen—although you did manage it very quickly. I checked, and the other Boss kills by Contract Workers have been in the Level 2 to Level 4 range and only Named creatures, the first level of Boss. You fought an Elite. Elites are a challenge for larger groups of 5-6 foes of their own level. I will not mince words—you got extremely lucky. I would not tempt fate again that way. There can be worse things than just dying in this world. Dying to some creatures will leave a mark on you after you walk back from death, and only by fighting them again and winning can you remove the unfortunate effect. Death Curses are rare but not unknown. Be careful.”

Ozzy interjected, "So it's the list of skills. Specifically, certain parts that seem to pertain to....certain creatures who aren’t players or contract workers."

The lawyer nodded. "Just so. In an unforeseen chain of events, at the moment you requested the list, it became apparent that the stipulations that Contract Workers were not players may have caused the Engine to give you access to information not available to players. I’m not going to speculate on why it made that decision.

“Contract Workers are a new type of creature in this world. You aren’t regular players. Your list of Enhancements was being created by the System with outside input. When you used the command, it gave you a list you normally would not see. The options you have are on that document, but so are....other things. So, to fix things, we hit you with an NDA. To make it fair, we give you a little bonus if you ask for one. The best thing you can do is take the bonus, and not speculate on what you may have figured out. Easiest for all of us."

The lawyer paused and, when there were no other questions, continued.

"On to that bonus. I can offer each of you one of three things:

1.) An individual loot chest of the size you have waiting for you.

2.) An additional 10 Enhancement points

3.) Ten Gold Coins

You may each choose differently, but by the sand in the glass, you have only another two minutes of my advice.”

Ben spoke quickly: "What is your advice on our choice of reward? And is there anything else we should know?"

The gnome became serious and businesslike, speaking quickly: "You should take the Enhancement Points. Gold will come and go, and so will magic trinkets. Skills are forever, and you, especially, will need them because of the…irregularities…in your abilities.

"Other things. The Game is rigged against you and in favor of the corporations. Yes, you are being compensated, but that doesn’t mean they should be in total control of your destiny. It's the same in the other reality, with corporations running the world. But the rules are different here, and the corporations don't understand all of them. They are limited in the power they can bring to this world.”

He checked his watch, noting the time ticking down.

“I am reminded of my First Mother's wise words: ‘Everyone cheats. If you aren't cheating, you aren't playing the game hard enough. But if you cheat, you should be good enough not to get caught.’ My father liked to say, ‘Cheat with both hands and run like hell if they find out.’I think both philosophies have their place, although we haven’t seen Father for the last century.

The gnome put on his coat and gloves settled his hat, and picked up his satchel.

"Lastly, this isn't just a world of players and corporations. It is filled with people very much like you. People who have lived here all their lives. Remember that. Genesis Engine is new to you, but the world has been here forever and is much older than any newcomer might realize."

"Oh, and Ben? I love the old-fashioned charcoal sketches. But you might find a certain Enhancement quite useful. It’s on the last page.”

Turning, he walked to the door. Beyond it, they saw nothing but an empty sky. He stepped out and fell out of sight. His voice echoed up and through the door. "You’ve got my card. I’m available for all legal help, but keep in mind that I’m not cheap. Unless It’s new and interesting."

Ben shut the door after a quick look outside and a shake of his head. He brought up the Enhancement list again, saw that it was different, and looked at the first page.

Pausing, he started cursing.

Ozzy laughed, "Let me guess, there’s an Enhancement that brings up an in-game notebook and saves charcoal?"

Ben looked at his scribblings on the walls. "Yep. It gives me a hundred pages of a notepad and is easy to use. This will come in quite handy. I found it under the Courier Enhancement list, and it’s only 1 point."

“You have an extra section for your class? That’s very interesting.”

Each of them brought up the new list. It was much shorter than the one they’d had a glimpse of, and it did not include outlandish abilities like fire breathing and wings.


