The Crazy Adventures of Kevin





“Lord Kevin, our time of arrival for our destination to Earth is in T minus ten minutes!” Kevin’s AI responded from the control panel as Kevin relaxed in his chair and began to hack nearby radio waves and signals to update the ship's AI with the latest galactic laws, maps, tourist attractions, and news in general. He had to stop the ship from traveling with the hyperdrive function so he could find those radio waves and hack them, after which he activated the hyperdrive function again to help his AI find the fastest route to Earth instead of making another dangerous stop that he might not be able to escape.

Kevin had gotten stronger, wiser, and more exposed after his stay on planet Sylvie but was still a teen with his needs and wants. Kevin took a short nap and was soon alerted by his ship’s AI about their arrival on Earth.


“No way. It’s been too long,” Kevin said as he looked through the glass of his ship that hovered over his hometown, invisible to the naked eye and any aircraft detection system of course. Kevin took in the sight of home as he ordered his ship with voice command to park near a familiar abandoned building where his ship picked up an alien signature who seemed too familiar and someone who had worked with him concerning alien tech.


“I can’t wait to see the look on his face,” Kevin said as he scanned the building using his ship's sensors and found his target underground in a basement mass-producing something. Kevin then got off his ship and ordered it to hover and be ready for his call, which it did after Kevin disembarked.


Before entering the building, Kevin shut off power from the entire building and proceeded.

Woah,’ Kevin thought as he walked into the building. The energy on Earth seemed to be a bit murky, some of it pure and some he had to refine to put to use in his body.


Kevin immediately morphed his fingernails to have purple crystal nails that resembled long claws and cut a circle under him with his index finger as he fell through but then stopped again as he felt something under his feet since a metallic layer was protecting his target's layer. Kevin simply smiled and squeezed the metal under him as if it were paper; the sound of metal crumbling and folding could be heard as Kevin fell through again.


“Argh! Who the hell is that?” A cloaked figure screamed in horror as it scurried around the room to look for a firearm.


Dust filled the underground basement, and the cloaked figure was having a hard time trying to find the location of the intruder.

“I have an S-grade laser pistol with me that can fire multiple shots. Why don’t you just quietly surrender and I might just forgive you if you are worth anything. But you have to fix my ceiling anyway,” the cloaked figure said as it pointed its gun to the point of intrusion. Everywhere was dark thanks to the power outage which didn’t help, and the lack of response from the intruder made the cloaked figure panic.


“Would you look at that, so even you can grow too?” Kevin said behind the cloaked figure.


“Kevin?” The cloaked figure asked as it turned around slowly.


“The one and only. I thought I would pop by your place first, Argit,” Kevin responded with folded arms, towering over a humanoid rat with long dark hair and without concern for his safety even though Argit pointed a gun at him.


“Kevin! It’s been long man! How were things at the slammer, did you drop any soap by chance, eh, big guy?” Argit joked as the two laughed and Argit let down his gun.


“But what the hell Kevin? You couldn’t just knock? Now you owe me,” Argit said as he removed his hoodie revealing his facial features while raising his gun again at Kevin. The unveiled figure appeared to be a humanoid rat.


“Where’s the fun in that? Don’t worry about it. I see you are hard at work as usual,” Kevin said as he observed a production line featuring the production of fake high-level alien tech that resembled the original.


“What can I say? There’s no rest for the wicked,” Argit said, releasing a sigh as he relaxed his shoulders with a sly smile.


Kevin then reached for his jacket and tossed a bag at a table near Argit. Argit and Kevin have been working together and running cons for a while so he immediately understood that gesture and approached the bag with the gun still pointed at Kevin.


Argit tore open the bag with his claws, and Petrosapien crystals fell out, which caused Argit's eyes to widen.


“Hey, my boy Kevin, welcome back to the world of the living, why don’t you take a seat, you want coffee? Because that’s the only thing I have here,” Argit said as his behaviour took a complete turn. Kevin only shook his head and smiled.


Moments later the power was restored since a concerned neighbour who was watching a live game came outside to check what was wrong with the power supply and found out that someone had tampered with the mains switch which the neighbour quickly corrected and went back to his live game. Argit then stopped his automated production since it was noisy and wanted to hear his business partner clearly.


“Say, did just rip the metal ceiling, with your bare hands? And you don’t look like an ugly mutant again, why?” Argit asked as he prepared the coffee.


“And you, how did you escape the null void?” Kevin asked, making himself comfortable in a chair.


“…That’s a story for another day. But, your hair, it’s now white and black, like some half-and-half bastard,” Argit said as he tried not to remember his time in the null void and redirected a question back to Kevin.


“Oh this, I just started training some lost art and I ended up with it. It’s one of the perks I guess. WAIT! Did you say half? Isn’t it all white now?” Kevin asked as he tried to see himself in third person but couldn’t. ‘It seems I have lost all the abilities that came with being the father head of planet Sylvie,’ Kevin appeared to be deep in thought as he ignored Argit teasing him about memory loss.


“Argit, have you heard of or seen that loser Ben Tennyson lately?”





Read up 10 chapters ahead on

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