The Crazy Adventures of Kevin






"That… that rodent!" Argit exclaimed as he squeezed a plastic cup, and picked up another to pour some freshly brewed coffee. This reaction didn't escape Kevin's notice, but Argit swiftly grabbed two new biodegradable cups, as indicated by the label.


He added cream and sugar to Kevin’s cup and only added sugar to his. After meticulously preparing their coffee, Argit handed a piping hot cup to Kevin, who accepted it without a word.


"That rat bastard just came in and ruined my deal with the Forever Knights and some new people who appeared to be DNAliens in disguise. The deal was going smoothly until Ben, his plumber friend, and his cousin came in and ruined the whole thing!" Argit explained bitterly as he sat down, taking a sip of his coffee.


"That deal would have set me up to buy… anyway, what do you want about the guy? Looking to settle old scores?" Argit said, a grin spreading across his face as he casually reached for his gun.


"Maybe, maybe not. Forever knights, huh? I thought they would have gone silent after Ben saved the… after Ben defeated Vilgax? What has he been doing that the Forever Knights would suddenly get the courage to operate in his part of town? Hmm," Kevin mused, taking a sip from his coffee.


Bitterness filled Kevin's mouth as he placed his cup on the table.


Bitter.’ Kevin thought as he placed his cup on the table.


"Huh? Are you tired or something? You seem a bit too calm," Argit remarked, his grin now turning into a frown. He kept his gun close, continuing to drink his coffee.


"Besides the DNAliens, are there any other visitors in town?" Kevin asked, reclining against a wall.


"Hmm, there just might be…" Argit began to scratch his head, a clear indication that he expected something in exchange for that information.


"Tch, I just got back, and you can't even treat a business partner well?" Kevin said, standing straight, giving Argit a questioning gaze.


"Hey, don't blame me, blame the Tennysons. Because of them, I can barely pay for the electricity to stay on!" Argit said, eyes closed, wearing a sly grin, and his hands spread apart in a questioning manner.


"Fine," Kevin said, reaching inside his jacket and tossing a few Petrosapien crystals onto the table.


"Hoho, you must have struck gold…" Argit started but stopped mid-sentence after seeing Kevin's serious expression, signalling business.


"I don't know how true this is, but word on the streets is… There might be a Highbreed Lord in town. You know those guys are crazy strong. They are usually very tall, with a white appearance and…" Argit explained, but Kevin raised his hand to interrupt.


"I know them. But what would they want here? Surely, a meteor containing another treasure like the Omnitrix didn't land here, right?" Kevin speculated, wondering why such a powerful and prideful race would come to a low-level planet.


"Beats me. But nothing valuable like that has fallen or I would have been the second wielder of the Omnitrix," Argit snickered, taking his last gulp from his cup.


"Alright, I will be heading out. Show me the way out," Kevin asked.


"Oh, now you want to ask? Why don't you just rip open a new door for me?" Argit replied sarcastically.


"The pleasure's mine," Kevin smiled and walked to a wall with no door.


"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Argit said urgently in his voice as he ran and reached the space between Kevin and his wall.


"What? I thought you said I could just help you rip open a new one?" Kevin said, his smile looking dark rather than warm.


"Geez, easy man! It's not easy to build a basement here under an apartment complex and tap their electricity wiring without the owners or anyone noticing, c'mon!" Argit pleaded with Kevin as Kevin looked down on him sternly.


"I thought you said you're paying for your electricity and it's hard to get by after the recent stunt the Tennyson’s pulled, huh?" Kevin asked, folding his arms.


"I mean… who has it easy these days? Especially for people like us? These clowns that call themselves heroes are just people the universe decided to bestow power on, and they thought it would be cool to show off by saving people and getting their attention and praise. If you ask me, those guys have a mental problem. Always seeking attention, sheesh," Argit complained, hoping to dissuade Kevin from destroying any more walls.


"But Ben doesn't even want the attention," Kevin said calmly and let Argit lead him to his door.


"Yeah, whatever. Give him attention now, and he will be lost in the sauce," Argit said as he opened the door.


Kevin walked outside as Argit shut the door. He looked behind him and saw a wall connecting to the building instead of a door. "Hmm, that's a level three cloaking device… not bad," Kevin thought to himself as he shot into the sky with great speed.


In the midst of the clouds in the starry dark blue sky, Kevin took in a deep breath and exhaled. "Now, let's go home," Kevin said to himself as he shot in the direction of home while maintaining an altitude of at least a hundred feet (at least thirty feet) since he didn't want to be detected by any radar for now.


Kevin landed in front of a building he knew too well. The last time he was here, he made a ruckus that left his stepdad and mom mad at him, causing him to leave the house on bad terms.


"It's time I settled things," Kevin said as he walked to the front door. He could sense two lifeforms behind the door. He took a deep breath and knocked twice.


After thirty seconds of waiting, someone approached the door. "Who is there?" the person asked. Clearly, the voice sounded female, and Kevin could tell that it was the voice of his mother.


"It's me, Kevin. Your son has returned."



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