Name Description Cost

Increased Health 1 +50 Points to Health cost: 2 points

Increased Health 2 +100 Points to Health cost: 5 points

Increased Health 3 +250 Points to Health cost: 10 points

Increased Mana 1 +50 Points to Mana cost: 2 points

Increased Mana 2 +100 Points to Mana cost: 5 points

Increased Mana 3 +250 Points to Mana cost: 10 points

Increased Stamina 1 +50 Points to Stamina cost: 2 points

Increased Stamina 2 +100 Points to Stamina cost: 5 points

Increased Stamina 3 +250 Points to Stamina cost: 10 points

Identify 1 Gives information on Tier 1 Creatures and Items cost: 3 Points

Identification 2 Gives information on Tier 2 Creatures and Items cost: 5 Points

Weapon Damage 1 Increased damage with weapons, +10. cost: 5 points

Mitigation 1 Similar to the reduction in damage from armor, you will ignore 10 points of physical damage per blow. cost: 5 points

Spirit abilities

These enhancements increase your basic stats up to 3 points per tier. These changes affect your Heritage. If you do not wish the increases to count toward your Heritage, increase the cost to 3 points.

Spirit of the Ox 1 +1 STR (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Spirit of the Bear 1 +1 CON (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Spirit of the Monkey 1 +1 DEX (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Spirit of the Owl 1 +1 INT (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Spirit of the Cheetah 1 +1 AGI (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Spirit of the Pig 1 +1 WIS (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Spirit of the Hawk 1 +1 PER (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Spirit of the Swan 1 +1 CHA (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Spirit of the Divine 1 +1 RAD (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Spirit of the Fallen 1 +1 COR (Heritage). May take up to 3 times. cost: 2 points

Dark Vision 1

Gain monochromatic vision to a distance of 20' in dim conditions. cost: 2 points

Dark Vision 2

Gain monochromatic vision to a distance of 60' in dim conditions. cost: 3 points

Magic Sense 1 cost: 2 points

If a Tier 1 creature within 30' has an affinity for a type of magic and may cast spells, you will get a feeling for what type of magic. You can tell if an item is magical and if Tier 1, gain an idea of its use.

Magic Sense 2 cost: 3 points

If a Tier 2 (or less) creature within 30' has an affinity for a type of magic and may cast spells, you will get a feeling for what type of magic. You can tell if an item is magical and if Tier 2, gain an idea of its use.

Spell Savant cost: 10/15/20 points

You may learn one spell of Tier 5 or lower and cast it at the base cost. You do not automatically know the spell. Choose wisely. You may take this choice multiple times at an increasing cost. Maybe just go to college?

Idiot Spell Savant cost: 2 points

Instantly know one spell of Tier 5 or lower from any college and cast at the base cost. You may not learn or know other spells

Hedge Wizard cost: 3 plus 1 per additional cantrip.

You instantly know 3 random cantrips plus 1 per additional point spent. You may not have been classically taught before this or know spells above Tier 1. Once you have this ability, more random cantrips may be purchased. Cantrips do not require an aspect to cast.

Aspects of Magic

These abilities indicate you can learn this type of magic. They give you the bare minimum needed to learn spells. These abilities do not negate the need for instruction by a skilled mentor, attending a University, or some other method of learning spells. Achieving Rank 1 to 10 of an aspect reduces the casting cost of a spell of that aspect by 5%. Rank 11 to 20 reduce the cost by an additional 2%, and Rank 21 to 50 by an additional 1%. The cost for your first aspect is 10 points, 20 for the second, and 30 for the third, increasing by 10 points for each additional aspect purchased. It pays to be a specialist.

Available basic Aspects: Fire, Sea, Earth, Storm, Death, Ice, Celestial.


Some creatures are intimidating, fearsome, trusting, or abrasive and affect the creatures they interact with. They have an aura they can project that can be felt by those around them, often just by looking at them. Actions can enhance or negate these abilities.

Don’t mess around with Jim 1 cost: 3 points

When you focus on a Tier 1 creature, it is intimidated and less likely to attack you.

Don’t mess around with Jim 2 cost: 3 points

Most Tier 1 creatures will not attack you unless they have three-to-one odds, are a boss, or are mindless.

