The Crazy Adventures of Kevin




Ben slammed down on his dial, and a bright green light covered his whole body until a tall humanoid creature was revealed.


"SWAMPFIRE!" Ben yelled in his transformation and began to throw fireballs at the figures attacking them and the sheriff’s officers.


His fireballs hit his targets accurately and sent them flying as if their bodies witnessed an explosion. Ben, with his incredible agility in his transformed state, threw a front flip and landed in front of another target, knocking him out in a single blow, and continued in that fashion until he saw something blitz past him like a blur.


Kevin, with his improved body and speed and the several modifications his body went through due to his cultivation and modification of his skeletal system, wasted no time on pleasantries and dived into battle as he knocked out each target swiftly. Most of his targets didn’t know what happened even before darkness filled their vision and their body went limp. It was the last target that wondered why his comrades were dropping like flies and turned to run but was too late.


"What sort of freaks do you hang out with?" The Sheriff turned to ask the young Pyronite who appeared awestruck at Ben and Kevin’s one-sided battle.


Kevin appeared to be swatting his opponents like flies with one hand placed behind his back. He took this exercise as training since he wanted to know how to control his newfound strength, but he was gravely disappointed to find out his training partners couldn’t even take a hit!


The sheriff and the young Pyronite felt restless watching others kick butt and wanted to hand out their own knuckle sandwich. They saw targets moving quickly to their location since Ben and Kevin were bossing it out and thought it smart to go for their allies that seemed weaker.


Annoyed and excited at that revelation, the sheriff and the Pyronite took to battle. The sheriff, with his gun training and years on the job, easily disarmed one of the astronaut-looking assailants and directed his fire to another target. Then, with some effort, he knocked his target out with their gun. The Pyronite was about to do the same, but Gwen was even more restless than him after she found out Kevin could fly, and he just shrugged it off like it was something normal like breathing.


She immediately cornered five targets with a circular barrier and went ape wild, throwing discs at them! It was horror for those who were trapped since they couldn’t get out, and the only thing allowed inside was the pure offence of Gwen’s attacks. She didn’t even give them time to retaliate as she attacked them relentlessly until they fell.


"Woah, that’s badass, but take it easy, you will tire yourself out!" The Pyronite said and flew to find more targets.


The Pyronite saw a golden opportunity right before his eyes. He saw seven targets pointing their high-tech guns at Kevin; it appeared that somehow they managed to get Kevin to a particular spot to ensnare him for open fire.


Once I save him, he will have no choice but to be nice to me and stop being a jerk,’ the young Pyronite thought to himself as he dived towards Kevin.


But the young Pyronite, with low battle experience, was too late to intercept the squad surrounding Kevin as they shot electrical laser beams at him.


Kevin didn’t move and welcomed the beams as an invisible barrier protected his clothes but at the same time absorbed all the energy from the laser beams till the high-tech guns ran out of charge.


WHAT?’ The young Pyronite thought as he watched from above. He couldn’t believe what he just saw even though it happened in front of him.


The squad surrounding Kevin looked at him like he was some monster; they knew they fired at him but yet, there he was standing… menacingly! And without a scratch or burn marks. They dropped their guns and ran off in different directions.


"Now, now, where are you going? I thought we were playing together, and now all of a sudden you don’t want to?" Kevin teased with his arms spread out innocently.


"But I think I better return what you gave me, don’t you think?" Kevin said as his hand began to spark dangerously, and pointed his finger at two escaping targets.


Unknowingly, a murderous aura seeped out of Kevin as he picked out his targets. Even Ben could sense how heavy this aura was, leapt to Kevin’s side immediately and grabbed his arm even though it hurt him.


"Restrain them, do not kill them!" Ben commanded loudly and firmly.


"No one tells me what to do, especially you," Kevin responded calmly as he looked up at Ben in his Swampfire transformation.


Moving his held arm to the center of Ben's body, Kevin released an electric beam that passed through Ben's torso, creating a hole as it hit his escaping targets in one go.


"Aargh, KEVIN!" Ben screamed in pain and looked back at the targets Kevin managed to hit but was surprised to see them experiencing shock like one that had just been tasered.


"How? I thought you killed them? I felt so much PAIN!" Ben complained as Kevin freed himself from Ben. The hole in Ben’s torso closed up as the regenerative abilities of his transformation kicked in.


Interesting, I could have killed him, but I don’t feel strange or bothered by it, why is that?’ Kevin thought to himself for a moment.


"I know, I just controlled the intensity to be high from the start and low as it continued. Cool, right?" Kevin explained as a matter of fact while the rest of the sheriff officers captured those who escaped Kevin’s attack.


One of the targets that were experiencing shock from Kevin’s previous attack rolled and rolled till the mask fell off and revealed a head with a single big slit eye and with what looks like a brain exposed at the top of its head and small tentacles in the lower part of its head.


"Ugh," Gwen commented when she saw that as memories of that alien spitting mucous ran through her head.


"Oh man, these guys are like the aliens we fought," Ben explained, turning to Kevin.


"We are the DNAliens, and we will destroy you a…" The DNAlien revealed itself since there was no point in hiding anymore but looked at Kevin and instinctively took a step back.



English audio voice acting of Chapter Eight of 'The Crazy Adventures of Kevin' coming soon... free to listen on the Patreon of course, I am learning the skill of VA to take your entertainment to the next level.

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