The Crazy Adventures of Kevin




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Authors note: By the way, the first 18+ scene❤️ is out now on Patreon in CHAPTER 54.


“Melanie! Melanie! What is this I hear about our special dimension for holding the vilest criminals in the universe collapsing in on itself? Huh? Is this another ploy for more security funds? Because I am not angry if that’s the case.” A humanoid creature with red skin and horns dressed in a black suit with a plumber's badge scolded a redhead human female in a black uniform and a plumber badge on the centre of her belt.


“Mr. Frank! We sent you distress calls but you were on leave and you warned us several times not to disturb you on leave still, we did but you never responded! You even fired my superior in command because of this without hearing him out first and now I have his position.” Melanie complained as he adjusted her hair to the side.


“Are you saying I AM FAULT?! Eh, Melanie?” Frank bellowed, his voice causing those around him to cover their ears.


Melanie didn’t answer and Frank looked over an IT personnel with olive skin, glasses with thick frames and a corporate outfit that booted up the camera footage from the special dimension before it collapsed.


“I figured that snake Khan would eventually show his true colours! At least he didn’t let any prisoner escape alive! But I am more concerned as to where he went. That bastard couldn’t be coming for me right?” Frank asked as beads of sweat trickled down his face in a room with good air conditioning.


“What’s more worrying is that someone might have survived, at least according to the previous Warden in chief who left this seat for me.” Melanie added.


“What? If you are talking about Fate, I am sure that the monster known as Khan survived and even killed the genocidal Fate. Good riddance, I am glad for that! She has already killed someone from my race. In the event she is alive and is looking for more battles like the crazy person she is… that would be bad but good. We will have nothing to worry about since we don’t meet her requirements.” Frank said and took a cigarette from his pocket.


“I can’t believe we live amongst monsters like Jack, Fate and Khan. If the three of them ever joined hands, they could be a galactical threat if not universal when you think of the brains behind Khan. We don’t even know how old he is and how many civilizations he has affected. Heighten security in the null void and look for any of those formidable criminals that might have escaped that place.” Frank said as he signalled to Melanie to light up the cigarette which she did by summoning a small fire seemingly out of nowhere to light his cigarette.


“The order is fled on sight. Their locations alone will warrant a promotion, full years of paid vacation and a seventy per cent increase in salary plus a bounty reward for finding their locations. Post this information now on the plumber extranet and connect me with Azmuth.” Frank ordered as Melanie left to fulfill his orders on passing his commands but the IT personnel’s order was to secure a connection with Azmuth which proved harder than Melanie’s job.


“Umm, Sir. I don’t think it’s… possible to get Mr. Azmuth now. We might need a month-long head start appointment for that.” The IT personnel turned shyly to Frank who seemed to be having none of that.


“Listen here, Tim! If you don’t want to die by my hands that’s fine, but I assure you, dying by any of those criminals from that special dimension is a lot worse! You think I don’t hear the rumours about you doing Melanie’s reports and clearing her work shifts from the database just so she can see you a bit differently from the others?” Frank asked as Tim became alert at the last sentence, not even death threats shook him or made him react differently but when it came to Melanie it was a different matter.


“In my workspace, you are trying to find… love? Are you insane TIM? You typed in the updated work rules and handed it to HR personally! You of all people know not to date your coworkers here. Haha, not that you ever had a chance with Melanie.” Frank said with a smile as Tim felt a tug on his heart.


“But if you manage to connect me to Azmuth… maybe I might look the other way, Tim. Do you know why you are here Tim?” Frank asked as he leaned closer to Tim.


“Because I am one of the few humans to have ever learned and worked under Azmuth?” Tim answered slowly.


“NO! Because Max Tennyson, the hero of the plumbers, even being a normal human achieved so much for our organization that he might as well take over and no one will argue but he isn’t into the game of politics. It’s because the great Max granted you his connection and that’s why you are still working here. Do you understand that now Tim?” Frank said with a palm on Tim’s shoulder.


 “Our survival depends on this. Do this and I’ll send you and Melanie on a mission somewhere remote without any danger, capiche?” Frank added.


“YES SIR? Permit me to use our ship to travel sir. I believe going there is faster than me arguing with some Galvans online and playing their game of hacking servers just to get to the secretary’s portal sir.” Tim responded with a standing salute.


“What do you even see in that girl? There are other aliens here that look human enough and are hotter. But what do I know? You have my permission, now go before we are all doomed!” Franks started pushing Tim forward but Tim insisted on shutting down his system before leaving.


“Oh, and pay HR a visit for unruly conduct in the office. I am sure a year’s cut on your earnings should make you think about doing something about those rumours.” Frank added and Tim froze up as he was packing up but smiled inwardly since his boss was still letting this slide for now but didn’t want rumuours flying around.


Tim wasn’t just the IT personnel, there were other IT personnel but he was the whole department when you want to compare efficiency. He has dirt on everyone and can easily stop the rumours if he wants but never thought about it till now.


“Ok sir, I am on my way now. I'll make sure to fight my way through to meet Azmuth.” Tim said cheerfully but quickly changed his mood to serious and left.


“Tch, humans.”


Authors note: By the way, the first 18+ scene❤️ is out now on Patreon in CHAPTER 54.





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