Fear the Reaper 1 cost: 3 points

You cause fear in any Tier 1 creature you stare at. Fearful creatures might not attack and may run away.

Fear the Reaper 2 cost: 3 points

Most Tier 1 creatures will feel some fear just looking at you, and tremble when you stare at them.

Yo Mama is Ugly 1 cost: 3 points

Increases Hate in a tier 1 creature that hears you as you taunt them and encourage them to fight you.

Yo Mama is Ugly 2 cost: 3 points

Increases Hate in all tier 1 creatures around you that can hear you as you taunt them and encourage them to fight you.

Trust Me! 1 cost: 3 points

Your Winning Smile inspires trust in most tier 1 creatures, at least temporarily.

Trust Me! 2 cost: 3 points

Your Winning Smile inspires trust in all tier 1 creatures and helps with tier 2.

Second Wind 1 cost: 1 point

Once per day, regain 20 Health/Mana/Stamina.

Second Wind 2 cost: 2 points

Once per day, regain 50 Health/Mana/Stamina.

Soliloquy cost: 3 points

Time stops (or seems to) as you begin a Villainous or Heroic speech for 1 minute. You can be goaded into this.

Endless Breath 1 cost: 3 points

You may hold your breath for 3 minutes of normal activity.

Endless Breath 2 cost: 3 points

You may hold your breath for 10 minutes of normal activity.

Un-noticed 1 cost: 2 points

No one cares about servants and minions. You have a stealth-like skill that makes you unnoticed in normal settings when doing nothing out of the ordinary. This precludes packing weapons or casting spells. It may work on Tier 2 creatures. Flawless vs. Tier 1.

Silent Step 1 cost: 2 points

When you are un-noticed, your steps make only 10% as much noise. May work on Tier 2 creatures. Flawless vs Tier 1.

Skilled Provider 1 cost: 1 point

Your gathering skills have an increased chance of finding better quality items

Abundance 1 cost: 1 point

Your gathering skills return +10% more resources than normally expected.

Distant Shot 1 cost: 2 points

Increases the maximum distance of a ranged Attack by 50%.

Critical Shot 1 cost: 10 points

Increases in your chance of a critical hit on a ranged attack.

Violent Betrayal cost: 3 points

You will do double damage against an opponent who is totally unaware of you and not on guard. (This is difficult in the middle of combat.)

One Fist of Iron 1 (Min 6 STR) cost: 10 points

Your mighty right fist can hit with the strength of iron.

Base Chance to hit: 50% + (5% x DEX) + (10% x Level) – Target’s Evasion.

Damage: 20 + (5 x STR) + (10 x Level).

Life Transfer 1 cost: 2 points

Touch healing ability. For each 2 stamina or health expended, heal an ally of 1 point of damage to health. Only points are healed. Conditions such as poison, burning, or bleeding remain. There is a maximum of 100 healing per round.

Kiss of the Succubus 1 cost: 5 points

Touch Life Drain Ability. Drain 100 health from target, restore 100 health to you. The target is unaware of this attack in most cases, other than dizziness

Jumping Jack 1 Cost: cost: 3 points

You may leap twice as far as normal.

Prodigy 1 Increasing cost of 2/3/5/7/10 for each additional skill.

You may choose up to five additional Tertiary Skills open to Contract Workers for an increasing cost.

Contract Worker Enhancements

Haul 4 cost: 5 points

You may move at normal speed while lifting 4x your max weight.

Endure 5 cost: 5 points

You are not affected by most negative mental effects (except from death.) and can endure or shrug off hardships without complaint. You receive a larger bonus for ignoring the psychological effects caused by offensive spells.

Dig 3 5 points

You may dig at 10 times the normal rate. Your tunnels do not cave in. Cost: 5 points.

Sleepless in Seattle 2 cost: 5 points

You only need 4 hours of sleep per day to be fully rested

Tastes like Chicken 2 cost: 2 points

Food tastes like steak or a hearty cheese and avocado sandwich. You gain double sustenance from food. The taste and texture are to your liking. Tier 2 Poisons can be negated.

