The Crazy Adventures of Kevin





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A lanky figure in the shadows with a lisp speech got up and addressed the table.


“May the original rulers of Fairykind rise again!” The lanky shadow said with a lisp but his speech was met with vigorous cheers.


“I say leave the matter of me finding the man of the prophecy to me. I am the best tracker on the planet and I still have connections far and wide!” The lanky figure added.


The first voice that spoke earlier waved to get the attention of the others.


“I have known Varrick very well since we were little, he will often go into the ‘forest of the lost’ but will somehow find his way back. Back then we didn’t know the trees in that area released hallucinogens that made one's sense of direction way off and that often led many children to be eaten by the night wolves.”

All at the roundtable nodded their heads and could relate to that since their parents forbade them from going into the ‘forest of the lost’.


“There is no need to vouch for me first elder, Mary. You have also supported me for a long time and that played a huge role in who I am today.” Varrick answered with a bow.


“I keep telling you, we are old friends. There is no need for that. Now back to what I was saying. If anyone can find King Kevin it would be Varrick. But we need something to entice him to come. Maybe my Daughter should follow Varrick to secure… an engagement between them, that way it doesn’t matter whether Ashley is the queen or not she will have to step down and we will rise.” Mary humbly suggested.


“Does she think we are fools? Just because she was once loyal through her bloodline ages ago doesn’t mean it has to stay that way! My daughter is known as the flower of the West and an adventurous archaeologist! She is the reason we could find sources of energy to sustain the planet before King Kevin came along! Your daughter is just a mere brute who brags about being the strongest. But we know that’s because of your royal bloodline!” A voice raged from the far side of the roundtable.


“What do you mean brute? She is as delicate as a flower! And she is the reason we have verified inside information since she is the captain of the guards around Ashley! Don’t give me that silly excuse David!” Mary shot back as tensions were rising at the roundtable.


“Delicate? Ha! She can’t even flirt if her life depended on it! I heard from one of the guards how she failed miserably even to get King Kevin to look at her as a woman! But do not worry, maybe she can take classes from the daughter, what do you say?” David tore into Mary with that remark as she was hoping it was only her and her daughter who knew about that failed attempt, she couldn’t believe that David had already planted a spy within the guard unit. Now she has to deal with that.


“Nonsense, Tessia handled it just fine, it was Queen Ashley who had to come in so she had to leave out of respect!” Mary said but was getting annoyed with David always coming after her and her ambitions for a long time.


Before Ashley’s family rose to royalty due to war contributions four thousand years ago, Mary’s family, Kumo, had been ruling the fairys and only gave way when the contributions of Ashley’s family couldn’t be hidden again by any means and the patriarch of Ashley’s family, Matt Zeldris, at that time was forced into challenging the ruling monarch in a one on one battle for the throne which resulted in Mary’s family loss.


But Zeldris was too grateful for the opportunities Kumo gave him and his loyalty was blinding. Since he won the duel he had to kill Kumo but couldn’t and issued a decree of mercy on the Kumo family. Unknown to Zeldris, Kumo had been plotting his downfall since his court of advisors warned that his excellence and contributions so far might put Kumo in a bad place. But this time, the tables were turned. And instead of feeling grateful their lives were spared, the Kumo secretly hated the Zeldris and had been planning their return for ages.


Before the fairies moved to another planet, only the royal family was allowed to drink from the life spring that flowed out of a peculiar rock and this life spring gave them strength to rule and protect their world so anyone from the royal bloodline was born different from the others and it could be seen easily.


Just you wait David, just wait.’ Mary thought to herself and soon calmed down.


“Anyway, I propose we support Varrick’s venture to find King Kevin. After he finds him, we can debate on whose daughter gets him first.” Mary concluded and sat down.


“I don’t like that you know Varrick, but Varrick is a decent fairy I don’t know how he got mixed up with you Kumos. I am fine with this though.” David answered.


“That is not professional and worst of all not polite. Do I need to remind you that you are only here because of your daughter’s achievements, and nothing more? By yourself, you are nothing more than a failed husband who lost his mate in a soul vow to another fairy because you were drunk. It’s amazing your daughter was able to forgive you and worst of all, your ex-wife is happy with this new fairy.” A voice resounded in the room which prompted David to fight back but that last sentence hit his heart like a truck.


“And you. How many times has Tessia gone on dates? She is the pride of our guards but she has forgotten her feminine side in pursuit of glory. Sure, she defended us from time to time but why couldn’t she even charm King Kevin? Even though Ashley had a tough time doing that during the feast, she at least went somewhere. We are here for a reason. We can’t stand to be ruled by that brat Ashley and fighting amongst ourselves will only make our dreams, dreams. I am not the leader here but you have to do better Mary!” The voice ended with a snort and the room got silent for a while as if everyone was meditating on what was said.


“Coming from the best friend of the first elder, she is right! We shouldn’t fight now raise your hands if you are in favour of funding my venture to find King Kevin.” Varrick said and the room was filled with raised hands.



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