The Crazy Adventures of Kevin


Almost at a hundred chapters on the Patreon


"Why would they go after him?" Ben asked Kevin.


"If he didn’t know anything about aliens, he does now," Kevin said.


"I wonder when they did this?" Kevin said as his nanites flowed into the car engine.


"Gross! What is this?" Gwen asked as Kevin's eyes widened at the sight.


"I don’t know. But the Omnitrix doesn’t like it," Ben said, showing his beeping Omnitrix.


It’s a good thing I hacked it when I had the chance,’ Kevin thought, turning his attention to the beeping Omnitrix, then to the door as he sensed two lifeforms approaching.


"What's going on here?" Gwen asked.


"Wouldn’t mind knowing that myself," a man's voice could be heard from the garage door.


The trio looked at the door, spotting two men in their forties, one wearing a teal shirt and a brown overall, and the other wearing a red shirt jacket and a grey shirt with blue jeans holding a box.


"What are you doing in my garage?" The man in overalls asked and stepped forward with his partner, who dropped the box he was holding at the door.


"You want I should call the sheriff?" The one wearing a shirt jacket asked with a weird smile on his face.


"Yeah… You do that, Shem," Ben said after reading the name tag on the man's shirt jacket.


"I bet he will be real interested to find out what happened to the kid who owns this car," Ben said firmly.


Panic set in on the face of the one wearing the shirt jacket, but the man in overalls had a relaxed face and even smiled at that statement.


"What do ya mean? How should we know? He dropped off the car, we fixed it… he didn’t come back." The man's smile was looking more sinister with each passing second but remained calm throughout.


The sound of the engine trying to roar to life but failing to do so was heard from the car.


Kevin stopped trying the key at the ignition once he got everyone's attention, while Gwen snuck around the men under the cover of darkness in the garage except for the outside light source from the door.


"You fixed it, huh? Maybe I shouldn’t expect much from DNAliens," Kevin said casually, which caused a pause in the garage.


"Y… You young'uns be using big words on poor fellas like us. We told you already, we are trying to fix the car, we are getting to it but things got busy here," the one in a red shirt jacket answered.


Gwen recovered from her pause and checked the box the shirt jacket man dropped and found slime inside.


"More slime… Ben, they might be…" Gwen announced but the man in overalls began to act funny.


His throat expanded horizontally as if trying to let go of something as his chest swelled, but dark purple crystals sealed his mouth as the man barfed into his mouth with no place to release it and had to swallow it back, which caused a rather disturbing scene to see.


"Ugh," Ben said as he slammed his dial, transforming into a prehistoric dinosaur.


The other one in the shirt jacket quickly aimed for Gwen, but Gwen followed Kevin's lead and sealed his mouth shut, causing the same disturbing scene again.


The men soon revealed themselves as DNAliens indeed and ran for the door. One of them was knocked out by Humongousaur tapping the head, and the other found Kevin's body blur past him and at the door but ran into Kevin's outstretched hand that signalled the DNAlien to stop but ran into his hand, creating a loud thud as if it hit a wall and passed out.


"Work-related accidents are bad. You can sue, you know," Kevin teased.


"There's another one," Kevin said as the team ran to meet him near a parked moving truck.


"Allow me," Ben said and tore apart the door at the back, revealing a kneeling DNAlien who was bound by energy cuffs and… gagged for some reason.


Ben transformed back to base and pulled the cloth used to gag the alien but found that his Omnitrix kept beeping as another box containing the same fluid Gwen found earlier was pushed after Ben yanked the cloth off the DNAlien.


"What is up with you?" Ben asked his Omnitrix.


"Unknown DNA sample acquired," a male Caucasian voice could be heard from his Omnitrix, providing an answer to his question.


This is why I hacked it. In the event, Ben's mind is compromised or we have a fallout. The last thing I want is another me in his watch. So far, all the aliens I have seen him turn into pose no threat to me but I can't be too sure,’ Kevin thought to himself as he studied the DNAlien creature more.


"BEN!" Gwen almost screamed.


"What?" Ben turned and asked.


"Look," Gwen pointed at the cloth in his hands.


"Oh no." Ben remembered the iconic flower pattern on that piece of cloth. "That’s his favourite shirt!" Ben said out loud.


"Whose favourite shirt?" Kevin had to ask. Who knows, it could be the remains of the coolest cousin, Ken?


"Grandpa Max!" Gwen answered with a serious expression as she commanded her mana to flow through her fingers, creating pink ropes that squeezed the already-bound DNAlien.


"Tell us who tied you up… NOW!" Gwen asked furiously.


Kevin could only smile at Gwen, enjoying this side of her.


The DNAlien grunted, struggling to get itself more breathing room before it finally answered, "Max Tennyson! He wanted to find some kid!"


"Where is he?" Gwen pressed, clearly not here for the long story.


"I don’t know. He cuffed me and left me here. Thought he going to do more to me, but he just left," the DNAlien answered with a tone of shame and disappointment in its voice, as if being captured by Max Tennyson shouldn’t have happened.


"Not him? He can take care of himself. Where is my brother?" Gwen asked.


"At the hatchery," the DNAlien answered.


"That’s badass. I see you like tying things up," Kevin teased.


"I had to get answers. You are talking like as if you won’t do worse. Besides, I didn’t want to go in there with all that disgusting slime all over the place," Gwen said as the trio entered Kevin's car.




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