Shepherd Enhancements

Natural Weapons 1 cost: 5 points

Your natural weapons (horns, claws, tail, etc.) do +10 damage

Bond Creature cost: 5 points

A Shepherd may form a bond with a creature they have raised or cared for to the point the creature trusts you. The bond increases obedience and communication and may grow over time. This is a WIS-based Primary skill.

Courier Enhancements

Run Like the Wind 1 cost: 5 points

You move at +25% faster than normal. Affects mounts.

Ride like the Wind cost: 5 points

You may ride a flying mount.

Horseman’s Whip cost: 5 points.

You are skilled at using a whip and can do so while mounted. You may use your whip to entangle an opponent instead of doing damage. This is a Primary weapon skill. (Added by Harmonia).

Horseman’s Hand Crossbow 5 points.

You are skilled at using the Hand Crossbow and can shoot while mounted and moving. This is a primary weapon skill. (Added by Harmonia.)

Butcher Enhancements

Hack Undead 5 points

Grants a Contract Worker (Butcher) this restricted skill. When armed with a cleaver and fighting creatures made from dead meat and bone the Butcher's cleavers have the following profile:

Chance to Hit: 30% + (10% x Level) + (5% xDEX).

Damage: 30+ (10xLevel) + (5 x STR) + (5 x either Chop Bone or Hackflesh as appropriate.)

(Added by System.)


Ozzy scanned down the list. “I found one that requires high strength that looks good.”

One Fist of Iron Cost: 5 points Restriction: STR of 6 or greater.

Your mighty right fist can hit with the strength of iron.

Base Chance to hit: 50% + (5% x DEX) + (10% x Level) – Target’s Evasion.

Damage: 20 + (5 x STR) + (10 x Level).

Suzette looked at the skill after Ozzy shared it. “That’s great. Take that one. You’ll always have a weapon on you, and it doesn’t matter if the target is undead, like your Butcher skill needs.”

Ben was entranced with the numbers. “That shows exactly how your skill works. I wonder if that’s what the Identification ability shows. I’m taking it, just in case. We’re hindered by a lack of knowledge about how things work.”

Identification 1: Cost 3 points

Gives information on an item or creature of levels 1-5, and Tier 1 magic items.

Gives less information on higher-tier creatures or items.

After buying the skill, Ben picked up the empty platter Rolly had cleared of food and tried to hit him with it. Rolly easily dodged, and Ben examined the platter with his new skill.

Snack Plater (Default Weapon/Unskilled)

A slightly dented tin plate.

Chance to Hit: 1% +5% per point of DEX.

Damage: 10 + 5 damage per point of STR.

Showing the results to the rest of the group brought nods of understanding and exasperation.

“It’s no wonder we have trouble hitting the stupid rabbits. Compare that to Ozzy's new skill, and it's obvious. I can’t wait to examine the darts Suzette uses and every other weapon I can find.”

“Very nice, Ben. That’s going to be useful. I’m guessing, but I expect we are blocked from using nearly all weapons and armor except at their default levels. It's quite obvious that ACME, or maybe all the corporations, built a box around a lot of the most basic skills to keep us from being anything but serfs in this game. Let's see how much we can do to crawl out of it.”

An hour later, they compared notes. Suzette had gone with increased stats and some skills that would help her get a start on learning magic. This increased her CHA by 2 and let her take it eventually to 7. She also raised her INT by one point. These were heritage changes, so they used the cheaper points cost. Heritage was a mystery, but she was willing to explore in the direction she was taking. Hedge Wizard was shot in the dark with random low-level magic spells. The last skill gave a better chance to critical with a dart, and thus a better chance of delivering a poison. Darts didn't do much damage, and some things would shrug them off.

“I’m going with a ranged build and hoping to get some magic to complement my dart throwing. Hedge Wizard will give me some cantrips. I’m concentrating on INT and CHA for mana and the ability that increases my chance of ranged critical hits.”

Magical Sense 1 Cost: 2 points

If a Tier 1 (or less) creature within 30' has an affinity for a type of magic and may cast spells, you will get a feeling for what type of magic. You can tell if an item is magical and gain an idea of its use if it is a Tier 1 item.

Dark Vision 1 Cost: 1 Point

Gives monochromatic vision to a distance of 20' when there is at least some light.

Ceiling Increase CHA +2 Cost: 2 points.

Spirit of the Swan (+1 CHA) Cost: 2 points.

Spirit of the Swan (+1 CHA) Cost: 2 points.

Spirit of the Owl (+1 INT) Cost: 2 points.

Hedge Wizard Cost: 3 points

Grants three random Spell Cantrips

Critical Shot 1 Cost: 10 points

Increases in your chance of a critical hit on a ranged attack.

Ozzy liked her selection: " It looks like a good mix. You’ve played characters before that fit into a rogue or wizard archetype. Maybe something like the Spell Sniper class in EQO1?”

“That was sort of my thoughts. What do you think, Ben?”

The Courier looked up from his notes, clearly distracted. “I think you should grab what you think you’ll enjoy playing. We’ve got five years here, after all. Speaking of which, I found some things I think will be fun. There was a little section of Courier-Only skills all the way at the end of page 10. I’m going with Run Like the Wind 1, Horseman’s Hand Crossbow, Horseman’s Whip, Indentification, and the notebook skill. That gives me six points left to increase my DEX by two points.”

“Why am I not surprised you’d find a way to use your favorite weapons? But I find it interesting that those are available in the Courier section. Hell, I’m amazed there even is a Courier section. Is there anything special for Barmaid or Shepherd?” Ozzy was scanning his own list and found one line at the bottom that was intriguing. Hack Undead was listed, but he hadn’t had to pay for the skill.

Rolly surprised everyone with his first choice. “I’m grabbing Tastes like Steak. It's awesome. I can eat almost anything, and it won’t taste like chicken. Totally worth the five points. Life Transfer will let me heal people as well as animals and I'm gambling that the Natural Weapons enhancement will transfer to my pet. Identification will give me information on all the critters running around. I’m taking the second level of it. And Bond Creature is a no-brainer."

Ben noted down Rolly’s choices. It would be interesting to see what he could do with the Shepherd class. Rolly had a tendency to find some odd loopholes in games.

Ozzy was having difficulty choosing. He expected to earn a couple more points of STR from his skills, and it made sense to increase his cap. That led to some worries about what the system had told him about too much STR. Spirit of the Bear fixed some of that, giving him more CON. He'd taken One Fist of Iron in the hopes of having a good unarmed attack since his other weapons were very situational. But what else to take eluded him, and he said as much to the group.

Immediately, Suzette suggested Dark Vision and Yo' Mama is Ugly. "It’s a way to make a monster change its target and control a fight. I think it will work like the taunts warriors get. And seeing in the dark is always good." That made sense to Ozzy.

“So far, I have One Fist of Iron, +2 points of CON, raised the ceiling on STR by 2 points, Dark Vision, and Yo’ Mama. I think I'll grab Endless Breath 1 and Don't Mess Around with Jim. That leaves some points left, which I don't mind saving."

Ben and Rolly could log back into the game now. They only had a 4 hour penalty. Suzette and Ozzy were on death number two for the week and had another hour. They agreed to all go out to the rabbit meadow as soon as they were all out. They'd walk slowly because of the Respawn De-buffs and scout carefully.

Ozzy kicked back in a chair. It had been a mentally tiring day. Suzette came and sat in his lap, putting her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder.

"Need a hug?"

"Desperately. Can't lose my femme fatal image in front of the guys. But that freaky caterpillar thing and then the undead rabbits bothered me. Killing you didn't help. And not telling you about it was worse. I'm glad that's out of the way."

Ozzy put his arms loosely around her, squeezing once and then relaxing. "I think the guys know how tough you are by now. You don't have to keep up a façade when you feel down."

She smiled. "Oh, it's not for them. It's for me. This is the 'real me' now, and I can't let that slip away, even for a moment. I can't go back; there's not much left of me. Maybe if what those pods can do is real and not just a way to get us to take the job I'll recover some. But just getting out of bed to walk to work was starting to be tough." She became quiet after that.

Ozzy just held her. No talking was necessary. They'd known each other a long time.

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